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Cosmic Attunement

Christian Bernard, FRC

Christian Bernard has served as the Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC since 1990.
In this article, which is an excerpt from his book entitled So Mote It Be!, Imperator Bernard
leads us through a meditation attuning with the Creation around us and the energy within

The expression Cosmic Attunement,

well known to members of the Ancient
and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, rep-
resents the state of consciousness that all
Rosicrucians must achieve permanently
and definitely if they want to know forever
the peace profound of the Rose-Croix. In
the chapter entitled Peace Profound, I ex-
plained that it is impossible to experience
this state if we have not achieved Peace of
Body, Heart, and Soul. On the other hand,
we cannot calm our body, heart, and soul if
we do not live in consonance with Cosmic
Harmony. To have a better understanding
of what Cosmic Harmony is we need first
to consider the two words.
The word harmony, in its broadest
sense, reveals the connection uniting sepa-
rate elements into a coherent, balanced, There does exist however a great dif-
and organic whole. Thus, we may refer to ference between Cosmic Harmony and
geometrical harmony which connects four those that I have just mentioned. When
distinct points on a single straight line; to we contemplate paintings at an art exhibi-
poetic harmony which puts words together tion or listen to a beautiful musical ren-
into a fine speech; to the color harmony dition, we can attune ourselves passively
which emanates from colored lines and with the beauty of what we see or hear. In
surfaces that we take pleasure in contem- other words, being neither the artist nor
plating; to sculptural harmony seen in well- the musician, we can be content with be-
proportioned forms; and to the musical ing the observer of the harmony of colors
harmony which we perceive in a melodious or sounds that are presented to us. In the
series of sounds. What can be found in all case of Cosmic Harmony, it is a different
instances is a definite harmonic relation- matter, for every hour of the day and all
ship that connects points, words, colors, through our life, we cannot be satisfied
forms, or musical notes. From the forego- with just being the spectator to the rela-
ing, it is easy to understand that Cosmic tionship that unites us with God. Suppose
Harmony is based upon the relationship that the great masters of art or music had
Rosicrucian which human beings must establish be- been content with being the passive ob-
No. 2 tween themselves and the Cosmic in a co- servers of all the inspiration flashing into
2014 herent, balanced, and organized manner. their consciousness. Suppose too that they
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had limited themselves to holding in their standpoint, God is the energy that is at the
minds all the works they could create. It origin of all that is, whereas the Cosmic is
is easy to understand what would have this energy in action. In other words, God
been the result of such passivity. Human- is the Creative Universal Force and the
ity would never have had the opportunity Cosmic is the Creation, both visible and
to contemplate or listen to their works invisible. This distinction shows that, even
objectively, nor feel the positive emotions though it is impossible to unite directly
which they engender within the hearts of with God as an incarnated being, the
everyone. same does not apply when it comes to the
The same applies to Cosmic Harmony. Cosmic. We cannot attune with the Di-
We cannot be satisfied with waiting pas- vine Power whence all Creation proceeds,
sively for the positive effects it may have for even the most evolved human being on
upon us. This does not mean that we this earthly plane cannot look upon the
should never devote face of God. This is
quiet periods to ex- the reason why the
amining ourselves, to If we wish to Kabbalah has always
listening to ourselves, placed God beyond
and, generally speak- experience Cosmic what it calls the
ing, to being the ob- three veils of negative
server of ourselves. existencethat is,
Indeed, we must set
Harmony consciously, outside the bound-
time aside regularly aries of human un-
to energize the bond
we must establish a derstanding. On the
that unites us with other hand, human-
God. It is only if this conscious rapport ity has at its disposal
condition is met that all physical, psychic,
we shall become a liv- between ourselves and and spiritual faculties
ing expression, not of which enable it to at-
a mathematical, lit- Cosmic Creation, both tune with Gods Cre-
erary, artistic, sculp- ation, whether visible
tural, or musical har- visible and invisible. or invisible.
monic relationship, If we wish to
but of a relationship experience Cosmic
with Cosmic Harmony. And since humans Harmony consciously, we must establish
must make the rapport uniting them with a conscious rapport between ourselves and
God a living and dynamic one, they must Cosmic Creation, both visible and invis-
have a clear idea of what the Cosmic is and ible. The means to establish this conscious
they must know how to attune with It. relationship is, of course, Cosmic Attun-
Attempting to define the Cosmic ement. There are two distinct but comple-
amounts to trying to define the undefin- mentary methods for achieving this attun-
able. However, we must never lose sight ement. The first consists in attuning our-
of a point that I would like to emphasize. selves with the Creation that is external to
It concerns that which both unites and us; in other words, with the Macrocosm.
differentiates God from the Cosmic. The We may call the state of consciousness re-
Cosmic is not God. Understanding this sulting from this attunement Macrocosmic
distinction is essential to experiencing Attunement. The second method is based
Cosmic Harmony. From a Rosicrucian upon an attunement with the Creation

