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No .RD 99 AQB 80 •.


Karriatakn Government Secretariat.

. Vf.dh ana S('udha.

Bang a Lor-e , Dt: 2i 51~!f o v smber- 1980.

t .: j, C I R C U L A R

Sub: - Land Acqu:Js l+Lon orocedure .. Avoidance of La oa es - Ins+r uc+Lons for -

Ref:- l.CirculD.r No.RD 42 AQP 69, d n t ed 4-12-1972. 2.C.irculnr No.RD 16 AQW 80, dated 7-2-1980.

The Land Acqu is 1 tion Ao t (Karna taka Ex rens Ion and Amendment.

Acts 1961), the K,9.rnaraka Loud Aoqu t s t tLon RUles 1965 ahd the Kar-na taka Land Acquls Lr Lon (Companies) Rules 1973 have clearly [laid down the procedure to be followed in acq u Lr Lng ,.he nr-Lva+e !propertiBs for public r>UI'p')so. Besides,. In the Hsnd Book on ILona ACqlisition and t-ho c Lr-o u.Lar s c t+e d above, the procedural as oe c +s are made c Le sr-n so +h a t there may no t be any laps eS or Lac unae in the proceedings.

. Insplte or the above, it is seen thnt some of the Luri d \

Acqu is it ion Officers 01'8 not careful in ob s e r-v ing . t he Ins +r-uo +Lona' properly While building ~p rhe recoras. and in s0nding rhelr

or o nos a Ls to Government f:;r orders.· Some such lapses observed

are a8 follows:-




1. The time schedule fixed for various srages of

the Land Acquisition in CircUlar No.RD 22 AQp 69, dated 17-4-1969 (P.52 of the Land Acquisition Hand Book) arEi not adhered to.


2. GaZGrta cn~y of 4(1) Nbtlflcatlon is not mnde available in tho records. and. In some c a s c s wnere Itis available, the page number rrnd dato of the Gazet+e Is not forth coming.

S. The 4(1) No+Lf'Lo a+Lon is not served on the Kharedars/Anubhavadars. and even If served, the dated acknowledgements to that effect

'are not available in the records. They

are also not arran gad In the order In, whIch they appear In t-he Notlflcntion, which Is necSssary rer verification.

4. The records do not contain ME1hazllr for ha v Lng p ub Lf sb e d the subsronce.of the 4(1} Notificarion in the village Chawadi; but in some caSeS merely rhe certlfic~tes of the Village Accountants are furnished, which is not

eno ugh ,

9. !'he enclosures to 5-A l'orort are not pronurly filled up and In C~S8S whore the objoctlona are to be over--r-uj e s , such or-o posa Ls , are

not fully justified.

c r.n +d ••• 2/-

- 2 -

6. The remarks oT the acquiring body ere not obtairied by sending 8 copy'of the abjection petition prt~r t6 holding the enquiry. ''In the 0 +h er' hand I the remarks of the acquiring body are obtained, after the

c onc Lus Lon of the enquiry,' In such case, the o b j e o tors are del,rIved of rebutting the remarks of the a.cluirlng body during enquiry, whtch is a z a ins t the or-Lne iples

')f natural justice. This Is h Lgh Ly Irregular, and It ah o u'l.d be orrs ur-od ,that the acquiring body remarks o~e nbtalnedbefore holding the 5-A enquiry and the objectors are given an ooportunity to rebut the Same.

7. While r8questin~ for condonation of delay in s ubmt r+Lng the 5-A re~ort :1ft-E,;r. a pl:lriod of Six weeksj reasons oro not given and where given they are v~gue_ and not convincing precise and, convincing reaSonS should invariably be p;i von in Sue h cas eS •

8. Though there are separate forms prescribed for s ubm i t+Lng draft: d.e c Lar-e+Lo na under or-d tnar-y clause 'and urgency clause, some of the draft noti~1cations are submitted in thB wrong oroforma, Which Should be avoided.

9. The Joint Measurement CertifIcate and comparntLv~ stntoments which have to be enclosed in v ar- l ab Ly o t-o not sent.


A 001:.". of orin +nd Errn tum or c anc e Ll.n +Lon notL~lcati~n 'lfany, to the 4(1) NotificatIon are not sent w I+h the r-oo or-ds , unless these are sent wIth the records, final declaration U/S 6 will not be is ued in future •.. A mere mont Ion or a cory of the '1ronosals sen t to Je~uty Commlssl~ners for lssus.of such

Errs tum/C anc e Ll,a + Lon Not if t o a tl ons w hll

not do.

i 'I

11. The errata to the 6(1) NotificatIons, if any, are not prooosed ond issued for long periods. , ~

12. The r-ec or-ds s ubml t ted to Governmen + ar-e not arranged and stitched properly with pherist and page numbers,

13. '!'he chock merna is prescribed +o avo 1d J.engt~y no t ir<~ [lnd to f 80 n t t 0 +e 01"'0 w,!' s or u I + iny of +he PIoO 0,)3 a Ls • But the en +r- ies made there in are ?3gUG, and in comprehensible, with the result tho pun pne o 1s not serv<lrl.

14. Where the Lund is nr 0 poa nd to be a cq u trod f':l!'

. any c omnnny , +h e or oc e dur-o In Id dr)wn In part VII of the Land Acq uis I ticn flc t r-e nd wIth Rule 4 ':If Company Rules Is n o t s cruDul'Hlsly followed.

con +d •• 3/-

\ \


> •


- 3 -

15. All the prescribed checklIsts and s~3tements

are often not prooerly filled Up. F~r

example, 1n the s r o+emen+ of ob je c+Lr-n s prescribed 1n Circular No.RD 16 AQW 80,dt:?-2-"l0 a mere references made tn the report milde

U/s 5-A wi +ho u+ f nUng uo the c o l.umns as intended. This is not correct ond should positively be uvolded.

It 1s therefore, impressed upon all the offices dealing with the ao qu Ls t+Lon w0rk thnt they should no+ given room

.r or- s uc h 1 apa e s • They are reg ues +e d to adhere s tr Lc tly to the r equ Lr-eme n +s of law arid stand lna; ins true t i on a , L n the interest of expeditious and correct disposal 0f land acq u t.a Lr Lon case at all stages.


