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We Do Not Choose

Mathematics as Our
Profession, It Chooses Us:
Interview with Yuri Manin
Mikhail Gelfand

This is a translation from the Russian of an interview of Yuri Manin, conducted by Mikhail Gelfand. The
interview appeared on September 30, 2008, in the newspaper Troitsky Variant (see http://www.scientific.
ru/trv/2008/), which has granted permission for the translation to be published here.
Yuri Manin holds the Trustee Chair and is professor of mathematics at Northwestern University. He is
professor emeritus at the Max-Planck-Institut fr Mathematik in Bonn, Germany, and principal researcher
at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow. Manin edited this translation for publication in the Notices.
The translator, Mark Saul, is an associate editor of the Notices, a senior scholar for the John Templeton
Foundation, and retired teacher from the Bronxville Schools.

Gelfand: Has the style of mathematical research of antiquity, whose natural development was inter-
changed in the past fifty years? rupted in Europe during the first thousand years
Manin: Individual or societal? of Christianity.) Then came the scientific journals.
Gelfand: Either. This all was put in place 300 years ago. In the last
Manin: I think that people engaged in research half of the twentieth century, computers have
in mathematics today are doing so the same way contributed to this development.
it was done 200 years ago. This is partly because Gelfand: But between Newton and Lagrange,
we dont choose mathematics as our profession, and the second half of the twentieth century, noth-
but rather it chooses us. And it chooses a certain ing significant changed?
type of person, of which there are no more than Manin: No. This social system was consolidated,
several thousand in each generation, worldwide. academies plus universities plus journals. These
And they all carry the stamp of those sorts of developed bit by bit and assumed the form in
people mathematics has chosen. which we now know them. Take for example the
The social style has changed, in the sense that first volume of Crelles Journal (Journal of Pure and
social institutions have changed within which Applied Mathematics), which came out in 1826
one studies mathematics. This evolution was not well, it doesnt differ at all from a contemporary
unusual. There was the period of Newton, later journal. Abels article appeared there, on the un-
of Lagrange and so forth, when academies and solvability in radicals of the general equation of
universities were being formed, when individual degree higher than four. A wonderful article! As
mathematical amateurs, who once studied alchemy a member of the editorial board of Crelle, I would
or astrology in the same way, by exchanging letters, accept it even today with great pleasure.
started forming social structures. (I omit the period In the last few decades, the interface between
society and professional mathematicians has
Mikhail Gelfand is vice-director for science at the A. A. changed. This interface now embraces computer
Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Prob- folks and people around them, including various
lems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. PR people whom we need because of new methods


of financing our work, related to proposals, grants, experiment. If some
and things like that. In mathematics this looks bright idea occurs to him
oddyou must first write just what it is you are that something is equal
doing that is so great, then later give an accounting to something else, he can
of what youve accomplished. sit and sit and compute
Gelfand: A student of Kantorovich1 used to tell a value, a second value,
how in a midyear report Kantorovich wrote, with a a third, a millionth. Not
straight face, The theorem is 50 percent proven. only that. People have
Manin: In the Mathematics Institute in Moscow now emerged who have
there was a clear-cut system: I would write that I mathematical minds, but

Photo courtesy of Xenia Semenova.

