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ENE Re aaa ASNT Standard i For Qualification and i Certification of Nondestructive Testing Teta ANSUASNT CP-189-2011, ‘American National Stanerd ASNT Standard for Qualification and (Centicatios of Nondestuetive Testing Personne! ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Approved June 1, 2011 ‘American National Standards Tastitute Abstract ‘This stndard applies to personne whose specifi tasks or jobs require appropriate knowledge ofthe ‘echnical principles underlying nondestructive testing (NDT) methods for which they have responsibilities within the Scope oftheir employment. These specfic tasks or jobs include, bu are not limited to, performing, specifying, reviewing, monitoring, supervising, and evaluating NDT work. ‘To the extent applicable tothe standard set forth herein, The American Society for Nondestructive ‘Testing, In. (ASNT) doesnot assume the validity or invalidity, enforceability or unenforeability of patent rights, registered trademarks or copyrights in connection with any itm referred to in his icrd, sty matesals of exeminations. Users ofthis standard study materials, or examinations are further cautioned and expressly advised that determination of the validity or enforceability of any such patent righs, trademarks, or copyrights, and the rsk of the infringement of such rights through misuse Df protected materials are the responsibility ofthe user. Reference to or pictorial depiction of specific {types of products or equipment ae for purposes of illustration ony and do net represent the endorsement of such products or equipment by ASNT. [Employers o other persons uilizing nondestructive testing serves are cautioned that dey stain fl responsibility for ultimate determination ofthe qualifications of NDT personnel and for the cetification process. The process of personne! qualification and certifieation as detailed in the standard does not relieve the employer ofthe ultimate legal responsibilty ‘@ ensue thatthe NBT personel are fully qualified forthe tasks being undenaken, ‘Tis standard is subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by ASNT, cam Agolofan Aneta ian Sun mutes eon by ANS nage American S77mc Chane tgece cane oes National Consensus is estabfished when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Stundards Review, Standard — svbsanial agicement tas been reached by dietly and muerilly alflected interests Substantial ‘Seen arma ban sym br aca way Co Sit ral vor taco ana a aa ee Soma ‘The ws of Americn National Stands is completely vray i execs does in amy spe pecade avon, whee thy Bae proved he ans lo mung. ‘keting, pcasng er rng poss, omnes or pct ot oni to the sandr ‘Toe Ammscan Naot Standart doe at deve standard wil ano ccusences Brean imtspreaon fay American Nafonl Sundar. orcoer no pero Sal av he gt ‘rautorty osu an interpretation ofa Aca Nal Saad eae oe ‘Asercen Nora Std tints (CAUTION NOTICE: This Arescun Nao! Stn may be edo witha sytme ‘The proses ofthe American Nal Stan nse ee thal schon be aken eaely oe, eis, wha this sana. Parser of Amc Natio $s ay rei cet itr on a snl yang he Anan Navona! Sadan, (Cnygh 02:1 by The Ame Soi fo Neate Tig ‘as Aer Sat fr Nanette Teg, (ASNT) nt rege fr he aes or ce infratin en, ‘bth opincns and ements dont nese he pn ASNT. Presets ha etd ened anette of ASNT Nop of is eeon maybe pa ots a ty fh mn eso of mel tg hey ‘ang ori, wit Se expe i wien porno The An Sanh Noes Tae, [RAS NOP Hoo, Pe NDT Teco and wea ae de The Arran Srey fr ends Tein. ‘NCCE ASN, Leet Sty Gay, Marin Evin None Tesi Ht ena a Noe Eaten ‘ RNDE ae gic wears The Ameren Sosy fr Nance ene is pacing wali for is ping. my be tae om ASNT we wasn sons sreasmi7aie Pine he Ue Seo Asin Pblibethy: The Ameria Sait for Nansaive