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Collaborative Tool: Planning for Engagement with Big

Mathematics Ideas*
Note: Before using this tool, please read primer for Planning for Engagement with Important Science Ideas.

The series of prompts below will help you transform common topics found in textbooks, curricula, and standards into
big ideas worth teaching. Two important notes: (1) In using this tool you will quickly reach the edge of your
mathematics knowledge. You should take a break from working on it yourself (after Step 1 is a good time) and start
sharing your ideas and questions about the subject matter with some colleagues. (2) This tool is not linear. You will
likely go back to previous steps to revise what you had recorded there. This is expected and it is a productive way to
think more carefully about the applications of these mathematical ideas and teaching them to your students more

Part 1: Start by comparing your curriculum topics against the Standards

1.1 State below what your curriculum currently identifies as the main topic (just a word or phrase), then list between
8 and 10 of the most important curriculum sub-topics you also see. Topics at this stage can initially be expressed as a
concept, conjecture, practice, or process. For example, a curriculum topic may be Similarity to include the subtopics
of ratio and proportion, similar triangles, indirect measurement, corresponding parts of similar triangles (another
polygons), proportions with area and volume, the Golden Ratio.

Topic: Trigonometry
i. Angles and their measure
ii. Trigonometric functions of acute angles
iii. Circular functions
iv. Unit Circle
v. Inverse trigonometric functions
vi. Graphs of trigonometric functions
vii. Application of trigonometric functions

1.2 Now identify where the above topics fit with the Florida Common Core Standards in Mathematics. Copy and
paste below all the standards that relate to your topic (this is the only part of the tool where you should copy and paste
from another source).
Florida Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Mathematics
This is a link to the CCSS site with descriptions of each standard
According to CCSS, the standards are clustered under two main concepts
i. Extend the domain of trigonometric functions using the unit circle
ii. Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions

* Adapted from the Ambitious Science Teaching Project at the University of Washington
1.3 How does the curriculum topic you identified in part 1.1 relate to the math standards you have identified in part
1.2? Which curricular topics fall under which standards?

Subtopic CCSS associated with the subtopic Rationale

Angles and their measure CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.1 In this subtopic, students learn about
radians: their origin, their purpose (in this
case as a unit of angle measurement), and
the conversion between radians and
degrees. This is the only state standard that
references angles measure (i.e. radians)
and their association to the length of an arc
around a circle.

Secondly, this subtopic does not introduce

trigonometric functions. This standard is
the only standard that does not directly
reference angle measure AND their link to
trigonometric functions. This subtopic is to
serve as a basis for the introduction of
trigonometric functions.

Trigonometric functions CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.3 This is the subtopic that students are
of acute angles introduced to trigonometric ratios and
trigonometric functions. So this is where
students are first learning about
trigonometric ratios/functions and their
relation to right triangles, and in extension
to special right triangles.

This is the only state standard references

the special triangles and their acute angle
measure (in radians). It is also the only
standard that implies that the special
triangles can help determine the values or
ratios of sine, cosine, and tangent. That is
the basis of this subtopic: to unpack the
trigonometric ratios when given special

Circular functions CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.2 In this subtopic, students will translate the
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.3 ratios into functions on the xy-coordinate
plane. Therefore, cos( )=x and sin( )=y.
This will introduce the students to the unit
circle which is constructed on the xy-
coordinate plane. Overall, it should give
students the insight that trigonometric
ratios and functions will be associated to
circles in some way.

These three state standards mention the

unit circle and what it reveals about
trigonometric functions. The first standard
implies the functions can be written on the

* Adapted from the Ambitious Science Teaching Project at the University of Washington
coordinate plane, the second standard
implies that the construction of the special
triangles on the coordinate plane will help
create the circular functions.

Unit circle CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.2 As mentioned before, this subtopic should

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.3 help students see that association between
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.4 the special triangles and the xy-coordinate
plane. For a brief description, the special
triangles when put in the first quadrant of
the coordinate plane creates the first
quarter of the unit circle. The angles and
ratios from the first quadrant are then used
as reference angles for the other three.

The first standard references the unit circle

and how the unit circle connects
trigonometric functions to all real
numbers. The second standard speaks on
how the ratios and angles from the first
quadrant can be used as reference to create
the rest of the circle and predict other
ratios in other quadrants.

The unit circle also expresses symmetry

and periodicity of the trig functions. The
third standard as a direct link to this

Graphs of trigonometric CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. A.2 After constructing the unit circle, students
functions CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. B.5 will use the values from the circle to graph
the trigonometric functions. It will help
solidify the concept that trig functions are
periodic and conditions in the function
equation changes aspects of the graph, like
the amplitude, period, frequency, etc.

The first standard references that the

trigonometric functions can be extended to
all real numbers which the unit circle and
the graph of the trig functions include.The
second standard states that trigonometric
functions can be used to model periodic
phenomena with an amplitude, frequency,
and midline, all of which are aspects of a
graph of a trigonometric function.

Inverse trigonometric CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. B.6 When the domain of a trigonometric

functions CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. B.7 function is restricted just right, its inverse
can be graphed. The inverse of a trig
function gives you more insight on the
characteristics of the function and can be
helpful in solving problems.