was planning to prove the theorems that in fact are computer oriented.
were proven in the past year. Then I had a whole More precisely, these
year to continue my work. sorts of people were
But these are all trifles. So long as mathematics around earlier, but, with-
chooses us, and so long as there are people such out computers, somehow
as Grigory Perelman and Alexander Grothendieck, something was missing.
we will remember our ideals. In a sense, Euler was like
Gelfand: Yes, grants in mathematics are some- that, to the extent that
thing very odd. On the other hand, if we dont have he was just a mathemati-
grants, what other mechanisms might there be? cianhe was much more
Yuri Manin, Cinque Terre, Italy,
Manin: Well, what do we need? Salaries for than just a mathemati-
people and a budget for the institution. I was lucky, cianbut Euler the math-
I worked for a salary and on a budget, not just in ematician would have taken to computers passion-
Moscow, but in Bonn for fifteen years. I dont see ately. And also Ramanujan, a person who didnt
anything bad in that. even really know mathematics. Or, for instance, my
But the fact that the organizations that provide colleague here at the institute, Don Zagier. He has
these salaries and budgets have decided to adopt a natural and great mathematical mind, which is at
the marketplace language is another thing entirely. the same time ideally suited to work with comput-
The marketplace debases three areas: health care, ers. Computers help him study this Platonic reality,
education, and culture. Roger Bacon keenly spoke and, I might add, quite effectively.
about the idols of the marketplace fallacy. Math- I myself am not this sort of person at all, but I
ematics is a part of culture, in the broad sense of understand what this is about and would be glad
that term, and not part of industry or services or to have collaborators who might help me in this.
something of that sort. So this is what computers have done for pure
Gelfand: But wont market-free methods lead to mathematics.
stagnation, so that there will be no progress? Gelfand: What about the relationship between
Manin: Up to now there has been no stagnation. mathematics and theoretical physics? How is that
Gelfand: What you talk about is possible for structured?
mathematics, because mathematics is an inexpen-
Manin: This relationship has changed during
sive science.
my own lifetime.
Manin: Exactly. I always say, Why should we It is important to note that in the time of New-
put ourselves on the market? We (a) dont cost ton, Euler, Lagrange, Gauss, the relationship was
anything, and (b) dont use up natural resources so close that the same people did research in both
and dont spoil the environment. Give us salaries, mathematics and theoretical physics. They might
and leave us in peace. I dont wish to generalize at have considered themselves more as mathemati-
all: I speak only of mathematics. cians or more as physicists, but they were exactly
Gelfand: You mentioned computers. What has the same people. This lasted until about the end
changed in mathematics since their appearance? of the nineteenth century. The twentieth century
Manin: What has changed in pure mathematics? revealed significant differences. The story of the
The unique possibility of doing large-scale physi- development of the general theory of relativity
cal experiments in mental reality arose. We can is a striking example. Not only did Einstein not
try the most improbable things. More exactly, not know the mathematics he needed, but he didnt
the most improbable things, but things that Euler even know that such mathematics existed when
could do even without a computer. Gauss could he started understanding the general theory of
also do them. But now, what Euler and Gauss could relativity in 1907 in his own brilliantly intuitive lan-
do, any mathematician can do, sitting at his desk. guage. After several years dedicated to the study
So if he doesnt have the imagination to distin- of quanta, he returned to gravitation and in 1912
guish some features of this Platonic reality, he can wrote to his friend Marcel Grossmann: Youve got
1 L. V. Kantorovich (19121986), Soviet mathematician to help me, or I will go out of my mind! Their first
and economist, Nobel Prize in Economics 1975. article was called A sketch of a theory of general


relativity and a theory of grav- developed in parallel and after
ity: I. Physics Part by Albert a while stopped taking notice of
Einstein; II. Mathematics Part by each other. In the 1940s Feyn-
Marcel Grossmann. man wrote about his wonderful
This attempt was half suc- path integral, a new means of
cessful. They found the right quantifying things, and worked
language but had not yet found on it in a startlingly mathemati-
the right equations. In 1915 cal wayimagine something
the right equations were found like the Eiffel Tower, hanging
in the air with no foundation,
Photo courtesy of Xenia Semenova.

by Einstein and David Hilbert.

