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Select design code check : ASD AISC 2005

Maximum static sling force, Fstat 2207.25 kN

(including weight contingency) 225.00 MT
Sling angle w.r.t horizontal, q1 60.00 Deg
Padeye orientation w.r.t plane of sling, q2 0.00 Deg

Dynamic effect load factor, Lf1 2.00

Design load factor, Lf2 1.00
Local effect factor, Lf3 1.00

Minimum sling breaking load, = 4 * Fstat 900.00 MT

Select Heavy duty Cable laid sling with diameter, ds 120.00 mm
Minmum breaking force = 1900.00 MT

Select CROSBY G-2160 Wide body

working load limit 300.00 MT

Factored sling force, Ffact=Fstat*Lf1*Lf2*Lf3 4414.50 kN

450.00 MT

Safety factors
Safety factor for tension (t) = 1.67 AISC (J4-1)
Safety factor for bearing (br) = 2.00 AISC (J7-1)
Safety factor for flexure (b) = 1.67 AISC (Section F1)
Safety factor for beam shear (v) = 1.67 AISC (Section G1)
Safety factor for pull-out shear (v1) = 2.00 AISC (J4-4)
Safety factor for weld (w) = 2.00 AISC (Table J2.5)

Shackle details :

Pin diameter, D 133.00 mm

Width of jaw opening, B 185.00 mm
Inside depth of shackle, Hs 610.00 mm
Pin hole diameter, pd 138.00 mm
Minimum = D + 3mm 136.00 mm
Maximum = D + 6mm 139.00 mm


Main Plate Radius, Rm Cheek Plate Radius, Rc1

Thickness, tm Thickness, tc1
Spacer Plate Radius, Rc2
Thickness, tc2

Stiffner, ts

Pin Hole
Pin Hole
Padeye Plate Details:
Main plate thickness, tm 50.00 mm
Cheek plate thickness (inner), tc1 30.00 mm
Max. Effective cheek plate thickness, tc1eff 25.00 mm
Spacer plate thickness (outer), tc2 (if required) 10.00 mm
Max. Effective spacer plate thickness, tc2eff 10.00 mm
Total plate thickness, t 130.00 mm

Main plate radius, Rm 250.00 mm

Cheek plate radius, Rc1 200.00 mm
Cheek plate radius, Rc2 175.00 mm

Yield strength of material, Fy 345.00 N/mm2

Modulus of Elasticity of steel, E 205000.0 N/mm2
Ultimate Tensile Strength, Fu 460.00 N/mm2
Weld strength, Fw 482.00 N/mm2

Factor for combined stress 1.00

(A) Check for clearance:

1) Projection of main plate, Y

Projection of main plate beyond cheek plate, Y = Rm-Rc1 50
Actual thickness of cheek plate,tc1 30
Y > tc1 & Ok

2) Sling clearance (Im)

Main plate radius, Rm 250.00 mm
Dia of sling ds = 120.00 mm
Clearance Im = Hs - ds - (Rm-0.5*hole diameter) = 309.00 mm
lm > 0.5*ds & Ok

3) Clearance between the edge of cheek plate & Shackle (X)

X > Maximum of 10%B or 6mm & < 20%B

Width of jaw opening, B 185.00 mm

Width of main and cheek plates 130.00 mm
Gap on each side, X 27.50 mm
Minimum Gap = 0.1 * B or 6 mm 18.50 mm
Maximum Gap = 0.2 * B 37.00 mm

4) Actual cheek plate thickness < 0.75 thickness of main plate

Actual thickness of inner cheek plate, tc1 30.00 mm

Actual thickness of second cheek plate, tc2 10.00 mm
0.75 x tm 37.50 mm
tc1 < 0.75*tm & Ok

5) Effective thickness of cheek plate < 0.5 thickness of main plate

Effective thickness of cheek plate,teff 25.00 mm
< 0.5*tm & Ok
Allowable stresses

Allowable axial stress, Fa = Fy/(t) 206.59 N/mm2

Allowable bearing stress, Fb = 1.8*Fy/(br) 310.50 N/mm2
Allowable bending stress, Fip or Fop = Fy/(b) 206.59 N/mm2
Allowable beam shear stress, Fv = 0.6*Fy/(v) 123.95 N/mm2
Allowable pull-out shear stress, Fv1 = 0.6*Fu/(v1) 138.00 N/mm2