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within us; in other words, the Microcosm. long did it take for natural laws to fashion
We may call this state of harmony Micro- this spot into the immense beach that it
cosmic Attunement. We shall now explain is today? What amount of energy did the
in more detail each of these two methods Cosmic Intelligence need to expend so as
of Cosmic Attunement. to offer such a spectacle to us? What will
As I just mentioned, Macrocosmic At- this stretch of sand be like many centuries
tunement consists in attuning with the from now? What kind of humanity will
world around us. This form of attunement this beach know then? These are a few of
must elevate us, in the true sense of the the unanswered questions you are asking
word, towards higher planes of conscious- yourself and which, in a state of deep com-
ness. By this I mean that it must corre- munion, you ask this shore of sand.
spond to what many mystical and esoteric As you contemplate this beach and
traditions refer to attune with the con-
as Celestial Ascent. sciousness of each
To understand this As you can see, this of the grains of sand
method clearly, the composing it, you
best way is to prac- attunement with the hear the crashing
tice it by means of a of the waves on the
visualization that will shore. Then you look
illustrate this prin-
Macrocosm and the at the immensity of
ciple and stimulate the ocean. The wa-
the faculties which
manifestations of ter has a soothing
the soul uses in such colora color that
an extension of con- earth, water, air, and you like and which
sciousness. I there- no artist could repro-
fore suggest that you fire in the world of the duce on canvas with
perform the follow- as much purity and
ing experiment: infinitely great leads life. Just as millions
Imagine that you of grains of sand
are on a vast beach us to commune with compose the beach
alongside the ocean. upon which you
This beach is deserted the infinitely great of are sitting, millions
and, as you strongly of drops of water
wish to commune Cosmic Creation. compose the ocean
with everything upon which you are
around you, you sit gazing. Where do
upon it, facing the ocean. You enjoy this they come from? What shores have they
mystical solitude with all your heart and known? From what world do they draw
soul and you allow your being to attune the strength that makes this ocean mighty?
with everything you can see and hear. You How can we pierce the secrets they carry
are sitting rather far from the shore and for within their watery consciousness? Con-
a while you fix your gaze upon the great founded by so many mysteries, you then
stretch of sand separating you from the attune with this vast expanse of water, the
nearest waves. As you contemplate this sight of which you cannot stop admiring.
vast stretch of sand and the thousands of As you are thus communing with earth
Rosicrucian grains composing it, you think about the and water, you feel the wind caressing your
No. 2 history of this beach and all the geologi- face. This light breeze is infinitely gentle
2014 cal upheaval it has silently witnessed. How and invites you to lift your eyes above the
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ocean, towards the horizon, for it is in the the planetary Logos that we are dependent
open sea that it was born. Then your gaze upon. This raising of consciousness that
loses itself between the water and the sky, carries us from Earth to heaven attunes
and you fancy that you hear in the wind us inwardly with the music of the spheres
the answer to all the questions you were which Pythagoras specifically attributed to
asking yourself as you gazed upon the sand the planets of the celestial world that gov-
of the earth and the water of the ocean. ern us. I shall not elaborate upon just what
With your vision lost in the air of the open the music of the spheres truly is, for here
sea, you listen to the answer of the wind again this subject is thoroughly covered in
and attune with it. the teachings of the Ancient and Mysti-
With your gaze lost between the wa- cal Order Rosae Crucis. I shall simply say
ter and the sky, you feel the inner need to that the Celestial Ascent puts us in har-
look towards the Sun. It is not blinding, mony with certain universal notes which,
for it has already begun its descent towards through an exact harmonic rapport, are
the sea a few hours ago. You marvel at the united with notes that are an integral
sight of it. It alone knows the history of the part of our physical, psychic, and spiri-
world. It alone sees all the peoples arise. It tual rhythm.
alone sees them fall asleep. It alone hears The foregoing remarks lead me
them laugh or cry. It alone will be able to now to define the harmony that we can
recognize you when, after departing this establish with the Microcosm. For obvious
earth, you reincarnate somewhere else, reasons, the purpose of this harmony is to
perhaps in another country, but a coun- penetrate to the depths of our being and
try where it will shine in all its magnifi- have us attune with the rhythm of the
cent splendor to greet again your earthly Creation vibrating within us. This inner
rebirth. The fire of its power contains in rhythm animates all the organs and cells
itself alone the Light, Life, and Love that of our physical body and, on a more subtle
you make of our planet Earth a luminous, frequency, all the centers of our psychic
living, and loving creation. As you think body. This means that by concentrating
of all this, you gaze upon the Sun for a few our consciousness upon the organs of
more moments. It finally sinks below the our physical body we automatically
horizon and, with your vision lost in the stimulate the consciousness of the psychic
sunset, you slowly let yourself be absorbed organs that correspond to them. Just as I
into the infinity of the heavens where the suggested that you experiment with the
evening star has just appeared. principle of the Celestial Ascentin other
As you can see, this attunement with words, with the extension of consciousness
the Macrocosm and the manifestations of towards the world outside of usI will
earth, water, air, and fire in the world of the now invite you to experience psychic
infinitely great leads us to commune with introspectionthat is, the concentration
the infinitely great of Cosmic Creation. In of consciousness towards our inner world.
this kind of attunement, we gradually el- The purpose of the Celestial Ascent is to
evate our consciousness towards the Mac- raise us to the pitch of the planetary and
rocosm, that is, towards elements external universal rhythm. Psychic introspection
to us and transcending the limitations of must attune us with the organic and
our physical body. We truly raise the eyes cellular rhythm of our physical body
of our consciousness towards higher planes and, as a result, with that of our psychic
of existence which finally merge us with being. Therefore, it corresponds to a
the immensity, infinity, and immortality of curative principle which greatly assists in

