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Open Access Review

Migraine andstroke
Yonghua Zhang,1 Aasheeta Parikh,1 Shuo Qian2

To cite: ZhangY, ParikhA, Abstract association between ischaemic stroke and

QianS. Migraine and stroke. Migraines are generally considered a relatively benign migraine with aura, especially in younger
Stroke and Vascular Neurology
2017;2: e000077. doi:10.1136/
neurological condition. However, research has shown an (age 45 years) women, is already estab-
association between migraines and stroke, and especially lished and wellaccepted,58 but there is still
between migraine with aura and ischaemic stroke. Patients uncertainty with respect to its mechanisms,
can also suffer from migrainous infarction, a subset
correlation between stroke and migraine
Received 7 February 2017 of ischaemic stroke that often occurs in the posterior
without aura, management, prophylaxis
Revised 6 April 2017 circulation of younger women. The exact pathogenesis
Accepted 9 April 2017 of migrainous infarct is not known, but it is theorised
in clinical practice and so on. However,
Published Online First that the duration and local neuronal energy level from these two conditions are known to have in
29May2017 cortical spreading depression may be a key factor. Other common the following: (1) pathogenesis,
factors contributing to migrainous infarct may include (2) risk factors and(3) clinical and imaging
vascular, inflammatory, endothelial structure, patent manifestation.
foramen ovale, gender, oral contraceptive pill use and In this review, we will discuss epidemi-
smoking. Vasoconstrictors such as the triptan and ergot ology, possible mechanisms, advanced
class are commonly used to treat migraines and may also genetic findings and clinical management
play a role. Migraine is also shown to be correlated to of this complex situation. Hopefully, with
haemorrhagic stroke, although studies do not demonstrate the advance of genetic research, genome-
causation versus association, and further studies are
wide screening and knowledge for specific
warranted. There are also some rare genetic diseases
such as cerebral autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with
diseases, such as cerebral autosomal-domi-
subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, retinal nant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts
vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy and others, and leukoencephalopathy(CADASIL),
which can cause both migraines and infarcts. On imaging, retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodys-
many migraineurs are found to have white matter changes trophy(RVCL) and others, one will be able
similar to those seen in patients with stroke. These may to use individualised prophylaxis and treat-
be caused in part by alterations in resting cerebral blood ment for patients and begin the era of preci-
flow and vasoconstrictor use. In treating patients with sion medicine.
migraines, it is important to identify and modify any
vascular risk factors such as hypertension, smoking, oral
contraceptive pill use and lifestyle factors. Further studies
will determine if more aggressive treatment of migraines Clinical presentation of migraine and
can ultimately lead to fewer strokes in this population. stroke
Migraine is one of the most common neuro-
logical disorders, affecting 11%15% of
Introduction the population. It is best described as a
With the increase in both size and age of the moderate to severe throbbing headache
world population, stroke has become one lasting 472hours and is often associated with
of the heaviest global health burdens, espe- nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phono-
cially in middle-income to low-income coun- phobia. About one-third of migraineurs expe-
tries. Based on data from the Global Burden rience auras including speech, sensory, visual
of Disease Study 2013, more than 10million or motor symptoms, which can mimic many
people suffer an acute stroke (ischaemic common stroke-like symptoms. Migraine and
or haemorrhagic) each year, which repre- stroke can have similar symptoms, especially
Edward Neurosciences Institute sents a global incidence of 175.4/100000/ migraine variants such as basilar migraine,
in affiliation with Northwestern
year.1 In the USA, stroke is the fifth leading ocular migraine and others.
Medicine, Naperville, Illinois,
USA cause of death and approximately 800000 Ischaemic strokes comprise about 80% of
Department of Neurology & people have a stroke each year.2 3 Though all strokes and are a result of reduced blood
Rehabilitation, University of migraine is generally considered a benign flow to the brain causing damage and death
Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, USA disease that affects 11.7% of the US popula- to brain tissue. They can occur due to a variety
Correspondence to
tion (17.1% of women and 5.6% of men),4 of reasons such as large artery atherosclerosis,
Dr Yonghua Zhang; there is unequivocal evidence showing asso- embolism, small vessel occlusion or decreased
yzhang@edward.org ciation between migraine and stroke. The systemic perfusion. Ischaemic strokes can

