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4H A P T E R

Care and Maintenance of

Liquid Penetrant Test

William E. Mooz, Met-L-Chek, Santa Monica, California

James S. Borucki, Gould Bass NDT, Pomona, California
Donald J. Hagemaier, Boeing Company, Long Beach,
J. Thomas Schmidt, J.T. Schmidt Associates,
Incorporated, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Amos G. Sherwin, Sherwin Incorporated, South Gate,
PART 1. Importance of Maintenance of
Liquid Penetrant Materials

The quality of an inspection made with review and the latest changes are often
liquid penetrants can be no better than important improvements over previous
the quality of the liquid penetrant test issues. Using the version specified by
materials used for the inspection. contract is essential if the liquid penetrant
Recognizing this basic fact requires that test system is subject to audit, because the
liquid penetrant materials meet certain auditor will immediately check to see that
industry standards before they are the correct issues are being followed.
purchased for use. It also requires that
these materials and the liquid penetrant
systems in which they are used be
monitored and tested on a periodic and
regular basis. To ensure the materials
purchased are of desired quality and that
the proper tests are made at the proper
intervals during their use, a variety of
specifications have been developed. A list
of some of the better known
nondestructive testing specifications
appears in the references.1-19
These specifications can be broadly
classified as to their origin, typically the
United States military, various United
States technical societies or corporate
users. Many of the specifications
describing the materials have common
threads running through them whereas
some have been specifically tailored to the
specialized use of a particular industry or
customer. For example, although virtually
every liquid penetrant in use has had to
meet the requirements of MIL-I-251351
(or its commercial replacement,
AMS-26442), liquid penetrants used in the
nuclear industry must additionally have
particularly low contents of certain low
melting metals, as well as sulfur and
halogens. Aircraft turbine engine
manufacturers require products with low
fluoride, sodium, chloride and sulfur
content. Specifications detailing the
testing of materials in use have revolved
mainly around the military specification
MIL-STD-68663 (or its commercial
replacement, ASTM E 14174) but other
corporate specifications may also exist.
These specifications, in turn, often refer to
tests which are called out in other
specifications. For example,
MIL-STD-68663 refers to tests which are
outlined and described in MIL-I-251351 or
AMS 2644,2 and NAVSHIPS 250-1500-120
refers to tests documented by the
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM).
When using any specification, it is
important to find out whether the latest
version of the specification is used.
Specifications are usually under constant

100 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 2. Care and Maintenance of Liquid
Penetrant Testing Materials in Storage

