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Supreme court appointment > determine balance

H: stand on the American people. Womens rights lgbt community, no to citizen united.

Not reverse roe v wade, waiting to confirm the appointment

T: uphold 2nd amendment, prolife conservative. Interpret the constitution like the founders.

Heller case: right to bear reasonable arms.

H: Respect 2nd amendment. Regulations for guns. Comprehensive background checks. Disagreed

with application of 2nd amendment from the supreme court.

T: Hillary extremely upset with heller decision

H: Toddlers getting access to guns.

Abortion issue over turn roe v wade?

T: appoint justices to overturn roe v wade then leave it to the states.

H: benefits of roe v wade like planned parenthood. Defend women rights for their own choices.

Trump says women should be punished for abortion. Regulate in regards to the health of the

women for abortion.

T: saying ripping the baby on the 9th month.

H: Bad fearful rhetoric. Hillary talks about personal issues from women crying out in support of


Immigration issue

T: giving amnesty. Need strong borders. People killed by immigrants. ICE endorsed trump?

Drugs crossing the border build the wall, need the wall. Get the cartel basically.

H: young girl Carla personal case. Dont want to rip apart families. Massive law enforcement

rounding up undocumented people. Voted for border security. Put resources by getting rid of
violent people. Path to citizenship. Trump bashing immigrants as rapists and killers. Trump used

undocumented work to build hotel. To not exploit immigrants.

T: Obama deports many people under the radar. Country of laws. Border or dont. people waiting

in line for citizenship. Disaster on trade.

H: secured borders.

Dream of open borders?

H: open trade in ENERGY. Energy system crosses country. Wikileaks espionage from Russia

used to influence election. Will trump admit wikileaks from Russia?

T: she wants open borders. Wants to stop radical Islamic terrorists. 18 nuclear warheads? Youre

the puppet.

H: You encourage espionage and you want to support Putin to break down NATO.

T: Putin outsmarted Clinton. Trump condemns espionage.

H: Nuclear weapons, president gives order, must be followed. Officials would not support

trumps decision to fire nuke.

T: cannot keep defending Saudi Arabia.

H: Trump wants to tear apart alliances.


H: government involved in economy. Give the middle class more opportunities. Focus on clean

energy. Small business. Raise minimum wage. Equal pay for women. Education for preschool.

College debt free for a certain threshold. Make wealthy paid more tax contribution. Trump wants

to give more tax breaks to the wealthy. Trump will cost us jobs.

T: government not involved in economy. She will raise taxes. NATO needs to pay up. More free

trade. Jobs has fled to mexico. Create new deals. Cut taxes, cut business taxes. 1% GDP.
H: Will not add any more to debt. Obama inherited the recession debt. Investing in people skill

training. Cutting taxes on the wealthy will not work. Similar to obamas stimulus plan?

Combination of plans. Invest from the ground up not cut from the top down.

T: GDP growing at 1% in US, china at 7%. Gold standard.

H: Trump shipped jobs to mexico. Illegal dumping of steel and aluminum. Trump buys chinese

metal. Trade prosecutors.

T: bad experience for 30 years. All talk. Missing 6 billion dollars.

H: debunked missing money. Took on discrimination cases. Trump was getting sued for racial


T: Build great businesses. Great assets. Clinton created ISIS.

Fitness to be president. 9 women came forward about being groped and kissed.

T: Debunked stories. Obama and Clinton created violent protests. Deflecting the 9 women cases.

H: He held rallies saying that those women were not attractive. Belittling women makes trump

bigger. Celebrate diversity.

T: Trump has the most respect for women. Destroyed emails.

H: trump always denies responsibilities and never apologized. Mocked a disabled reporter. Went

after a federal judge cuz he was Mexican. Pattern of dark and danergous vision. Incites violence

and encourages fighting.

Foreign countries and Clinton foundation donors got special reliefs and contracts.

H: Clinton foundation gives health care for needed in foreign countries.

T: countries giving millions to Clinton foundation. Countries treat their people bad, like Haiti.

Haiti hates Clinton.

H: spend 90% of donations. raised 30 million to give relief to Haiti.

T: paid lawsuit with trump foundation.

H: He never released tax returns. HE has not paid a penny in federal taxes. Undocument

immigrants pays more taxes than a billionaire. Wealthy people are entitled to tax code laws.

T: I will look at it at the time for the election. Election is rigged against trump. Corrupt media.

Keep you in the suspense.

H: He said FBI is rigged. Emmys were rigged. Accepted the outcome of the elections. Talking

down the democracy.

Foreign hot spots. Will you put US troops?

H: will NOT support putting US forces. To dangerous to fly, to dangerous to buy a gun.

T: Element of surprise gone. Terrorist leaders left Mosul.

H: He denied supporting the invasion of Iraq. He doesnt tell the truth about his position.

T: Bernie sanders think Hillary has bad judgment. Trojan horse with mitigation.

H: No fly zone could save lives. No going to let any people in without vetting.

T: outplayed by putin and iran and asad.

National debt.

T: create tremendous jobs. No outsourcing. use great business people to make deals here in US.

H: 100k ad during Reagan era. Invest in infrastructure. Ask the wealthy to pay their fair share.

Middle out growth. Rebuilding the middle class. Invest in education.

T: tougher on trade since Reagan.

Entitlements 60% of budget. How to save this entitlement.

T: cut taxes, repeal and replace obamacare.

H: raising the cap. Will not cut benefits. Enhance benefits. More resources and smarter decisions.

Closing statement why should you be president.

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