160 ZhangY, etal. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2017;2:e000077. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000077

Open Access

have variable presentations depending on which cerebral in Taiwan concluded that migraineurs had an increased
vessels have been affected. For example, ischemia in the risk of developing haemorrhagic strokes.6 In the Harvard
vertebrobasilar arteries can lead to cranial nerve palsies, study, 85 confirmed haemorrhagic strokes were found
ataxia, diplopia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dysarthria or during a mean follow-up of 13.6 years. After adjustment
dysphagia while ischemia in the anterior cerebral artery for age, there was a change between women without
could lead to motor and/or sensory deficits. migraine and women with MA; HR 2.31 and p=0.0190.9
Ischaemic stroke in a migraine sufferer may be catego- On the contrary, in a subanalysis on migraine and cardio-
rised as cerebral infarction of other cause coexisting with vascular disease based on three studies by Schrks and
migraine, cerebral infarction of other cause presenting colleagues,10 no increased risk for haemorrhagic stroke
with symptoms resembling migraine with aura (MA) was demonstrated. A recent meta-analysis in 2013 iden-
or cerebral infarction occurring during the course of tified 8 studies (4 casecontrol and 4 cohort studies)
a typical migraine with aura attack. Only the last fulfils involving a total of 1600 haemorrhagic strokes, which
criteria for migrainous infarction. Migrainous infarction showed that the risk of haemorrhagic stroke was greater
mostly occurs in the posterior circulation and in younger in females with any migraine (1.55; 95%CI, 1.16 to 2.07;
women(figure1A,B). p=0.003) and in female migraineurs aged less than 45
Diagnosis of migrainous infarction is based on Interna- years (1.57; 95%CI, 1.10 to 2.24; p=0.012).5 Though these
tional Classification of Headache Disorders (http://www. available studies bring to light the correlation between
ichd-3.org) migraine and haemorrhagic stroke, they cannot address
the question of causation versus association. Therefore,
Description further studies are needed to illustrate the haemorrhagic
One or more migraine aura symptoms associated with stroke risk according to migraine type, age, sex and haem-
an ischaemic brain lesion in the appropriate territory orrhagic stroke type.
demonstrated by neuroimaging.

Diagnostic criteria
New development discussion
A. A migraine attack fulfilling criteria B and C
B. Occurring in a patient with migraine with aura and
The exact mechanisms for migraine-induced stroke have
typical of previous attacks except that one or more
yet to be determined, although several factors have been
aura symptoms persists for>60min
extrapolated (box1). The basis for migraine pathology
C. Neuroimaging demonstrates ischaemic infarction in a
appears to be neuronal excitability caused by cortical
relevant area
spreading depression (CSD). Spreading depolarisation
D. Not better accounted for by another diagnosis.
causes near-complete breakdown of neuronal ion home-
Haemorrhagic strokes, which can quickly escalate into
ostasis and contributes significantly to the higher vulner-
a devastating clinical situation, make up about 12% of all
ability of neurons to ischaemic stress compared with
strokes. Some risk factors have been identified such as
other cells of the body.11 Spreading depolarisation leads
hypertension, aneurysm and smoking, but much remains
to hyperexcitability, followed by spreading depression.
to be discovered about their triggers and prevention.
The duration of depolarisation and the local neuronal
Among those, migraine has been suspected as a risk
energy level are important factors. High energy levels
factor for haemorrhagic stroke. The association between
can lead to spreading depression, while low energy levels
migraine and haemorrhagic stroke, including intrace-
(or low perfusion) lead to non-spreading depression and
rebral haemorrhage and subarachnoid haemorrhage,
cell death. CSD is associated with excitatory amino acid
is weaker than its relation with ischaemic stroke due to
(eg, glutamate) release, which is known to be involved in
inconsistent data from past decades. A large-scale, popula-
ischaemic neuronal injury.
tion-based, age-matched and sex-matched follow-up study
Vascular factors play arole in both migraine and its
induced ischaemic stroke. In fact, migraine is suggested
as a predisposing condition for spontaneous cervical
artery dissection; some have suggested a generalised
vascular disorder as a predisposing condition for both
diseases.12 13 Endothelial dysfunctionand reduced
endothelial repair1416 are hypothesised as contributing
factors although the exact mechanism of ischaemic
stroke risk in migraine remains unknown. In a case-con-
trol study, Liman et al found that female migraineurs
with aura (MA) had significantly higher endothelial
microparticles (EMPs) from peripheral blood while
Figure 1 Typical manifestation of migrainous infarct on MRI monocytic and platelet microparticles were increased
diffusion weighted imaging in a 45-year-old female patient in all MA patientsas well.17 Since higher levels of EMPs
with chronic migraine with aura. have been shown to be related to reduce peripheral

