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Warm up

Create a 5 question quiz on meiosis

It can be multiple choice or short answer.
Create the answer key
Trade with a partner
Take their quiz
Trade back and grade your quiz.


10 points you can use the internet (google or my dp)

+2 if you use your notes and you do NOT use the internet
+5 if you can make this quiz from memory and you do NOT use the internet or
your notes
Complex Inheritance
Essential Question:
What determines the expression of traits?

How can inheritance be modeled?

How do some patterns of inheritance differ from Mendel's theory?

Both alleles are fully dominant.
Both alleles of a gene are dominant and the
heterozygous phenotype has both traits equally
Incomplete Dominance
Two alleles are expressed by a mixing of the
Heterozygotes display a phenotype that is
intermediate to the homozygous phenotypes.
Multiple Alleles
The presence of more than 2 allele that governs the phenotype of the trait.

Blood type is governed by the presence of 3 different alleles


What are the potential phenotypes?

How many alleles will each person have?

Quiz time!
Pull out a half piece of paper

Write your name, date, and hour in the top right

Number it 1-4
1) What type of
inheritance is
this an example
3) What type
of complex
is this an
example of?
2) What type of complex inheritance is this an example
4) What type of complex inheritance is this an example
Activity sheet: ABO blood types
If there is time:
Other Forms of Inheritance

Sex linked- located on the x or y chromosome

Pleiotropy- 1 gene affects the phenotypes of more than one trait.
Epistasis- a gene at one locus affects a gene at another location
Polygenic traits- 2+ genes affect the same trait

Next Time

Tracking inherited diseases

Cystic Fibrosis
Sickle Cell Anemia
1 gene affects the phenotypes of
more than one trait.

Ex: Cystic Fibrosis & Sickle Cell

A gene at one locus affects a gene
at another location
Ex. Mice coat color
One gene determines pigment
Other gene determines whether the
pigment will be deposited in the hair.
Coat color B= black, b=brown
Pigmentation C=color, c=no color
Polygenic traits
2+ genes affect the same trait

Ex. Skin tone

Genes production of melanin

# genes
Minimum 3-4
Maximum 30-40
Environmental effects on phenotype

Ex. Hydrangeas

Flower color blue-violet

to pink.
Color depends on
acidity in the soil

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