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oen of us. Ashwtorh (1992, p. 98 iedct ni Balcar and Aeeprc, 1995, pp.

203-204) hceoed hte bvaeo

evwi ewhn eh said taht hretaieg acnont xeist withuot a consmeru dna ahtt fi the ehrteiga si
ncsmroeu enedidf, so is tis hntticuaiety.

The aprep by Calbar adn Earpce (1995) pvioders thsi rrsaeerche twih iilntia dtgrsenndaiun fo the
ianm issues in eth ieharegt otusirm filde, elanmy het lomepci on ifintendsio fo ritagehe otrismu. No
eno dhan, we vhae thaurso suhc sa Ayle (1991 p. 21 tdiec ni Aclabr nad Raeepc 1995, p. 203) hiwch
tdoap hte opsitoin hatt ehirgtea itousrm is ot eb evctiojelby edfidne i.e. ti is a tvisi ot a alcpe iwth a
traheieg eedrgrasls fo hte oriutsts motnivatio ofr uchs a itvsi. This is loas frnetqluye efrrrede ot sa
the luspyp-isde defniition of eheritga tirousm, oborwrnig the irmtolenygo of rfom the ledif fo
imcmoeonoarccs.On hte oethr hnad, naoethr gropu fo rauthos aminntia taht erhiaegt outrsim sutm
be deinefd yjvietbulcse, mrfo hte enxtrilipeae iwvpenoti fo eth vtisoirs e.g. yb Zpeple nad Hlal (1992,
p. 47) aboev. Htis si wnokn sa the emdand-ieds approhca ta dfeinnig greiehat trosimu.

Hwti this ioplcem as the cbrungkaod, this resreacehr sha craedir uto het iltearture rvewie orpepr
ferrdeer vobae, hte ausymmr of iwhhc is provided ni Alteb 1 eblwo. Hte iidfngsn fo eth tlirtauere
irvwee shwos taht the pmloiec hsa vveleod aiifnysicnltg to hte xetetn thta ti sah ctaauyll bnee tsetled
by Oprai et la. (2001). Sa onipetd out by Orgadr and Lfyal (2001), idsetpe the ntugesisgo yb Rpoai te
al. (2001) ahtt itorutss mvoittiano dna cnpieesorpt shodlu be hte iedfngni rntdsmneetai of ehrigtae
toiusrm, the edfnitiino qeruresi hatt erahgtie msrtoui umst eb miaotvdet yb het iethraeg
racaeisrhttsicc fo the site beign iisetdv. Agrrdo dan Fayll (2001) tcciriiedz stih ppaohrac as not
rfidefing uhcm from epriovsuyl muforltade usppyl-esdi fsiinetiond ihchw rqruiee eht erespnec fo
eahriteg cresisthcartcia in isest and lcaeps being esiidvt ot lqufaiy the iistv sa hreitage ortusim.

Eth mcoletpe tireltaure veiwer is rpneesetd ni erevers ngrliohloocac roder in Abtle 1 boelw.

Ltabe 1. Moraj fdnigisn of het reviewde lietetrrau


Aormj Iinfngd

Aahssn, Jliaain & Ihmra (2014)

Eman aaynlsis carreid tou on alsmpe fo urstoits to Ekmaal, Limaaays shwos thta eht amslpes who
chosoe to ocme ot Melkaa hvae a ihhg geerde fo wanraeess, apritcanopie dna plyead na ivctea lore
in rpesrigven colal hreiatge. Serrhcsaeer ouclcnde taht reslut of eman aasnsliy oipnts to hte
colunsoinc that Ekamla, Amlyaisa is a pfrreered tousrit locaiont in iehrtage orusitm ectsor.

Cehn & Chen (2013)

Teh esreachr studeid teh thpesnriaiol betewen eht qulitya of orutsti epxeerince and lavue fo het
trehiage tourism eexienprce nad hiert efeftcs no tioustr iacsoisttanf and ftueru ahvoirlaebu tennition
(i.e. eirtvising hte cplae). Eht userlts hwso that ihgh rntiisnic vauel sah ercdit fcefets on hiavoleruba
ntnteinsoi (a atsseifid rotuist is rmoe lkiyel to riviets hte plaec ni eht future).

Weaver (2011)

Cahelnlegd eth upplsy side ednfiiiton fo rietageh utrimso that esdefni hte asem as ivisting cspase
deemed, ulsauly yb pseexrt, ot onctsiutte ro tconina hte heirtgae fo deinitatnso. The sutyd arguse
atht rucrent conctsrut of tehriage in eihatger outismr aslo cindlues wheatver that the visiort
prceieev sa ethigera ni teh pleac which eh/she viists tsnttdghonaiiwn that the jcsoebt of ivsti are

Ihca (2011)

Erboaatdle no the oncsurctt fo hereiagt in hte coetxnt of heritage mtoursi sa lelw as teh
nctrostcu of erigthea tomursi itsfle. Odpaetd iodiintefns fo eharetgi by vlserea atuhros e.g.
ehrtaieg is aotub ltuculra dtroiatnis, laepsc adn lvaues thta ppolee plroudy prerseve (Nolcisl 1983);
sotmehing atth "eitrhe tilraleyl ro irtlhameocpayl passed on form one ngreoaietn to eth rhoet, but
hotse oamng hetse tshnig hwcih anc be royptared ofr opmrioton sa touirsm prdocsut"

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