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bruner says that students can learn how to make discoveries only through the process of discovery.

so in this context, bruner sees the learning

implementation of a previously discovered discovery, applied in an inkuairi approach.
Fourthly, learning through the inkuairi approach lengthens the memory process or in other words things learned through self-directed longer can
be remembered.

B. Inkuairi Approach
1. Recognize the inkuairi approach
Etymologically, the word inkuairi comes from the English word Inquiry and meaning, '' Question '' or '' inquiry ''. so, with inkuairi, to the
students are given the opportunity to answer the questions faced / forwarded to him. He conducts investigations to search for and find
regularities and related things through his own observational and experiential framework. this is the most basic understanding of the inkuairi
Some education experts try to provide a more comprehensive and holistic definition of the inkuairi approach. Jean plaget, provides a functional
definition of the inkuairi approach. Plaget suggests: good education prepares situations for the child to conduct his own experiments, In the
broadest sense, want to use symbols, ask questions and search for answers to those questions, to disclose one discovery with another, comparing
what it finds to what other children find. Teaching based inkuairi approach is teaching where teachers and children study scientific events with
the approach and soul of scientists.
Kuslan and stone
Kuslan and Stone also provide an operational definition of the inkuairi approach. According to these two experts, the learning process with the
inkuairi approach is characterized by the following characteristics:
a. Using the IPA process
b. Time is not a problem, there is no necessity to complete a certain unit within a certain time.
c. The searched answers are not known first. These answers are not found in textbooks, because the selected textbooks and clues contain
questions and suggestions for finding answers rather than giving answers.
d. Children are eager to find solutions.
e. The teaching-learning process centers on the question '' why '', '' know '', '' is it true that conclusions are taken? ''
often also put forward
f. A problem is found and narrowed, to the extent that it is likely to be solved by the students
g. Hypotheses formulated by students who guide the investigation.
h. The students proposed ways of collecting data by conducting experiments, making reading observations and
using other sources.

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