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Table of Contents

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 0

Executive Summary:................................................................................................................................ 1
Problem Statements: .............................................................................................................................. 2
Objectives of the research: ..................................................................................................................... 2
Literature Review: ................................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology:.......................................................................................................................................... 5
A. Data Collection: .............................................................................................................................. 5
B. Research Questions and Hypothesis: ............................................................................................. 5
C. Plan for Data Analysis: .................................................................................................................... 6
Qualifications of Key Persons: ................................................................................................................ 7
Limitations: ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Bibliography: ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Executive Summary:

Ice cream is a frozen dessert, usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and
often combined with fruits or other ingredients like sugar, color and flavors. Now people
not only consider taste to buy an ice cream. Customers perception regarding an ice cream
has been changed. They consider other factors like-brand image of the ice cream, quality,
availability, variety, ingredients of the ice cream and hygiene factors etc. These factors
are very much important for buying an ice cream today.

factors which is considering customers when they buy a ice cream. As a result customers of
that ice cream can get more quality and testy ice cream and also can differentiate the suitable
one from others.

Abdul Monem Limited is the brand owner of IGLOO Ice Cream, the countrys most
preferred ice cream brand, enjoying more than 60% market share. Igloo offers the
widest choice of ice cream to its discerning consumers, more than any other competitor in the
market and is available in all 64 districts across the country for consumers to enjoy this
international standard product.

Igloo is ISO 22000:2005 & HACCP certified ice cream Company in Bangladesh. Igloo offers
more than fifty six items, including regular, premium and novelty cup, stick and family pack
items. The major ingredients, raw materials and packing materials of Igloo ice cream
are procured from the best European sources.

Problem Statements:
20 years ago there were 3 dominating company in Ice Cream industry. They were Igloo,
Kwality and polar. But nowadays these firms going to face heavy competition from new
firms like Bloop, Bellissimo, Mi Amore, Za n Zee. This new firms offering new tastes and
challenging old firms with innovative marketing idea. Kwality and polar already facing
market share declining. Although Igloo still market leader in this industry, but this is high
time they should focus on customer satisfaction. Otherwise Bloop or Bellissimo may give a
serious challenge to Igloo. So we will conduct this market research on the particular topic to
know about how effectively and efficiently Igloo can increase the customer satisfaction level
by applying various strategies.

Objectives of the research:

The aim of the research is to find out customer satisfaction, attitudes, feedback about the
product, product quality, service quality of igloo ice-cream. And in the growing competition
how the company can manage customer satisfaction in the future that is also a major concern
of this research.

Here we will try to answers these questions:

What are the factors that make customer satisfied when they have ice cream?
What are the key factors that make target customer satisfied while purchasing any ice
On which factors, marketer should be more concern to increase their image and value
to its customer?
As the competition growing rapidly, how the company can manage customer
satisfaction in the future?
What will be the new customer satisfaction tools in new competitive business

Literature Review:

For conducting this study we have reviewed a number of relevant literatures to get clear idea
on this topic. We have studied different literatures from online journals, thesis papers, articles
and other relevant literatures through internet. Some of the very important reviews are given

Customer satisfaction is one of the most important issue concerning business organization of
all types, which is justified by the customer oriented philosophy and the principles of
continues improvement in modern enterprise (Arokiasamy, 2013).

The marketing concept suggests that a satisfied buyer will be more likely to repurchase again,
or at least has the intention of repurchasing again, than those who are dissatisfied. They
consider that customer satisfaction and retention the most important long-term objectives of
firms. Reichheld and Sasser (1990) suggested that new buyers cost more to serve than repeat
customer, which means that repeat customers are benefiting a firms cost structure.

A firms primary strategic objectives are to minimize customer regress and to maximize
customer intention rates to buy, as evidenced by the recent emphasis on customer relationship
management. Thus, previously satisfied buyers may help firms both reduce marketing costs,
and develop more stable levels of sales when a large number of satisfied buyers are retained
to purchase again in the future. There are several definitions of customer satisfaction in the
marketing literature. It is generally accepted that satisfaction is a psychological state that
results from consumer experiences after consumption (Pleshko, & Heiens, 1996).

According to a widely accepted conceptualization, customer satisfaction is a customers

post-consumption evaluation of a product or service (Mittal & Frennea (2010, p. 3). This
only occurs if the perceived performance of a product or service meets or exceeds
customers prior expectations ( Bearden & Teel, 1983; Oliver 1980, 2010). Thus, overall
customer satisfaction with a companys offerings is determined by comparisons between
customers expectations of the companys products or services and their perceptions of the
products or services performance ( Fornell et al., 1996; Oliver)

Customer loyalty broadly refers to customer behaviors that indicate a desire to better an
ongoing relationship with a company (Palmatier et al., 2006).

The customers willingness to purchase again from the company, having a preference for the
company, or recommending the company to others could be indications to customers desire
to remain in a relationship with a company that demonstrate how much a customer is related
to a company. Loyal customers are often worth the marketing effort, owing to their
willingness to buy additional products and spread positive word of mouth as well as their
reliability as a source of continuous revenues (Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman 1996).

The programs of customer retention could lead to a higher rate in buyer loyalty. Although
that marketing managers primary concern is maintaining and increasing brand loyalty, there
is no guarantee for loyal buyers, because todays buyer might not be so in the future since
loyalty is considered so transient. Loyalty is developed over a period of time from a
consistent record of meeting, and sometimes even exceeding customer expectations (Teich,
1997). Kotler et al. (1999) claims that the cost of attracting a new customer may be five times
the cost of keeping a current customer happy


A. Data Collection:
This study will be based on survey method. Skilled interviewers will be recruited for data
collection. A seven-day intensive training will be given to them which will consist of
lectures, mock interviews, role play, and field practice at the community level. An instruction
manual explaining the key terms in the questionnaire will be developed, and provided to the
enumerators as a guide. Two teams of five members each will be formed. our research we
will offer our 2000 respondents to rank among 8 popular renowned ice cream brands
according to the level of satisfaction of a customer.

