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Do you want more Success

Do you want more 



What ever you exactly want ?

What ever you exactly want…?
We think there are up and downs in life is happening what is in our destiny. But in
my point of view it’s not like that. We all live from one infinite power. We are all
guided by one law of the universe. The natural laws of this universe are same for all
of us. That natural law is the “Law of Attraction”
Everything that comes into your life, you are
attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by
virtue of the images you are holding in your mind,
your thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you
are attracting
tt ti to t you.
The law of attraction is the most powerful law in the
universe This law began at the beginning of time and
it continues to be now and will always be. Please know that you are a powerful
g in the universe. You have a magnetic
g power within yyou that is more
powerful than anything else in the world. This limitless magnetic power is emitted
through your thoughts.
The “Law of Attraction” says “Like Attracts like” As you think a thought you are
also attractingg like thoughts
g to yyou. Have yyou ever started to think about
something you were not happy about. And the more you thought about it the
worse it seemed? That’s because as you think one sustained thought, “Law of
Attraction” immediately brings more like thoughts to you. In a matter of minutes,
you have got so many like unhappy thoughts coming to you, that the situation
seems to be getting worse. The more you think about it,
the more upset you get. Have you heard the saying
“You Become, What You Think About the Most”
You Also Attract What You Think About the Most.
If you see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.
In other words “If I see it in my mind, I can hold it in my hand”. It is that simple, if
you think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant
thought, you will bring it into your life.
Our thoughts become things, our thoughts have a frequency, we can measure our
thoughts. If you think a thought over and over again, If you imagine in your mind
having the money you need, having a brand new car, start a new business, finding
your life partner etc. If you imagine what that looks like you are emitting that
frequency on a consistent
i b i Thoughts
basis. Th h send
d out magnetic
i signals,
i l thath draw
similar thoughts back to you. Your mental attitude is the magnet and the law says
like energy attracts like energy.
energy This means your mental attitude will attract such
conditions that corresponds to its nature. Our thoughts have a frequency and as
you think,
think your thoughts are sent out to the universe and they magnetically attract
all similar things that are on the same frequency. Everything
sent out by you,
you returns to the source and you are the source.
Choosing a frequency is like selecting a channel in the television
and receivingg the p
pictures broadcasted on that channel. If yyou
want to see different pictures on your television you change the
channel and tune into the new frequency.
You are a human transmission tower and you are more powerful than any
transmission tower created on the earth. Your transmission creates your life and it
creates the world. The frequency you transmit can reach beyond cities beyond
countries and beyond world; you transmit your thought at a particular frequency.
The pictures you receive from the transmission of your thoughts are not of television
screen but they are pictures of your life. Your thoughts create a frequency, they
tt t things
thi on that
th t frequency
f and
d they
th are broadcasted
b d t d backb k to
t you as your life
pictures. If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change
the frequency,
frequency by changing your thoughts.
See yourself living in wealth and you will attract it. This Law works with everyone
and every time. In that case why many people are living in poverty? Why are they
poor? It is because people are thinking about what they don’t want and they
wonder why it is coming to them more and more in their life? The only reason why
people don’t get what they want is because they are thinking more about what they
don’t want than what they want.
Remember, the universe does not make mistakes. It listens to your thoughts, words
and feelings.
g The law of attraction does not care for yyour don’t want or yyour want,,
good or bad. It only responds to your thoughts. This means you
attract the thought whether it is a don’t want thought or a want
thought and you get more of it.The law of attraction is nature’s law.
It is impersonal. It receives your thoughts and Reflects back to you those thoughts. It
