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A chance at a normal life


With a frustrated sigh, Chelsea slammed her

journal closed and laid back on her bed,
listening to the soft sounds of music her
stereo played. She’d been getting a lot of
writers block lately. As well as writing poems
that didn’t make sense to her, or in writing
that she couldn’t understand. She hadn’t
been able to think properly, and got too
frustrated when she couldn’t finish a line.
Just thinking about it made her angry.
Chelsea got up and, grabbing her key that
she kept as a necklace, she unlocked one of
her drawers under her bed and placed her
journal in there.
That was where she kept her most prized
possessions. Chelsea was very paranoid
about robbers, or burglars. She wasn’t
exactly scared of them, but being the
number one news woman for the police had
made her very cautious around her home.
She’d put in security alarms at both the
front and back doors of the house, and as an
added bonus, she had bought a house that
was just a couple of blocks away from the
police station. She knew it was just a matter
of time before something bad happened to
her. She knew there wasn’t a thing called ‘a
perfect life’ and listening to all the police
stories she had heard, she knew something
bad would happen.
Looking up just in time for her alarm clock to
strike 6:46, she cursed. She was going to be
late, even though it only took five-ten
minutes to get to the police station and she
had to be there at seven, she always gave
herself five minutes to ready herself for the
day to come.
Unconsciously throwing her key necklace on
the floor, she ran to grab her keys and her
work bag wished her fat fluffy cat Buster
goodbye and made her way out of the
and got there in time to see a black sedan
drive away.
How odd.
Okay, she thought, now I think I’m getting a
little too paranoid.
She turned and locked the door, doing all
three locks just to make sure it was closed.
She jumped nearly two feet when a car horn
startled her.
“Hey, Chelse!” Chelsea instantly relaxed at
the sound of one of her police friend’s deep
“Hey, Rick,” She waved at him, and before
double-checking the door to make sure it
was locked, she made her way over to him.
“Shouldn’t you be at the station?”
“Everyone’s been called out to a reported
brutal gang battle. I’m here to give you a
lift; it’s down near trade and Fifth Street.”
Chelsea knew exactly where it was, but she
was surprised there had been an attack;
that was one of the good suburbs around
town, not known for any criminal offence.
“I can follow you if you like,” she offered.
Rick snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous, Chelse,
get in.” He pointed to the blue and red lights
on top of his car. “I can get us through
traffic in no time.”
Knowing the argument was a waste of time
and energy; she walked around the police
vehicle and got in the passenger seat.
“Crime site, here we come.” She muttered.

Rhage gave a little yell before falling flat on

his face, and then hearing the sound of the
running machine finally slowing down. He
could feel the layers of skin on his chin
being burnt away by the friction of the belt.
And it didn’t make the wounds he received
from his slayers the night before any better,
even though they were healing. It was a
hard battle, but of course he and his brother
won, but they left a lot of mess in the alley.
He knew he would pay for that later.
He growled as hard as he could, but it
sounded like more of a sick feline than a
“Ha-ha! Rhage fell down!” Little Marhio
squealed and laughed from besides the
machine, the treadmill’s electric cord and
plug in his hand.
Rhage had been going at 45kmh on hill for 6
miles. His legs felt like jelly, and his head
swam with the hit it received for colliding
into the belt of the machine.
“You little brat!” he snarled and as Marhio
ran out of the room, Rhage followed...and
then stopped dead when he saw Marhio in
his Dad’s arms, and his dad looking like he
wanted to rip Rhage’s head off.
“Control your kid, Terrohr,” Rhage
complained. “He’s a nuisance.” He rubbed
his chin and winced.
“He was just having a bit of fun, Rhage,
back off,” Terrohr kissed his son
affectionately. “Where’s your mother, my
“She’s sleeping,” Marhio said in an innocent
“And where should you be?” Terrohr pointed
“Dada,” Marhio complained.
“Come on, let’s go to bed, say goodnight,”
“Night, Rhagey,” Marhio waved before
Terrohr nodded to him and walked to the
grand staircase.
“Frickin’ kids,” Rhage muttered, before
walking back into the gym. Even though his
legs felt like Jelly and he was sweating all
over, he needed another couple more miles
to finish off training. And then he got about
four hours of sleep before he needed to be
at class in the training centre. Rhage,
Terrohr and Blaylock took turns in teaching
the training classes for the recruits. Once
they went through the transition, they would
be trained to become warriors in the fight
against the vampire slayers.
“What’s doing, Rhage?” Darius came up
from behind him.
“Hey, brother, just doing a couple of miles
before I hit the sack,”
“You got the matt’s tonight, don’t you?”
Darius asked and Rhage nodded numbly.
“Go to bed, true? You need some more shut
eye if I was you,”
“Why is that?”
“Apparently, Blay and Terrohr have planned
something for today’s session,”
uh-oh, Rhage thought, last time they came
up with something that they didn’t tell
Rhage about, Rhage was hunted down
across the state. It made him cringe just
thinking about it. This was going to be bad.
“Great. Yeah, suddenly I’m not feeling too
well.” Rhage put the wet towel across his
back; fist knuckled Darius and then headed
to his room. He could feel his tiger tattoo
move beneath his muscles as he walked. He
hated his tiger. A special gift from the scribe
virgin, it was. Well, really a punishment.
Whenever he got too emotional, this little
puppy would come to life. Pain normally set
it off, anger, and then there was the
physical frustration, but that’s a whole other
Rhage collapsed on his bed in a heap,
without even taking off his pants or his
daggers and went into a peaceful sleep.