The following admonitions apply to the temperatures should never exceed 55 C

storage of all liquid penetrant materials, (130 F).
that is, of liquid penetrants, of emulsifiers Aerosols do not have infinite shelf life,
or removers and of developers. Materials because there is always some slight
in storage can suffer either deterioration leakage of propellant through the valve.
or contamination if they are not properly This leakage usually does not cause a
cared for. significant change in performance until a
couple of years have passed. Aerosol
containers can eventually become
depressurized after storage for three to five
Deterioration years, although there are many instances
where aerosol containers spray well after
as long as 20 years.
New Liquid Penetrant Test
Deterioration is largely the result of time
and storage conditions. Most liquid Deterioration is unlikely in storage but
penetrant materials are not greatly contamination is always a possibility if
affected by time as long as they are kept care is not taken. For example, if drums
in closed storage containers. Liquid containing liquid are stored outside, they
penetrants stored in open or loosely can have water cover the top if it rains.
covered tanks or in improperly sealed Then, if the openings are not sealed
containers are subject to evaporation tightly, this water can be sucked into the
losses. drum as the temperature changes. If
Hot and cold storage conditions can containers are stored after they have been
affect liquid penetrants adversely. Cold opened and they are not properly
storage will cause freezing of many liquid resealed, dust, dirt or other foreign
penetrant materials. Freezing will not materials can possibly get into the
usually prevent the liquid penetrant test containers. Depending on what type of
material from performing properly after contamination enters the container, the
warming to the temperature of use, but in material can suffer a loss in performance
a few cases, freezing of liquid penetrant or even fail completely when it is used.
test materials has caused irreversible For developer powders, it is especially
separation of constituents and important to use proper storage. Dry
performance failure. This separation is developer powders can become damp and
rare with modern liquid penetrants and then clump, rendering them less sensitive
MIL-I-25135E contains liquid penetrant when used. Foreign material getting into
qualification tests designed to detect this dry developer could react with the liquid
irreversible separation.1 Hot storage up to penetrant and cause it to lose some of its
65 C (150 F) for limited periods of time brightness. If the contamination in the
usually has little effect. However, hot dry developer is fluorescent, it can cause
storage for long periods of time (months false calls.
or years) could cause internal reaction Soluble and suspendible developer
between some components and powders contain surfactants that are
degradation of fluorescent dyes, with hygroscopic. If their containers are not
subsequent loss of performance. tightly sealed, they can pick up moisture.
This can cause them to become difficult
to use and can also make them subject to
Aerosol Containers biological decay. Microorganisms find the
Materials packaged in aerosol spray surfactants very tasty. They can live in the
containers are also not affected by normal developer and eat all of the surfactant.
storage conditions. Cold storage reduces When this happens, the developer will no
the internal pressure so the can must be longer wet the surface of the parts and the
warmed to nearly room temperature to inspection will fail.
spray properly. Conversely, high storage
temperatures raise the pressure and General Rules
extremely high pressures can cause
bursting of the can. Therefore, aerosol can Many tests can be performed to ensure
that stored materials are still good but

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 101

common sense is one of the best things to
use. First, make sure that liquid penetrant
products are stored properly. This means
indoors and at temperatures which are
not either extremely hot or extremely
cold. Second, make sure that the
containers are well sealed. Third, make
sure that the containers are clearly
labeled. When removing something from
storage, first inspect the container. Look
for evidence of incorrectly sealed
containers. Look for evidence of water
that has been on the top of the container.
Look for evidence that someone has
opened the container, removed some of
the contents and then not resealed the
container properly. If everything looks
good, the contents are probably good.
Nevertheless, when taking material from
the container, look at it critically. If it is a
liquid, it should be clear in color, without
evidence of any foreign material. It should
have no milky streaks in it if it is a water
washable liquid penetrant or a lipophilic
emulsifier. There should be no particulate
matter evident. The liquid at the bottom
of the container should appear no
different than that that at the top.
If the container has developer in it, see
that it has no clumps that are damp. Look
for evidence of fungus or algae dark
spots which indicate that a colony of bugs
is there, eating the developer ingredients.
If all appears clean, dry and relatively free
flowing, the developer is probably in
excellent condition.
Finding any of the indications listed
above should make one suspect that the
material may not be in condition to use.
In that case, tests should be made as
outlined below for in-process materials.

102 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 3. Care and Maintenance of Liquid
Penetrants in Use