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the process of healing. This experiment is creatures were born from water, and it is
as follows: in and through water that life is generated
Concentrate upon the internal warmth and perpetuated. Feel how present within
of your body. Feel how the temperature you this water is, and imagine that your
suffusing all the organs of your body is body contains nothing but watera re-
constructive, regenerative, and harmo- generative and purifying water into which
nizing. Just as the fire of the Sun radiates you let yourself be absorbed. You are this
Light, Life, and Love to our Earth, ob- water and this water fills your whole being
serve how the fire generated within your and purifies it completely.
body warms, vitalizes, and unites the cells Without the elements of earth that we
at work within each of your organs. Con- assimilate through food, our body would
centrate upon this warmth and let it com- have no consistency at all. Each cell re-
pletely dominate your consciousness. In ceives regularly a certain amount of these
short, become this warmth yourself and elements, which it transmutes into a type of
attune with its energy. energy that is essential to the proper func-
Now, while your whole being is tioning of our organism. The key word of
nothing but warmth, concentrate your our cellular life is undoubtedly energy. Feel
consciousness upon the rhythm of your within you the tingling of this energy and
breathing. Be aware of this rhythm and listen to it vibrate inside every cell of your
note how it causes each inhalation to be body. This cellular energy combines the
followed by an exhalation, and each ex- heat of fire, the vitality of air, the genera-
halation by an inhalation. The physical tion of water, and the substance of earth.
and psychic vitality contained in the air Be this energy and bring your warmth,
you breathe concentrates itself inside your vitality, generation, and consistency into
lungs, and from each lung this vitality every organ and cell of your body.
is rhythmically discharged into all the Such an attunement with the con-
organs and cells sciousness of the
of your body. You, Microcosm and
yourself, become the manifesta-
this breath of life tions of earth, wa-
and let yourself be ter, air, and fire in
carried into every the world of the
part of your be- infinitesimal can
ing by the regular help you to know
and harmonious yourself better, for
rhythm of your it enables you to
breathing. attune with the
Fire and air rhythmic activity
bring warmth and of your body and,
vitality to your through it, with
body, and likewise the cosmic rhythm
water pours its gen- vibrating within
erative power into you. However, this
your body. Every does not mean that
single cell of your there is a duality of
Rosicrucian body draws part of action and reaction
No. 2 its substance from in the nature of
2014 water. All living the Cosmic. There
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is not one cosmic energy acting within us how to contact the higher planes of this
and another one acting outside us. There is Consciousness that we can truly attain the
only one cosmic essence, and this unique Mastery of Life.
and indivisible cosmic essence functions In the third place, the goal of the
both within and without us with the same Rosicrucian is to live mysticism, and mys-
power and the same intelligence. The two ticism, by definition, is the study and the
forms of attunement which I have sug- putting into practice of the bond which
gested that you experiment with are there- unites us with the God of our Heart.
fore only two complementary methods of This link being of necessity harmonic and
achieving Cosmic Attunement. harmonious, it is only through Cosmic
The great majority of Rosicrucians Attunement that we can understand its
feel and understand the importance of origin, its nature, and the infinite pow-
the periods of Cosmic Attunement, for ers which it confers upon the person who
they are the key to Rosicrucianism and masters it. I therefore encourage you to ex-
mysticism in general. In the first place, pend every possible effort to live daily the
such periods purify and regenerate our harmonic rapport which unites you with
physical, psychic, and spiritual beings. God and His Creation, so that, through
Because of this, as I mentioned at the conscious revelation and illumination, you
beginning of this chapter, they bring us become forever witnesses and instruments
closer to the state of Peace Profound. of Cosmic Harmony and Universal Peace
This means, therefore, that they contrib- for your human brothers and sisters and
ute to the preservation and improvement yourselves.
of health once we have reached the point So Mote It Be!
when we no longer violate with impunity
the natural laws working within our being.
This also means that they purify our emo-
tional nature and consequently strengthen
the vibratory qualities of our psychic be-
ing. Finally, this also supposes that they
increase the magnetic radiance of our
spiritual being and make us increas-
ingly aware of Gods presence within and
around us.
In the second place, periods of Cos-
mic Attunement open the door to the so-
lution to all our human problems. Perhaps
you are too inclined to forget that there
is not one single problem that does not
already have its solution in the Cosmic.
Because of this, how can we blame God for
not helping us to solve our own problems
if, through negligence or laziness, we have
not done everything within our power to
find the solutions which, I repeat, are
waiting for us in Cosmic Conscious-
ness? Therefore, it is through learning
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