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Table 1 Performance of trajectories

No. Description trto Pn = 0.167 10

1 Nominal; all measurements 200.0 796.1 5.2 8.3 603.5 24768.3
2 Optimal for ai = 0.167; all
measurements 200.46 787.2 5.0 8.6 601.5
3 Optimal for ai = 10; all
measurements 200.69 785.0 5.0 8.7 24634.9
4 Nominal; measure?/ 200.0 1110 7.3 159.2 580.5
5 Optimalforai = 0.167;
measure y 201.67 1098 6.9 159.7 569.4

The fixed terms are a guess at the effect of the surface rough-
ness directly below the vehicle. The noise in the control
system was assumed to have o-&2 = 0.64 ft2-sec~4 and cr02 = o, = (
10~4. From the nominal trajectory, Pn = 787, md/m = -^2, and
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The effect of the weights given to the uncertainty terms with vd = 10 fps, ai ^ 0.00045.
was found by assuming them to be in the arbitrary ratio Thus, for this example, unless the noise level is consider-
1:160:100 and scaling them up or down together. Some ably larger than assumed here, the inclusion of the statistics
results with the full set of measurements are shown as tra- is unimportant. However, the technique has been shown here
jectories 1, 2, and 3 in Table 1. Note the small changes in to be feasible and is now available for more sensitive situations,
the variances. The steering programs are shown in Fig. 2. such as atmospheric entry.
The effects of simpler measuring equipment were found
by assuming cru and a-v to be infinite, leaving only the meas-
urement of altitude. In addition, the weight given to the References
variance of horizontal velocity was set equal-to zero, since, in 1
the parallel field, with only y being measured, there is no way Garfmkel, B., "Minimal problems in airplane performance,"
to infer the horizontal velocity from the measurements. Quart. Appl. Math. IX, 149-162 (1951).
Leitmann, G., "On a class of variational problems in rocket
The results of this are in Table 1 as trajectories 4 and 5, and flight," J. Aerospace Sci. 26, 586-591 (1959).
the steering programs are shown in Fig. 2. 3
Bryson, A. E. and Denham, W., "A steepest ascent method
The values of at used in the foregoing are arbitrary. To for solving optimum programming problems," Rept. BR-1303,
talk in terms of overall optimization, one must find values of Missile and Space Div., Raytheon Co., Bedford, Mass. (August
at which correctly represent the trade-off between uncer- 1961).
tainty and propellant during the final descent phase. Con- Bryson, A. E. and Denham, W., "Multivariable terminal
sider control for minimum mean square deviation from a nominal
path," Rept. BR-1333, Missile and Space Div., Raytheon Co.,
m = m(ti h, Pn) Bedford, Mass. (September 1961).
Kelley, H. J., "Guidance theory and extremal fields, Inst.
from which Radio Engrs. Natl. Aero-Space Electronics Conference, Dayton,
Ohio (May 1962); also Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Auto. Control
Am/m = Ai + (l/m)(bm/bPu)APu AC-7, 75-81 (October 1962).
This is the same as A< if one neglects P22 and P3s and sets Kalman, R. E. and Bucy, R. S., "New results in linear filter-
ing and prediction theory," J. Basic Eng., Trans. Am. Soc. Mech.
Oi = (l/m)(dm/dPu) Engrs. (1960); also Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs. Paper 60-JAC-12
Now, if the vehicle makes its final descent from y = 3(Pn)1/2 7
Berman, L. J., "Optimum soft landing trajectories," Air
at velocity v*, Force Office Sci. Research 519, Mass. Inst. Tech., Part I: "Analy-
sis" (March 1961); Part II: "Numerical results" (March
= md td = m 1962).
Steinker, G. E., "Solutions for optimal stochastic trajec-
Thus tories," S.M. thesis, Mass. Inst. Tech. (January 1963).

= 3md/2vd(PnY

Cross-Thermoelastic Phenomenon in
Heterogeneous Aeolotropic Plates
Israel Institute of Technology,
Technion City, Israel

T HIS note is concerned with the thermoelastic stress-

strain relations in a heterogeneous aeolotropic plate theory
that is based on the Euler-Bernoulli hypothesis.
(j) OPTIMAL, a, -J67, MEASURE. ALTITUDE. Consider a thin elastic plate of constant thickness h which
is heterogeneous in the thickness direction z. Let x, y be the

-200 -/Qo -'60 -140 -120 -IOO -80 Received by I AS August 22, 1962; revision received September
TIME. - SECONDS 10,1962.
Fig. 2 Optimal steering programs * Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanics.