Tsg ivan ane ‘Bed: Cyha M.Leuma, Estos Mail Soper ASNT Mision Steet: [ASNT ergs tren fer wel y pomaing spon and tng of eeu sig 8 crsa52011 Foreword (No pr of Amen National Std CP-186-2011) ‘An essential clement inthe effectiveness of nondestractve testing (NDI) isthe qualification ofthe ‘ersonne! who are responsible fr and who perform nondestructive testing. Formal trtining and weal ‘experience ae important and necessary elements in acquiring the skils necessary to effectively perform sondesinictive tests, ‘The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) has, therefore, undertaken the ‘reparation and poblication ofthis standard which specifies the procedure, essential factors, and ‘minimum requirements for qualifying and cerifying NDT personel ‘The ASNT Standard for Qualfeation and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel (Document No, ASNT-CP-189) was iniilly processed and approved for submittal tothe Ametican National Standards Institue (ANSI) by the ASNT Standards Weting Commitice This tvisson Was rocested by the ASNT Standards Development Commitee, Committee approval ofthe standard does ‘ot necessarily imply tat all committee memibers voted for its pproval- At the tne approved thie ‘Sandra, the Standards Development Committe had the follow ng members: ‘Michael E. MeDaniel, SDC Chir Ronald T: Nisbet, SDC Vice Chair Michael J. Radéy, CP-189 Chair Charles Longo, Saif Secretary George C. Belew ‘Stephen P. Black Paul E, Deeds, Ir, Darrell W. Haris Victor Hemandez ‘Mathew L. Patience ‘Thomas L, Payne William C. Plumstead, Sr, Bruce D, Schlucter ‘Marvin W. Trimm Michael L. Turnbow David Vaughn William Veal Sharon . Vukelich ‘Appendices C and D kre not par of this American National Standacd. cPseoaon a THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CONTENTS ‘American National Standard : ii Fore iit "ASNT Standard for Qualfeation tnd Cefication of Nondestutve Testing Personnel 10 Scope. = : 20 Definitions oo 300 Levels of Qualification oven nnon 40 Qualification Requirements - 500 Qualification and Certification {60 Examinations 710 Expiration, Suspension, Revocation, and Reinstatement of Employer Ceti 80 Employer Recerficaton 90 Records = ns 100 Referenced Publications z — : “able I: Minimum Number of Examination Questions. ne ‘Appendix A: ntl Training and Experience Requirements for Level [and Level I r Append snl Ting an xpesenes Regent for NT Lv! I Limited Cetficatons. 7 3 Appendix C: Sample Certification Form (Nota part of Americen National Standard ANSUASNT CP-189)..-.. 14 Appendix D: Interpretation Policy (ota part of American National Standard ANSUASNT CP-189) - 15 (€P-189 Ingury Form (Not apart of American National Standard ANSWASNT CP-189.. crseaant THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel 7 29 Scape ‘mons fo te qulifcaton ad een of ondesmuivetesng (NDT) and predcine ‘atenaee(PaM) persone 12 The mndcd deta te minimum trig, uct, ad express requremets for [NDT pannel an provides ers or cs: retngqulfcabons ae ertiewon, 13) This sand reuiesth employe esis 1 procedure forth ceeatin 6! NDT per 14s andrei ta eels Fe cena procure Detintions 2A Purpose. These dfinions ar inenied 9 clar- ithe msgs of ems used insane, hey apy his stn ad nit tie andar: No bond eppletn ofthese def one emptied Popes define taeNDT es 102. m3 nas ‘Cerio. Write txinony ht an ‘naval ba me the splobie rere fw sand Certtying Auhorty-Tepeson or Festionprecadre to e coifeatone font o the enploer Casio Examination. nex: ‘ators edniisoed witout ace ‘ference mater excel hat mapped ‘i ov inthe exannaton, Documented Te conten of singin ‘wate fo Edwcuon. Av isttaonlizd pro ‘eam, pressed by appre air es. iat fered by schoo, ste {utes orguizatons, colleges, eae providing isrucion nan oe. Padi syseoe son a6 as as