All the Divisional Commissioner. All the Deruty Comm1ssioners,

All +h 0 .:spec 113.1 De .'Jut-~, Oornm Ls a ion€'I"s n nd All the Ae s te ren+ Col11JTl1ss1oners,

Special Land AcquiBl~lon Officer.


. ~

. '1'ho ltevGnuo Con ni3S ioneX' and 3e ere tar y to 00 VOlnn, n t oJ ''''rnatak 0, .. ~e7Cml.l.C' De POXl;,;lO rrt , . Bang,?l~:.ce e "

Karnatalra Govc.rnncnt SGcret3..riat, n'S.Buil;~ing, 3rd Star,s, 5th Floor, BanGalo~e, elated 15th Oct. 1986.

Fran .•


All the ASSistant COrH1!S8ionGrs.

All t118.8po016.1 Lanl] ._'l.cqLlisition Offi ce r:s ~,.

SUb'-PrOfon"n cbe ck Hot fo,l'9CrUtin,y on' noni t01.1inc; ot land AOquisi tion

1'.:co ce t? d in .: ;"El •

IUiia. You ""0 requected to n.'ntaino the ome in coch Cn.'. nnd

~ )Watch tho cic"Ocal of enscc. "bile .abmittin.e the PrOPOsals to \-~

Govern"'nt tho Che ck list noy be • '0' with ,'c CO""" for rCfoence

r an dIre C "" to £o<"ord her eWith ~ P<'of or'1o ehe ck 'Ust for a e cut in,y and nonit or ing 0"',' L""d Aeq Ui.it i on Pro ce c,' in",

eVol ved by tbe DB Partoen t o~ "urnl DOVelOPQcnt, Govcrnnent of


. ,


y OU].'g 1"ni th:fu 1. ly •



Copy for

IJ}J~ ... ....;._

(lIec1hi IIU8~qin)

Und e1' So ere tary to GOVI31"11 r.Jent , ~evenllJ .D8lJE\rtrlGnt.


1 • :1'110 Di i 3i o-: 3.1 C oclOi Ss ionore,




Tho Sp'Cial De"",y Co"·,tlOSione,, Upper 1iPJ1I" •.• !'rOj"et, 1.Ll,r~)I;:5... AllIlatlll.

Cash history of

l'fCquiGtlon of 12.nd l.Uldl'"':- t1_",. :"])1r1f1_"c:uL:d.tia· l'..ct, 1894. 1. ; Narne of the' Proje ct

22• . Name/ address of acquiring body

::;. Lor.ationjolmership and are. a .of 1 and ~cquired

(a) state·-···-· --_.-_ ------'-..:.; District -...,----------

Villa/.:,G . __ "" __ :_c..--...,----_.,..-:_--- _--.-

(b) ttfi~~~t 3~f.deH.d6~{f)iredicovered by the Sai'Je

4 ' . . - ... -'--. -J_. ' "("." ...

nbtHicatio'ri'under section 4( t)

de clarat 10·1 Ha~

Section 1)..

Date of not ificat ion --- -------;-,-- ...... --


Date of dispatch of notification tb Pres3 for publication' in [!;azette-----------------,·--.· ..... _

(c) Date of publication. in gazette------.·---~·-~--

(d) Date of I'e ceipt of :.il_etto notH ical.:;ion_ .. _

(e) Date of issue andservlce of public notice of SU)~~ance of such no t Lf Lcat Lo n in locality; and ~ __ -'



Last of the dates ,of c aus Lng public notice if the se are 'oJ~e than one

Dates of sending the (f;c.Laration forbeinc; printed

in Ne\,rs Papers •. _,_._ ... ._._ ' . __ ... ~ .


~c')"D;te;·oflu1Jlice.tioF ~p b'c "leu"'psper c L c;btion in the localtty of "hieh at least one wa s in l'e.~;ional

lnnt,;ua,e l..~_l .. __ .• .,_ ..

(h) Last of cr.e dates of a00','8' Dublica;ions (c); (e) &

( ::) --~.-' -_. . ----._ .. '-- _._" .

) .

(a) V[hcther ael-iop. aa ro,c;o.,:ds SU.L,·'fey A.n('1 tn!dn.': levels, .e t c ,

I was taken under section 4(2). If ::;0, pe rLodj' ti,w

taken ( from ._~ to

. !

i I

Se c t Lon 5 6. i PaYment of (lafllaf,eS under se ction 5

(a) Period /time taLen in determination of dc.mn,ces

{b) v/hetheI ?1ior ,intimatiol fOr. the ,abov8 person's c cn ce rned •. If so; vlhen


I (b) Number of pe J:sons pa:;Ll1 / ~'lho wGre to \,)8 po.ic1 daOlaC.ES

(c) Amount of undisputed d amaje s paid

Contd. 2/-

, '









.(k) Un(l.isDiJ.rsed amoun·G, if any, \ .. ith reasons " 7(1) po.te of ord e r under Seetio· 17 (4)


7(II )



(d) Number of pe;~'1on:; ·,]110 Cl isputed the amount of r',ill1U. 8G;

anJ date of rccei~t of la8t of their objections/


(e ;Datc of reference 01' dispute to District Co11ec\:;0,:/ C111',[ ltevenu8 Officer

(f) De,te of dmcision of Disc"L.'ict Collectors/Chief· Revenue

Off icer -- _

{rJ :)a\;80[' 1:'8 ce ipt of 'Jistrict Collectors/ Chief Re vonue

Officers deci9ion _

(h)D8te of aB1cj_n!~ the acquiring body to deposit the

at:! oun t 0 f cl ama{',C 'J .,._._

(i) Dnto of TO ceipt of the amount of damaces from the acquiring body


: (j) Da~e (s) of cHsbm:sement of damagos. ~ _

, . .

Obje c t Lo n a under se cc Lo n 5 (i) (n) No. of objections racei:ad


(b) Date of ,~eceipt oL last of. the objections


(c) Date! y[ he a inc~ of objGC t,ions


(d) 'l'L.l'3 t82~en in icG't:-lC x' enquir,::,. if made


(e),Date (3) or m~7.kin::.: :,:eport (s ) to r:;ovemment


Dec:1.aration under Sec:;ion 6(1)

(b) Date: of c>;spatc~\ of declaratio,1 to P~:ess for j1U~)lication in l;he :,a?l3 tt e

(a) Date of decla~ation


Coned. 3/..