coordinates in the undeflected bottom face of the plate (z = 0). elastic moments of inertia are given, correspondingly, by
Assume the temperature distributions throughout the plate
to be prescribed and independent of the deformation of the (AXX,BXX,DXX) = fh (l,z,z*)Exxdz,etc. (16)
system. Denoting by e^ the elastic compliance moduli and Jo
on the coefficients of thermal expansion of the medium, one The starred resultants and couples are defined as follows:
can write the following thermal stress-strain relations:
Nx* = Nx - Nxt Ny* = Ny - Nyt

;* "I Vexx exy exs ax~\

Nxy* = Nxy- Nst (17)
'xyj e
L. sx esy ess as_\ Txy
(1) Mx* = Mx - Mxt My* = My - My

Mxy* = Mxy - M.t (18)
Assume the symmetry relations exy eyx, exs esx, eys = where the quantities Nxt, Mxt are given by
esy, and, furthermore, that
(Nxt, Mxt] = (1,Z)AX Tdz, etc. (19)
exx = exx (z) etc. (2)
dx = ax (z) etc. (3) Inverting the system (15) the reference surface strain
components and the plate curvatures are obtained in terms
where T denotes the change in temperature from the initial, of the starred resultants and couple
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r e i r a
stress-free state, being a function of both the space and time
T = T(x,y,z,f)
Following Timoshenko and Goodier's terminology,1 x,
(4) L.rLr (20)

in which a, b, c, d are 3 X 3 matrices related to the symmetric

ey, exy. are named the actual strain components, and matrices A, B, D by the following relations:
** = ex - axT etc. (5) (21)
is the strain part due to stress. Using Eqs. (5), Eqs. (1) are [b] = - [ X ] [ Z - i ] = [cp (22)
rewritten to read
[*] = [e]lr] (6) Id] = (24)
Inverting Eqs. (6), one obtains where
^ rExx Exy Exi A, r^ [X] = [A~i][B] (25)
I Jlii yx




U [Y] = [5J[A-i] (26)
I *
IT. [Z] = [D] - [Y][B] (27)
where Note that A, B, D, a, d are symmetric matrices but that
-[A] = [E][a] (8) 6, c are, generally, not symmetric matrices.
Introducing Eqs. (11-13) in Eqs. (10) and using Eqs.
Introducing (20), one finds the following expressions for the stress com-
T T7 TTy* TTy
ponents in terms of stress resultants and couples:
IX *
rIX A"./

A T 7
[r*] = [E]{((a] + z[c])[N*] + ([b] + z[d])[M*]} (28)
T rI xy *-xy-L
' xy * (9)
These expressions clearly show a cross-thermoelasticity
Equations (7) are rewritten as follows:
effect; namely, each stress component is a linear function of
>*] = [E][e] (10) all stress resultants and couples as well as of all the quan-
tities AT*, Mit.
Defining reference surface strains (at z = 0) and bending Equations (28) may be considered as an extension of Eqs.
curvatures, as in usual in plate theory, the following strain- (70) in Ref. 2 for the isothermal plate to the thermoelastic
displacement relations of linear plate theory, based on the plate.
Euler-Bernoulli hypothesis, are possible: Since there is a complete analogy between these two equa-
tions, one can deduce the same special classes of heterogeneity
x = XQ + ZKX y = ty + ZKy
for which the cross phenomenon vanishes.2 Such a special
Xy = exy + ZKXy (11)
case, for which all elastic moduli (Young's modulus E and
Poisson's ratio v) have the same variation through the plate
X = UtX 6y = V,y xy = U,y + V,X (12) thickness, was given recently by Newman and Forray.3
Kx = W,XX Ky = W,yy KXy = 2W,Xy (13)
Note that present results hold also for a nonlinear plate
theory that accounts for finite deflections. One then only
Introduction of Eqs. (7) into the definitions has to replace Eqs. (13) by

Nx = f h rxdz Mx = fh rxzdz (14)

Jo Jo xy = U,y + V,x + W,xW,y (29)

and so on, for resultants and couples, gives a system of thermal

stress-strain relations and all other equations remain unaltered, including the main
result (28).

-[-in IB
The elastic areas, the elastic statical moments, and the
o j _K J
(15) 1
Timoshenko, S. and Goodier, J. N., Theory of Elasticity
(McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, 1951), 2nd ed., p.

