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Lengua Extranjera


Chvez Estrada Kevin
Garay Olgun Marco Antonio
Hernndez Cordero Fabin

CATEDRTICO: Mtro. Jos Lara Castro

Semestre: 9
Grupo 3



In the present project is development the acquired knowledges during the

semester in the class from creativity and innovation business, in which is done the
creation of a company that designs and throwing on the market a product, totally
new and innovative, which is expected to have a great impact in the society, based
on a need, that it has been seen to have all the people, it is desired that be very
useful and specially to have a considerable gain.

The good alimentation in the key for maintain a body a healthy body, is a very
important that each one, according to their owns lifestyles healthy, organize
options from alimentation according to needs and possibilities. The food of the
people varies according to their pleasures. Their nutritional needs depend on
whether or not physical activity is performed, also, it considered the culture and
traditions from the place where each person lives. For example, the information
advertisements in establishments and places where food and drinks prepared are
sold, it can influence in the decision of what is consumed. For this reason, is very
important to know how to make a correct diet.

The action by means of which the people are taken to the mouth food and drinks
that have been chosen and prepared is called alimentation. On the other hand, the
diet is the variety and quantity of foods that are consumed each day. It is here
where through the product offered (healthy plate) it can to know the correct
proportion of foods that a particular person should consume according to their diet
of both stew, soup and dessert.