Hilbert derived them by find- from a mathematical point of
ing the right Lagrangian den- view. So it exists and works just
sitythe importance of this right, but standing on nothing
problem, it seems, for some we know of. This situation con-
time eluded Einstein as well. It tinues to this very day. Then,
was a great collaboration of two in the 1950s the quantum field
great minds that unfortunately theory of nuclear forces started
prompted historians to start to appear, and it turned out that
silly fights about priorities. The mathematically the respective
creators themselves have been Manin, in front of the panorama of classical fields are connection
grateful and generous in rec- Rome from the gallery of forms. The classical equation
ognizing each others insights. San Pietro, 1998. of stationary action for them
For me, this story marks the was known in differential ge-
period in which mathematics and physics parted ometry. The equation of Yang-Mills entered the
ways. This divergence continued until about the scene, mathematicians began to look askance at
1950s. The physicists dreamed up quantum me- the physicists, and the physicists at the mathema-
chanics, in which they found a need for Hilbert ticians. It turned out, paradoxicallyand for me
space, Schrdingers equations, the quantum of pleasantlythat we began to learn more from the
action, the uncertainty principle, the delta func- physicists than they learned from us. It turned out
tion. This was a completely new type of physics that with the help of quantum field theory and the
and a completely new type of philosophy. What- apparatus of the Feynman integral they developed
ever pieces of mathematics were necessarythey cognitive tools that allowed them to discover one
developed them themselves. mathematical fact after another. These werent
proofs, just discoveries. Later the mathematicians
Meanwhile, the mathematicians did analysis,
sat themselves down, scratched their heads, and
geometry, started creating topology and functional
reshaped some of these discoveries in the form of
analysis. The important thing at the beginning of
theorems and began trying to prove them in our
the century was the pressure by philosophers and
honest manner. This shows that what the physi-
logicians, trying to clarify and purify the insights
cists do is indeed mathematically meaningful. And
of Cantor, Zermelo, Whitehead, et al., about sets
the physicists say, We always knew that, but of
and infinity. Somewhat paradoxically, this line of
course, thanks for your attention. But in general,
thought generated both what came to be known
as a result, we learned from the physicists what
as the crisis in foundations and, somewhat later,
questions to ask, and what answers we might pre-
computer science. The paradox of a finite language
supposeas a rule, they turn out to be correct. The
that can give us information about infinite things
renowned physicist and mathematician Freeman
is this possible? Formal languages, models and
Dyson in his Gibbs lectures Missed opportunities
truth, consistency, (in)completenessvery impor-
(1972) has beautifully described many cases when
tant things were developed, but quite disjoint from
mathematicians and physicists lost chances of
physicists preoccupations of that time.
making discoveries by neglecting to talk to each
And Alan Turing appeared, to tell us: The other. Especially striking for me was his revela-
model of a mathematical deduction is a machine, tion that he himself missed the opportunity of
not a text. A machine! Brilliant. In ten years, we discovering a deeper connection between modular
had von Neumann machines and the principle of forms and Lie algebras, just because the number
separation of programs (software) and hardware. theorist Dyson and the physicist Dyson were not
Twenty years moreand everything was ready. speaking to each other.
During the first third of the century, except for Then Witten appeared, with his unique gift for
particular mindsvon Neumann was undoubtedly the production of glorious mathematics from this
both a physicist and a mathematician, and I know very Eiffel Tower that hangs in the air. I looked in
of no other person with a mind on that scale in Wikipedia: before getting his Ph.D. in physics in
the twentieth centurymathematics and physics 1976, when he was twenty-five, he was planning to


