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Die Quelle the Source :- a Sadhana Ashram in Central Europe

A free translation from the original German article of Mag. Edith Hidacher
published in “World Religions” September 2008.

Die Quelle began as an attempt to concretize an answer to a crucial need of our

times and in doing so became a proto—type for spiritual resources in the future. In
this reconstructed guest house in south eastern Austria, many people of all ages
have found a place where they can be spiritually “at home “. Here they gather new
strength and insight for their daily living in a world which has become exhaustingly
complex. The Ashram is set among quiet woods and low hills, (at 1,050 meters
height), the environment offers a rare quality of stillness and silence. All who come
with a desire for understanding and personal guidance on their spiritual journey,
experience acceptance, being heard, respected and challenged.

“The Source” is a Sadhana Ashram under the teaching and spiritual guidance of Sr.
Ishpriya, who holds a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of London and is a
members of the religious Congregation of the Sacred Heart. For more than 30 years,
Ishpriya lived in North India where she studied with internationally respected ‘Hindu
and Buddhist masters and co-founded 3 Ashrams based on the dialogue among
religions. She has herself become an internationally sought spiritual guide and
teacher. From its inception the concept of Die Quelle has been developed with the
collaboration of Sr Gitti Linhart. They co-founded “The Source”, in 1996 and it
flourishes in Sr. Gitti’s open and warm hearted direction.

This Ashram in Central Europe is essentially a place open to all persons of all
religious traditions or none. As an Open Door it encourages
persons of different cultural, social and religious backgrounds
to meet and interact in peace. As a place of spiritual
encounter and practice, the essentials of the eastern
traditions of Abram life are lived out but well integrated into a
life-style rooted in to-day’s western culture. Thus the rhythm
of life in Die Quelle aims to support the individual’s inner
experience and provides a natural balance between times of silence and sharing, of
solitude and relating of activity and reflection.

SATSANG – Seeking Together – Helping to Create – A Planetary Vision – A Universal Heart

Central to life in the house is the Meditation room, the
“Cave of the Heart”, which is always open for silent
prayer or meditation. Each new day is welcomed and
completed by a short Light Ritual, the Aarati as a
reminder of the importance and transitory nature of all
things in space-time.. Three times during the day all
gather for a period of meditation or silent prayer. A key
element in the experience of an Abram is the morning
pravachan. Most mornings Sr. Ishpriya gives a spiritual impulse( Pravachan) to help
deepen personal reflection and Sadhana practice. MI the themes she chooses are
relevant to our times and arise from a variety of sources. She might choose a current
situation in world politics, a new discovery in Cosmology, medicine, or any branch of
science or she might unfold the secret wisdom of a classic religious text. Individual
spiritual direction is also possible.

In addition to Meditation and reflection physical practices are also encouraged. The
Sadhana room has space for the practice of Yoga Asana, Tai Ch’i, or any serious
method of Body—awareness which a participant might use for spiritual practice. The
small library carries a wide range of books, journals and audio-visual materiel. There
is nourishment for mind and psyche in the information offered in classic texts and on
contemporary issues.

In Global times we are facing completely new challenges. Ours is a scientific era
when, as Vaclav Havel once aptly expressed it: “. . . .all things are possible and
nothing is certain.” This uncertainty and a general loss of direction in life cause
acute anxiety in many people around the world. And still, the Universal and perennial
questions seek answers. From where does all this Universe come ? Is there more to
Life than its space-time expressions? Why am I here?

To help the search for answers Die Quelle does not offer courses in Theology but
rather provides the preconditions necessary for growth in spiritual awareness. In the
simple actions of every day life, while working together in the house and garden,
preparing meals, enjoying a conversation or a solitary walk in the woods, attitudes
and perceptions are changed.

Die Quelle - the Source, is a Sadhana Ashram in Central Europe at the service of
people living in a fast moving, multi-cultural, multi-religious society, helping all to take
a distance from the demands of the “market place”, to discern the essentials in and
perhaps to re-organize, their lives. Thus they are enabled to make a more conscious
and responsible contribution to the wellbeing of the whole human family.

There is a warm welcome for anyone who wishes to follow the Ashram style of life
and to fulfil its purpose but the Ashram never receives guests. All who come, even
for a few days, contribute fully to the Sadhana and spiritual companionship lived out

Edith Hidacher
( September 2008)

SATSANG – Seeking Together – Helping to Create – A Planetary Vision – A Universal Heart

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