(c) Date of publication in Gazette


(el) Da-~e of re ceipt CJ:[ co8"ctte notification

(e) Dates of issue! 8J1d service of :public notice of substance ofchc~ de cla::cation; and


last of ,'t;hedateG of causing public notice, if these

are more than ODe,'~ .


, (f) Date'(s) of senc:ine;the declaration for 'being p .Ln bed

in ne1vspapers"-' '. _. '_" -,.,

(c) Date_ h,) of'-;u'Jlicacion in tHonr::wspapers circlliating

in "the locality of 1,olhich a1; .. .Le aac one \'1a3 in

ree,ional langua:~e

- _- ,,'. -~,..-.-~'"""',.___~ .... ~,---~-------- ....... ---

(h) las_t,of the dates Q:[ :~~J()V~) publication (c); (e) awl

( rd

Sect~on 7~ry(S.) elate of decision -GO semi dil."'9ction to Collector ~GO t.ake orde,"C f-or- iicqilisit ion


------------ -,~,,.-~----

CD) Date ,of issue ~-Q_f.:M'l-e-cCL'j--'ection

,Lc}:bate of its receipt, by the..Jlollector"




(~-)If·'a6tion the:.: 'on nat i'nmediately initiated by co l Le ct or. ~ z e as ons therE' f or :


S3c ti on 8.W __ In- Case ~_c:t_ion -was called for under se etion 8 s pc cUy

(a) ti~e talcen, in m82.surement and making nlM

( ,'-- )-(\ays f .orn . to-------

,-' ----

(b} Uhe bhe r advance intimation Wa.S given to p(n'~wm3 concerned. t -If"'SD, vlhen?

Section9c,Jl.Notic€ tmd e r section 9 j,

! (9,) Dates of notice! last of the dates of its service

....-- ..

-Contd. 4(-


'(b) date, as r.;.i.ven in the notice, for interested

persons:',o [Qpear before Collector' -

(c) ;!hetheri.;lej~'8 ue r c any occupier Cs) on thl3 loud involved 0,: ana other persons believed to 'be intcre3tcd. If so, date(s) of notice Civen to them as ::-enuired in sub-section (~), i:f not

s imL11tane ous Ly "ith such persons ass 1qere covered by 8ub-s~ction (2)

(d) Did t:,G not.l ce have to b e ee n t. vb y post to MY person inte!·?8S-C8'.'.? If so, the date (s) of despatch of Notice

Date of COl_lector 1 S 0 dar ,~equ.irin6 8.)ly )erson interes~cd co :,ive statement conte,inine information a b ou t evc;:.'Y other person po ss e s ai.ng any interest in any - cap:?Gity in the land O:L' part thereof

(b) Time allowed in the notice to make or deliver such statement

(c) Dates of.'issue of notice/ Hs service


Section1H2.(a)'Mmrd mac'e under pr-o v Ls Lo ns of section 11(1) or Section 11(2)?

In -t;he latter. tl'iF ata.!,e upto wHlch action had oeetl taken in';e"';18 of sccdon11(1) pr i.o r to lualting

of cn"a::.:c1

(~) DZlb ofp:,'cParation of drnft aHanl


(b) Date ofGub(llissionj dcsiatch of iJ.\Ta:cd \'lith ne co rd to authori'<fcoDlpetEn t GO 8,~:orove the awa:'?c!.


(C) Date of i,";c:1ue of )'~io:" aj1proval


Contc1. 5/-

.._. ~-






(d) Date of receipt of prior.8.pproval ~ ~

(e) Date of ma,.l(ing···award

14-. If prior 3l.l")roval no t accorded in the first instance, alGo specify

(a) De.:t;aJ,ls of obje otions raised or clarif iea0 ion sought

(b) . . ..

Datc of receipt of

o o Ll,e etor


above communication by the

(c) Date of clarification sent

Cd) Date of aubml.a s Lo n of clarification



No t e r.; 'rhe above information may be Given in respect

of each time objPction was rais~d/ clarification \'

8ou(ht·beforeaccorc1i.ng. ..prior aP~lrov[\l.

Total time taken fJ70m issue of notice under section 9 (1) upto d ace of award


(a) Total pe vLod intervening between declaration under Section 6( 1) and announcement of aovard


(b) Period t1u:~inc which pno ce ed i.nga remnined Gayed.


(c) Name and cl.etuilsof courts o rde r


(d) Hhat ste;;/s were taken ·for vaGation-gf s t~y o rd ez- _

I .J


Contd. 6/-

.~ + ~-- -


) ;

, ' f._·-L

J8ction 12

;:::ection 1;5

.--- - _

_ ... - .. _--- - ----


17. (1'.) Date of des »a t ch of not ice of al'w::,d to such persons interested as.1J~e not P'-8':18nt personally

or: '::;y their ~.epresentati7es at;he ti"8 of awo.rd

(~) Last of the dates of s~Fvice of notice (a)


18. (8.) Tot::,'.l tie of adjournment ma~,e und e r section 13 in enquiry

(b) Spells of a(_ljournment \'Ii t.h ~easonsf1lerefor

Section 13:\ 19. ("'.) Lf 211Y co r-r-e o b i on of c Le r Lcr.L e:,.::oJ":" etc. PCl.--missi-b Le under a o ct Lon 13.'\ ~laS marlc 1)y,;hc Collector? ~lhctheL' it I/nfJ on his o vm motion or on apolication of any pc r-s on Lnbu r e et ed



(b) If on 8.·1]111cation, date of such aT)lication _

- \c) \/hether reasoriFl.i~le o pno r-bun L tyeo persons likely to he ~rejudicially nffected ~iven? If so, How? If not. -.Thy ?

l c) Date of co.nraun Lo st ion of CO:.;:;: 8 c t Lon in aHal:d to the a cqu Lr-Ln. ')ody

(1 Date of cowmwlicQcion of co~: ~ction in award to the ,~c()uLdnc b od y


• (j) 'dhcth<i-r".i'l '-;l1nt-rGfen~cd -bave :ICC c()vorcc1'( If not

-;- - r. Vrh;l.t_ io hol~1ing up l~C covc ~~;y'?

