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Activity plan

Date 10/09/2017 Name of staff: Nadia

Targeted child: child A Age 40 months

Area of learning:

Child A 30-50 months:

Understanding the world: People and communities

The Child is encouraged to speak in English as an additional language. He also gets a chance to

speak in his native language (Arabic) occasionally to instil confidence and involvement. During

the course of activity, he is also introduced to various people who help us in the community

(www.foundationyears.org.uk, 2012).

Communication and Language speaking The child will be introduced to new words in

English to build his vocabulary. This would be done in the context of play and other activities.

Additionally, we would also teach how to handle the blocks safely (www.foundationyears.org.uk,


Learning Objectives:

To enable A to become confident and expressive of his feelings and emotions. To make him more

participative by improving his fluency in English and Spatial abilities.

Opportunities for assessment:

To develop the Child As spatial abilities and instil a sense of confidence in him. He should be in

able to express his feelings and experiences more freely and confidently.

It seems that Child A shows no inclination and interest towards engaging in the circle time as he

is unable to communicate freely with others due to language barrier. This activity will help him to

build his fluency and also improve his vocabulary by introducing new words related to


Resources: colorful wooden blocks, pictures of (police stations, shops, fire station, hospitals,

buses, trains)

Experience/ activity:

The Child is given a box full of big colourful blocks in the activity area. He is encouraged to

build structures with these blocks using his own imagination and creativity. During the process,

he is also asked various open ended questions to encourage and develop his language skills. An

adult is instructed to take pictures for future planning

Adult input (Arabic language is used when A is confused))

How do you get to nursery?

What does your house look like?

Would you like to stay in any other house?

Who lives with you in your house?

On our way to nursery what all do you see?

Who are the people who help us?

Tell me what have you built?

Differentiation: child A is an EAL pupil and therefore he would be allowed to speak in Arabic

occassionally to retain his interest and involvment in the activity

Evaluation for future planning

The child was encourgaed to build a structure using the colorful blocks. In the process we also

engaged in active converstation. Together we build a red bus using the blocks.We also discussed

various buses and a sang a songwheel on the bus.The child was also encourged to speak on the

people who help us in our community.

For future planning, the photographs of the structure will be shown to a child and asked to paint

on a big sheet of paper. Another child of higher IQ and Knowlwdge would also be made to

participate for better sharing of ideas and expressions (Epltt.coe.uga.edu, 2017).

Epltt.coe.uga.edu, (2017) Epltt.coe.uga.edu. [Online]
Available at: Epltt.coe.uga.edu
[Accessed September 2017].
www.foundationyears.org.uk, (2012) Development matters. [Online]
Available at: www.foundationyears.org.uk
[Accessed 2017].

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