(B) Check for bearing stress:

Bearing area, Ab = D* (tm+2*tc1eff+2*tc2eff) 15960.00 mm2
Bearing stress, fb = (Ffact / Ab) 276.60 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fb/Fb 0.89 < 1.0, Ok

(C) Check for pull out shear stress:

Section, g - g
Shear area, As =(2*Rm-pd/2)*tm+(2*Rc1-pd/2)*tc1eff*2+(2*Rc2-pd/2)*tc2eff*2 43720.00 mm2
Shear stress, fv = (Ffact / As) 100.97 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fv/Fv1 0.73 < 1.0, Ok

(D) Check for tear-out failure : (AISC-J4-5)

Enter the dimensions of failure plane

a g
g a 500.00 mm
d a b 181.00 mm
c 181.00 mm
c d 240.00 mm

a b

For section, -

Available strength, Rn1 = [(0.6*Fy*(a*tm+pi*Rc1*tm)+1.0*Fu*(b*tm))/(v1)]/1000

Rn1= 7920.55 kN

Available strength, Rn1 = [(0.6*Fy*(b*tm+pi*Rc1*tm)+1.0*Fu*(a*tm))/(v1)]/1000

Rn2= 9938.22 kN

Available strength, Minimum of Rn1& Rn2 7920.55 kN

Required strength, Ffact 4414.50 kN

Unity check, UC 0.56 < 1.0, Ok

For section, a - a
Available strength, Rn3 = [(0.6*Fy*(c*tm+d*tm)+1.0*Fu*(2*Rc1*tm))/(v1)]/1000

Rn3= 6778.68 kN
Required strength, Ffact 4414.50 kN

Unity check, UC 0.65 < 1.0, Ok

(E) Stress check at base of padeye :

3823.07 kN 4414.50 kN 30 105
H= 730

60.00 o FH
y y
2207.25 kN

Out of Plane

Force due to out of plane load, FH*sin q2 0.00 kN

Total out of plane load, Fop = 5% of Ffact+FH*sin q2 220.73 kN

Stiffener thickness, ts 30.00 mm

Effective Width, Be =2*(ts*0.38*(E/Fy)0.5) = 555.78 500.00 mm
Effective area, Ae = H*tm+2*Be*ts 66500.00 mm2
Plastic modulus, Zyy 1.81E+07 mm3
Plastic modulus, Zzz 4.21E+06 mm3
Elastic modulus, Syy 1.51E+07 mm3
Elastic modulus, Szz 2.53E+06 mm3

Check for Axial stress

Axial stress, fa = FH / Ae 33.19 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fa/Fa 0.16 < 1.0, Ok

Check for Bending stress

In-plane Bending
Distance of C.O.G from top fibre, Z1 395.00 mm
Distance of pin hole from top fibre, Z2 500.00 mm
Lever arm dist.b/w centre of pin hole and base of padeye,Lah 320.00 mm
Lever arm dist.b/w centre of pin hole and C.O.G,Lav 105.00 mm
In-plane Bending moment, Mip = FH*Lah-FV*Lav 304.90 kNm
In-planeBending stress, fip = Mip / Syy 20.22 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fip/Fip 0.10 < 1.0, Ok

Out-of-plane Bending
Out-of-plane Bending moment, Mop = Fop*Lah 70.63 kNm
Out-of-plane Bending stress, fop = Mop / Szz 27.91 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fop/Fop 0.14 < 1.0, Ok

Utilisation ratio-Combined axial & bending

fa/Fa < 0.2, (fa/2Fa)+((fip/Fip)+(fop/Fop)) 1.0 0.31 < 1.0, Ok

Out of plane shear stress

Shear area, asm=(2*(Be*ts)) 30000.0 mm2

Shear stress, fvm = (Fop / asm) 7.36 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fvm/Fv 0.06 < 1.0, Ok

Vertical shear stress

Vertical shear area, avs=(H*tm) 36500.00 mm2

Vertical shear stress, fvs= (FV/avs) 104.74 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fvs/Fv 0.85 < 1.0, Ok