. i


sc c+t.o- 15-Ai20 C;-) Vll-lc'thl'l,; govo rrmorrt co.l1ec1 f'Jr l'()c~)rc1 unc'er

I ~ .

ScctiDn15-A., If' 80 .';hc Qat" of ;~c co illt of

GOVGJ::n~!ont orc1u:c t o >011:1-(, effect

---_-----.--- --------~- --'


! i

-('b-) :Oo.t;;-.of _sJlbqi"'8 :!-on of I:<J ~ ord

--- ~-------------

(c) Dat c of Govornnentts "OCi8i)l'. or (li':Gction~ _

_ -..-. __ ".> ... ----------,--------

----------......,.._._ ............... -___._ --_

(e) Date of r e c e Lp t back of Lec_ord Hith:1ccision/dircctim

(f) 'I[hethor rc asonabL o;);Jortuni ty OJ.. hC,'1ring viaS given to tho pe rson [l[;~,in's-6 vlhon oJly 01'C!Orj '.1 irection

pre juc'cicia1 to h i.r; \vaS Pa3sc':1? If so, C;iva c1etails a8,j;0 u hcn Was he inforncc1 to c one fOL' hO[l.ring ane1 the r~ aGe fixed for 'hearing


Section 16; 21. (n) DiJto of taking possession



(b) If possGssion ~\"Tar'1 ~ .. l~e as on s

n o'c t8.1;:en ini.:(,d i at ely t he r e:f'l~

after the

, I

-1-1 '.-

! I

(e) Date of hicorporation of: the n.1'lan'\. in :.'cvenuo records

Section 17 22.(a) If p~:o'isions of ae cc Lon 17 Here invoked, ,vhether

po s ae e s Lon h'a8 t!1ken Uty'l-C'rc sub so ot Lon (1) o r (2)



_______ c -------


(c) In CaSC poa so as i.on 1'183 nottakcn ',I i thin the u i n Iriuri pe r Lo d pres CJ: iber} in the Act; the :,'8 :csons therefor


Cont". 8/_

, .Y'.·

.. -"~'----'-"------------------------



~:-'"" ~ "'".~''''''' ~~~----


l.~.) lu:Jount pr,i~l fa:>:' s-'~'JJ Un;; crops IJ:, trees, if any

und o r '~~ction -'7 \)) uith last of the dates of

s uch P8'1 ::18 nt

(1) I ) Anount pfL.l.j_IJ:. fm' ::.,~.,;lenl: under Section 17(3)

j_ii) li.casoEs fa' r;tOh-p"ynent

~i) No. of cnae n ~ .. l':. 'n:_l[)unt"l <.'epositcc1 in Court u5_th

cl:atos un~GJ:' sq;:;io 17(3A)

23.(a) Total NUf.100!:' of iLl (i)


ap lications l.:eceiverl und e r Section

. qb) JJ3S t; of C ,18 :1. at S', 01' :: c ce Lp t by Colle ctdtr. of ap:)lication for ,~-6ference und e r Section 18~ if any

(0) Las'~ 01 ':1'8 ('at:~'3 of na~~~gineferofiOil:lto~thq o.court, 1'.1 H •• ~ QuI :cocto:_

---_._-------- ._-------

2~-. Dett>.ils of [1j;!"'?l. it -.11\- ':;,_!c t~: hi -_rl'

: in ,:i8))0::1a1 the _ of <,X! d,~~" -F ~UC[]iiJi_:

" l'GCD_·_'r1_--- _

c ou rt s 8.n:' tiDc ur ~cision anc.

Con td , 9/-




Iii ~;h Court e.

No ts: .,.C':i_VG inforoation in respc ct 0

- ' 3uprou8 Court ctccisions.

25. i) DaL of c ormun Lc a t Lo ofe~C88g/ nnourrt to tho

acquirinG bo('y


j,i)J;late of r-e ce.Lpti of excess/ balance ar:lOunt

iii) Date on <Thich 0:'0098 or bal'nce corrpe na a't Lon wus nctually "ail'1

\ ,

• I .. I

?G. i(I:,~r:)r)nr) din",' ",:l~y in PIlYrl,"nt or corrpcn aa't Lnn .. ;, dq tailoil f]/~COUllt


27.' Details of I)ayuun t


r ) VJhen v.as notice B6rvcd:for receipt of po.vnont

i I I ) Date :fil[c(~ f o r


-. - ,,-~:.--,.;~_:.. ...... ~ -,;.,' _.:..,,~.=--, ------_,,;.....-----

v ) No. of CaBO 8 and 8_[lO~tS rlGl')osi'~cd in Court "ith :;:Of8:,,':,:,80 elates und e r ~cction 31 (2)

vi) Ex ce s e C'JlOunts to be re covered, if any I un.le r

section n(3D) with details ,:cnd dales of

ro cove:.:y

. ~

. '1'ho ltevGnuo Con ni3S ioneX' and 3e ere tar y to 00 VOlnn, n t oJ ''''rnat.k 0, .. ~e7Cml.l.C' De POXl;,;lO rrt , . Bang,?l~:.ce e "

Karnatalra Govc.rnncnt SGcret3..riat, n'S.Buil;~ing, 3rd Star,s, 5th Floor, BanGalo~e, elated 15th Oct. 1986.

Fran .•


All the ASSistant COrH1!S8ionGrs.

All t118.8po016.1 Lanl] ._'l.cqLlisition Offi ce r:s ~,.

SUb'-PrOfon"n cbe ck Hot fo,l'9CrUtin,y on' noni t01.1inc; ot land AoC[uisi tion

1'.:co ce t? d in .: ;"El •

IUiia. You ""0 requected to n.'ntaino the ome in coch Cn.'. nnd

~ )Watch tho cic"Ocal of enscc. "bile .abmittin.e the PrOPOsals to \-~

Govern"'nt tho Che ck list noy be • '0' with ,'c CO""" for rCfoence

r an dIre C "" to £o<"ord her eWith ~ P<'of or'1o ehe ck 'Ust for a e cut in,y and nonit or it>g 0"',' L""d Aeq Ui.it i on Pro ce c,' in",

eVol ved by tbe DB Partoen t o~ "urnl DOVelOPQcnt, Govcrnnent of


. ,


YOU].'", 1"ni th:fu 1. J.y •



Copy for

IJ}J~ ... ....;._

(lIec1hi IIU8~qin)

Und e1' So ere tary to GOVI31"11 r.Jent , ~evenllJ .D8lJE\rtrlGnt.