Chelsea bent down and examined the blood

that covered the walls of the alley, noting
that it was black and not red on her
“Told you, it was worth it to come,” Rick
said from behind her, making her jump. She
thought she was all alone.
“Alright, thankyou, Rick, but I could’ve taken
my car out here,” Chelsea said, and Rick
snorted in defiance.
“Nonsense, Chelse, what are friends for?” he
gave a squeeze to her shoulder and then
bent down. “That’s some weird blood,”
“Are you sure it’s blood? It looks too dark to
be blood,”
“we’ll get the forensic team to analyse it,”
Rick said and stood up, Chelsea following.
“Could you see if there are any witnesses,
Chelse? I’m going to go talk to the other
officers and get them to go around the
blocks and look for any weapons,”
“Yeah okay,” Chelsea steeled her gaze away
from the black blood and went to on-lookers,
hoping that she’d get somewhere tody.
The blood looked familiar to her. Somehow,
she knew it was blood, and that it was bad
blood. Dangerous. She didn’t know how she
knew this, but she knew it meant badness.
Trying to get back to work, she walked up to
the first on-lookers and got out her notepad.
Rhage entered the classroom to find
Blaylock and Terrohr already addressing the
“That is your task for today, fail and it could
be costly,”
“Do I want to know why you’re here
teaching my class, because last time this
happened something bad happened to me.”
Rhage said and he saw lots of worried looks
and a few smirks. Smirks? He must be
“Blaylock and I have set a task for the
trainees,” Terrohr said and instinctively
Rhage growled low in his throat.
“Hold up there, Rhage, you haven’t even
heard what it is yet,”
“But it involves me because I wasn’t told
about this.” Rhage concluded and ran a
hand through his hair.
Blay chuckled deep in his throat. “Yes it
does. You know that scene that we
neglected to clean up last night because it
was too close to dawn; well the police found
it early this morning,” Rhage growled again,
knowing what they wanted to do.
“You don’t have a choice Rhage, so sit the
fuck down and listen,” Terrohr said but
Rhage couldn’t sit.
“Tell me,” He said with clenched teeth.
Blay nodded and told him the facts, no bull-
shitting about. Rhage had to breathe slowly
through his nose to control himself. He could
feel the tiger growing bigger around his
back; its arm stretching over his and both
Blay and Terrohr took a step back and held
their hands up in surrender.
“Rhage, not in front of the kids, dude,”
Rhage squeezed his eyes shut and turned
around, not facing the kids, he took deep
breaths; two quick breaths in, one long
breath out.
“Jesus, what if they don’t make it in time,
Blay? I’m going to be a pile of ash,”
“We’ve thought about that, if they don’t get
there by three hours to dawn, you can get it
done yourself, or we’ll come get you. It’s
their job to figure out the planning-“
“If you want me to control myself, you will
not tell me the details. Please for the love of
“Alright,” Terrohr shrugged.
“Mr. Rhage, you can count on us,” One of
the trainee’s said and Rhage just nodded,
not trusting his mouth.
“When do you want me to do it?”
“As soon as the shutters lift for the night,”
Oh, the things I do to teach, Rhage thought
Chapter 2
Chelsea sat at her desk in the police station
and typed up her report. She had to finish it
by the end of the night and send it to her
boss at the newspaper for him to read. It
had to say all the things that happened, and
if anything major happened.
That was her job. Sometimes she liked to be
away from the newspaper. She had to go
there a couple of times a month, but other
tan that she got to stay at the station with
the officers. They were nice and more than
friendly and she liked them a lot.
“Nearly done, Chelse?” George, the chief of
police leaned down and scanned the work
she had written down on the computer.
“Looks good.”
“I’ve done a piece on all the other robberies
and knife attacks today, and I’m just doing
this piece on the blood we found covering
the alley. It should make a good story,”
“That looks great, Chelsea, why don’t you
go home? You’re nearly always the last one
here. Have a night off for once,” George
“Don’t be silly, George. I don’t mind. And if I
don’t finish this, my boss will go bananas,”
George laughed. “Oh, God love you, you’re
adorable,” he patted her head and then
kissed it. A loud ringing went off.
“Sorry, Love, that’s my phone. I’ll talk to you
“Alright,” Chelsea said and he went into his