liquid penetrant eventually separates into

Liquid Penetrants in Open two distinct phases. The liquid may form
a gel.
Proper maintenance is more difficult with Effects of Water Contamination in
liquid penetrants used in open tanks
where parts are dipped into them than
Postemulsifiable Liquid Penetrants
when sprayed from storage cans. When Water contamination of postemulsifiable
expended as used, particularly in the types of liquid penetrant is seldom a
small portable test kits, liquid penetrants serious problem, because these materials
are subject to very little contamination or are not usually compatible with water.
degradation. This is particularly true of With no emulsifier present, water in the
liquid penetrants that are packaged in liquid penetrant dip tank will settle to the
aerosol spray cans. When used in dip bottom and may cause undetected
tanks or open containers, contaminating corrosion at the bottom of the tank.
materials can get into liquid penetrants Violent agitation may bring some water
quite easily. into suspension in the oil, causing slight
Some materials such as certain cleaners liquid penetrant turbidity, but when the
and solvents commonly used in agitation ceases, the liquid will clear quite
manufacturing plants can affect the rapidly as the water settles out. Because
wetting ability of liquid penetrants when water will not stay suspended in
present in sufficient quantity. In addition, postemulsifiable liquid penetrants, it is
the greater liquid surface areas exposed seldom necessary to conduct a water test.
with dip tanks make evaporation and loss However, if test parts are dipped to the
of light volatile constituents of liquid bottom of the tank, the accumulated
penetrants more likely. The large liquid water can be a problem during operations.
surface can absorb or condense moisture Water is frequently introduced into
from the atmosphere. This water can have liquid penetrants and processing materials
a deleterious effect on liquid penetrant from wet parts, through careless overspray
performance, as can water carried into from a wash station or from leaking pipes
liquid penetrant tanks on test objects. or roofs. Water can also enter a liquid
penetrant from the air, if the air is very
humid and the liquid penetrant
temperature is below the dew point.
In-Use Contamination Condensation of water from ambient air
can happen during a humid morning
following a night that was cold enough to
Effects of Water Contamination in chill the liquid penetrant in the
Water Washable Liquid Penetrants immersion or storage tank.
Presence of moisture in a liquid penetrant
is probably the most common cause of Effects of Contaminants (Other
failure in liquid penetrant testing. This is than Water) in Liquid Penetrants
particularly true of water washable liquid
penetrants, which contain emulsifiers so There are other contaminants that can
they can be readily removed by water affect the performance of fluorescent
washing. Water washable liquid liquid penetrants. Overall tests to disclose
penetrants have a definite water tolerance their presence are not very practical. Such
limit beyond which they do not function tests would involve complicated
properly. Added water reduces their laboratory analysis and each test would
fluorescence and penetrating ability and have to be directed specifically to a
also adversely affects their washability. particular contaminant. Fortunately, most
Water contamination in liquid of these contaminant materials have to be
penetrants may be first seen as a slight present in fairly large quantities before
cloudiness. This increases with rising they can seriously affect liquid penetrant
water content and is usually accompanied performance and their presence will be
by an increase in liquid penetrant made evident by a change in behavior of
viscosity. With more added water, the the process material. Foreign materials
liquid becomes somewhat striated and the such as cleaning solvents, heavy oils,