engage in political journalism, then economics of view. There are rather harsh critics of all this
until he finally heard the call of mathematics and set-theoretic foundational work, who criticize Bour-
physics. bakis isolation from the physicists and the wonder-
He is the master of such astonishing mental ful possibilities they can open for us.
equipment, which produces mathematics of un- Manin: There is nothing special in this. The fact
likely strength and force, but arising from physical that they curse at Bourbaki shows that they dont
insights. And the starting point of his insights is know how things are now done. What Bourbaki
not the physical world, as it is described by experi- did was to take a historical step, just as what Can-
mental physics, but the mental machinery devel- tor himself did. But this step, while it played an
oped for the explanation of this world by Feynman, enormous role, is very simpleit was not creating
Dyson, Schwinger, Tomonaga, and many other the philosophical foundations of mathematics, but
physicistsmachinery that is entirely mathemati- rather developing a universal common mathemati-
cal but that has very weak mathematical founda- cal language, which could be used for discussion
tion. It is such an earthshaking heuristic principle, by probabilists, topologists, specialists in graph
not at all some triviality, but, I must say again, an theory or in functional analysis or in algebraic
enormous structure without a foundation, at least geometry, and by logicians as well.
of the kind we have gotten accustomed to. You start with a few common elementary
Gelfand: So has everyone grown used to the fact words, set, element, subset, then you build up
that there is no foundation, and lived with it, or are definitions of the basic structures that you study,
they trying to build a foundation? group, topological space, formal language .
Manin: None of the attempts that have been Their names form the second layer of your own
made have succeeded in sufficient generality. terminology. There might come the third, fourth,
Mathematicians have developed a few approxi- or fifth layer, but basic construction rules are
mations to what we might call the Feynman common, and getting together, people could talk
integral; for example, Wiener integration, which to each other with complete understanding: For-
was invented as early as the 1920s. It was used to mal language is a set of letters, plus a subset of
study Brownian motion, where there is a rigorous well-formed wordsterms, plus connectives and
mathematical theory. There are also some interest- quantifiers, plus deduction rules . From this
ing variants, but the theory is much more narrow perspective, Gdels incompleteness theorem, for
than is required to cover all varied applications of example, loses any sort of mystery. The theorem
the Feynman integral. You see, as a mathematical acquires its mystery when you start examining
theory its smallin strength or power it is not it philosophically, but actually, it is simply a
comparable to the machinery that now produces theorem stating that a certain structure does not
really great mathematics. have finitely many generators. Oh, my God! Such
I dont know what will happen with the ma- structures are a penny a pound, but just think,
chinery when Witten stops working on it, but I here is one more. The profundity appears when
very much hope that it will soon permeate the we add to this a particular self-referential seman-
mathematical world. A small industry has arisen tics. Then it enters the philosophical foundation
whose goal is to prove the theorems that Witten of mathematics.
guessed, in particular, in the so-called Topological So Bourbaki in fact did something completely
Quantum Field Theory (TQFT), and its output is different from what these guys think. (I omit here
ample and well known. any discussion of Bourbakis influence on math-
Actually, homotopical topology and TQFT have ematics education in France: as with all sociological
grown so close that I have started thinking that questions, this may arouse a chorus of controversy
they are turning into the language of new founda- in any audience.)
tions. Gelfand: What is the status of hypotheses in
Such things have already occurred. Cantors mathematics? For example, Fermats Last Theo-
theory of the infinite had no basis in the older remin recent years no one has been trying to find
mathematics. You can argue about this as you a counterexample: everyone understood that it was
like, but this was a new mathematics, a new way correct and that one must try to prove it. And there
to think about mathematics, a new way to produce are many such well-known propositions, especially
mathematics. In the final analysis, despite the in number theory.
arguments, the contradictions, Cantors universe Manin: Here I take a position that sets me apart
was accepted by Bourbaki without apology. They from many good colleagues. Ive heard many argu-
created pragmatic foundations, adopted for ments against me on this subject. I must explain to
many decades by all working mathematicians, as you how I imagine mathematics. I am an emotional
opposed to normative foundations that logicists Platonist (not a rational one: there are no rational
or constructivists tried to impose upon us. arguments in favor of Platonism). Somehow or
Gelfand: It seems that mathematicians writing other, for me mathematical research is a discov-
about Bourbaki in Russian have different points ery, not an invention. I imagine for myself a great