office and shut the door behind him.
Trying to make herself concentrate, she got
back to her computer and tried to type so
she could hopefully finish early. It was
extremely doubtful, but she liked to imagine
she could. On a normal day, she would finish
close to last in the police station, but there
would always be the night shifts to keep her
company. She almost never finished on
time. It was very depressing sometimes.
And now because she didn’t have a car, she
was going to keep Rick waiting. Chelsea
thought it’d just be easier and tell him to go
and she could walk home. It wasn’t that far
“Chelse! Can you get the door?” Rick’s voice
was muffled, and Chelsea caught him a
couple of meters away from the door. She
ran over to the door and opened it for Rick,
thinking he had a lot of paperwork in his
hands like he normally did, but she saw was
a big surprise to her, and she just held her
Rick was pointing a gun at an astonishing
man, which was handcuffed, and mighty tall.
Chelsea had to tilt her head a little to see
his face. He was bloody handsome! Chelsea
knew she had never seen a better male in
all her life. And somehow Chelsea seemed
calmer around him. She knew she didn’t
know him, but she knew deep inside that
she would probably get a long better with
him than even Rick. She was shocked at
herself; she didn’t know where the thoughts
had come to her.
“Chelse, go get George and some of the
other officers, will you? I’ll take you home
soon,” Rick’s voice was strained, as he
literally pushed and dragged the muscled
man forward. The man looked down at her,
and she could swear he took a deep breath
in and drank in the sight of her. She
swallowed unconsciously, and as his gaze
fell on hers, her cheeks reddened at how
handsome he was.
“Chelsea!” Rick said firmly and she seemed
to snap out of it.
“Sorry, Rick. I’ll go get him.” Chelsea
managed to say and she reluctantly took a
step backwards.
“No, don’t go, stay with me,” The male’s
voice was smooth and deep, and went right
into her, warming her insides.
“Shut up!” Rick said and pushed him
towards the cells. ”Hurry up, Chelsea,”
Chelsea got with it, and went to tell George
about Rick.
“Ah, yes, he called and told me he was
suspiciously walking around the crime site,
and when they caught him, he was carrying
a lot of weapons.” Chelsea could see such a
big male carrying weapons. He must be in
the mob gang or something. But then,
Chelsea always got a bad feeling when
someone was bad, or dangerous, and she
was usually right; this man didn’t give off
the vibe that he was bad or dangerous to
anyone, least of all her.
She sat back at her desk, and tried to type,
but all she could think about was the male.
The one with the spectacular eyes, and face,
and body. She could just imagine that
perfect body on top of hers.
“Chelse, do you want an officer to take you
home? I can’t leave yet, I’ve got to look
after the suspect.”
“Don’t worry, Rick, I’ve still got a report to
fill out about today. Take your time,” She
said softly.
“Thankyou, Chelse, I’ve got a lot of stuff to
do tonight. You don’t mind waiting?”
“Of course not, Rick,” He kissed her cheek
before storming off, and she knew he didn’t
like the guy he brought in.
Rhage let the ignorant officer handcuff him
and take him to the station. Part of this
stupid plan was to get caught which he
decided to make obvious. Terrohr packed
him with the full packet of fake guns and
fake knives, to give the officers some
inspiration to arrest him.
Personally, he thought it was a bit too
obvious, but the officers didn’t think so.
As soon as he caught sight of the woman
who opened the door, he went to complete
lust. But then it went straight to curiousity
when he inhaled. Instead of the normal
human spices that they gave off, it was a
half human and half vampire. Like she
hadn’t gone through her transition yet. It
was very concerning. Her change was soon.
The way she looked at him was as if on
some level she knew what he was, but just
couldn’t place it. Like she didn’t know. Now
he grew really concerned; if she didn’t know
that she was close to her transition, she
would go into it and die. Unless someone
found her, but it was extremely unlikely. The
poor thing. Rhage knew what it felt like, to
be left all alone, and he didn’t want her to
go through that.
Now, he was in one of the holding cells,
waiting and hoping that his boys would
figure out some secure way of getting him
out. It was doubtful, because when he was
that age, the only thing that would appeal to
