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Tsrtuecur of the aeppr

The tperiennt onctent fo iths ppare obelw si ddiveid iont ehert aprst. The itfsr rtap si a naglnouditli
ltieratrue ervwie no eht cotpi fo raheitge ourtism itwh teh bocetievj fo inalairiifgsm hte eercrrseha
tiwh the onccpte fo hreigeta tourism. The eocsnd prta is a hostr ohtgiorparyhis of hte iefdl as dterca
rtoughh hte reievewd terilature. Het itrhd tapr prenseetd eth ardree with the rleoctitahe aomfrekwr
eidnietifd yb ihts eserraechr form the nlaitudoinlg eerviw. Teh rotufh arpt si na ecsxvuile rieewv fo
Rposefsor Uhdosns pearp no het cceoeevgnnr tebeewn aehriget oumtris adn randb ehegrita dna
ifnally eth fifth part oiprsvde soem nigisths on hwo heitrgae rouismt tiopc acn eb nitetgader tino the
erearscehrs amin seercrha on abrdn heiragte.

4. Discsusnio

4.1 Onccpetual afremrwok fo ehartige orutism

Lacbar dna Pearec (1995, p. 203) osebrved tath het body of ihetrage ortuims reaitltrue tsarted ot
ekat form ni hte aeryl 1990s, otning htat sa tiwh ohetr ewlyn grimneeg boeisd fo litarteeur, thta on
teiharge troiusm is ta respent alregly ahccadreisrte yb na xpeadnngi rnage of conectps nad
nofdtiisein, yb a mxi fo niidvdaiul aecs sustdei and moer eeglran oidsscerus. Ltlite psecific rneageemt
xeitss on tawh rheeigta otrmusi si, if ndieed it is a esapraet heponenmon ro who it shodul setb be
studdie. Acarbl nad Earpce (1995, p. 203) erievewd rslevea extnat ediifntino aavlbiale at ahtt imte,
agmon ehtm by Ezlppe and Ahll (1992, p. 47) whhci eses rhetiaeg tiusorm as a obrad elfid of psieclaty
vtarel asbed on sotaalgin fro hte past and teh drsiee ot repeeixnce dieersv lulcutra sdcanlaesp and
forms. Oantreh fdeniitoni etidc si by Prnteice (1993, p. 22) hwo esueggsdt that treahieg
tiourms oshuld eb rearegdd sa a eisres fo geplvanprio nad mseowhat ill-feinedd amtker aeplcs ni
cihwh tpotenial ncosrumse seek to bneetif nitlelrany rhoghtu the neebifical efielnsg fo
nocsinugm etirhaeg nad rdeposucr ensprte souctdrp for imtsncopnuo sa ntocrtisata. Retpneci
(1993, p. 36 ietcd in Rchistuo, 2005, p. 8) enwt eufrrth to xepialn het odbar gctearoy of (ursomti)
pcorduts when he ggeustsed ttah lltseineays in uiotrsm, teh remt rhaegeit hsa oemc to nema
not noly lasndacsep, naturla itshory, iunlgbdis, tarsecfat, utluclar tdratinios and het elki hwich era
ielltalry ro mhlaicyoealprt asespd no rofm oen geenraiont to eth hoter, ubt hotse monga thsee itgnhs
whcih nca be yrptorade ofr rpoomtion as uoitsrm pdoursct ... hietarge siste hsloud eb diaertdtiefefn
ni rtesm fo tyeps fo heirateg: buitl, uanrtal, and ctluural iheratge. Yael (1991, p. 21 itcde ni Aablcr
nad Eaprec 1995, p. 203), no eth throe hadn rpoviedd a mipsilsitc viwe fo gerhitae tuosrmi tsagitn
ahtt ehrigtae itromsu si oinhtng orem ahtn isutmor crendte no ahwt ew ahev rnieehitd, which nac
eman yntahnig from hstoriic iubdlisgn, to art okwsr, to abieutlfu eecnsry. Dineed, rehitaeg
adh enbe a achct-lal rphase ni teh rtoiusm niudtsyr ni het 1990s ot the extnet ahtt Engl (1991, p. 73
ciedt in Ablcar adn Repcae 1995, p. 203) ugdsgstee htta fi ni uodbt, lalc ti ehirteag. Ethor
odifetiinsn rpddvoei a roem ni-edpth ncneptioztaoliuca fo erihteag rtousmi by tsreisngs no hte
uctaulcraiton pcesats of sihtorical dna toher oersrcues neddee for bojscet ro itess to eb edeemd
threaeig (Baclar nad Eaprce, 1995, p. 203). Bnofaeci nda Fwoler (1993, p. 158 tecid in Abrlca nad
Aprece, 1995, p. 203) ceomntmde htat ecsbuae ti [rhiagete] has no ntiisnric mneaign, erhetiga ash
no teisxence ietehr. Of ouscre it si ehter as itbs fo nseto nad mud, tmlae nda oodw, btu it lnoy
ebcoems hiertage wehn we and we alnoe giev it a avlue-alden sgnaiicfniec ni htaioengcnopr rmets.
Ni otrhe dowrs, ttouriss go ot ese, nto ujst carftaets, btu hliayopsgcocl rfcttaeas, riteh emninags
cereatd nifieyeftralld adn a imlloin nda more tmsie evor, in teh mndis of aech and veery

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