Resultant shear stress, tr = (fvm^2+fvs^2) 0.5 105.00 N/mm2

Combined stresses check

Von-mises stress = ( sx2 + sy2 - sx sy + 3 tr2 ) 0.5

sx= fa + fip + fop = 81.33 N/mm2

sy = 0.0 N/mm2
tr = 105.00 N/mm2

Combined stress, 199.22 N/mm2

Allowable combined stress =1.00* Fy 345.00 N/mm2
Unity check, UC 0.58 < 1.0, Ok

(F) Stress check at section A-A :


3823.07 kN 4414.50 kN
730 50

60.00 o FH y y
2207.25 kN

Out of Plane
Total out of plane load, Fop = 5% of Ffact+FH*sin q2 220.73 kN

Effective area, Aeff = (H-pd)*tm+((2*Rc1-pd)*2*tc1eff)+((2*Rc2-pd)*2*tc2eff)

46940 mm2

Check for Axial stress

Axial stress, fa = FH / Aeff 47.02 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fa/Fa 0.23 < 1.0, Ok

Out of plane shear stress

Shear area, Aeff 46940.00 mm2

Shear stress, fv = (Fop / Aeff) 4.70 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fv/Fv 0.04 < 1.0, Ok

Vertical shear stress

shear area, Aeff 46940.00 mm2

Vertical shear stress, fvs= (FV/Aeff) 81.45 N/mm2

Unity check, UC = fvs/Fv 0.66 < 1.0, Ok

Resultant shear stress, tr = (fv^2+fvs^2) 0.5 81.58 N/mm2

Combined stresses check

Von-mises stress = ( sx2 + sy2 - sx sy + 3 tr2 ) 0.5

sx= fa + fip + fop = 47.02 N/mm2

sy = 0.00 N/mm2
tr = 81.58 N/mm2

Combined stress, 148.9 N/mm2

Allowable combined stress =1.00* Fy 345.00 N/mm2
Unity check, UC 0.43 < 1.0, Ok

(G) Design of Weld

Between Cheek Plate & Main Plate

Load on Inner cheek plate, F1=Ffact*tc1eff/(tm+2*tc1eff+2*tc2eff) 919.69 kN
Length of weld provided, Lw=pi*Rc1*2 1256.64 mm

Minimum Fillet weld size reqd, tw=F1*(w)/(Lw*0.707*0.6*Fu*0.5) 15.00 mm

Between Inner Cheek Plate & spacer Plate

Load on outer Spacer plate, F2=Ffact*tc2eff/(tm+2*tc1eff+2*tc2eff) 367.88 kN
Length of weld provided, Lw=pi*Rc2*2 1099.56 mm

Minimum Fillet weld size reqd, tw=F2*(w)/(Lw*0.707*Fu*0.6*0.5) 6.9 mm

(H) Summary


Bearing 0.89 < 1.0, Ok

Pull-Out shear 0.73 < 1.0, Ok
Tear-out failure 0.65 < 1.0, Ok

Stress check at base of padeye

Axial tension 0.16 < 1.0, Ok

Bending (flexure-Inplane) 0.10 < 1.0, Ok
Bending (flexure-out-of-plane) 0.14 < 1.0, Ok
Combined Axial & Bending 0.31 < 1.0, Ok

Shear (Out-of plane) 0.06 < 1.0, Ok

Shear (Vertical plane) 0.85 < 1.0, Ok

Combined (Von-mises) check 0.58 < 1.0, Ok

Stress check at section A-A :

Axial tension 0.23 < 1.0, Ok

Shear (Out-of plane) 0.04 < 1.0, Ok
Shear (Vertical plane) 0.66 < 1.0, Ok

Combined (Von-mises) check 0.43 < 1.0, Ok


Sling Ok

Shackle Ok

AISC (J4-1)
AISC (J7-1)
AISC (Section F1)
AISC (Section G1)
AISC (J4-4)
AISC (Table J2.5)


Stiffner, ts
tc1<0.75tm & Ok

[> 1.7D]
[>1.5D] & Ok
AISC (J4-1)
AISC (J7-1)
AISC (Section F1)
AISC (Section G1)
AISC (J4-4)

(from Drawing)
(from Drawing)
(from Drawing)
(from Drawing)



AISC (J4-5)

AISC (J4-5)

Table B4.1 AISC


< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok

< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok

< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok

< 1.0, Ok

< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok
< 1.0, Ok

< 1.0, Ok

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