Stavsky, Y.j "Bending and stretching of laminated aeolo
tropic plates," Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs., J. Eng. Mech. Div.
Newman, M. and Forray, M., "Thermal stresses and deflec-
tions in thin plates with temperature-dependent elastic moduli,"
J. Aerospace Sci. 29, 372-373 (1962).

Simplification of the Shock-Tube

io1 io 2 io 3 io 4
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.
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A useful simplification of the shock-tube equation

is pointed out for shock Mach numbers exceeding Fig. 1 Normalized shock tube performance; applicable
about 3. For given driver gas specific heat ratio, for Ms > 3 and arbitrary 71
shock-tube performance can be expressed explicitly
.for all initial conditions (including area change) by of curves thus are required to represent shock tube perform-
a single curve. The two basic variables are the ance over a range of A 41 values for usual combinations of 74
shock strength normalized in terms of diaphragm and 71.
pressure ratio, and the diaphragm density ratio. The purpose of the present note is to point out that, for
Universal performance curves are given in this form. Ms exceeding about 3, the approximation of neglecting 1
Application to tailored-interface conditions and and (71 I)/ 271 compared to Ms2 enables Eq. (1) to be
optimum performance of buffered tubes is put into a reduced form that greatly simplifies the inter-
described. pretation, graphical representation, and determination of
shock-tube performance. The reduced form of Eq. (1) is
T HE ideal-gas shock-tube equation in terms of shock Mach
number Ms and initial conditions before diaphragm rup-
ture is1
Y = {1 - [(74 - (2)

TI + 1
Ti -
il- 7 =
X =

1 __ (74 - I) (Ms2 - 1) _(74_1)/2T4"|274/Cy4-i) and

(7i + l)A 4 iM. J
is the initial density ratio across the diaphragm. Thus the
Ms shock speed divided by sound speed a\ ahead of reduced equation contains only one independent parameter,
shock 74, in addition to the two variables Y and X. The variable
Pn Pi/Pi = initial pressure ratio (>1) across diaphragm Y is the shock Mach number normalized in terms of the dia-
tti/ai = initial sound speed ratio across diaphragm phragm pressure ratio PH. The variable X is essentially
g parameter accounting for tube cross-section area the diaphragm density ratio F4J and therefore accounts for
change at diaphragm the effects of both Pn and AH.
7 specific heat ratio For practical purposes (to within a few percent accuracy),
the plot of shock-tube performance from Eq. (2) can be
Subscripts 4 and 1 denote initial states of driver and driven simplified somewhat further without loss of generality by
gases, respectively. plotting Ms/(grP4i)1/2 vs #1//TT4i, i.e., omitting the factors in
The effect of an area change at the diaphragm can be 7 and X involving 71. The insensitivity to 71 (in the usual
interpreted in terms of a constant-area shock tube having range of /i) is suggested by the limiting behavior of M8/
initial diaphragm pressure ratio gPn and sound-speed ratio (#P4i)1/2 as F4i> 0 via AH-*- , and as F4i-> via P4i~^
Ang(y*~V/2j*. Appropriate values of g are given in the oo. Three such plots of tube performance are shown in Fig.
literature, e.g., Refs. 1 and 2; g is unity for equal driver and 1 for values of 74 of 1.67, 1.4, and 1.2. These curves deter-
driven-tube areas and has a maximum value of about 2 for mine Ms in convenient form for arbitrary values of P4i, AH,
infinite contraction ratio. 71, and g. It is emphasized that the curves apply only for
For given initial conditions of P4i, An, 74, 7i, and g, the Ms exceeding about 3.
solution of Eq. (1) for Ms requires an iterative procedure. All the basic aspects of ideal shock-tube performance are
Extensive graphical results therefore have been given in made conveniently apparent by this representation. For a
previous publications, usually in the form Ms vs P4i with given value of 74, the normalized performance, i.e., M8/
An, 74, and 71 as independent parameters. A large number (</P4i)1/2, depends only on the diaphragm density ratio TH-
The most efficient operation for production of strong shocks,
Received by ARS December 10, 1962. This study was done i.e., maximum M8 for given P41, is at low values of F4i which
under Contract No. AF 33(657)-8860 for the Aeronautical
Research Laboratory, Office of Aerospace Research, U. S. Air are obtained with large values of the sound-speed ratio AH-
Force. Some increase in performance [i.e., M8/(gPn)11*] is obtained
* Assistant Head, Aerodynamic Research Department. with decrease in 74, but this increase becomes small at lower
t Research Mechanical Engineer. values of F4i.

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