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Case Information Sheet

IC C -PIDS-CIS-CI-01-010/14_Eng
Situation in Cte dIvoire
Updated: 18 November 2014
The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo

Laurent Gbagbo
Accused of four counts of crimes against humanity in the context of post -electoral violence in Cte dIvoire. Charges confirmed on 12 June
2014. In ICC custody.

Date of birth: 31 May 1945

P lace of birth: Mama village of the Ouragahio sous-prfecture, Gagnoa department in Cte dIvoire

Nationalit y: Ivorian

Current situation: Detained at the Detention Centre in The Hague

Warrant of arrest: Issued under seal on 23 November 2011 | Unsealed on 30 November 2011

Transfer to The Hague: 30 November 2011

Initial appearance hearing: 5 December 2011

Confirmat ion of charges hearing: 19 - 28 February 2013

Decision on the confirmat ion of charges: 12 June 2014

Opening of the trial: sc heduled on 7 July 2015

Laurent Gbagbo is ac c used of having engaged his individual criminal responsibility for four counts of crimes against humanity , in Abidjan,
Cte d'Ivoire, jointly with members of his inner circle and through members of the pro -Gbagbo forces (article 25(3)(a) of the Rome S tatute)
or, in the alternative, for ordering soliciting and inducing the commission of these crimes (article 25(3)(b) of the Rome S tatute) or, in the
alternative, for c ontributing in any other way to the commission of these crimes (article 25(3)(d) of the Rome S tatute):

other inhumane acts or in the alternative attempted murder,
and persec ution

These c rimes were allegedly committed between 16 and 19 December 2010 during and after a pro -Ouattara march on the RTI headquarters,
on 3 Marc h 2011 at a womens demonstration in Abobo, on 17 March 2011 by shelling a densely populated area in Abobo, and on o r around
12 April 2011 in Yopougon.

Key judicial developments:


Cte dIvoire , which was not party to the Rome Statute at the time , had accepted the jurisdiction of the ICC on 18 April 2003, by a
de claration made in accordance with article 12-3 of the Rome Statute; on both 14 De ce mber 2010 and 3 May 2011, the Pre side ncy of
Cte d'Ivoire rec onfirmed the countrys acceptance of this jurisdiction.

Following the de claration of Cte dIvoire , the ICC Prosecutor conducted a pre liminary e xamination of the situation. He conclude d that
the crite ria to ope n an inve stigation are met and submitted, on 23 June 2011, a re que st for authorisation to ope n inve stigations on his
own initiative (calle d inve stigation proprio motu) into the situation in Cte dIvoire .

On 3 Octobe r 2011, the Pre -Trial Chamber judges granted the Prosecutors re quest to open an investigation with re spect to alle ged
crime s within the jurisdiction of the Court committed in Cte dIvoire since 28 Nove mber 2010, as we ll as with re gard to crimes that
may be committed in the future in the conte xt of the same situation in this country.

The judge s also re quested the Prosecutor to re vert to the Chamber with any additional information that is available to him on
pote ntially re le vant crimes committed be tween 2002 and 2010. The Prose cutor complie d with this re que st on 3 Nove mber 2011. On 22
Fe bruary 2012, the Pre -Trial Chamber de cided to e xpand its authorisation for the inve stigation in Cte dIvoire to include crim e s within
the jurisdiction of the Court alle gedly committed be tween 19 Se ptember 2002 and 28 Nove mbe r 2010.
Case Information Sheet The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo

On 15 Fe bruary 2013, Cte dIvoire ratifie d the Rome Statute.


On 25 Octobe r 2011, the Prosecution submitted to the Pre -Trial Chamber judges an application unde r article 58 of the Rome Statute for
the issuance of a warrant for the arrest of Laurent Gbagbo.

On 23 Nove mbe r 2011, the judge s issued a warrant of arrest unde r seal. The arrest warrant against Mr Gbagbo was unseale d on 30
Nove mbe r 2011, whe n he was transferred to the ICC de tention centre at The Hague , by the Ivorian authorities.

On 5 De ce mber 2011, the judge s he ld an initial appe arance he aring to ve rify the ide ntity of the suspect and to e nsure that he was clearly
informe d of the charges brought against him and of his rights unde r the Rome Statute.

The confirmation of charges he aring in the case took place on 19- 28 Fe bruary 2013.

Following the confirmation of charges he aring, the Chamber de cide d to adjourn the he aring and re quested the Prosecutor to conside r
providing it with furthe r e vide nce or conduct additional inve stigations. In accordance with an e stablished calendar, the Chamber
re ce ived additional submissions of e vide nce and observations by the Prosecution, the De fence and the victims representative.

The Chambe r thoroughly e xamined all the e vide nce submitted to it by the partie s, which include d the statements of 108 witne ss es,
more than 22.000 page s of othe r documentary e vide nce, as we ll as a large amount of audio and vide o mate rial.

On 12 June 2014, Pre -Trial Chambe r I confirmed by majority four charges of crimes against humanity (murde r, rape, othe r inhumane
acts or in the alte rnative attempted murde r, and pe rsecution) against Laurent Gbagbo and committed him for trial be fore a Trial

The trial is sche dule d to ope n on 7 July 2015 be fore Trial Chamber I.

On 28 De ce mber 2011, the Re gistrar provisionally found Mr Gbagbo indige nt pe nding ve rification by the Court of the informatio n
containe d in his application. The cost of his De fe nce is the refore borne by the Court unde r the le gal assistance scheme.

Pre -Trial Chamber I granted 199 pe rsons the status of victims authorised to participate in the proceeding.

Composition of Trial Chamber I

Judge Ge offrey He nderson, Pre siding Judge
Judge Cuno Tarfusser
Judge Olga He rre ra-Carbuccia

Representation of the Office of the Prosecutor

Fatou Be nsouda, Prosecutor
James Stewart, De puty Prosecutor

Defence Counsel for Laurent Gbagbo

Emmanue l Altit
Agathe Bahi Baroa n
Natasha Fauveau Ivanovic

Legal Representatives of the Victims

Paolina Massidda, Principal Counse l

www.icc-cpi.int | T his is not an official document. I t is intended for public information only.
I nternational Criminal Court: M aanweg, 174; 2516 AB, The H ague, The N etherlands. Postal address: Po Box 19519; 2500 CM, The Hague,
T he N etherlands. T el. + 3 1 (0)70 5 15 8515; Fax. +3 1 (0)70 515 8555. YouTube: www.youtube.com/IntlCriminalCourt;
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