castle, or something like that, and you gradually Gelfand: That is, instead of a single distinct de-
start seeing its contours through the deep mist, tail, you vaguely see a whole building.
and begin to investigate something. How you Manin: Yes. And so you begin to blow away
formulate what it is youve seen depends on your the mists, to find appropriate telescopes, seek
type of thinking and on the scale of what you have analogies with edifices that have been discovered
seen, and on the social circumstances around you, before, create a language for the things that you
and so on. see so vaguely, and so on. This is what I would call,
What you have seen can be formulated as tentatively, a program.
the presence or absence of something. Look at Cantors theory of the infinite was such a pro-
x2 + y 2 = z 2. It is wonderful that we can write gram. It was a rare event: it was at once a program
down all the integral solutions in one formulain and a discovery, that there were orders of infinity.
a certain sense this was known to Diophantus. And, say, the continuum hypothesiswhether
When youve done this, it raises a question: Fine, there is something between the countable infinity
but what about cubes? You search and search, and and the continuumis a question that has turned
there are none. Hmm. How strange. And if we ask out to be less important than many other ques-
about fourth powers? Hmm. Again nothing. Well, tions, but very stimulating. If Cantor had asked
can it be that there is never anything further? And only about thisit would have been bad. Its sig-
so you discover a difference between the second nificance would have been discovered only in the
power and the third, fourth, and so on. This history future. But he did considerably more right away;
of Fermats Last Theorem, well, it is that sort of he started a whole program of investigation.
history. But when you pose a problem, that this- Weils hypothesis, about how many solutions
and-this is equal to that-and-that, or that such-and- there are to an equation modulo p, is such a pro-
such never happens, you never know in advance if gram, which became well known during my life-
you have a good problem or a bad onenot until time. He immediately saw a striking analogy: in the
it is solved or almost solved. areas where he was looking, there was a gap, but
Problems have qualities. In number theory, in other places there was an entire theory, (co)ho-
there are many problems that can be formulated mology theory, implying the Lefschetz theorem on
in elementary terms, and we know that Fermats fixed points of maps. Half of Grothendiecks life,
Last Theorem was a wonderful problem. We know and of several people around him including Pierre
this because, throughout its history, from its state- Deligne, was devoted to filling this gap. They filled
ment to its solution, it turned out to be connected the gap, the analogy became precise, and modern
to a host of things that were not connected to each algebraic geometry was born. And much more has
other a priori. And for its solution, it was neces- happened as a result: set theory as the language of
sary to investigate these fundamental things. The contemporary mathematics started to recede, and
problem turned out to be a detail in an enormous categories, with all subsequent superstructures,
edifice. started to replace sets in their old function.
But we can take other problems, say those con- In logic, there was Hilberts program, except
cerning perfect numbers or twin primes. Are there that he formulated it too optimistically. He wanted
infinitely many perfect numbers, that is, numbers to prove that everything true was provable. He
that are equal to the sum of their divisors? Or infi- saw the contours of the edifice inaccurately, but
nitely many pairs of primes whose difference is 2? the program developed anyway. Gdel, Turing,
To this day, no one has built any interesting theory Church, von Neumann, computers, and computer
around these problems, although their statements scienceto a great degree this originated with
look no worse than that of Fermats Last Theorem. Hilbert.
Gelfand: Are these properties of the problems The four-color problem is for me an example
themselves, or is it just that no one is actively inves- of a bad problem which didnt lead to a program.
tigating them, for some social reason? It was proved with the aid of computers so that
Manin: As a Platonist, I know that this is a to this day swords are crossed over it. But thats
property of the problems themselves, but it is a not so important as the fact that until now no one
property that one cannot recognize at the moment has incorporated it into any sort of sufficiently
of formulating the problem. It reveals itself in the rich context. So it is simply a means of training
process of historical development. the mind.
Partly for this reason, I am not partial to prob- For these reasons, I generally dont like prob-
lems. Solving a problem requires the skill of lems as such. But when a problem arises within a
finding a detail, but you dont know what it is a programthats when it can be a good one, when
detail of. As a Platonist, I am partial to complete we know in advance to what edifice this detail be-
programs. A program arises when a great math- longs. The Riemann Hypothesis, without a doubt,
ematical mind sees something as a whole, or not is a problem that Riemann originated within a
as a whole, but as something more than a single program, although during the course of a century
detail. But it is seen at first only vaguely. and a half, the narrow number theorists continued