ZhangY, etal. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2017;2:e000077. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000077
Open Access

use, pregnancy), thrombocytosis and erythrocytosis, von

Box 1 Possible mechanisms of migraine-induced stroke Willebrand factor antigen, fibrinogen, tissue plasminogen
Cortical spreading depression activator antigen and endothelial microparticles.18 Hyper-
Cerebral blood flow hemodynamic change coagulability induced by these changes could explain
Increased vascular resistance theincreased risk of stroke for this specific population
Breakdown of neuronal ion homeostasis of young female migraineurs. However, the exact mecha-
Inflammatory factors nisms linking hypercoagulability to migraine are not yet
CSDrelated release of neuronal inflammatory mediators explored. One theory is that micro-embolus following
Cytotoxic cell damage due to glutamate release and excessive platelet aggregation could cause either migraine aura or
calcium accumulation transient ischaemic attack (TIA), and that migraine aura
Persistent neurologic deficit due to neuronal necrosis represents a TIA equivalent.19 This can, to some extent,
Endothelia dysfunction
be demonstrated by increased fibrinogen, D-dimer and
Reduction in bioavailability of vasodilators
galectin-3 levels in patients with migraine.20 In addition,
Mediated by increased oxidative stress
Preceding development of atherothrombosis experimental work in rodent models shows that hypoper-
Reduced endothelia repair capacity fusion caused by injections of air, cholesterol crystals and
Vascular factors microspheres could trigger CSD without infarction.21
Arterial dissection/spontaneous cervical artery dissection Other theories suggest that CSD may lead to weakening of
Increase serum elastase the bloodbrain barrier and endothelial damage, or that
Patent foramen ovale (controversial) migraine may be linked to hypercoagulability through
Genetics stress.18
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR) C677T Over the past few years, evidence from genetic influ-
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-DD polymorphism ence on the migrainestroke relation emerges, with
Likely no association with FHM1/CACNA1A, FHM2/ATP1A2, FHM3/
genetic predisposition playing an important role in
the occurrence of both migraine and ischaemic stroke.
Coagulation factors
Increased platelet activation factor For example, Kutai et al22 showed a high incidence of
Von Willebrand factor F5 A1691G and F2 G20210A in a group of paediatric
Protein S deficiency patients with migraine and significantly increased factor
Others VIII activity in 25% of the same group of patients from a
Medications: ergotamine likely (+), triptan () population of Jewish origin. Therefore, the author recom-
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome mended thrombophilia survey in patients with migraine
FHM: Familial Hemiplegic Migraine and indicated more attention to the shift towards hyper-
+association found coagulation either during or between migraine attacks.
-no association found Independent risk factors of ischaemic stroke in
migraineurs include migraine with aura, women,
age<45years, oral contraceptive use and smoking.10 23 Risk
endothelial function,18 monitoring EMPs may be a factors specific to migraineurs may include migraine-spe-
reasonable method to monitor migraineurs endothe- cific medications including triptans and ergot alkaloids.
lial function and provide a basis for early intervention. These potent vasoconstrictors may lead to increased
To interpret the mechanisms behind this phenomenon, blood pressures and thus increase the risk of ischaemic
the authors further conducted one posthoc analysis, stroke.24
which concluded that women with MA had lower levels The association between PFO and migraine is currently
of stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha, an important unknown. Both migraine and PFO are common in the
modulator maintaining endothelial integrity via mobil- general population.25 Postmortem of 956 adults showed
isation of vascular stem cells.19Last year, investigators an overall PFO incidence of 27.3%.26 There are several
from Harvard did a whole genome sequence in 59674 proposed mechanisms for migraine due to thepresence
patients with migraine and 316078 controls. They iden- of PFO. Due to the nature of the PFO shunt, subclin-
tified 38 new susceptibility loci for migraine that code ical emboli and metabolites from the venous system can
for vascular and smooth muscle tissue, which indicates circumvent the lungs and directly enter the systemic
that endothelium plays a very important role in the circulation, potentially irritating the trigeminal nerve and
pathophysiology of migraine.17 These findings strength- vasculature near the brain, triggering a migraine.27 The
ened the crucial role of endothelial dysfunction and its PFO may also cause transient hypoxia, which could lead
correlation with development of stroke in such patients. to subclinical infarcts in the brain that lead to irritation
For years, researchers have been looking for under- and propensity for migraine.28
lying mechanisms of increased risk of stroke in women, There are many studies that explore the relationship
especially for those who are premenopausal and between migraine and PFO, but their data is varied
without recognised cardiovascular risk factors.10 Studies and inconclusive. Several older, observational studies
have shown a link of migraine, and especially aura, to report an association between migraine and PFO, espe-
increased levels of estradiol (eg, oral contraceptive pill cially migraine with aura and PFO.29 Results from these