him would be going in all guns blazing.
“I’m going to get you and put you away for
as long as I can.” The officer that was close
to the half-breed woman sneered through
the bars.
“And how do you plan to do that officer?”
Rhage asked slyly, and he knew he had
gotten to the officer because of the way he
tensed up. This was going to be his fun for
the night, he knew.
“You’re guilty of something, and I’m going
to find out what. Even if it is for unlicensed
firearms. I’ll put you away.”
Rhage smirked and leaned back against the
wall. “Go knock yourself out, officer, I’ll be
Chelsea tried to finish her report, but she
kept thinking about the man. She just
couldn’t get his face to go away from her
mind. She wondered what they could be
doing to him. She knew Rick could be
aggressive sometimes, and he knew he
could be a jerk. Knowing him, he would try
and find a way to blame the whole blood
alley on him. Even though he was carrying
lots of weapons, and he looked suspicious,
but Chelsea knew that didn’t mean he did
anything wrong.
Finally giving up, she stood up, and tried to
walk towards the cells without showing any
interest. It was hard because of all the
officers surrounding the whole place.
Getting in to see him was going to be hard.
But she knew she could do it. She very good
at persuasion, she always got her way, even
when she was a child.
Walking over to the automatic water
machine, she pretended to fill herself a cup,
and then when no one was watching her,
she sneaked through the door that lead to
the cells.
“Hey, Ms. Turner, you’re not allowed in
here,” She sighed when she heard an officer
walking behind her.
She turned, and held his gaze until he lost
the look of fierceness and she spoke in soft,
but firm and persisting tone.
“I was never here, you never saw me go in
here. You have a headache, why don’t go
and tell your boss that you’re calling off
sick.” He nodded and went away slowly and
she had to smile. It took a while, but she
could do it perfectly now. She didn’t know
the ‘how’s’ and the ‘why’s’ of it, but she
really didn’t care that much.
When she got to the cells, there wasn’t
anyone guarding them, but then she wasn’t
surprised. No one ever did guard the
criminals because everyone was busy with
She also knew that she didn’t have a lot of
time before an officer came in and spotted
As soon as she gave a peak into the cell
from the side, she saw him crack an eyelid,
and then gave her a grin.
“I knew you’d come back,” she gasped as
she felt warmth flow through her again at
his deep voice.
He chuckled. “What’s your name, sweety?”
He asked softly, still holding one eye open.
“Ch-Chelsea,” she confessed without
The male closed his eye, and breathed in
slowly. “Chelsea. Such a beautiful name for
such a beautiful woman.”
“Excuse me?” Chelsea shook her head.
“You know you’re not supposed to be here.
This is where they keep the big bad wolves.”
He said, making her smile, and he
immediately mirrored her smile.
“You’re not a big bad wolf,” she said quietly.
He tilted his head a little, as if to watch her
differently. “And how’d you know that?” He
asked smoothly, in a deep addictive voice
that gave Chelsea the Goosebumps.
“I…I just know. You seem familiar,” She said
hesitantly. ”Have we met?”
He gave a knowing smile. “No, we haven’t
met. But I know what you mean,”
“You do…?” She asked softly and bent down
in front of the cell.
“Chelsea!” What are you doing?” Rick
shouted from behind her and pulled her up.
“You’re not supposed to be here,”
“I…just wanted to question the suspect on
what he has to say about the alley from this
morning,” Chelsea said.
Rick just looked even more disgusted.
“That’s my job, not yours-“
“Rick, do not talk to me like that,” Chelsea
used her trick again. “You will give me
twenty more minutes. Go and finish my
report would you?” When he nodded, and
walked off, Chelsea turned and immediately
her cheeks reddened when she saw that the
suspect had come up to the bars of the cell,
and was staring at her with an amazed
“What?” Chelsea asked.
“How’d you do that?” He asked.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about. I
just told someone to do something, and they
do it. I stare into their eyes, and it’s like
“…in their head,” He finished with a smile
that said I-know-what-you-mean.
“Yes…” Chelsea trailed off. “How did you-“
“I can do it too, Chelsea. I know some
people who can do it as well.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Chelsea protested.