1 • :1'110 Di i 3i o-: 3.1 C oclJ]i Ss ionore,




Tho Sp'Cial De"",y Co"·,tlOSione,, Upper 1iPJ1I" •.• !'rOj"et, 1.Ll,r~)I;:5... AllIl£ltlll.

Cash history of

l'fCquiGtlon of 12.nd l.Uldl'"':- t1_",. :"])1r1f1_"c:uL:d.tia· l'..ct, 1894. 1. ; Narne of the' Proje ct

22• . Name/ address of acquiring body

::;. Lor.ationjo\mership and are. a .of 1 and ~cquired

(a) state·-···-· --_.-_ ------'-..:.; District -...,----------

Villa/.:,G . __ "" __ :_c..--...,----_.,..-:_--- _--.-

(b) ttfi~~~t 3~f.deH.d6~{f)iredicovered by the Sai'Je

4 ' . . - ... -'--. -J_. ' "("." ...

nbtHicatio'ri'under section 4( t)

de clarat 10·1 Ha~

Section 1)..

Date of not ificat ion --- -------;-,-- ...... --


Date of dispatch of notification tb Pres3 for publication' in [!;azette-----------------,·--.· ..... _

(c) Date of :publication. in gazette------.·---~·-~--

(d) Date of I'e ceipt of :.il_etto notH ical.:;ion_ .. _

(e) Date of issue andservlce of public notice of SU)~~ance of such no t Lf Lcat Lo n in locality; and ~ __ -'



Last of the dates ,of c aus Lng public notice if the se are 'oJ~e than one

Dates of sending the (f;c.Laration forbeinc; printed

in Ne\,rs Papers •. _,_._ ... ._._ ' . __ ... ~ .


~c')"D;te;·oflu1Jlice.tioF ~p b'c "leu"'psper c L c;btion in the localtty of "hieh at least one wa s in l'e.~;ional

lnnt,;ua,e l..~_l .. __ .• .,_ ..

(h) Last of cr.e dates of a00','8' Dublica;ions (c); (e) &

( ::) --~.-' -_. . ----._ .. '-- _._" .

) .

(a) V[hcther ael-iop. aa ro,c;o.,:ds SU.L,·'fey A.n('1 tn!dn.': levels, .e t c ,

I was taken under section 4(2). If ::;0, pe rLodj' ti,w

taken ( from ._~ to

. !

i I

Se c t Lon 5 6. i PaYment of (lafllaf,eS under se ction 5

(a) Period /time taLen in determination of dc.mn.ces

{b) v/hethe:r: ?1ior ,intimatiol fOr. the ,abov8 person's c cn ce rned •. If so; vlhen


I (b) Number of pe J:sons pa:;Ll1 / ~'lho wGre to \,)8 po.ic1 daOlaC.ES

(c) Amount of undisputed d amaje s paid

Contd. 2/-

, '









.(k) Un(l.isDiJ.rsed amoun·G, if any, \ .. ith reasons " 7(1) po.te of ord e r under Seetio· 17 (4)


7(II )



(d) Number of pe;~'1on:; ·,]110 Cl isputed the amount of r',i\l1u. 8G;

anJ date of rccei~t of la8t of their objections/


(e ;Datc of reference 01' dispute to District Co11ec\:;0,:/ C111',[ ltevenu8 Officer

(f) De,te of dmcision of Disc"L.'ict Collectors/Chief· Revenue

Off icer -- _

{rJ :)a\;80[' 1:'8 ce ipt of 'Jistrict Collectors/ Chief Re vonue

Officers deci9ion _

(h)D8te of aB1cj_n!~ the acquiring body to deposit the

at:! oun t 0 f cl ama{',C 'J .,._._

(i) Dnto of TO ceipt of the amount of damaces from the acquiring body


: (j) Da~e (s) of c1.isbm:sement of damagos. ~ _

, . .

Obje c t Lo n a under se cc Lo n 5 (i) (n) No. of objections racei:ad


(b) Date of ,~eceipt oL last of. the objections


(c) Date! y[ he a inc~ of objGC t,ions


(d) 'l'L.l'3 t82~en in icG't:-lC x' enquir,::,. if made


(e),Date (3) or m~7.kin::.: :,:eport (s ) to r:;ovemment


Dec:1.aration under Sec:;ion 6(1)

(b) Date: of c>;spatc~\ of declaratio,1 to P~:ess for j1U~)lication in l;he :,a?l3 tt e

(a) Date of decla~ation


Coned. 3/..



(c) Date of publication in Gazette


(el) Da-~e of re ceipt CJ:[ co8"ctte notification

(e) Dates of issue! 8J1d service of :public notice of substance ofchc~ de cla::cation; and


last of ,'t;hedateG of causing public notice, if these

are more than ODe,'~ .


, (f) Date'(s) of senc:ine;the declaration for 'being p .Ln bed

in ne1vspapers"-' '. _. '_" -,.,

(c) Date_ h,) of'-;u'Jlicacion in tHonr::wspapers circlliating

in "the locality of 1,olhich a1; .. .Le aac one \'1a3 in

ree,ional langua:~e

- _- ,,'. -~,..-.-~'"""',.___~ .... ~,---~-------- ....... ---

(h) las_t,of the dates Q:[ :~~J()V~) publication (c); (e) awl

( rd

Sect~on 7~ry(S.) elate of decision -(;0 semi dil."'9ction to Collector ~GO t.ake orde,"C f-or- iicqilisit ion


------------ -,~,,.-~----

CD) Date ,of issue ~-Q_f.:M'l-e-cCL'j--'ection

,Lc}:bate of its receipt, by the..Jlollector"




(~-)If·'a6tion the:.: 'on nat i'nmediately initiated by co l Le ct or. ~ z e as ons therE' f or :


S3c ti on 8.W __ In- Case ~_c:t_ion -was called for under se etion 8 s pc cUy

(a) ti~e talcen, in m82.surement and making nlM

( ,'-- )-(\ays f .orn . to-------

,-' ----

(b} Uhe bhe r advance intimation Wa.S given to p(n'~wm3 concerned. t -If"'SD, vlhen?