162 ZhangY, etal. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2017;2:e000077. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000077

Open Access

studies have not always been replicated, however, and new age, with the median age at onset of 48years40. Char-
studies report conflicting data.30 The first reported asso- acteristic involvement of the anterior temporal pole is
ciation between these two was published in 199831. More highly sensitive and specific for CADASIL.42 On elec-
recently, studies have detected no link between PFO prev- tron microscope, granular osmiophilic materialcan be
alence and migraine with aura.25 32 33 For example, in the seen around the smooth muscle cells of blood vessels.43
study conducted by Larossa et al,30 they found no differ- Cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with
ences in the prevalence of PFO in patients with chronic subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy is related
migraine versus episodic migraine patients. Therefore, to mutations in the HTRA1 gene44 and is a rare disease.
the presence of PFO does not seem to be related with the It has been described in 50 patients, mostly Japanese
frequency of migraine attacks. Limitations from earlier and Chinese,44 but more recently in some Europeans.45
research include low-powered studies, placebo effect, lack Patients have migraine more rarely and are noted to
of control group and different patient characteristics.25 In have recurrent lacunar infarcts (mainly in basal ganglia
addition, the overall quality of these observational studies or brainstem), progressive cognitive and motor impair-
was poor.34 Treatment with aspirin, which is standard ment, seizures and psychiatric disturbances. They also
after PFO closure, could also be a confounding factor.25 develop non-neurological symptoms including early-
There have been a few randomised studies exploring onset diffuse alopecia and degenerative disc disease
the migrainePFO link. Only one trial, the Migraine resulting in acute middle to lower back pain. The disease
Intervention With STARFlex Technology(MIST), used progresses rapidly, and patients develop dementia and
a sham procedure to account for placebo effect. The become bedridden around 40years44. MRI shows white
MIST trial is also the only trial that excluded patients matter hyperintensities, which often precede symptom
with other indications for PFO closure.35 The MIST trial, onset. They are generally in the deep white matter and
along with PREMIUM (Prospective, Randomized Investi- periventricular regions and sparing the subcortical
gation to Evaluate Incidence of Headache Reduction in arcuate fibres as seen in CADASIL.44
Subjects With Migraine and PFO Using the AMPLATZER RVCL is an autosomal dominant disease of the small
PFO Occluder to Medical Management) and PRIMA vessels, caused by mutations in TREX1.46 It also encom-
(Percutaneous Closure of PFO in Migraine with Aura) passes cerebroretinal vasculopathy, hereditary endo-
trials showed negative results for PFO closure as migraine theliopathy, retinopathy, nephropathy and stroke and
treatment.36 PFO closure did not reduce overall monthly hereditary vascular retinopathy.46 Patients develop