gives you whatever you are thinking about. If you say “I don’t want to be sick”, the
universe understands the thought sick and does not worry about whether you want
it or don’t want it and give you more of it. Similarly if you don’t want debt or loans,
universe does not worry about your want or your don’t want, it only processes your
h h f debt
d b or loan
l and
d gives you more off it. Similarly
l l it processes your thoughts
h h
of health or wealth. The law of attraction does not bother about your wants and
don’tt wants.
don wants If you say “II don
don’tt want to be late
late” the universe understands only late
and gives you more of it. It doesn’t hear that you don’t want it.
The law of attraction is very obedient. When you think the things that you want and
when you focus on them with intensity, the law of attraction will give you, what
you want always.
When you focus your thoughts on something you want and you
hold the focus, you are calling for what you want with the mightiest
power in the universe. The law of attraction doesn’t process “don’ts” “nots” or
“ ” It
“nos”. I only
l gives.
i W are living
We li i ini a giving
i i universe.
i Wh you think
When hi k “I don’t
d ’ want
to be delayed”, the universe receives the message as “I want delays”. When you say
“II don
don’tt want to argue
argue” the universe receives “II want more arguing
arguing”. When you say
“I don’t want him to irritate me”, the law of attraction receives “I want him to irritate
me more
more”.. Whether you believe it or not, whether you want it or not, whether you
understand or not, the law of attraction is always working. As long as you are
unaware of the Law of Attraction it uses yyou. When yyou become aware of this ggreat
law then you can use the law to your advantage. The law of attraction is always in
action as your thoughts.
What you are thinking now is
creating your future life. You create
your life with your thoughts.
Because you are always thinking,
you are always creating your future.
What you think about most is what
will appear as your life. The Law of
Attraction operates on the last
thought as you fall asleep.
asleep So make
your last thought before going to
sleep as a good thought.
As in the case of universe, this law is also prefect. Whatever you sow, you reap.
Your thoughts are seeds and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you
plant. If you are complaining, the law of attraction will bring into your life more
situations for you to complain about. If you are listening to other people’s
complaints you are attracting more situations to yourself to
complain about. This law is simply reflecting and giving back
to you exactly what you are focusing on, with your thoughts.
With this powerful knowledge you can change every
i and
d face
f your entire
i life
lif by
b changing
h i the h way you think.
hi k You need
to test it out in your life. Your life is in your hands. No matter what you are now, no
matter what happened in the past,
past you can begin to consciously and deliberately
choose your thoughts and you can change your life and future. There are no such
things as “hopeless
hopeless situation.
situation ” You can change every circumstance of your life.
Whether your thoughts are conscious or unconscious you attract things in your life.
Whatever you have right now in your life, including things you don’t like and you
don’t want, you have attracted them to you. One of the hardest facts you have to
face and accept is, that you attracted the life you are living now. Once you accept
it, your life will be transformed. Whatever you choose to think will become your
life experience. Nothing can come into your experience unless you call for it,
through your persistent thoughts.
Research tells us that we have 60,000 thoughts a day. It is
impossible to monitor every thought we have. Our feelings
t ll us what
tells h t we are thinking.
thi ki Your
Y th
ht are the
th cause
for your feelings. We have good feelings and bad feelings.
One makes you feel good and the other makes you feel bad.
Your thoughts cause your feelings. Good thoughts cause good feelings and bad
thoughts cause bad feelings. Your thoughts determine your frequency and your
feelings tell you what frequency you are on.
You can have whatever you want in your life with no limits. But there is one catch.
You have to feel good. When you are feeling good you are on the right track of
creating good future. If you are feeling bad you are on the wrong track with your
desires. When you are feeling good you will be thinking good thoughts and you are
on the right track emitting powerful frequency. That will attract back to you more
good things that will make you feel more good. Your feelings are actually
communicated from the universe to let you know what you are thinking. In short