Section9c,Jl.Notic€ tmd e r section 9 j,

! (9,) Dates of notice! last of the dates of its service

....-- ..

-Contd. 4(-


'(b) date, as r.;.i.ven in the notice, for interested

persons:',o [Qpear before Collector' -

(c) ;!hetheri.;lej~'8 ue r c any occupier Cs) on thl3 loud involved 0,: ana other persons believed to 'be intcre3tcd. If so, date(s) of notice Civen to them as ::-enuired in sub-section (~), i:f not

s imL11tane ous Ly "ith such persons ass 1qere covered by 8ub-s~ction (2)

(d) Did t:,G not.l ce have to b e ee n t. vb y post to MY person inte!·?8S-C8'.'.? If so, the date (s) of despatch of Notice

Date of COl_lector 1 S 0 dar ,~equ.irin6 8.)ly )erson interes~cd co :,ive statement conte,inine information a b ou t evc;:.'Y other person po ss e s ai.ng any interest in any - cap:?Gity in the land O:L' part thereof

(b) Time allowed in the notice to make or deliver such statement

(c) Dates of.'i8sue of notice/ Hs service


Section1H2.(a)'Mmrd mac'e under pr-o v Ls Lo ns of section 11(1) or Section 11(2)?

In -t;he latter. tl'iF ata.!,e upto wHlch action had oeetl taken in';e"';18 of sccdon11(1) pr i.o r to lualting

of ::n"a::.:c1

(~) DZ'[b ofp:,'cParation of drnft aHanl


(b) Date ofGub(llissionj dcsiatch of iJ.\Ta:cd \'lith ne co rd to authori'<fcoDlpetEn t GO 8,~:orove the awa:'?c!.


(C) Date of i,";c:1ue of )'~io:" aj1proval


Contc1. 5/-

.._. ~-






(d) Date of receipt of prior.8.pproval ~ ~

(e) Date of ma,.l(ing···award

14-. If prior 3I.l")r()val no t accorded in the first instance, alGo specify

(a) De.:t;aJ,ls of obje otions raised or clarif iea0 ion sought

(b) . . ..

Datc of receipt of

o o Ll,e etor


above communication by the

(c) Date of clarification sent

Cd) Date of aubml.a s Lo n of clarification



No t e r.; 'rhe above information may be Given in respect

of each time objPction was rais~d/ clarification \'

8ou(ht·beforeaccorc1i.ng. ..prior aP~lrov[\l.

Total time taken fJ70m issue of notice under section 9 (1) upto d ace of award


(a) Total pe vLod intervening between declaration under Section 6( 1) and announcement of &lard


(b) Period t1u:~inc which pno ce ed i.nga remnined Gayed.


(c) Name and cl.etuilsof courts o rde r


(d) Hhat ste;;ls were taken ·for vaGation-gf s t~y o rd ez- _

I .J


Contd. 6/-

.~ + ~-- -


) ;

, ' f._·-L

)8ction 12

;:::ection 1;5

.--- - _

_ ... - .. _--- - ----


17. (1'.) Date of des »a t ch of not ice of al'w::,d to such persons interested as.1J~e not P'-8':18nt personally

or: '::;y their ~.epresentati7es at;he ti"8 of awo.rd

(~) Last of the dates of s~Fvice of notice (a)


18. (8.) Tot::,'.l tie of adjournment ma~,e und e r section 13 in enquiry

(b) Spells of a(_ljournment \'Ii t.h ~easonsf1lerefor

Section 13:\ 19. ("'.) Lf 211Y co r-r-e o b i on of c Le r Lcr.L e:,.::oJ":" etc. PCl.--missi-b Le under a o ct Lon 13.'\ ~laS marlc 1)y,;hc Collector? ~lhctheL' it lin:] on his o vm motion or on apolication of any pc r-s on Lnbu r e et ed



(b) If on 8.·1]111cation, date of such aT)lication _

- \c) \/hether reasoriFl.i~le o pno r-bun L tyeo persons likely to he ~rejudicially nffected ~iven? If so, How? If not. -.Thy ?

l c) Date of co.nraun Lo st ion of CO:.;:;: 8 c t Lon in aHal:d to the a cqu Lr-Ln. ')ody

(1 Date of cowmwlicQcion of co~: ~ction in award to the ,~c()uLdnc b od y


• (j) 'dhcth<i-r".i'l '-;l1nt-rGfen~cd -bave :ICC c()vorcc1'( If not

-;- - r. Vrh;l.t_ io hol~1ing up l~C covc ~~;y'?

. i


sc c+t.o- 15-Ai20 C;-) Vll-lc'thl'l,; govo rrmorrt co.l1ec1 f'Jr l'()c~)rc1 unc'er

I ~ .

ScctiDn15-A., If' 80 .';hc Qat" of ;~c co illt of

GOVGJ::n~!ont orc1u:c t o >011:1-(, effect

---_-----.--- --------~- --'


! i

-('b-) :Oo.t;;-.of _sJlbqi"'8 :!-on of I:<J ~ ord

--- ~-------------

(c) Dat c of Govornnentts "OCi8i)l'. or (li':Gction~ _

_ -..-. __ ".> ... ----------,--------

----------......,.._._ ............... -___._ --_

(e) Date of r e c e Lp t back of Lec_ord Hith:1ccision/dircctim

(f) 'I[hethor rc asonabL o;);Jortuni ty OJ.. hC,'1ring viaS given to tho pe rson [l[;~,in's-6 vlhon oJly 01'C!Orj '.1 irection

pre juc'cicia1 to h i.r; \vaS Pa3sc':1? If so, C;iva c1etails a8,j;0 u hcn Was he inforncc1 to c one fOL' hO[l.ring ane1 the r~ aGe fixed for 'hearing


Section 16; 21. (n) DiJto of taking possession



(b) If possGssion ~\"Tar'1 ~ .. l~e as on s

n o'c t8.1;:en ini.:(,d i at ely t he r e:f'l~

after the

, I

-1-1 '.-

! I

(e) Date of hicorporation of: the n.1'lan'\. in :.'cvenuo records

Section 17 22.(a) If p~:o'isions of ae cc Lon 17 Here invoked, ,vhether

po s ae e s Lon h'a8 t!1ken Uty'l-C'rc sub so ot Lon (1) o r (2)