“Yeah, you are, Chelsea,” The male said.

“Time to break this puppy,” An officer’s
voice echoed off the wall.
“Rick can do anything,” another said.
“Chelsea, go. I’ll be here for awhile. I’d like
some company,” He raised an eyebrow as
she reluctantly stood. She could feel his
gaze on her until she rounded the corner.
Chapter 3
Rick slammed his fists on Chelsea’s desk,
and she jumped in shock.
“Why did you go and see him?” Rick
“I told you, to see if he had anything to do
with the alley,”
“I don’t think he does.” Chelsea said quietly.

“Did he tell you that? Criminals aren’t very

reliable. Do you know his name?”
“No, Rick,”
“Then why’d you stay there for so long?”
“I don’t know, Rick. What’s his name?”
“No one knows. He’s not saying anything.”
Rick ran a hand through his hair. “I’m trying
to crack this guy, but I don’t know how,”
wow, Chelsea thought, obviously he’s a little
stressed, but who wouldn’t be when it’s
nearly midnight.
“Well, then maybe you should let him go,”
Chelsea said quietly and cringed knowing
what she was getting herself into.
“Are you crazy? He was carrying weapons
that have no trace on them, what-so-ever!
And you want to just let him go?!”
“Jesus, Rick, calm down,” Chelsea scrolled
on the computer a bit.
“I’m sorry, Chelse. You don’t deserve this,”
he squeezed her shoulder, and then stepped
back and thought for a minute. “Come with
me,” He said and literally dragged her out of
her chair and into one of the interrogation
rooms that had policeman in there.
“George, send Chelsea in there,” Rick said.
“What?” Both George and Chelsea said in
“Send her in, I think she can talk to him,”
“Do you know how dangerous that is, Rick.”
“We’ll all be watching. We can have
someone in there if she wants. I think she
can crack this guy,” Rick persisted.
“I’ll go see him,” Chelsea said.
“Just stick to the questions we usually ask.”
Rick warned and took her to the one the
male was in.
She braced herself, but when she entered,
all of that disappeared when she saw him on
the ground with blood coming down his
nose, and on his shirt.
She gasped, and ran forward, making him
look up and gave her a smile.
“What do I owe this pleasure?” The suspect
said as Chelsea dropped to her knees in
front of him and went into her pockets for a
“Ms. Turner, don’t go too close-“
“Rick, What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Chelsea said with accusing eyes.
He reddened slightly and got flustered. “I-“
“Get the fuck out!” She yelled and he left
reluctantly. She turned on the suspect and
put the tissue up to his nose. “I’m so sorry,”
She murmured to him and he just grinned at
her. “Are you okay?”
“It’s going to take a lot more than a couple
of pussy punches to hurt me, Chelsea,” He
looked and smirked into the mirror where
the other officers were watching and waiting
for a slip-up.
“So, they throw you into the wolf pit
already?” He asked as she dabbed at the
blood on her face.
“Something like that,” She murmured with a
little smile. “What animals,” She muttered
under her breath.
“Human’s can be stupid sometimes,” He
agreed like he had heard me.
“Jesus, look.” Chelsea whispered to him so
the officers wouldn’t hear her. “I’m going to
try and get you out,”
“Don’t worry, Chelse,” the suspect said. “It’s
not going to take much to get out, and I’ll be
out before you know it,” he said with a grin.
“How can you smile when they practically
just beat you up?” Chelsea said with
“I’ve had worse,” he said. “Trust me,”
“Oh, I believe you,” she said and wiped at
his nose again with the now bloody tissue.
Chelsea’s hand paused when the opaque
window behind her made a large smashing
“What the hell was that?” Chelsea muttered
under her breath. “They’re probably just
fighting again.” She muttered an answer to
her own question.
“No, I’m afraid. It’s my time to go,” the
suspect said stopping her hand with his,