a0 aan aaa a3 nae Employer The comport, rite, oF pile iy hat ep rn! anion. fra, consoled, Aocumestd txt of owl or ls ‘ue. perience. Actual performance of an owed and sal Ths dvs not inca formal lsioom eo, bs uy ince borate ad ore tego defn bye employers eriieton proce Grading Unit A gation spec Inen can be ced no ection lad ‘oling us, whieh dona ave Be al lent cee ely sane. (rating units ae nove or faved Sndthe percentage faved ding uns eae sal te approved Spe NDT Level Formal Talnng. A erznied and locumented program of activites (ested vo par the owed and Sle reque tobe qualified tis ‘andr. Foal tins my be mix of elasroom, practical und programed ‘et esrucon a approved y the responsble NDT Level General Examination. A writen ex Intonadessing he ase paces: tte gpleable NDT metod. Method. One of tains of NDT: for expe lias etn, ‘hin whe arise ft esbiguee ay es [NDT Instructor. Aa nivil l- Sed and designed a acne wih ‘histori or eacte NDT sone. (Se aso Secon 3) ‘uid Organization. An age ‘india ho provides NDT Level feces See ato. tion edo domossnte an i's Sys onde ne NOT mods tha wl be pefomed fore employer Foca eraminationsgessnns orgs. 1 216 and answers esd no esa be it hs sada (Se a Seton 3.) ‘wen, bat servos an es Reference ASNT Level I reap smut be documented Dati tuna imps th ina fold ne of te cei, Predictive Malaenance (Pa). Refrenceo an ASNT Level ceri vate e conan of espest {Usousta the wndard fos (piel in serie by performing dre ofthe above ces, eee conn) en: condition mnierng. Condon 222. SDT Level I, NDT Level M.A in reiting etal edges ‘idl eed in accrees wi hs ance indiesors of ea tem int PM “anda (Sele Section 3) ‘rogram iver. Tere adn ind ‘Stor may bean nets inclcee!_ 32 Levels of Quran share or lrese vbtion fom Foiting equine PUM ses ri 34 Clasifaton. Sx eves of aieton ae Bless! proces contol 0 Seton ema a te sl owe ‘Semin a wt por te are Feelin agen method or metodo pe nears seis ll be spp farm eed NDT acti. Ste wile forse on ean nears {atm sly devin i pe 32 NDT Love I. Ao NDTLevel sl ve omaace which ean lsd 0 euipment ‘he sil and inowlegg wo exis ch ‘bore Te elo goal of a ee igs terre codes, sare and pe erform mineanes sched ‘eaions designate he prs ecu Prin ine wen be iene be seat and vey Ue adesacy of poe. Sci is mow cox eect nd hues. Tani sl ale hv gener tetoreeeapen ons Spm fanart ithe NDT reo coreré in Peformance ‘pen Af th stn Te NDT Level Taallbecapadcof condita o etn 241.17 Procedure. dees, wit is ‘he tanag and examin of NDT personal tin for condig noncasetie inde mide or wie he NDT Level Is or ceriing perenne, Metis proce. tiie ue sal bs approved by he NOT {rel eit ne apa 33. NDT Lol I. An NDT Level If sal hve te cod. hills nt knowledge ee pan air xiao coat et, pe, 22.18 Qualification. The ean, kil, alte tt document es in scorns ‘ally Enovndpe nd enpcenee ‘ith posers approved ya NDT Lee I ‘sia fo presi to proper pe ‘The NDT Level I be hoo fae Team teased NDT Level ke scope an iat of te metodo ‘hich cried and shuld be capa of Ge 2.149 Spee Examination. rien cxan- Inge von fers and NDF Lvs por Inntono deren dries Snel. The NDT Lev! I hl te alo detnsng of proses, co, ria and repr sondetctive tet els Stands, speesioes an ea ‘Reto lumens for sa NOT 34 NDT Love I Limited. Aa NDT Levelt ‘Pehod wed by te employer “imi hal hve he ds and knoe 10 Selip ant ait elpnon to cond ess, 2120 Tet Techigus A cater tit on fd eee eee sd Gael NDT metas fr exanplmmesion ‘acer a procedres approved by a asm esta NOT tov! in the ecnqus ied Append B.Toe NDT Lee Lined sl 22 NOT Leet te thorugh fair wh the cope ad in lon th ecnigueo whch cried ad 221 NDT Level An inti! poses soak be cate of dising the wok of Jing corenly vals ASNT NDT or ‘nes od NDT Level | pron he NOT kt Levelt enone (as 101.) 