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Before I start, i'd just like to point out that according to your calculations, Noah's ark has less

than the Titanic had. There are more flaws with your explanation, but just keep in mind. You're
wanting to keep at least 2 of every single kind of animal on a boat that has a 6th of the space of the

Also, Im not going to bother arguing that a something that couldnt happen naturally happens
naturally (most of the time), like this claim that the bible says the flood lated for 371 days, and that
couldn't be a natural flood, or Noah was 480 when he build the ark, and could have hired workers,
You havent provided evidence to prove that these events happened in the first place. You cant
prove that the flood lasted for that long, or that the flood event occurred in the first place. The reason
why the flood was said to have lasted that long is because its a story book, where anything the
writer wants to happen (within the story) can happen, regardless of if its realistic or not. Ill debate
you about this, once you prove that this shit happened.

1. That Boxcar theory doesn't work. The average size does not reduce the maximum size, or
minimum size. If you actually calculated for each individual animal, you'd run out of space long
beforehand. (Also, the average animal is in reality, about the size of a housefly, but once again, that
doesn't mean that all animals are the size of houseflies). Furthermore, Animals need space to move
around, and do not pack together perfectly, as animals are not perfect squares. If you where to cram
animals into a box like that, youd crushing any animals that were at the bottom/sides of the box, and
would also cause all the other animals to suffer from atrophy from being crammed into a tiny box for
weeks on end.

2. There are arounds 30,000 kinds of vertebrate animals in existence (if you dont include fish, which
make up more than half the number of vertebrate animals), and 950,000 kinds of insects. Far more
than just the 16,000ish animals and insects that Woodmorappe claimed where on the Ark.
Furthermore, its estimated that youd need at least 50 animals of each species, in order to avoid the
consequences of a lack of genetic diversity (aka, excessive inbreeding that leads to various genetic
defects occurring more frequently, due to animals mating with their close family (brothers, sisters,
parents, aunts & uncles, etc.). Only starting with 2-7 animals per species would have lead to many of
those species that were on the ark to go extinct within a few generations.


3. You're failing to take into account the amount of food that'd be necessary to keep those animals
alive. How they'd keep that food from going bad with no refrigeration for over a month, or store all of
the water necessary for these animals to survive. (Noahd need to store the water, since the rising
sea levels would have lead to saltwater and freshwater mixing together, making the water around
the Ark Undrinkable, alongwith another issue that ill explain later)

Allow me to explain, say that every single animal on the ark was identical to a normal house cat. A
house cat needs 5 to 10 fluid ounces of water a day to survive. Assuming that were extremely
generous, and assume that the cats can survive of of nothing but the minimum amount of water
necessary for them to survive, our calculations would go like this
5x17600=8800 fluid ounces of water per day, or around 68.5 gallons of water a day (This is less
water than youd need for 2 elephants by the way, one elephant drinks around 50 gallons of water
per day). a gallons of water weighs around 8.34 pounds, 8.34x68.5 = 571.29 pounds of water FOR A
SINGLE DAY. A gallon of water also takes up around 0.133681 cubic feet. .133681x68.5=9.157118
cubic feet of water.

Id also like to add, that unless you want the carnivores to start eating the other animals, youre going
to need a large amount of meat to keep the animals alive. The only way that you could preserve that
meat (without having to kill the other animals), would be for you to either have cured the meat before
boarding the ark, which would possibly just cause the animals to die from eating too much salt (the
main ingredient used to cure meat).