looking at the window behind her.
“What are you-“
the window behind them smashed, and
Chelsea saw a glimpse of Rick flying through
before she cowered away from the crystal
shards, screaming while she did it.
She was pushed against the back wall, and
then the suspect’s thick warm body covered
hers, a hand pressing her head into the
crook of his should.
“You could have handled that a bit better,
boys,” the suspect muttered.
“Sorry, boss. One of them is really
“Chelsea? Are you hurt?” Chelsea looked up,
and saw five men in warrior gear, and her
eyes widened when she saw all the guns
and knives they were carrying. One of them
grinned and winked when she met them in
the eye.
“Chelsea, look at me,” Chelsea turned her
head to the soft but commanding voice and
then regretted it when the suspect’s pupils’
dilated until it covered his whole entire
“Are you hurt, Chelsea?” He said slowly and
softly, and Chelsea’s head shook sideways,
still staring at his black eyes.
“You’re going to be fine, Chelse,” his words
rolled over her, entering through her and
going right into her brain. He wrapped his
arm around her, and turned to the men with
the guns. “Is everything secure?” he asked
in a very authoritative voice.
“Mostly, the other trainee’s are having
problems with some of the officers but
that’s about it.”
“Alright let’s go,”
“What about the human woman?” Chelsea
dimly heard another man talking, but she
“She’s in my care and none of your concern.
Let’s move.” She was lead out of the
interrogation room, down the hall and into
the foyer where her all the main officers’
desks’ were.
“Chelsea...” a voice followed by a grunt
spoke, and Chelsea turned her head to the
sound. George was on the ground, blood
covering his face from a cut on his cheek.
She gasped at how gruesome it looked and
George looked up and his eyes widened and
Chelsea followed his gaze to the suspects
arm on hers.
“Run, Chelsea!” he choke midsentence
when a man kicked him in the ribs.
“Sweet virgin,” the suspect muttered.
As Chelsea went to George’s aid, the hand
on her arm tightened and held her in the
“Let me go!” Chelsea pulled and the suspect
sighed and turned to another man.
“Can you hold her for a minute? I need to
sort this shit out before we leave.”
“Yes, sir,” the suspect sat her down and four
men came and stood beside her, one of
them putting a hand on her shoulder when
she tried to get up again.
“Stay here,” one them said. She watched as
George was brought to his knees and a man
came close to his face and slowly waved his
hand in front of him.
“Please,” She whispered, “Let me go,”
“Soon, sweetheart,” The one that had his
hand on her shoulder said, unconcerned.
Rhage was impressed by the efficiency of
his students, being at least a couple of
hours before he expected them to be there.
But, then again, they were a bit sloppy;
beating up some of the humans, breaking
the interrogation room glass window. He
didn’t like telling them off, but they needed
to learn the proper way of dealing with
something like this.
Once he cleaned everything up, he went
back into the foyer where Chelsea was up
and practically clawing at Juan’s face to get
free and Rhage could tell he was a little
shocked at the ferocity of her eagerness.
The boys around him were just laughing at
the both of them.
“Please, please!” she screamed and Rhage
snarled protectively and possessively and
darted to her side, pushing Juan away and
pulling her into his arms.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he
snarled as she started crying and pushing at
his chest.
“We just wanted a bit of fun, Mr. Rhage. It
was harmless.”
“Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, what’s wrong?
Look at me,” Rhage commanded and she
did, and then instantly fell under.
“What’s wrong?”
Her lip started trembling. “Please, let me go.