Healthy plate is a product of great quality and durability, designed to measure

the portion in grams from food that consumes each person; this plate is directed for
all public, but it is manufactured thinking in the persons who need to have a
specific diet Because of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, thyroid, among others.
1.- alimentation: (alimentacin)is the ingestion of food by the organisms
2.- portion: (porcin) Part of a thing that has been separated from it by division.
3.- Ration: (racin)Amount of food that is given in a meal to a person.
4.-Market: (mercado) is a set of transactions of goods or services between individuals
5.- business: (negocio) Profit obtained in a commercial activity.
6.- creation: (creacin) Action to give existence to a thing from nothing.
7.- product: (producto) the result of a job or operation.
8.-necessity: (necesidad) circumstance in which someone or something is necessary.
9.- utility: (utilidad) Benefit or benefit that is derived from a thing.
10.-profitability: (rentabilidad) benefits provided by a particular operation or thing.
11.- Businessman: (empresario) Owner of a company.
12.-Entrepreneur: (emprendedor) person who has decision and initiative to carry out actions that
are difficult.
13.-Mission: Work or commission that a company must fulfill.
14.-vision: planning goals that a company wants to achieve.
15.-Creativity: Capacity or facility to invent or create.
16.- Innovation: is a change that introduces novelties
17.- service: Work, especially when done for another person.
18.- client: Person who uses the services of a company.
19.- demand: Requirement that imposes something or is derived from it.
20.- competence: Capacity for the development of something.
21.- habit: habitual practice of a person, animal or community.
22.- diet: amount of food and drink that is provided to an agency in a period of 24 hours
23.- sale: (venta) transaction in which an income is obtained in exchange for a product
24.- plate: container used to provide food
25.- healthy: (saludable) that is good or beneficial for health or provides it
26.- ingestion: (ingerir) Send a food or drink to the digestive system through the mouth..
27.- measure: (medir) Determine the length, extension, volume or capacity of a thing.
28.- quality: (calidad) Superiority or excellence of something or someone.
29.- durability: it can last a great deal of time
30.- Illness: (enfermedad) Alteration of the normal functioning of an organism.
31.- diabetes: a condition characterized by the elevation of glucose in the blood
32.- Obesity: excessive accumulation and general fat in the body.
33.- Thyroid: (tiroides) Cartilage that is located in the anterior and superior part of the larynx.
34.- Scale: (bscula) is a device that serves to weigh an object.
35.- Production: Manufacture of a product by labor.
36.- revision: review Attentive and careful analysis of a thing.
37.- control: careful observation used to make a check.
38.- Warehouse: (almacn) Establishment in which products are sold in large quantities.
39.- Variety: (variedad) quality of things that are varied
40.- base: it is the support, foundation or support of something.
41.- marketing: (mercadologia) analysis of the behavior of markets and consumers.
42.- finance: exchange of different capital goods between individuals or companies
43.- package: set of objects that are wrapped forming a block to be transported.
44.- purchase: (compra) acquisition of a product in exchange for a monetary good
45.- announcement: (anuncio) Message by means of which something is announced or reported
46.- promotion: Advertising campaign that is made of a certain product during a limited time.
47.- propaganda: Dissemination or dissemination of information
48.- income: (ingreso) obtaining a benefit through a product.
49.- price: Quantity of money that allows the acquisition of a product.
50.- resources: (recursos) Set of goods, wealth or means of subsistence.
51.- Logo: (logotipo) Symbol formed by images or letters that serves to identify a company.
52.- Lemma: Phrase or statement that express an aspiration or ideal,
53 .- Advantage: (ventaja) Circumstance or situation that gives superiority in something.
54.- Process: (proceso) Set of successive phases of a complex phenomenon or fact.
55.- Manufacture: (fabricacion) development of a product from the combination of its components
56. Factor: (factor) Element, circumstance, influence, which contributes to produce a result.
57.- Knowledge: (conocimieto) Faculty of the human being to understand through reason.
58.- Capacity: Property of being able to contain a certain amount of something up to a certain limit.
59.- Country: (pais) Territory occupied by a community of people of the same origin culture
60.- Consumer: (cosumidor) person who consumes products in a market society.
61. Dynamic: (dinamica) peculiar form in which a fact is developed or developed.
62.- Worker: (trabajador) Person who performs work in exchange for a salary.
63.- Government: (gobierno) Group of people who lead a political-administrative division
64.- Promoter: (promotor) person Who organizes an economic activity
65.- Develop: (desarrollar) Make a thing or person go through a series of successive states, so that
it grows, increases or progresses.
66.- Economy: System of production, distribution, commerce and consumption of goods
67.- Society: An organized system of relationships that are established among this group of people.
68.- Balance: Result of a matter, expressed numerically.
69. Body: (cuerpo) Set of parts that form a living being.
70.- Stomach: (estomago) Broadening the digestive tract of man
71. Muscle: (musculo) Organ or mass of tissue composed of fibers
72.- Bone: (hueso) Hard and resistant part of the skeleton of vertebrate animals
73.- Skin: (piel) layer of resistant and flexible fabric that covers and protects the body of the human
74.- Nutrient: (nutriente) A substance that ensures the conservation and growth of an organism
75.- Nutrition: Set of habits, related to human food.
76. Vitamin: Pharmacological preparation containing these organic substances.
77.- Infection: Disease caused by this invasion of pathogens.
78.- Carbohydrate: (carbohidrato) Organic substance, which constitutes energy reserves of animal
79.- Population: (poblacion) Set of inhabitants of a place.
80.- Stew: (guiso) Stewed food, especially cooked and cooked in its sauce.
81.- Soup: (sopa) broth with pasta, rice, semolina or vegetables
82.- Dessert: (postre) Food, usually sweet, that is served at the end of a meal.
83.- Distribution: A set of activities through which a product reaches the consumer.
84. Food: A solid substance that is eaten and served as food.
85.- Drink: Liquid substance that drinks
86.- Ingredient: Element that forms a compound
87.- Quantity: (cantidad) Portion or large number of something.
88.- Health: (salud) Good condition, of a living being or of a community.
89.- Risk: (riesgo) Possibility of a setback
90.- Custom: (costumbre) Usual practice of a person.
91.- Culture: A group of knowledge, ideas, traditions and customs that characterize a people
92. Gram: (gramo) Measure of mass, which is equal to one thousandth of a kilogram.
93.- Objective: That is based on facts and logic.
94.- Requirement: (requerimiento) Request of a thing that is considered necessary,
95. Pathology: (patologia) Physical or mental illness suffered by a person.
96.- Human: (humano) Individual of the human species, person.
97.- Classification: Grade-based rating of a scale
98.- Protein: (protena) Chemical substance that is part of the structure of cell membranes
99.- Tissue: (tejido) How the fibers are interlaced
10.- Structure: (estructura) Mode of being organized the parts of a whole.
1.- Activity: Ability to act or produce an effect.
2.- Fat: (grasa) Semi-solid substance consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons
3.- Organism: Set of organs that constitute a living being.
4.- Excess: (exceso) Amount left over from one thing to another that is taken as a reference.
5.- Monotony: (monotona) Lack of variety, which causes boredom or tiredness.
6.- Flavor: (sabor) Quality of a substance that is perceived by the sense of taste.
7.- Rome: Very pleasant smell.
8.- Hypoallergenic: (hipoalergnico) substance that has a low risk of producing allergic reactions.
9.- Tendency: (tendencia) natural disposition that a person has towards a certain thing.
10.- Fashion: (moda) Taste, custom or use
11.- Element: Social component of a human grouping.
12.- Anorexy: An abnormal lack of desire to eat.
13.- Bulimia: Feeling of abnormal and very marked hunger.
14.- Phenomenon: (fenomeno) Manifestation of an activity that occurs in nature
15.- Finish: (concluir) Making a thing come to an end
16.- Prevention: provision that is taken in advance
17.- Axiom: (axioma) statement so evident that it is considered that it does not require
18.- Mass: (masa) Determined portion of a matter.
19.- hunger: (hambre) Need or desire to eat.
20.- indigestion: (indigestin) Disorder of the digestive system caused by poor digestion.
21.- phthalate: (filato) organic acid containing phosphorus
22.- oxalates: (oxalato) salts or esters of oxalic acid
23.- interfere: (interferir) Interpose a person or a thing in the process of something in a way that will
alter or prevent it.
24.- Absorption: Consuming, depleting or completely ending something.
25.- synthesize: (sintetizar) Briefly present a set of ideas
26.- nucleus: (nucleo) central part of a material thing.
27.- liquid: Substance whose particles are more mobile than solids
28.- irrigation: (riego) Water available for irrigation.
29.- Cooking: (coccin) Procedure that involves raising the temperature of a food
30.- metabolism: A set of chemical and biological changes that are continuously produced in the
living cells of an organism
31.- syndrome: (sndrome) A set of symptoms that present together and are characteristic of a
32.- style: (estilo) Set of peculiar features that characterize a thing or person
33.- disorder: (desorden) Situation or state of confusion or alteration of something
34.- intoxication: Physiological reaction caused by a poison
35.- hydrate: (hidratar) Provide water to a body.
36.- Temperature: Degree or thermal level of a body or atmosphere.
37.- Illness: (dolencia) Illness or alteration of health.
38.- irritation: Reaction of an organ of the body, characterized by inflammation
39.- macrobiotic: (macrobitico) food that has not been handled industrially.
40.- provide: (proveer) Provide what is necessary for a particular purpose.
41.- practice: (prctica) Exercising or carrying out an activity on an ongoing basis
42.- category: Class resulting from a classification of persons or things
43.- Supplement: (suplemento) Element that serves to complete, a thing in some respect.
44.- Exercise: Physical activity that is done to conserve health
45.- content: (contenido) Theme or argument of a work or writing.
46.- region: Territory constituting a homogeneous unit
47.- Healing: (curativo) That serves to heal.
48.- Treatment: (tratamiento) A set of means that are used to alleviate a disease
49.- export: (exportar) sell a product of land or industry to a foreign country.
50.- import: (importar) introduce in one country a product, land or industry, from another country.

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