to look at it as a very important isolated challenge. this quest, one has to introduce self-referentiality,
Im somewhat apprehensive that its first solution and the rest becomes the matter of inventiveness,
might be a proof using blunt analytic methods. brilliantly demonstrated by Tarski and Gdel.
It will receive every imaginable prize, the solu- At the start of the formulation of the program,
tion will be acclaimed in every newspaper in the people made wrong guesses about what it would
world, and all of this will be misleading because lead to, and the counterexamples showed that
the right solution should be given in a wider these were in fact errors.
context, which we already know. We even know Gelfand: Were there other interesting wrong
several approaches to a solution. Nevertheless, it perceptions?
is quite possible that the first solution will be a Manin: There were some showing a lack of
poor and uninteresting one. human imagination. In the history of mathemat-
Gelfand: Are there hypotheses that everyone ics, such things are not usually called counter-
had grown used to and assumed to be obviously examples, but paradoxes. Take for instance the
correct, but then counterexamples were found? theorem of Banach-Tarski. You start with a ball,
Manin: I dont think I know of any long-standing and it turns out that you can cut it into five pieces,
hypotheses that people believed, but then found rearrange them, put them back together, and you
counterexamples. obtain two balls of the same size as the initial one.
Gefand: If someone found a counterexample to This construction tells us a lot. For example, to the
Fermats Last Theorem, rather than a proof, would critics of the set-theoretic approach in general, it
this be a great earthshaking event? Or would it means that if this view leads one to such an as-
simply mean that the problem was not a good one? sertion, then it is not mathematics, but some sort
The problem would still have been a good of wild nonsense. For logicians it is an example of
one, because it stimulated the development of a a paradoxical application of the axiom of choice
context. And then someone solves it within this of Zermelo and so an argument against accept-
context. The answer could be positive or nega- ing it. And aside from all this, it is very beautiful
tivethis second question is less significant. The geometry. Once I was asked to deliver a lecture
significance of the question is that it helped to for the general public in an art museum, and I
establish an important context. decided that the Banach-Tarski paradox is a great
If a counterexample had been found before subject for the presentation The Abstract Art of
the 1960s, everyone would have been scratching Mathematics. The key point was that we must
their heads. If a counterexample had been found not imagine pieces as solid material objects, but
somewhere in the 1970s, it would have been very rather clouds of points. We must imagine that a
interesting and somewhat shattering, because by ball consists of indivisible points. You are allowed
that time it had become clear that Fermats Last to call a piece any subset of these points, you can
Theorem could be deduced from several other move it and turn it around, but only as a whole,
conjectures that are far from simple and that had moving it as a single object, so that the pairwise
a more far-reaching character, related to the Lang- distances between points remain the same. So you
lands program. By then it was known that if these split the sphere not into solid pieces, but into five
things were true, then so was Fermats Last Theo- clouds. And these clouds can mutually penetrate
rem. Of course if a counterexample to Fermats each other; in fact, theres nothing solid about
Last Theorem had been found, then these things them. They have no volume, no weight, they are
would have to be false. And this would have meant wonderful objects of a highly trained imagination.
the destruction of a much more fundamental and Why is there no obvious contradiction? Isnt it
complex system of belief. It would have evoked true that two balls contain more points than each
enormous interest and attempts at understanding one? No, the infinite number of points is exactly
what was amiss, we would have to rebuild a lot of the same, thats easy to prove. I explained this to
the edifice, and so on. All that would have followed my grandson, that there are as many points in a
from the discovery of a counterexample. sheet of paper as there are on the wall of the room.
Gelfand: Have there been such strong counter- Take the sheet of paper, and hold it so that it
examples in history? Perhaps Gdels Theorem? blocks your view of the wall completely. The paper
Before that it was supposed that one could prove hides the wall from your sight. Now if a beam of
everything that is true. light comes out of every point on the wall and
Manin: Hilbert believed this, and I dont know lands in your eye, it must pass through the sheet
how many others believed it. But this shows that of paper. Each point on the wall corresponds to a
you must view this program correctly. Its first point on the sheet of paper, so there must be the
important outcome was the construction of a same number of each.
mathematical context in which one could formu- The message here is that if you make a dust of
late questions about truth and provability in math- individual points out of your initial ball, there will
ematics as precise mathematical problems rather be enough points to fill two, or three, or even an
than vague philosophical ones. By the nature of infinity of balls of arbitrary sizes. The difficulty


