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1.Write anassembly code for the instruction y = (a b) / (d*e)in three different instruction formats such
as Zero address, One address and Two address.
2. Using appropriate technique, perform signed multiplication for the two decimal numbers -11and
-3. Show the steps involved in the process.
3.Perform the normalization on (101.11)10and de-normalization on
(01000010111010000000000000000000)2in IEEE 754 single precision floating point format.

4.Write assembly language programming for the following operation and simulate the same
i) Addition
ii) Subtraction
iii) Logical operations
Store the resultant values in temporary registers and check the answers


li $t1, 100

li $v0, 20

add $t0,$t1,$t2

sub $t0,$t1,$t2

and $t1,$t2,$t3

or $t1,$t2,$t3

nor $t1,$t2,$t3

andi $t1,$t2,100

ori $t1,$t2,100

sll $t1,$t2,10

srl $t1,$t2,10

5.Verify the validity the binary division algorithm for the input value -27 / 7 by showingthe steps
involved in calculating the division.

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