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Qu es el alcohol y qu efectos produce?

A pesar de lo difcil que resulta asumir que es una droga, por lo integrado que est en nuestra
cultura, lo cierto es que se trata de la droga ms consumida en nuestro pas y la que ms
problemas de toda ndole produce.

El alcohol es un depresor del Sistema Nervioso Central, que pertenece al grupo de sedantes junto
con los barbitricos y las benzodiacepinas.

El alcohol etlico o etanol es la droga que se encuentra en las bebidas alcohlicas, aunque existen
otros tipos de alcoholes como el metlico, que se utiliza principalmente en la industria.

El alcohol etlico se obtiene de dos maneras:

1. Por fermentacin de frutas, vegetales o granos. Ej.: vinos, cervezas.

2. Por destilacin: medio artificial para aumentar la concentracin del alcohol de una bebida. Ej.:
coac, ginebra, whisky y vodka.

La ruta metablica que sigue el alcohol cuando se consume no tiene nada que ver con el proceso
digestivo normal. ste pasa por el estmago al duodeno, donde se absorbe; posteriormente al
torrente sanguneo, lo que produce irritacin y estimula la secrecin de jugos gstricos as como
procesos inflamatorios de esfago y estmago, gastritis y lceras.

En unos pocos minutos llega el alcohol al cerebro, donde acta y donde se aprecian los mayores

El consumo excesivo de alcohol (grandes cantidades) en un corto perodo de tiempo puede

producir la muerte.

El alcohol es un txico que, circulando por la sangre, alcanza todos los rganos y sistemas del
organismo, por lo que se pueden producir importantes y mltiples problemas relacionados con su
consumo: afecta a la respiracin intracelular, la produccin de neurotransmisores y el
En el bebedor habitual aparece el sndrome de abstinencia tras una privacin de bebida de uno a
cinco das. En este sndrome de abstinencia se dan sntomas orgnicos, neurovegetativos y

Capacidad adictgena del alcohol (valoracin de 0 a 4)

Dependencia Psicosocial 3

Adiccin 3

Tolerancia 3

Patologa somtica del alcoholismo crnico: Nuseas, vmitos viscosos y biliares, gastritis
pancreatitis, hepatitis alcohlica, cirrosis heptica.

Respiratoria: Laringitis, neumonas, bronquitis.

Cardio-respiratoria: Hipertensin arterial, epistaxis y tendencias hemorrgicas.

Hematologa: Anemias, Leucopenias.

Endocrina: Dficit suprarrenal, atrofia gonadal masculina con disminucin de la lbido e


Muscular: Miopatas agudas y crnicas.

Metablica: Hipoglucemias, hiperuricemia, hipo y avitaminosis.

Neurolgicas: Disartria, temblores de manos, prpados y lengua, crisis epilpticas, polineuritis y


Alucinosis alcohlica o de Wernicke.

Delirium Tremens.

Demencias alcohlicas.

Epilepsia alcohlica.

Encefalopatas alcohlicas.

Celotipia alcohlica o Delirio de Celos

What is alcohol and what effects does it produce?

Despite how difficult it is to assume that it is a drug, because it is integrated in our culture, the
truth is that it is the drug most consumed in our country and the most problems of all kinds.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which belongs to the sedative group along with
barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol is the drug found in alcoholic beverages, although there are other types of
alcohols such as methyl, which is mainly used in industry.

Ethyl alcohol is obtained in two ways:

1. By fermentation of fruits, vegetables or grains. Ex: wines, beers.

2. By distillation: artificial means to increase the alcohol concentration of a beverage. Eg cognac,

gin, whiskey and vodka.

The metabolic pathway that alcohol follows when consumed has nothing to do with the normal
digestive process. It passes through the stomach into the duodenum, where it is absorbed;
subsequently to the bloodstream, which causes irritation and stimulates the secretion of gastric
juices as well as inflammatory processes of esophagus and stomach, gastritis and ulcers.

In a few minutes alcohol reaches the brain, where it acts and where the greatest effects are

Excessive consumption of alcohol (large amounts) in a short period of time can result in death

What is alcohol and what effects does it produce?

Despite how difficult it is to assume that it is a drug, because it is integrated in our culture, the
truth is that it is the drug most consumed in our country and the most problems of all kinds.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which belongs to the sedative group along with
barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol is the drug found in alcoholic beverages, although there are other types of
alcohols such as methyl, which is mainly used in industry.

Ethyl alcohol is obtained in two ways:

1. By fermentation of fruits, vegetables or grains. Ex: wines, beers.

2. By distillation: artificial means to increase the alcohol concentration of a beverage. Eg cognac,

gin, whiskey and vodka.

The metabolic pathway that alcohol follows when consumed has nothing to do with the normal
digestive process. It passes through the stomach into the duodenum, where it is absorbed;
subsequently to the bloodstream, which causes irritation and stimulates the secretion of gastric
juices as well as inflammatory processes of esophagus and stomach, gastritis and ulcers.

In a few minutes alcohol reaches the brain, where it acts and where the greatest effects are

Excessive consumption of alcohol (large amounts) in a short period of time can result in death.

Alcohol is a toxin that, circulating through the blood, reaches all the organs and systems of the
organism, which can produce important and multiple problems related to its consumption: affects
intracellular respiration, production of neurotransmitters and metabolism.

In the habitual drinker appears the abstinence syndrome after a deprivation of drink of one to five
days. In this abstinence syndrome there are organic, neurovegetative and psychic symptoms.

Adictogenic alcohol capacity (rating from 0 to 4)

Psychosocial Dependence 3

Addiction 3

Tolerance 3

Somatic pathology of chronic alcoholism: Nausea, viscous and biliary vomiting, gastritis
pancreatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.

Respiratory: Laryngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.

Cardio-respiratory: Hypertension, epistaxis and hemorrhagic tendencies.

Hematology: Anemias, Leucopenia.

Endocrine: Adrenal deficit, male gonadal atrophy with decreased libido and impotence.

Muscular: Acute and chronic myopathies.

Metabolic: Hypoglycemia, hyperuricemia, hypo and avitaminosis.

Neurological: Dysarthria, hand tremors, eyelids and tongue, epileptic seizures, polyneuritis and


Alcoholic or Wernicke hallucinosis.

Delirium tremens.

Alcoholic Dementias.

Alcoholic epilepsy.

Alcoholic encephalopathies.

Alcoholic Zealotry or Jealousy Delirium

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