migraine days.37 visual symptoms secondary to the retinal vasculopathy
Based on the above evidence, closure of PFO is not in their fourth or fifth decade, followed by neurolog-
currently recommended as treatment for migraines. ical features such as ischaemic strokes, TIAs, migraine,
Patients with refractory migraines with frequent auras and cognitive impairment, seizures and psychiatric symp-
significant disability due to migraine may be an exception toms. There is a progressive decline to mortality
to these guidelines after careful consideration and explo- about 510 years after onset of symptoms.47 MRI can
ration with their neurologist.34 show pseudotumours in the deep white matter of the
cerebrum and cerebellum, which are surrounded by
Genetic factors vasogenic edema.48 Another characteristic feature
There are certain genetic diseases that include migraines that has been seen in patients with RVCL is Raynauds
in their clinical presentation and also cause vascular syndrome, strengthening the inclination towards a
damage, leading to an increased risk of ischaemic stroke vascular phenotype.49
(table1). While these diseases are rare, it is important Hereditary infantile hemiparesis, retinal arteriolar tortu-
to understand their clinical presentation and diagnostic osity and leukoencephalopathy encompasses a spectrum
findings so they can be included in the differential for with both infantile and adult onset with both neurological
migraine patients, especially those with a family history and systemic features,43 and is caused by autosomal domi-
of stroke or dementia. In fact, there is accumulating nant mutations in the COLA4A1 gene, which encodes
evidence for a shared genetic basis of migraine and the type IV collagen alpha 1 chain.50 Phenotypes can vary
vascular disorders.38 widely, with some cases presenting in childhood with poren-
The most wellknown of these is CADASIL. It was the cephaly, infantile hemiparesisand developmental delay,
firstknown genetic locus for stroke, with pathogenic and can develop intracranial cerebral hemorrhage (ICH)
mutations in the NOTCH3 gene.39 Migraine is a predom- associated with trauma. Adults present most often with
inant feature; it is present in 75.3% of patients and subcortical ICH.51 Neuroimaging demonstrates fluid-filled
the presenting feature in 67.7%.40 89.9% of CADASIL periventricular cysts that involve subcortical brain struc-
patients experience migraine with aura, although the turesand intracranial aneurysms in intracranial portions
pattern differs from that of the general migraine popu- of internal carotid artery. There can be white matter hyper-
lation due to predominance of a prolonged and compli- intensities in supratentorial posterior periventricular,
cated aura40 with a later age of onset.41 Other clinical frontal and parietal areas. Arcuate fibres and temporal
features include lacunar strokes and cognitive impair- lobes are spared.51 Histopathology shows thickening and
ment, and these patients present with stroke at a young focal disruptions of capillary basement membranes.52

ZhangY, etal. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2017;2:e000077. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000077
Open Access