your feelings are a feedback mechanism to you whether you are on the right track
or not,
t you are in
i the
th right
i ht course or not.
Your feelings are your frequency feed back mechanism . When
you are feeling good,
good it is a communication from the universe
saying you are thinking good thoughts, likewise when you are
feeling bad you are receiving communication from the universe, saying you are
thinking bad thoughts. Your bad feelings are a warning to change your thinking.
You are getting in your life exactly what you are feeling about, not so much what
yyou are thinkingg about. Byy yyour bad feelings
g and negative
g emotions yyou are
blocking, your own good coming to you because you are on a negative frequency.
Change your thoughts, think about something good and when the good feeling start
to come you will know you are on the right frequency and the universe has gifted
you with better feelings. When you get up in the morning with good
thoughts and good feelings you are going to attract by the law of
attraction good situations during the day.
Many of us experience in our life often, that one bad thought attracts
more bad thoughts and the chain reaction continues and you attract more things
going wrong untill you change
h your frequency,
f b intentionally
by ll changing
h your
thoughts. You can make use of your feelings, to change what you want in life. You
can purposefully and deliberately use your feelings,
feelings to transmit powerful
frequencies by adding feelings to what you are wanting. This is called living life
You can right now, begin to feel healthy. You can right now, begin to feel
prosperous. You
Y can right
i ht now begin
b i tot feel
f l love,
l even if it is
i nott there.
th Wh t will
What ill
happen is, the universe will correspond to the nature of your inner feelings and
manifest what you want.
Take a look and manage your feelings by monitoring your thoughts. Your thoughts
d you
your feelings
ee gs ccreate
eate you
your life.
e. Itt will aalways
ays be tthat
at way
ay gua
a teed. Thee law
a oof
gravity never stops and it never slips. Similarly the law of attraction never stops
and never slips. You cannot see a cow flying because
the law of gravity made a mistake. Likewise there are
no exclusions to the law of attraction. If something
comes to you, note that you drew it with your thought.
The law of attraction is always precise and perfect.
You have the power to change anything because you are the one who chooses
your thoughts and you are the one who feels your feelings. You create your own
universe everyday
It is really important that you should
feel good because feeling good is
what goes out as a signal to the universe
d starts to attract more off it
i to you. So
the more you can feel good the more you
will attract things that helps you feel good
and is able to bring you up, higher and higher. When you are feeling down, note
that you can change it in an instant. Listen to a beautiful music or a song or start
singing. That will change your emotion. Or think of something beautiful, think of
somebodyy yyou trulyy love. Keep
p the thought
g in yyour mind. Block out all other
thoughts, except the good thought. It is guaranteed that you will start feeling
There is no greater power in the universe than the power of love. The feeling of
love has the highest frequency you can emit. If you can wrap every thought in love,
you can love everything and everyone and your life will be transformed. We can
call law of attraction as the law of love. If you think unkind thoughts about
someone you will experience those unkind thoughts manifested in your life.
You cannot harm another with your thoughts, you can
l harm
h you. If you think
hi k thoughts
h h off love
l about
others do you know who receives the benefits ? It is you.
So if your thoughts are from love,
love the law of attraction or
the law of love responds with the mightiest force because
you are on the higher frequency possible. The greater the love you feel and emit
the greater the power you are receiving. Once you master your thoughts and
g then it is easyy for yyou to create yyour own reality,
feelings y yyour future. You are then
the creator and master of your life. You will achieve freedom, which makes you
more powerful.
This is your life. It has been waiting for you to discover it. You may be thinking that
life is hard and struggle and so by the law of attraction, you would have
experienced life as hard and struggle.
Now let us see how to use The Law of Attraction. The universe says “Your wish is
my command”. This means you are the creator ‐ you wish ‐ Universe delivers to
you. There are three steps to use the Law of Attraction.
Step 1 Ask – What you want
Step 2 Believe ‐ That Is Already Yours
Step 3 Receive

