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Compiled By : Group 7 - XI-7

Syarah Habibah Balqis
Syifa Ananda
Widya Nurul Fadilah
Yeandri Gantrina

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan SMAK Bogor


Praise and gratitude we extend to Allah SWT who had favored, good boy,
and His guidance to us all, especially to us. Thanks to God's grace alone we can
accomplish the task of Physics and not more than a period that has been
And do not forget to also pray and hope Salam remain tercurahkan to our
prophet Muhammad SAW, because thanks to him the services that we are on
the road again by God's wrath toward the road in ridhoi by God, namely Islam.
Saying "no ivory that is not cracked," maybe this is the appropriate word for
the task that we do, and therefore when there is an error on our task is criticism
and suggestions we receive it gladly for improvement in the future.

Bogor, January17th 2015


1 2
Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar...........i
Daftar Isi............ii
Bab I..............1
Bab II.............
Bab III.............

1 3
Bab I

1.1 Background
In this globalization, advances in technology is increasing from time to time. The
progress made by mankind, be it in the field of communication, education and
health sector is very significant. One is the progress in the field of health, which
uses X-rays were discovered by German physicist; Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen as a
facilitator for health workers, making it easier to diagnose the disease in the patient
complained of without having to perform surgery prior to the healthy parts that
increase susceptibility to damage the cells that are not problematic.

1.2 Scope of the Study

This research will discuss about the X-rays, ranging from understanding the
benefits and shortcomings, to the application of X-rays in life, especially health.

1.3 Objectives and Benefits

The objective of this paper is:
1. Assist in completing a given task Physics
2. Understand the working principle of X-rays
1. Provide new knowledge.
2. Fixing the value of physics.

Bab II


X-rays or Rntgen rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths

ranging from 10 nanometers to 100 Picometre, has a frequency of 1016Hz to
1020Hz. X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation and can be dangerous. X-ray
radiation is an electromagnetic wave with a short wave. Many kinds of
electromagnetic waves include light, ultraviolet, infrared, radio, and TV. X-rays
have a fairly high permeability of the material in its path. Thus the X-rays can be
used as a means of diagnosis and therapy in the medical field.


X-rays were found accidentally by the German physicist who was born on
the date March 27, 1845, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (the first Nobel Award in
Physics Division) on 8 November 1895.
He uses Geslier tube is a tube made of Glass Envelope which there Argon or
Xenon gas that if there is a potential difference between the anode and cathode gas
-Gas then this will be ionized and the electrons will break free from their atomic
bonds. Electrons are closest to the anode will be drawn directly keanoda resulting
hole. This hole will be filled by the next electron, electron abandoned this place
will be a hole again and again by electron charging happens next, and so on that
will happen and there was a series of electron relay is closed and there was a flow
of electrons in contrast to the electric current which is then referred to the flow
tube . At the same time, electrons are drawn to the anode will hit the anode and
detained. If a collision is right at the heart of the atomic electrons called
Breamstrahlung events and when hit dielektron skin K, called K Characteristics.
As a result of this collision, the hole-hole occurs because the electrons are hit by
the bouncing. Hole-hole will be filled by other electrons. This electron transfer will
generate electromagnetic waves Seatu different wavelength. Electromagnetic
waves with a wavelength of 0.1 to 1 A is then called an X-ray or X-ray beam. The
first X-ray tube type is called Cold Chatoda Tube.
But on further development, in 1913, Collige enhance discovery by
modifying the X-ray tube is used. The tube is used vacuum tubes that there are
only two electrodes, an anode and a cathode. This type of tube is then called Hot
Chatoda Tube and the tubes were used for conventional X-ray plane now.

He took the first X-ray photography, from the inside of the metal object and
the bones of her hand.

Applications in Life

In the industrial field, X-rays are used to:
Demonstrate a disability when going into the engine.
Showing when there are cracks in the metal pipe and plastic pipe.
Investigate the crystal structure and the separation distance between atoms
in a crystal material.
Assist scientists in showing the parts related to the atomic and molecular


In the field of medicine, X-rays are used to:

X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells. This is known as radiotherapy.

X-rays are used to take still images known as radiographs. X-rays can penetrate the
human body is soft, while the X-rays will be absorbed by the denser parts like
bones that contain lots of calcium. X-ray images are used to show the bone defect,
exposing the bone if there are broken and shows the state of the organs in the body.

In its application, the creation of the x-ray no longer rely on the mechanism of
Crookes tube, melakinkan using modern x-ray plane. Modern X-ray plane
basically generate x-rays with mem'bombardir 'metal targets with high-speed
electrons. High-speed electrons must have high energy, and therefore is able to
penetrate the outer orbital electrons in the target material to the electron orbital
skin mashing k (closest to the nucleus).

Electrons are crushed will bounce off of its orbit, leaving a hole in its place. Hole
he leaves behind will be filled by an electron from the outer skin and the process
involves the release of photons (electromagnetic light) of the electron filler.
Photons that come out that are then called x-rays, and the entire process of
formation of x-rays through the mechanism called the mechanisms of x-ray
The other possible mechanism is the emission of photons that experienced by fast
electrons deflected by the target atomic nucleus for the consequences of the
coulomb interaction between atomic nuclei targets with fast electrons. This
deflection process involves slowing and therefore requires energy in the form of
photon emission. This mechanism is called bremsstrahlung (German language of
'braking radiation').

Furthermore, modern X-ray plane, utilizing two possibilities above to enable the
production of X-rays.
As shown in the illustration, the potential difference between the anode and the
cathode is made in such a way so as to achieve sufficient numbers to make
electrons jump at high speed after the cathode given energy (usually 1000 volts).
After the electrons in the cathode filament jump and hit the anodes, x-rays there
happens with the mechanism characteristic x-rays nor bremsstrahlung.

Because the filaments at the anode is tilted downward, x-ray photons will go down,
out of the plane x-rays pass through tissue and portrayed. Shadow / image formed
on the film was placed underneath.
The X-Ray that discovered by Germany Physicist W.C. Roentgen 106 years
ago. Have benefits in medical life used for therapy. Including in Computed
Tomography Scanner (CT-scan), fluoroscopy, photo toraks X-ray conventional.
Except to radiodiagnosis, the X-ray radiations used to therapy because X-ray
have high penetration on organic materials that can diagnosis cancer. X-ray use
will increase in the future for human lives considering increasing of human
knowledge. We should be thankful to W.C. Roentgen for his discovery.
Daftar Pustaka/Bibliography








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