_______ c -------


(c) In CaSC poa so as i.on 1'183 nottakcn ',I i thin the u i n Iriuri pe r Lo d pres CJ: iber} in the Act; the :,'8 :csons therefor


Cont". 8/_

, .Y'.·

.. -"~'----'-"------------------------



~:-'"" ~ "'".~''''''' ~~~----


l.~.) lu:Jount pr,i~l fa:>:' s-'~'JJ Un;; crops IJ:, trees, if any

und o r '~~ction -'7 \)) uith last of the dates of

s uch P8'1 ::18 nt

(1) I ) Anount pfL.l.j_IJ:. fm' ::.,~.,;lenl: under Section 17(3)

j_ii) li.casoEs fa' r;tOh-p"ynent

~i) No. of cnae n ~ .. l':. 'n:_l[)unt"l <.'epositcc1 in Court u5_th

cl:atos un~GJ:' sq;:;io 17(3A)

23.(a) Total NUf.100!:' of iLl (i)


ap lications l.:eceiverl und e r Section

. qb) JJ3S t; of C ,18 :1. at S', 01' :: c ce Lp t by Colle ctdtr. of ap:)lication for ,~-6ference und e r Section 18~ if any

(0) Las'~ 01 ':1'8 ('at:~'3 of na~~~gineferofiOil:lto~thq o.court, 1'.1 H •• ~ QuI :cocto:_

---_._-------- ._-------

2~-. Dett>.ils of [1j;!"'?l. it -.11\- ':;,_!c t~: hi -_rl'

: in ,:i8))0::1a1 the _ of <,X! d,~~" -F ~UC[]iiJi_:

" l'GCD_·_'r1_--- _

c ou rt s 8.n:' tiDc ur ~cision anc.

Con td , 9/-




Iii ~;h Court e.

No ts: .,.C':i_VG inforoation in respc ct 0

- ' 3uprou8 Court ctccisions.

25. i) DaL of c ormun Lc a t Lo ofe~C88g/ nnourrt to tho

acquirinG bo('y


j,i)J;late of r-e ce.Lpti of excess/ balance ar:lOunt

iii) Date on <Thich 0:'0098 or bal'nce corrpe na a't Lon wus nctually "ail'1

\ ,

• I .. I

?G. i(I:,~r:)r)nr) din",' ",:l~y in PIlYrl,"nt or corrpcn aa't Lnn .. ;, dq tailoil f]/~COUllt


27.' Details of I)ayuun t


r ) VJhen v.as notice B6rvcd:for receipt of po.vnont

i I I ) Date :fil[c(~ f o r


-. - ,,-~:.--,.;~_:.. ...... ~ -,;.,' _.:..,,~.=--, ------_,,;.....-----

v ) No. of CaBO 8 and 8_[lO~tS rlGl')osi'~cd in Court "ith :;:Of8:,,':,:,80 elates und e r ~cction 31 (2)

vi) Ex ce s e C'JlOunts to be re covered, if any I un.le r

section n(3D) with details ,:cnd dales of

ro cove:.:y


i1Ayso-"6: Go':?rn"ent Se cr e t.ar La t

, Vidhana BouGhn

C IRe U L (\ R

Several instonceo ha ve cone to che notice of

Governnent in 1!ThiGh tho onu s s Lon GO ouse r-ve important

ruies of pr-ocedure r-e l atd ng to land "Icrru:l"si tion and

appreciRtion of sever~l factors to.betaken into c0l1s1-



deration in de terrni"ni ng the sui tnbili ty or o t.ner-v.i s e of

a particular land for a c qu is I t i on , !18S of"tel1 led to the necessity of e t tnar cm'_cellIns th l'rG Ld rai. na r> no t.Lr lcnt l on


or uit.hdrmIing the fin21 nD+;j_f] ;;:)ti,on. The_ follm[1ng ar'e

• ~.r' ~

,- some of the reasons C:;$ne:'c,lly cFl'111Ced for cance Ll i ng," withdl'a\'dng the land- a c quf.s Lt.Lon n ot.Lf'Lca t Lona already


pub.Ld s hed e -

1. AmonS the [I pp1ic,:'\!1t" '1100 ha ve r e jue S ted for

sites 1n the vill;--:;8) none i~3 thG'~e who do'?s not ovzn a site oi7 '-a houso , TlIG'~(lfore t.ho pJ'clininury

notification ')C _ cnncollGc1. '

e :

2. There arc plc'nty of V'lc<':]tsi tos in tJ1G vi] l8~8

wh i ch can be c1_isposor] o~ to the persons who a ro

r c a l Ly in need 01~ sitQ!, for the construction of 'houses. He nee tho tlc,:uisition llr·occellin'~r ho


3~ n'G land 8l'rul(1/ notified fDr th'", pur pos e of manur-e pitre j_;' pot slli-s"ble, !IS j:he dirty "':=:tt'2!' ''IOu1d 110\r I n t o th'C"'!illap,'_' c.Los s hv nn(] t bo sBni tnry coruli tinn ~'o111'-" ;.r01'S8'1.

4.. The .9.?'lUis~tj_()n or Lu,:1 for burial~rol1nr17:ilr~ClclV notl!_lCd, 1y c Losc to")l;iJclii1r~ slt: s n:!11 In!:Llst~'j_- 81 Traininc.: C',:;ntrc nn~1 E~~ Cil,tc, n nd t he r-c I'or-o

unsu i t:lbl'J.

5. Tho land not4_fi'~r1·_s. no t fit for t ho o xt.o ns Lon ,of \'i11:) ":'_, sj_;;,!) si.ncr it iS8 ,,~,7rrlcn }"nd ~m~l,

tile land is hvnot.ho cot.ed to Govc r nmo n t in c onno c> tinn with Tacc3vi loan.