Table 1 Geneticfactors in migrainestroke association

Disease Gene mutation Clinical presentation Diagnostic findings Other
CADASIL NOTCH3 Migraine with aura (75%) and MRI: involvement of the Most common
often prolonged and complicated anterior temporal pole. monogenic form of
aura, median age first stroke Granular osmiophilic stroke. Triptans are
48years, often lacunar strokes, materialon electron contraindicated in
encephalopathy microscopy literature, but not
reported to be harmful
in clinical practice or
CARASIL HTRA1 Recurrent lacunar infarcts MRI: white matter Japanese and Chinese
(mainly in BG or brainstem. hyperintensities in the populations but more
Non-neurological symptoms: deep white matter and recently in some
alopecia, spondylosis, rapid periventricular regions Europeans
RVCL TREX1 Visual impairment in 4th5th MRI: can show Encompasses CRV,
decade, later develop pseudotumours HERNS and HVR
neurological features like surrounded by
ischaemic strokes, TIAs, vasogenic oedema.
migraine without aura, cognitive Multilamellar
impairment, psychiatric subendothelial
symptoms, seizures basement membrane on
electron microscopy
HIHRATL COL4A1 Extremely varied, infantile MRI: fluid-filled
and adult onset, and both periventricular cysts,
neurological and systemic thickening and focal
features disruptions of capillary
basement membranes
on electron microscopy
MELAS MT-TL1 Age of onset in childhood MRI: BG calcifications.
with generalised tonic-clonic CSF and blood: elevated
seizures, migraines with lactate. Muscle biopsy:
abdominal complaints, recurrent ragged red fibres
episodes with neurological
deficits that persist (especially
sensorineuronal hearing loss)
FHM Many: CACNA1A, Migraine with aura and with A rare monogenic
ATP1A2, SCN1A transient, reversible hemiparesis subtype of migraine
BG, basal ganglia; CADASIL, cerebral autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy; CARASIL,
cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy; CRV,cerebroretinal vasculopathy;FHM, familial
hemiplegic migraine; HERNS,hereditary endotheliopathy, retinopathy, nephropathy and stroke;HIHRATL, hereditary infantile hemiparesis,
retinal arteriolar tortuosity and leukoencephalopathy; HVR, hereditary vascular retinopathy; MELAS, mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic
acidosis and stroke-like episodes; RVCL, retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy.

Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and in addition to an increased prevalence of subclinical brain
stroke-like episodescombines features of both migraine infarctions53 54 WMHs were visible as hyperintense lesions
and stroke38 and is associated with MT-TL1 gene mutation. on T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
It is a multisystem disease, with age at onset in childhood images (figure2A,B) and as isointense or slightly hypoin-
with generalised tonic-clonic seizures and migraine-like tense on T1-weighted images. They are typically multiple,
episodes with headache, vegetative symptoms and abdom- small, punctate hypertensities in deep or periventricular
inal complaints and subsequent recurrent episodes with white matter and often seen on T2-weighted or images.
acute neurological deficits. Sensorineuronal hearing loss Many studies have demonstrated the association between
is common. Other diagnostics include ragged red fibres migraine and white matter changes, subclinical infarct-like
on muscle biopsy, elevated lactate in cerebrospinal fluid lesions and volumetric change in grey and white matter on
and peripheral blood, and calcifications in the basal brainMRI.15 53 5557 The connection is more robust in MA
ganglia.38 and is likely directly associated with chronic long-standing
Neuroimaging migraine and frequency of attacks. The clinical significance
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) or white matter of white matter changes seen in migraineurs is still unclear.
lesions are a common finding in patients with migraines, Some authors suggest that white matter abnormalities are

164 ZhangY, etal. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2017;2:e000077. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000077