0 el Lined shal beable rane and ‘ACCP Prosi Leva i etcae "por nadestactv tt ess 2 cesgp2ont (Gee 10.14) condi acne as a6 a7 [DT Lev L-An NDT Lett tal pve the skills and now to property peso ape ‘elation, peices, ad with pr ‘writen approval the NDT Level Tl perorn ect nteretaon and eatin far _stepance or eecton and docu the ‘esl n sconce ith specie approved [ocednes, The NDT Level sl able to follow approved nondestucine esie roe ues sd hl esive te pcery Suen or pervs fom a ertied NDT Lee Io NDT Love Mind ‘Trane A penon wh it ot ye ceed wo sy level hl be conser sige ees Hall work with eed pon, ener tie Alsen of NDT Level oe NDT Leet Ht tnd shal one condat ys wie report of est es, [NDT Instructor Ap NDTinescor sal ve ‘bei td tnowleage to plan organi, nd est hsroom, berry, cenoraton, {elor on be js NDT iaacon tani. tn eesti programs neardance ith eure outlines proved yas NDT Level 40 Qualieation Rouiements a ‘Training. Canes for certieaton a NDT Level Tr Level sal comple scent aa ined uti becom fami wt the Frinpes ofthe metiod andthe paces of the splat wcigu, Thi ining shall te condor in acon wih course ot ine prove by ap NDT Level 41 NDT Level and Lev The i ‘mum be fusing hore ole {fae NDT Level a Lee! cane esi desi in Appentie Aad [BiTue eure sal ide he pics onsale’ in ANSUASNT CP103 for the spore NOT mtd poe sch sonal ops a zaed ecesry by te NDT Lee The segues ‘See ower of tne sens and eps of overage for esch up shall ‘be eppose bythe NDT Lave Tring programs sal ince sii ‘Sen extn to dean ft ‘he neesay frat as Sor a ‘comprehend UL The opie ninng may Incu isractor ed ing, ‘elt nrc et tring. computers ring owed tig, (Crmptered ning and ‘wee rining sal ack hws and cont of ining vi set examinations in secordnce vith 02. 412, Credit Torecive crt fortining bows he nnd hal pace fl ‘xan eveing te tp eo fae nt propa, 4413 Presentation of Train. All ining shal be presented by 29 NDT Instn ‘However be NDT ins nay ‘ke pertonel Wi pied experae orexampl, naagis, welding ninco) wh nad ia ‘ecurdnce wih ths sen fo ist, 1 presenta of pci anaon ‘The NDT Level I shal nl ces to ‘espns for ihe coment of the com iced ese 414 NDT Level IL Taining regucnens fopNDT Lave il we ssid an ‘en of ldlag a eae ASNT Level "i cere inthe psc NDT epatence. Casi or ceifeton shat ‘ve sured th acl expsiac oesue ‘iy ar copbl of performing tee fe Ten we eet ng sou 421 NDT Leet and Level H.The mis ‘num nb of ber of expeenee ‘euled for NDT Level sad Level It ‘aes is esr in Append A. 422 NDT Level If Lime The minimarn unter af hous a xpesence ruc frNDT Level Limos cans ‘Seren Append B 423. NDT Level L-Experiece vie ‘mens oe NDT Level ae siti as reso hlding 3 caren ASNT. eyelet nthe specie NOT ‘Previous Training and Experience, 481 NDT Level and Level A cing he’s previous tines apd expeence ‘nay be accept bythe emgloyers [NDT Level if document dv Sa. Ay lame taining conmso 2 exgvcae whieh is ot ected Scoot be veri shal be cone ‘cod val 432 NDT Level I.The employer sal ‘yet document hear ali ‘fnesndste' ASNT Love! llc 44: Catara, An NDT insracor shall nest ‘lea on fe faving estes AL poses u cure ASNT Level ‘mead ote ht Test equivalent 9B ngonring, psc eee, (rechlogy, and poses ae ‘dae knoe ae NDT ‘Sebed wbe chor 4413 teagndaeofacwoseer ‘hoa of een, nsneting, ‘rNDT anda ive or mare ‘yess orexpece 89 NDT Ley or egal, the NDT mc tobe ugh: 4448 tae 10 or more yeu of NOT peso af NUT Lel he NDT 442. Desgnton-The NDT nsiucor sal be csignsted by an NDT Leve ‘neva The dsigraton stall teome pr of he nia’ quali ‘ston ear 4S Outside Servlees. te option afte empl ‘ean oue cnanzton may ened befor th ues ofan NDT Level For ‘xganznons te than ASNT. the employer hal be pense or evaluating he rane thon ene the servos ne In sccodnce ‘te enploer's ceicaonprssure and thr end a o docomented Ao NOT. Lovell of te engaged