* Adapted from the Ambitious Science Teaching Project at the University of Washington
The first standard states that restricting the
domain to either be always increasing or
decreasing allows the inverse to be
constructed. The second standard states
that the inverse of a trig function can be
used to help solve problems involving
periodic phenomena.

Application of CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. B.5 Application of trig functions is the wrap

trigonometric functions CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.TF. B.7 up of the unit. It encompasses all of the
aspects and subtopics thus far. Students
apply what they have learned about in
theory and apply it to a real-world problem
or situation. The students will now have
the ability to graph periodic phenomena
and interpret the graphs.

The first standard references that trig

functions can be used to model periodic
phenomena. The second standard the
inverse functions can be used to model a
phenomena and, with the help of
technology, can be interpreted in context.

Part 2: Moving from topics and Standards toward big ideas

2.1 Which one of the ideas from the curriculum and standards now seem the most central? What is the big idea that
you want students to understand in this unit?
Some resources that you may find helpful: Developing Essential Understanding series; Principles and Standards
for School Mathematics.

The Big Idea is adapted from the Big Ideas and Essential Understandings that can be found in Developing Essential
Understanding series for Geometry and Functions.
Big Idea: Trigonometric functions are a class within the family of functions that describe periodicity and
natural periodic phenomena. The context in which trigonometric ratios or functions are being used can change
the definition and/or properties that are most important.
Below are the central themes that seemed to be emphasized from curriculum:
1. Unit Circle
a. How does the unit circle translate into the graphs of the functions?
2. Right triangles
a. How are special right triangles related to trigonometric functions?

* Adapted from the Ambitious Science Teaching Project at the University of Washington
Part 3: Learning more about your big idea

You will need to deepen your understanding of topics with which you may think you are very familiar. You dont need
college level textbooks, just use Wikipedia, How Stuff Works, the National Digital Library, Khan Academy or other
reputable sources. Read with the expectation that youll have to think about the applications of this big idea to develop
students conceptual understanding.

3.1 Create a representation of how the topic and sub-topics you identified in part 1 fit together. This should show a
deep understanding of the relationship between the mathematical concepts, practices, and ideas you wish to cover.
Do not write definitions or formulas or trivial details; you need to UNPACK the meaning of a math idea in order to
consider how to help students reconstruct the idea. This should be detailed enough that someone who has little
understanding of the topic can follow. This will later help you sequence your unit.

Do not copy and paste from any source.

* Adapted from the Ambitious Science Teaching Project at the University of Washington
Part 4: Applications of Mathematical Ideas

1. Connect concepts to concepts, and concepts to applications.

What you really want
a. Students will make connections between concepts as explained by the big
students to understand
idea. They will understand that each concept--unit circle, circular
and be able to do?
functions, trig ratios and acute angles, graphs of trig functions, and
inverse trig functions--each reveal specific properties of trig functions and
are useful in different ways. For example, they will see that the unit circle
can be translated into a circular function, which then reveals the
periodicity of trig functions.
b. Students will make connections between concepts and applications by
understanding that the periodicity of trig functions can be used to model
periodic phenomena. They will also be able to use trig ratios and right
triangles to solve problems involving navigation and the surveying of
2. Students will demonstrate the use of:
a. Math Practice 4: Model with mathematics
i. Students will be able to use trig functions and ratios to solve real-
world problems involving right triangles or periodic phenomena.
ii. Students will demonstrate this by being able to create a model of
a situation, label all important parts of the model, identify where
and why trig is needed, and correctly use trig to solve the
b. Math Practice 5: Use appropriate tools strategically
i. Students should be able to determine which trigonometric object
is best for the given situation. As the big idea states, each concept
is important and relevant in different ways, and therefore is
useful in different contexts. Students will be able to give a clear
rationale for why they used a particular concept in a particular
context, and explain which properties of that concept allowed
them to efficiently solve the problem.
c. Math Practice 8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
i. Students will see that trigonometric functions are periodic, and
therefore solutions will repeat. They can then use this
information to efficiently evaluate trig ratios and functions by
using reference angles. For example, sin(3/4) yields the same
value as sin(/4), which students should be able to easily
compute using their knowledge of special right triangles.
1. Trigonometric ratios and functions arise in everyday situations
How will students
a. To answer the age-old question When am I ever going to need this in
apply these
real life? students will be presented with a variety of ways in which trig
understandings and
is used--navigation, surveying of land, modeling periodic phenomena,
skills to real-world
finding the angle of a hill given the grade of its slope, etc. While these are
not things that students will do every single day, it is important for them
to understand the usefulness of trig. It can clearly be used in a variety of
fields like physics, engineering, astronomy, navigation (both land and
sea), and more. Students will understand that trig is important to many
fields, and that it is not useless to learn.
b. Students will also demonstrate their ability to use trig in the
aforementioned real world scenarios. They will be able to accurately
depict the phenomena, label the knowns and unknowns accordingly, and
solve for the unknown value using trig functions or ratios.

* Adapted from the Ambitious Science Teaching Project at the University of Washington

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