Open Access

due to ischaemic insults, which leads to the propositionthat cerebrovascular autoregulation and vasomotor reactivity.
migraine could be a progressive brain disorder.58 A study In addition, higher SDMA concentrations may indirectly
from Copenhagen published last year investigated whether influence NO synthesis by reducing substrate availability,
patients with MA have a higher risk for white matter lesions and elevated L-arginine serum levels might reflect an
and silent strokes; it failed to identify a higher risk for silent increased demand for NO synthesis. In juvenile patients
strokes or white matter lesions in patients with migraine.59 with migraine, while migraine was a risk factor of WMHs,
The characteristics of WMHs can be rated by location, its relationship with arteriosclerotic factors was weak.69
number and size. According to the Wahlund white matter
lesions classifications,60 the higher classifications are linked Clinical management
with the degree of migraine. Lesions are mainly distributed Treatment options for patients with migraine should
in the frontal lobe, limbic system and parietal lobe.61 These be tailored based on age, gender, risk factors and drug
white matter changes might be a useful marker for subse- interactions. Antihypertensive agents including beta
quent risk of stroke. Migraine treatments such as vasocon- blockers, angiotensin II receptor blockers and ACE
strictors may be responsible for increase in white matter inhibitors (eg, lisinopril, olmesartan, candesartan)
abnormalities in patients taking ergotamine whereas no have shown abetter effect than placebo in reducing
increase in vascular changes are found from triptan use.24 frequency, severity and disability of migraine.70 Statin
There was areport that overuse of ergotamine may increase and statin with vitamin D have been reported to be effi-
the risk of cerebral and cardiovascular disease62 63 whereas cacious for migraine prophylaxis in case reports.7173
a link between the increased risk of stroke and triptans has Although currently there is no recommended guide-
notbeen identified.64 65 Although all the mechanisms under- line for primary prevention of ischaemic stroke in
lying the increased prevalence of WMH in migraine are not migraineurs, if clinically indicated, it would be appro-
yet well understood, they certainly deserve more attention priate to select medications that reduce both migraine
and further investigation. attacks and vascular risks in migraineurs. One of the
Two meta-analyses of studies assessing WMH prevalence most recent and important epidemiologic studies in
in migraine have shown that subjects with migraine are 2016 was by Kurth and colleagues from the Nurses
two to fourtimes more likely to have WMHs than control health Study 2, which studied 115541 women (age
subjects.15 66 The data presented by Swartz shows that range 2542 years) who were followed for 20 years. In
there is a strong relationship between migraine and MRI participating nurses who suffered from migraine, the
white matter changes, regardless of comorbidities.66 The HR was 1.5 for a major vascular event and 1.62 for
reason for this correlation has been attributed to alter- stroke. It again showed there is a small absolute increase
ations in resting cerebral blood flow(CBF), which can be in the risk for stroke in female patients with migraine.
interpreted by the change of certainmetabolites. CBFis Thus, it is extremely important to identify and modify
significantly lower in migraine with aura subjects with vascular risk factors in this population including high
high white matter hyperintensity load.67 In a prospec- blood pressure, smoking, oral contraceptives use and
tive study, Erdelyi-Botor and colleagues68 measured the lifestyle changes.8
serum L-arginine, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) New drug delivery systems, such as mucoadhesive buccal
and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) in migraine discs and sublingual films with combinations of different
patients in a headache-free period. The results demon- medications, may achieve a rapid relief by fast onset of
strate that patients with migraine with WMHs showed action and increased bioavailability, and may also reduce
higher ADMA concentrations than lesion-free patients the side effects related to oral and parental treatment.74
and controls; SDMA serum levels of lesional migraineurs Gavini et al reported that nasal administration of anti-mi-
were higher than in non-lesional patients. They graine drugs through polymeric microcarriers could
concluded that elevated ADMA levels may impact the promote the central uptake of medication compared
pathogenesis of migraine-related WMHs by influencing with oral or intravenous therapy, which potentially could
decrease the dose needed to realise the same therapeutic
effect by other administration routes.75 Another prom-
ising field is early diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction,
which could help physicians to detect intracranial vascular
changes before they can make a substantial impact on
brain function. By combining conventional MRI with
molecular MRI targeting P-selectin, Quenault et al were
able to identify activated endothelial cells after an exper-
imental TIA attack. This allows for discriminating tran-
sient ischaemic attack from epilepsy and/or migraine.76
In addition, due to increasing understanding about the
Figure 2 Typical manifestation of white matter change on diversity of human genotype and phenotype, and the
MRI fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging in a 37-year- decreasing cost of human genome sequencing, one may
old female patient with chronic migraine. eventually be able to adjust the dose, type or combination

ZhangY, etal. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2017;2:e000077. doi:10.1136/svn-2017-000077
Open Access

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