ouside cranzaton al be response fore services provide 50 Qualicaon and Cetifeation {SA Procedure. The employer sal develop and ‘tannin «procedure desing the propa ta 4 opsaoaon wil be se for gealieaon and cee ‘ENDS personals scerdance wi tn ee ‘52 Procedare RegerementsThe roe ta ‘Serbs he manu requis foc) ing penonel nea NDT method ad a ot galiction dated. The poco shal ‘Sty he eysrenont ofthis nad. The ppoceie Sal inte minimum ef towing san 522 523 524 sa enol dis sd responsi ‘ring rogues expen reuiremens, tamination egusenens cont an dacumeton ogi ‘ens, nlaing eno esp, ‘a reonion prio and rsseieaon requirement 153. Avpreral-The employers cenifcton pe dsl esproved by an NDT Level eigatd ye employer 60 Examinations 61 Vision, «aa sas ‘Near sane, Pe to ceifeton [NDT personel hl be examina sr that ey tae ata or eon ‘Sheardaaoce eu Ine et one Specht och nde ape fred Sage Number et cha oF ‘Spvle t a dstaee a ot es a in + Euan eye examination esi fee daner 1 visu! sey ae Sram ‘fanz, Tines Roman 33 ya text, Ontoter#:o iasSABS SALI OrSAR-1 £10 (Calor Vision. NDT persone! fr ‘ths sal detonate th ty 0 {terete rong the oles ued a ‘te mena Frequency: Vision examinations shal {radmin ena exept ‘lor dierent exainons eed rej ony aca receiestin dsl expe oh st ay ft 63° NDE Leeland Level I Examinations, 631 General. Ager exsination sal G14 Adniabtratien Vision examinations e apeoved by an NDT Lee I Shall be assed in coe ‘Adounsuaton ofthe exaion sal ‘i procera pero, fem accontince with pagan rowed by an NDT Level desi this andar and eal ced book hed by We emsaye [Referees malaria sch ha, mls, bls and graphs ay be pro [NDT Level I Bsaminations. ‘ed byte NBT Level. Querons ‘hall be developed which pent (621 nal Requirement Pre He {os section he hay af noe, employers cetfisnon examinations, ‘Sind in ANSUASHT CPI0S app the cane shal Pow carent ASNT ‘Sle to eth method and NDT ive Level coiene wid carey ‘The mms euber of quesone ‘lid eadsmares for euch eto for ‘eure foreach thd tn lvl ‘hic employer ceeaion sues Tied ia Table. Queso un gon tral examinations for NDT Leveled (622 specie Examination (cab {eve personne! sal besa ethos) Te eploer sl ner ‘pean icuty to bese publi {writen cainaion coming of ASNT. Tent 30 qoson ling te con- resi ofthe NDT cell ree (22 Specie. A specific exciton hall {ats of speciation or nea espns by an NDT Level ‘to bythe enpayer Cope of te ‘Atsuato Sal i acesrdance ‘Sppliblespeisetone or ane ‘i parpph 6 fi strc Te Sal be avaiable seen ait NDI Level shal eerie wheter linge extiation propia procedces,spsicatons, andar of coe ecto wil be po: 623. Practical Examination. Tecate ‘ed Te examine sal ese shal pear at NDT poser p01 “arias examples of slp roe ratte employers nud howe es, an a ctu a Crit documaaed experince demon ay inthe pcformane ‘ses ta th candies previoly spn dite, The nina nuber Ppopstedascepable NDT premarin Of quston regu foreach metho the method ug the specieations, ‘deel ined fe Table | vs, and stndads ate appeable forhatemployermitea patties 633 Prac. paca examin sal mia i example, pepsin te sppoved by an NDT Le Il fs proedis) inno aque. Lege ‘dont bal bee sooner etc ssebattd forte writen wid egg 6.4 fhe sandr. The asal earn, he employer proces! examination sal coi ot hal documere be pene! paca, be alowing ‘tperenor of he NDT Level ea oe 63341 NDT Level Tos cute ‘hal demons pence 623.1 the NDT Lave I willbe ‘ing the pps nade reir peor test or Statin ot mask nex ‘rut tt ee pst neat eas ope es sample for ‘lexan sl nls ‘Set uchique tobe we in {hesume dense a he ‘becania’'s jo and by do it’s aby 9 perform fimcotng the esl of tt, the required acne a ‘Te tsps sal be repre revuind in 6332, nse th praise ia ‘he cande wil encmtra forming he jo onctons.

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