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Risk Risk Risk Trigger Probability Impact Risk Risk owner Risk response Activities req for

ID Description of risk of risk priority strategy implementing strategy

001 Delay in Transportation Medium High High Procurement Advance 1. Accurate

arrival of Problems, Manager orders for raw Forecasting
raw material Natural materials 2. Timely follow up
(food Calamities with vendors
supply) 3. Proper Logistics
002 Construction Labor issues High High High Project Mention terms 1. Follow up with
not Manager and conditions contractor
completed in contract 2. Pre work on
in time design and
003 High Prices Macro factors Medium Medium High Procurement Maintain 1. Negotiation
(inflation, Manager relationship 2. Maintain vendor
taxes etc.)and with vendors selection/rating
004 Legal Delay in Medium High High Project Proper 1. Get a legal
permissions paperwork, Manager documentation advisor
change in on legal 2. Gather all
government requirements information on
policies legal policies
3. Apply timely and
follow up
005 Failure of Faulty Low Medium Medium Manager Preventive Regular
cold Storage Machines, Maintenance inspection/service
electricity of cold storage
006 Kitchen Mishandling of Medium Medium High Manager, Preventive Regular
Equipment equipments Chef Maintenance inspection of
breakdown equipments
007 Inefficient Lack of proper Medium Medium High HR Manager Recruitment 1. Hands on training
staff training Strategy for staff
2. Monitor

008 Delay in Incomplete High High High Project Proper Satisfactory

loan paper work, Manager documentation relationship with
approval change in of full project stakeholders
interest rates, plan including bank
government Risk Articulation
009 Poor quality Vendor supply Medium Medium Medium Procurement Choose quality 1. Proper
of raw or Manager vendors background
materials inappropriate study of
vendor vendors Risk 001 :
selection 2. Check quality During Requirements
before Phase, Due to
accepting Transportation
raw materials
problems or natural
010 Internal Difference in Medium High High Project Maintain good 1. Team building
conflicts opinions and Manager relationship exercise calamities (floods,
expectations 2. Regular Meeting earthquakes) there
with stakeholders may be occurrence of
Delay in the arrival of raw materials resulting in additional costs and delay.

Risk 002 : During Design Phase, Due to labour issues, there may be occurrence of construction not being completed in time resulting in
overtime of the project completion and/or inefficient design or interior work.

Risk 003 : During Design Phase, Due to Macro factors (inflation, taxes, etc.) or/ and negotiation issues, there may be occurrence of
High prices resulting in increased overhead cost and also increased budget.

Risk 004 : During Requirements phase, Due to delay in paperwork and/or change in government policies, there may be occurrence of
Legal issues impacting proper documentation and licensing of the project.

Risk 005 : During Testing/Execution phase, Due to faulty machines or electricity problems there may be occurrence of Failure of cold
storage resulting the perishable food items to rotten.
Risk 006 : During Testing/Execution phase, Due to Mishandling of equipment there may be occurrence of Kitchen Equipment
Breakdown resulting in extra maintenance or new machine costs.

Risk 007 : During Testing/Execution Phase, Due to lack of proper training there may be occurrence of inefficient staff resulting in low
quality of restaurant employees and unhappy customers.

Risk 008 : During Requirements phase, Due to Incomplete paper work, change in interest rates or government policies there may be
occurrence of delay in loan approval resulting in a halt of the project because of lack of capital.

Risk 009 : During Analysis phase, Due to inappropriate vendor selection there may be occurrence of poor quality of raw materials
(food) impacting the quality of food sold.

Risk 010 : During Requirements phase, Due to difference in opinions and expectations there may be occurrence of internal conflicts
resulting in overall project failure.

Risk Assessment Matrix

High Internal conflicts delay, Delay in
loan approval

High Prices, Kitchen

Delay in arrival
of raw materials,
Medium breakdown, Inefficient
staff, poor quality of
raw material

Low Failure of cold storage

Low Medium High


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