I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean it!” she said
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said and grabbed both
of her hands in his when she started to push
away again. “You’re alright. You’re safe with
me, Chelsea,” Rhage could hear her pulse
rate slow the tiniest bit and he started
rubbing small circles over the main part of
her veins on the insides of her wrists.
“That’s better,” He murmured. “What didn’t
you mean?”
“I didn’t mean to make a mess. Please let
me go...I’ll clean it up again, I promise.” She
begged, and Rhage could feel his tiger claws
going down his arms when he heard one of
his students give a chuckle.
“You fucking animals,” he snarled at his
students and the smirks on their faces
faded. “Get yourselves to the training
centre, and I’ll deal with you there.”
He turned his back on them and put all his
energy into her, calming her down and
taking the compulsion the boys put on her
When she was stable enough, Rhage got her
address and transported her straight home.
“I...I thought you were good. You said you
were good.”
“I am good, Chelsea. You’ll see,” Rhage
kissed her temple and then making eye
contact with her, he slowly brought his hand
in front of his face, taking her memories
Chapter 4
Rhage smashed through the doors to the
training centre and zeroed in on his students
which were sitting together on the mats.
Blay and Terrohr were laughing, but stopped
when they saw the expression on Rhage’s
“Which one of you did it?” Rhage snarled
and all of them visibly flinched.
“What happened?” Blaylock asked.
“I thought it went well,” Terrohr asked.
Rhage narrowed his eyes at the boys.
“Come on Rhage, their bus is here. Let them
go home,”
Without even saying a thing or waiting for a
command the boys ran into the showers.
“Hey, we’ve got a meeting with the boss in
ten, so have a shower and get down there.
We’ll see the kids out.”
Rhage breathed in through his nose. “Yeah
okay,” he said slowly. “But I just want to
congratulate them on their task.”
Blay narrowed his eyes, but nodded and let
Rhage go into the showers.
“I knew you shouldn’t have done it, Lash,”
Juan said from the changing room.
“Oh, it’s not that important, stop being such
a baby, Juan.”
“Boys,” Rhage’s voice was soft, danger
lacing every word. He grinned at the sharp
intake of breaths and then continued.
“Tomorrow, you will all be here at normal
time. Anyone who decides to skip will get
double the punishment I’m going to hand
out tomorrow,”
when silence greeted him, he said, “Is that
“Yes, sir,” was the quiet replies.
“Good. Until tomorrow,” Rhage said
smoothly and then made his way to the
king’s office.
Twenty minutes later, all of his fellow
brothers were with him, including his races’
king, Theo.
‘How did the training go boys? I heard they
had a hard task,’
Rhage just barely held back a growl, while
his fellow brothers Blay and Terrohr grinned.

“It actually went pretty well considering.”

Blay said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“There’s something I’d like to discuss with
you,” Rhage said slowly and the king
nodded, ready to take as much shit Rhage
wanted to dish out as possible.
“While I waited for rescue, not that it wasn’t
fun and all,” Rhage glared at Blay while he
faked a cough to hide his laugh. “But, I
actually found a woman there,” before he
could say anything else, his fellow brothers
all groaned, thinking they knew what he was
going to say.
“Let me finish!” When they was silence, he
continued. “Her change is soon,” He spoke
slowly so the words could sink in. “I could
feel it. But...” Rhage paused, an image of
Chelsea crying in front of him. “She doesn’t
know. She has no knowledge.”
There was a collective gasp, and the king
rubbed his forehead. “You’re sure?” when
Rhage nodded Theo sighed.
“Alright, we’ll check her out,

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