On top of that, there would also be the issue of animal waste. All of the animals that weren't
hibernating (assuming that some animals managed to hibernate on the ark, despite no indication
that they could do so to begin with), would be producing waste on a daily basis, which would have
required for Noah and his family, to constantly be cleaning up this waste, or else risk the spread of
disease within the ark, a task that would be entirely impossible, considering the amount of animals
that would be producing waste,and the amount of waste theyd be producing. Essentially, theyd
need to somehow do the equivalent of cleaning up for every single animal at the san diego zoo,
(around 650 different species of animals), a total of

Thats not even including the fact that noah would essentially need a massive greenhouse/biodome
to hold all the different kinds of plants that these animals would need to eat; along with a place to
store the plants that had been harvested to be stored, and not rot due to the humidity that
accompanies long sea voyages. Not only would this take up a massive amount of space on the Ark.
Youd need room to hold plants from various different climates for several weeks on the open sea,
along with enough water, to keep these plants alive, and enough manpower to harvest these crops
fast enough to keep up with the demands of thousands of animals, on top of trying to pilot a gigantic
wooden boat, built by untrained shipbuilders, during what would have been the most powerful storm
in history, without any previous training on how to pilot a boat in the first place.

3. You really need to calculate for insects. Especially considering that youd need a massive amount
of them to feed animals that live of other insects/bugs, like Anteaters, hundreds of kinds of birds,
lizards, and rodents, various kinds of spiders, unless Noah somehow had access to freeze drying
technology before wed even created the number zero. (The Mayans created the symbol for zero in
4. Hibernation doesnt work like that. Animals that do hibernate, need to spend long periods of time
fattening up, before they begin hibernating, and only do at different times than each other, in
different climates from each other, for different lengths of time. Its not just something that animals
can do whenever they feel like it. Furthermore, There are still a good amount of animals that
wouldnt hibernate, like Elephants, Giraffes, Rhinos, any form of cattle, all but one species of bird,
Bears (Bears that live in captivity do not hibernate), Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Horses, Ostriches,
Emus, etc.

5. You fail to take into account that these animals don't all live in areas with the same climate, or
even same kinds of habitats as other animals. You'd need to set up an area for animals that live in
the ground, like Burrow Owls, Ground Hogs, Snakes (they sleep in dens), etc; youd need a place for
birds, and other animals that primarily live in trees to roost, or sleep. Thats also not including that
some of these animals are unable to survive in the warm climate that would exist on the Ark, caused
by warm blooded animals body heat, along with the humidity that would come from the water that
would be surrounding Noahs Ark.
You also cant expect for these animals to willingly choose to being locked in a tiny enclosed space
for weeks on end, and (in the case of the carnivores) not kill their natural prey, or accidentally crush
smaller animals that get in the way of the large animals (ie, the Lemmings getting crushed by a

6. Taking insects and other terrestrial invertebrates into account, the average land animal is actually
the size of a housefly. However just because something is the average size, that does not mean that
you dont have to worry about animals that are bigger/smaller than that. this does not reduce the
maximum size, nor does it increase the minimum size. The difficulties in keeping the really big, and
really small creatures alive are not affected by the average size of these creatures. Assuming that
you dont believe that Dinosaurs came on the Ark, youd still have to deal with Elephants, Rhinos,
Giraffes, Bears, various different kinds of cattle, etc. Just one of these animals (ill be referring to a
1750 pound/793.7866 kg dairy cow, and a 125 pound/56.599 kg sheep in this scenario), would
weight more than 20 times the weight of these sheep, with the largest of these animals (an african
elephant, weigh in around 18,500lb/8500 kg on average, and up to 27,000lb/13,000kg at max) would
weigh almost the same as 150 sheep for every 1 african elephants. This would drastically increase
the amount of space needed on the ark, along with increasing the amount of weight, and space
necessary to hold all of these animals on the Ark.

7. There are three different ways to do to find the "average" of a set of numbers, each of which is
useful for some purposes and useless for others. One, you can all them all up and divide by the total
quantity of numbers. This is the "arithmetic mean". Two, you can sort your numbers into an ordered
list and take the middle-most number of that list. This is the "median".

As for your claims about evidence of the flood occurring, Im going to tell you the truth. Those claims
are objectively false. There is evidence of floods that have occurred in different areas around the
world (Im talking about floods in general, not the specific flood youre talking about), and there was
once a point where water levels were higher than they are now, but there is no evidence that
indicates that there was a world flood, at any point in history.
If you want an explanation, watch those AronRa videos i shared with you:

And here are some other sites that can explain things that I didnt get to:

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