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The Rosary Sentinel

7 Reasons Why Guardian Angels Are NOT Cute, Concocted, Chunky

Cherubs that Float on Clouds
How often do you take the time to reflect on the blessing it is to be gifted with an angel to guide us and
guard us? As children many of us prayed The Guardian Angel prayer, but as adults we tend to forget the
importance and power that the angels can have in our lives.

New Age spirituality has left many confused as to what angels are, how we can communicate with them,
and the power that they have over our lives. It is important to know what the Catholic Church tradition
says about Guardian Angels.

Here is a list of things you should know about Guardian Angels to keep you from following misguided

1. They are real.

The Catholic Church didnt just make up Guardian Angels to help little children feel safe at
night. Guardian Angels are real. The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred
Scripture usually calls angels is a truth of faith. The witness of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of
Tradition. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 328) There are countless examples of angels throughout
Scripture. They ministered to everyone from shepherds to Jesus himself.

When tempted, invoke your angel. He is more eager to help you than you are to be helped! Ignore the
devil and do not be afraid of him; he trembles and flees at the sight of your guardian angel. (St. John

2. We all have one.

Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life.(St. Basil) Guardian
angels are not something that we have to share. They are so valuable to our spiritual well being that
God has blessed us all with our own. Great is the dignity of the human soul, since each one of them has
from the very outset of his life an Angel deputed to safeguard him. (St. Jerome)

3. They lead us to heaven (if we let them).

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit
salvation?(Hebrews 1:14) Our Guardian Angels protect us from evil, assist us in prayer, lead us to
choose good, and represent us before God. They are able to act upon our senses and our imaginations,
but not our will. They cannot chose for us, but encourage us in every way possible to choose what is
true, good and beautiful.

4. They never leave us.

Dear friends, the Lord is always near and active in human history, and follows us with the unique
presence of His angels, that today the Church venerates as Guardian, in other words those who
minister Gods care for every manFrom the beginning until death human life is surrounded by their
constant protection. (Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI) There is no need to despair or feel alone because
there are angels walking with us to minister to our souls at all times. Not even death will separate us
from our angel. They stand by our side constantly on earth and will remain with us in heaven.

5. Your guardian angel is not your great grandfather.

Contrary to popular belief and what we might often say to console those who have lost a loved
one, angels are not people who have died. Angels are spiritual creatures with an intelligence and a will
created by God to glorify Him and to serve Him for eternity.

6. Name your pets, not your guardian angel.

Popular devotion to the holy angels, which is legitimate and good, can, however, also give rise to
possible deviations . . . [such as the] practice of assigning names to the holy angels [which] should be
discouraged, except in the cases of Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael whose names are contained in Holy
Scripture (Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy 217 found at Catholic.com)

7. They are not cute chunky cherubs that float on clouds and play harps they are powerful spiritual
beings that battle for your soul.

Christ is the center of the angelic world. They are his angels: When the Son of man comes in his glory,
and all the angels with him. (CCC 331) Angels are superior to man because although they are sent here
to serve us, they are constantly in the presence of God. They are endowed with many spiritual
powers and capabilities that humans are not given. Dont think of your angel as a cartoon
character. They stand beside you to protect, defend and guard you.

You are amazed that your guardian Angel has done you such obvious favours. And you should not be
amazed, that is why our Lord has placed him beside you. Saint Josemaria Escriva

You can ask your Guardian Angel to intercede on your behalf and you should! Many are unaware of
the help that we have been given through these spiritual creatures. Remember, our heavenly Father
wants to do everything He can to help us spend eternity in His Kingdom. However, we must choose to
use all that He supplies us with in order to fully obtain the graces needed to enter Heaven. Let your
Guardian Angel lead you deeper in the fullness of Gods mercy, love and goodness.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom Gods love commits me here, Ever this day, be at my side, To
light and guard, to Rule and guide. Amen.


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