B. Research Questions and Hypothesis:

Considering the aim and objectives of the research following research questions and
hypotheses have been set. Here Ho means null hypothesis and H1 means alternative

Our study explores how customer satisfaction on igloo ice cream on describes 5 factors. The
objective this research is to identify customer satisfaction on igloo ice cream? This broad
question is specified in the following five categories of research questions:

Q1: Does Attributes satisfy a customer of Igloo ice cream?

Q2: Does Product Quality satisfy a customer of Igloo ice cream?
Q3: Does Pricing satisfy a customer of Igloo ice cream?
Q4: Does Availability satisfy a customer of Igloo ice cream?
Q5: Does Promotional activities satisfy a customer of Igloo ice cream?



Its an important factor to choose ice cream. Because when people purchase ice cream he/she
doesnt purchase an ice cream he/she purchases a brand of the company and this goes through
the attributes for igloo ice cream.

H1: Attributes of Igloo ice cream make a customers satisfied.

Product Quality

We also consider this aspect because people consider it about also. In this case they put
weight on taste, top quality ingredients, making of ice cream in a hygienic way etc.

H2: Product Quality of Igloo ice cream make a customers satisfied.


Many customers relate the price of ice cream with its quality and they assume the more price
of an ice cream the better is the ice cream is. For this we are also considering pricing issue.

H3: Pricing of Igloo ice cream make a customers satisfied.


Its very important because when a customer will go to purchase an ice cream of his/her
desired brand that one must be available there. Otherwise the customer may switch to other

H4: Availability of Igloo ice cream make a customers satisfied.

Promotional activities

For product like ice-cream its also important to aware people about the offers and our
product category. For this we also use this issue.

H5: Promotional activities of Igloo ice cream make a customers satisfied.

C. Plan for Data Analysis:

For our marketing research process, we will follow and use the mathematical models. We
developed a Mathematical Model for our research purpose. We used Multiple Regression
Equation to identify and analyze the dependent and independent variables. The Multiple
Regression Equation we used is:

Y = 0 + 1.X1 + 2.X2 + 3.X3 + 4.X4 + 5.X5


Y = Dependent Variable (Determining customer satisfaction for igloo ice cream)

Beta () = Constant

X = Independent Variables

(X1= Attributes, X2= Product quality, X3= Pricing, X4= Availability, X5= Promotional

Qualifications of Key Persons:

Team Leader: Md. Abdul Sobhan Mond, working as a chief researcher at ICDDRB for 10

Masters in Economics, University of Dhaka- 1990

Co-Leader: Md Al-Rafa, working as a assistant researcher at ICDDRB for 3 years.

M.B.A in Accounting & Information System- 2001


Md Sirajush Salehein: Senior Marketing officer of Igloo.

Md. Sadekur Rahman: Masters Student of Development Studies at University of Dhaka

Nitol Saha: MBA Student of AIS department at University of Dhaka


Because of budget constraint we will not research outside of Dhaka. So we will only know
the situation of Dhaka. In reality situation outside of the Dhaka can be different.


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Kotler, P., Ang, S.H., Leong, S.M., & Tan, C.T. (1999). Marketing Management: An
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10 | P a g e

Suggested Questionnaire

(Please circle appropriate choice)

1. Do you ever try Igloo ice cream? (If yes then please proceed, if no then please return the

Yes No

2. Please rank the following brand from most preferred to least preferred. (Igloo, Polar,
Kwality,,Bellisimo, Bloop, Zaa& Zee, Mi Amore, Others)

I. ___________________

II. ___________________

III. ___________________

IV. ___________________

V. ___________________

VI. ___________________

VII. ___________________

3. Which attribute(s) of Igloo ice cream do you prefer most? (You may circle multiple

Taste Variety Hygienic

Distribution Attractive Packaging Others___________

11 | P a g e
3. Please answer the following questions

[put a tick mark () in any of the box on the 1-5 point scale. if your agreement is strongly
agree then give 5 and for strongly disagree then give 1]

Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Brand image of igloo ice cream is 5 4 3 2 1
most considered.
Igloo ice cream is tastier than 5 4 3 2 1
other ice creams.
I am satisfied with the flavor of 5 4 3 2 1
Igloo ice cream.
Igloo ice cream is always use 5 4 3 2 1
quality ingredients.
I believe Igloo is a hygienic ice 5 4 3 2 1
Price of the Igloo ice cream is 5 4 3 2 1
Price influences me to buy Igloo 5 4 3 2 1
ice cream.
I can afford Igloo ice cream 5 4 3 2 1
Igloo ice cream is always available 5 4 3 2 1
in all retail store.
I prefer ice cream which is 5 4 3 2 1
I always found igloo ice cream in 5 4 3 2 1
retail store around my campus.
I like Igloos promotional 5 4 3 2 1

I like the contents of the 5 4 3 2 1

advertisement to igloo ice cream.

I purchase igloo ice cream 5 4 3 2 1

because its ads influence me.

12 | P a g e
I am always satisfied when I 5 4 3 2 1
have an igloo ice cream

4. Gender

Male Female

5. In which age group you are?

20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60+

6. Education level

Graduate Undergraduate Diploma

H.S.C S.S.C Others _________________

7. What is your family monthly income?

10000 15000 15000-25000 25000-35000

35000- 45000 45000-60000 60000+

8. By profession what you are?

Private Employee Govt. Employee Student

Business Others ____________

Thank you for your co-operation

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