6~ Th~t .tln preS(,-1t L:ind bGorj-,,'. C'=Tt~lin f:=..Yos. plus 18)121 8\".:),iln1Jl," in ;J :':jj_'U,cul:u' 2. ;)'0. is sufficient, 'lt1Cl U)c'I"-.{or"c t.hc I),'''nc;'nt Qn",u-; ~i t Lon of

no.t.l f'Lod Ln nd l'ny 1;0"0,:I:,;;ii2'/-;;1;' ;_\~~fJiJe~i.

Ccon td .••• 2

... .,.


.; .. .':

;' I,:.

~' • ~ ~, I.. t ~ I 10.


The notified lrcnd, is b'lin::; cultivater:l. "lith reai crOI)S er1 th mu.Lbar r v nnd· occ oanu t trees st~nding~on thl! lends. '

. "':~ "_} ':;c:,::'": ~:" _ i ~;,.' .'! "

Tha innd notificc1 is 'liof-iiked 'b~rth8 Darty/ village Pa ncha ya t for the pur-poaer of' vl1la~G

extension.~ "~L';'

The 0CcUDantsare,not actually in possession

.' or J..i'Ving!=:m'.,theland'S·~~Q~.if~dl'or acquisition hut [Ire in' POfl?8ssion ti.t;:sornE) other Lands •. Therefore the Lands il1.actl~8l:,:·PQsse:::sion Inll

ha ve to be notified. . ',j


.... ,

'Thu lunds se Le cbel i~ 1m.,. lying a'rid'likelY to

bo come -mar-shy during ti1Q l~ainy SGClSOn, as the lIiat'3r rushes to the v1118,/:8 i'lhich 1s just adjacent

to ehe stream. '.' .r ". ..,' ..

'I'ha t the Land 1 s owned on he had.f of .8 11m1 ted company and-that conv8r~ion fine has already becn

. na Ld ;::nc1tl)e~aC1uisi t i on '!rdl.ilfj ,oaupc ,,!reat hnr d> sh1 p to the .cor,] "2. ny if "~he l?nds are a c,:.'uil'cd,

Thnt tho por t.t ons. t~b'",dc:"ui;ed n~f' found to

vo s t alrsady 11]. t.h the; IlnnfC1pali tv,

" . -, , :," ~

That the notification l!;:S; not, immediatsly follot/ed by 8 public notice 1n1;)->,' village,

14.: I'hn t the perc: 011:0 to 1)= ;11' ov iriod 1/1 th 31 tcs ;):r'fl

- feu a nd the\' cou1dtc '11'ov10"d I.;i 't n sites out of the land 8v.::i12')10· I'J2}h thr_l. Pa ne haya t ,

--.-~-------.__"---. -- - ~-"

1 16..' ThL1t. Government "OLild .h8VG to, pay ho a vy c ompcrrsa t Lon if a cqu l r cd ,.'

That the concerned "Villa PG' Pancho 'rot has not credited or foi10d. to'6~~ctit th~ ~~lnncp of cost d0spite sufficient oopor turu t.y given to tho Village Pancha'ya t ,

18." That tho pr o posr-d lane}' n-":,i a t n rHstancIJ of a b ou t a f'ur Lonrz frOP1 ths o xf.sfd nz colony and not continuous and thcr8f;or(,:ui1.';ul t::b]_€) for e c nu i s I t i.on;

" ~ r I,' .~" " -

, .

19" J' T11at t.hcr-e ar « i{irln03 ,,5 t.h V,'11Wbl!.i k'r1:lrinr:! t1',,(,3 of over 20 to 25 yerir<_; st"lqding.

20 .•. Only 0:18 nerson is' in no ed of 3i t" and t hn t such 2 person ,,/ill beprOvil;(9.C' vi th [0 s1 tC) out or t hi , grm:ltn na and t hcr-o :[01':) :':c,1ui si ti on ')e ell' 0 ppe d ,


. i

That the lnnds hnve ~D:cndy boon ~c~u1rcd bv

nr Lvo t e school~;'"\nd bUj_Jrlino;s ho v» ~1'lso come up and in the circum.sti1i1c·::;s·thnnotific8tion i111'e~\<jy published bo vjthd~nln1 •..

22.. The Lnd lI.cquisltion OffJcBr hn8 not rubllsl1Gc1 tho subst8nc~ Df the notlficntiorl irn~od18tely fo11GTLn:; its lJulJlicnt;lon in t.ho (";]2.:. t t- <16 l'eqLliroc1. unde r the l\l~o17icdons of t ho L8[1c1 i~cqLlls I tion Act.


- 3 -

23. OvrI n« to chcmf1,c in' !~:1.' dlisl1nent of th," r oad j t'1.8 ~c~u~sition rnoy ~~ dropped.


T118t fI t.r nns mi s a t on line; of the Electricity 301)1'0 r uns in th'J La nd a Lr'o ad y notified r or ;]CCluisi tion and thGrefoT'3 1~':lG a cqu i s i td on pr oceed i ngs ma y be;

dropped. .

The AC(}l1irinz Body h8S not provid'ed t~e fUnds. Therefore th'_? o c qu i s ttd on pr-oco ed Ln g s may Of] dr-o npG:}.

It is neod Lo s s to "oint out thf:t if only the a cqu.l s lt i.ou

officers had GXL";,LYJl rind a IInl"~cj_ntr"cl U1G s trrto of a f f'n i r s

L _ .. _. .. _ r ' __ ' __ .,'-.-0: -- •• - ~ .. __ ,. __ , __ " , __

bufoJ:'G ini tin ling t lv: n c.nrl s.l t Lon I-'-('ono~,nl!"' nl'ol)pr1y) the need for cnnc811ntion/ldthc1r:mnl of [1 notific:ntion 2lr,:)cl:!

it s hou l d be noted by :111 c onccr nod that r-e -Ls suc of InT'.d

a cquf.s i.t.Lon no td f'Lcn t i on» 'Ioulrl "nt~lil the liability of tee,

S·tDto j wh l Le pas s t ng t h.. D':.filrclj as th·; v.:11u8 of the pr oncr t.y


obtaining ot the t a mc of idtinti'l:; t.ho acquisition pr opos a L;

in thu li~ht of the 25 points citGd above and scrurulousl~

avoid such si tuotions C'nm,l',raV,d at pa r n 1 above. Lf

Lns tia nce s of 1[1 pao on t;hn pcr t 0::'- tho Land [lC'luisi tion



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