Step 1: Ask what you want.

want Let the universe know what you want.
want You must be
clear about what you want. Asking is the first step in this creative process.
Step 2 : “Believe That Is Already Yours. Have deep faith. Believe in the unseen. You
must believe that you have received. You must know that, what you want is yours,
the moment you ask. You must have complete and deep faith. Once you place an
order from the catalogue of universe, you should relax. Note what you are going to
receive is what you have ordered and keep moving in your life. See the things that
you want is already yours and note that they will come to you at the need, then
ll them
h to come. Do
D not worry about
b them,
h d ’ doubt
don’t d b them,
h d ’ think
don’t hi k that
it is not there. You must vibrate the feeling and frequency of having received it.
When you do this,
this the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances,
people and events for you to receive what you want. How to start believing? Start
make ‐ believing, be like a child and make ‐ believe. Act as if you have it already. As
you make believe, you will begin to believe, you have received. The universe always
responds to yyour p
prominent thoughts
g all the time not jjust in the moment yyou ask.
That is why after you ask you must continue to believe and have faith. A belief that
you have it, is the greatest power.
Most of us never allowed what we truly want, to come to us, because we cannot
think how it is ggoingg to come. If yyou look at the historyy yyou will realise, that anyone
who accomplishes anything, did not know how they were going to do it but they
only knew that they are going to do it. You don’t need to knew how it is going to
come about. You don’t need to know how the universe will rearrange itself to give
you what you want? How it will happen? How the universe will bring to you? is not
your concern, this is not your job. You cannot imagine that and you cannot
conceive them. Allow the universe to do it for you. When you try to think how it will
happen you will be emitting a frequency
that contains lack of faith. Thus you don’t
b li
believe that
h you have
h i and
it d you don’t
d ’
believe the universe will do it for you.
How is not your job.
job You need not
know how it will be shown to you.
Most of the time when
things we want,
want get delayed,
we get frustrated , we get
disappointed and we
become doubtful. The doubt
brings about a feeling of
disappointment. Recognize
that feeling and replace it
with a feeling of
unquestionable faith,
unwavering faith
“I know it is on its way”.
Step 3 : “Receive”The final step in the
process is to receive,
receive begin to feel.
wonderful about it, Feel the way you will
feel once it arrives,, Feel it now,, now and
now. It is very important to feel good. In
this process be happy. Because when you
are feeling good you are in the
frequency of what you want. If you just
believe something, and you have no
feelings about it, you don’t have
necessary power to manifest what you
want in your life. You have to feel it. The
universe understands your feelings better
than your thoughts.
So ask once, believe you have received. All you have to do to receive, is to feel
good. When you are feeling good, you are on the right frequency of receiving. You
are on the frequency of all good things coming to you and you will receive what you
ask for.
Don’t get caught up in “how”, “when” and “where” game. Just feel it and it will
manifest. So feel good now. When you feel the thought you have it now, the feeling
iis so ffullll and
d reall lik
like you h
have iit now. If you are b
li i that
h you h
have already
l d
received it, you will definitely receive it.
You can start with nothing and out of Where
nothing and out of no way, a way will be made. When

All that is required from you is the ability to

think things into reality. Everything that was How
invented in the p
past in the historyy began
g with one thought.
g From that one thought
g a
way was made and it manifested from the invisible into the visible, from the unseen
to the seen.
Imagine you are traveling in a car in the night. Your headlights go only a 100 ft.
forward but yyou travel 1000’s of miles in the dark even though
g yyou see onlyy 100
ft., because you trust that 100 ft. you can complete your journey. This is how life
works. If you just trust first 100 ft. next 100 ft. will unfold and the next 100 ft. will
unfold and your life will keep unfolding and it will
finally lead to the destination of whatever you want
because you want it. Trust the universe. Believe and
have faith. Take the first step and the rest will follow.
You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take
The first step and the rest will follow. If you have
an instinctive feeling follow it. You will find that
the universe is magnetically bringing towards you
t receive
to i what
h t you askk for.

You will attract everything that YOU WANT…

Start by using this sentence for everything you want: 
y g y gy
I'm so happy and grateful now that ....“
The Law of Attraction is simply figuring out for yourself
The Law of Attraction is simply figuring out for yourself 
what will generate the positive feelings of having what 
you want now.
When the opportunity or impulse is there ... Act.
There are no rules according to the universe ... you 
provide the feelings of having it now and the universe 
will respond.

The How are the domain of the universe. It always 
kno s the q ickest fastest most harmonio s a
knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way 
between you and your dream.
Create a vision board ‐ pictures of what you want to 
attract into your life. Look at it every day and get into 
the feeling state of already having acquired these wants.
g y g q
Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow 
your mind
your mind.
Life is meant to be abundant in all areas.

We are the creators of our universe...

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