arises when you try to define clouds of points that one was called this-and-this; so I apply slightly
you will have to move and turn and rearrange into different axioms, and I will call it such-and-such.
two balls leaving no gaps. This is mathematical When you start talking, you start with this. That
trickery, very beautiful, but if you want to explain is, at first we start with the discrete sets of Can-
it well, you need much more time. tor, upon which we impose something more in the
So its not a counterexample, but a paradox baf- style of Bourbaki.
fling an untrained imagination. But fundamental psychological changes also
Several such paradoxes were discovered during occur. Nowadays these changes take the form of
the time of transition between classical mathemat- complicated theories and theorems, through which
ics and set theoretic mathematics. There was the it turns out that the place of old forms and struc-
theorem that a curve could fill the square. There tures, for example, the natural numbers, is taken
were many such things, and they taught us a lot. by some geometric, right-brain objects.
Many people thought that this was pure fantasy, Instead of sets, clouds of discrete elements, we
but the newly trained imagination allowed one to envisage some sorts of vague spaces, which can be
recognize paradoxical behavior of Fourier series, very severely deformed, mapped one to another,
to understand Brownian motion, then to invent and all the while the specific space is not impor-
wavelets, and it turned out that these were not tant, but only the space up to deformation. If we
at all fantasies but almost applied mathematics. really want to return to discrete objects, we see
Gelfand: So what will happen in the next twenty continuous components, the pieces whose form or
years? even dimension does not matter. Earlier, all these
Manin: I dont foresee any revolutionary spaces were thought of as Cantor sets with topol-
changes, because in my view there have been none ogy, their maps were Cantor maps, some of them
in the last 300 years. Every time new and powerful were homotopies that should have been factored
intuitions arose, mathematics retained its charac- out, and so on.
ter, in some strange way. This is also a theme of a I am pretty strongly convinced that there is an
lecture, one Ive not given. I would like to show the ongoing reversal in the collective consciousness of
development of the idea of the integers from the mathematicians: the right hemispherical and ho-
most remote times to Kolmogorov complexity, and motopical picture of the world becomes the basic
all this can be done almost without appealing to intuition, and if you want to get a discrete set, then
you pass to the set of connected components of a
new mathematics. One and the same idea persists.
space defined only up to homotopy.
It changes a bit in one era or another, its verbal
That is, the Cantor points become continuous
casing changes. But all the same it stays completely
components, or attractors, and so onalmost from
invariant and so lives on. Nothing is forgotten.
the start. Cantors problems of the infinite recede
And so I dont foresee anything extraordinary
to the background: from the very start, our images
in the next twenty years. Probably, a rebuilding of
are so infinite that if you want to make something
what I call the pragmatic foundations of math-
finite out of them, you must divide them by an-
ematics will continue. By this I mean simply a
other infinity.
codification of efficient new intuitive tools, such
This is parallel to the way we envisage a Feyn-
as Feynman path integrals, higher categories, the
man integral. At first it is just a hieroglyph charged
brave new algebra of homotopy theorists, as
with an interpretational challenge. The first two,
well as emerging new value systems and accepted
three, four steps of interpretation are all ad hoc,
forms of presenting results that exist in the minds appealing to various analogies with other cases
and research papers of working mathematicians where the mathematics is clean (toy models). At
here and now, at each particular time. a certain stage you may get a formal series that
When pragmatic foundations of mathematics doesnt just diverge, but consists of terms that are
are made explicit, usually in several variants, the themselves divergent (although finite-dimensional)
advocates of different versions may start quarrel- integrals. Then you artificially regularize each
ing, but to the extent that it all exists in the brains term, making it finite. But the series, in general,
of the working generation of mathematicians, still diverges. So you invent an interpretation of
there is always something they have in common. the series. And finally, having forced your way
So, after Cantor and Bourbaki, no matter what through a crowd of infinities, you obtain a finite
we say, set theoretic mathematics resides in our answer. As a bonus, you get a series of marvelous
brains. When I first start talking about something, mathematical theorems. I see in this an analogy
I explain it in terms of Bourbaki-like structures: with a rebuilding of pragmatic foundations in
topological spaces, linear spaces, the field of real terms of category theory and homotopic topology.
numbers, finite algebraic extensions, fundamental
groups. I cannot do otherwise. If Im thinking of
something completely new, I say that it is a set
with such-and-such a structure; there was one like
this before, called this-and-that; another similar


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