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 103

acids or chromates in liquid penetrants fluids can result in corrosion conditions.
will make their presence known by Residues from deburring, tumble
changes in liquid penetrant performance polishing or burnishing operations may
such as in wetting ability, drying fall in this third category.
characteristics or loss of fluorescent
brightness. Effects of Contamination of Liquid
Changes in wetting ability and drying
characteristics of liquid penetrants can Penetrants by Acids, Caustics and
generally be seen by operators. Changes Chromates
in fluorescent brightness can be detected Acids and caustics have an additional
during operations by placing a single drop adverse effect on any type of liquid
of used liquid penetrant on a filter paper penetrant in which they can be dissolved.
alongside a drop of new liquid penetrant These active chemical contaminants cause
and viewing the two under an ultraviolet loss of fluorescence in fluorescent liquid
lamp. This permits a very rough penetrant dyes. They have an adverse
comparison but is adequate in most cases. effect on nonwater washable
More accurate tests can be made by use of (postemulsifiable) liquid penetrants in
photometers, or fluorometers described which they are not soluble. Sometimes,
elsewhere in this volume. chromate residues from etching
operations may become trapped in
Effects of Organic Contamination discontinuities and subsequently destroy
of Test Objects on Liquid the fluorescent response of a liquid
penetrant entrapment. This effect is due
Penetrants mainly to the powerful ultraviolet
Another source of contamination of liquid absorbency of the chromate ion.
penetrants and processing materials is
formation of organic coatings on surfaces
of test objects. These organic
contaminants include grease, oil, In-Use Deterioration
preservative, paint and residues from
previous processing. These contaminants
cause serious problems when not removed Effects of Evaporation of Liquid
from the surface of test parts because they Penetrant Test Materials
may fill cracks and prevent the entrance One source of deterioration of materials is
of liquid penetrant. The organic evaporation. The liquid penetrants and
contaminants are usually soluble in liquid some of the emulsifiers often contain
penetrant and slowly increase in light oil fractions that evaporate at
concentration in the liquid penetrant. various rates, leaving an unbalanced
Undesired effects of organic contaminants liquid penetrant formula. Wet developers
in liquid penetrants include the following: and water base penetrants contain water
(1) diluting the dye in the liquid or organic solvent that will evaporate if
penetrant; (2) absorbing ultraviolet exposed for long periods. Some
radiation before it reaches the dye in the evaporation is unavoidable but the rate of
liquid penetrant indications; (3) changing evaporation is increased by higher
liquid penetrant viscosity; (4) unbalancing temperatures and large exposed surface
emulsifier systems; and (5) deterioration areas.
of liquid penetrants and process materials. The effects of evaporation of volatile
Most of these contaminants never get constituents of liquid penetrant
beyond the liquid penetrant tank or drain processing materials include increased
stations and do not affect the emulsifier viscosity, higher developer concentration,
or developer. changes in fluorescence, changes in water
tolerance and increased dragout.
Effects of Organic Solvent Also, evaporation will either speed or
Contamination of Liquid slow washing characteristics, depending
on the type of liquid penetrant material.
Penetrant Test Materials Therefore, evaporation of liquid penetrant
Still another type of contaminant often materials cannot be ignored. Evaporation
encountered is the organic solvent, such of liquid materials in tanks occurs
as degreaser fluid, gasoline or kerosene whether the material is used or not and at
carried on test object surfaces. These a rate so gradual that it is often
contaminants usually originate in a overlooked. Periodic checks are therefore
previous cleaning operation. Small required to ensure that excessive
amounts of these organic solvent evaporation has not occurred.
contaminants are not serious but large
amounts affect liquid penetrant
fluorescence and ease of washing to
remove excess surface liquid penetrant.
Carryover of some solvent degreasing

104 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Effects of Heat on Liquid
Penetrant Test Materials
Heat can be a cause of serious
deterioration of liquid penetrant
materials. A little heat continuously
applied increases the rate of liquid
penetrant evaporation. As the lighter
constituents evaporate, liquid penetrant
viscosity increases. This may actually
upgrade the liquid penetrant material
because, when lighter fractions evaporate,
dyestuff becomes more concentrated in
the less volatile oil that remains. However,
an increase in liquid penetrant viscosity
increases dragout on test parts, slows
penetration into discontinuities and
changes the wash characteristics. Liquid
penetrants that include coupling agents
that are more volatile than other
constituents may separate or gel as the
coupling agent evaporates. Such coupling
agents are used to prevent separation of
liquid penetrant constituents or to control
liquid penetrant tolerance for water.
High temperatures cause all of the
preceding effects and, in addition, can kill
fluorescence of dyes in liquid penetrants
or leak tracers. Therefore, heating of
liquid penetrant materials much above
room temperature, either locally or
completely, should be avoided if at all

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 105

PART 4. Care and Maintenance of Liquid
Penetrant Emulsifiers and Removers in Use

fairly well drained off the parts before

In-Use Contamination they enter the emulsifier. Particular
attention should be paid to reservoirs
(openings in test objects) or recessed areas
Deterioration of Emulsifiers by that hold more than a thin surface layer
Contamination with Water or of liquid penetrant. This may mean that
the parts must be turned over during the
Liquid Penetrant drain period but the extra effort will be
Whenever the washing of surface liquid justified by the reduced material loss and
penetrant from test parts becomes contamination.
noticeably difficult, the emulsifier
(whether lipophilic or hydrophilic) should
be checked immediately. The most
Sources of Water Contamination
probable cause of deterioration of in Emulsifiers
lipophilic emulsifiers is contamination of Any liquid penetrant testing system that
the oil base emulsifier with water. All uses emulsifiers also uses water to wash
lipophilic emulsifiers have a definite water the parts after they have been emulsified.
tolerance that may vary from five percent The close proximity of water to the
to practically unlimited amounts of water. emulsifier makes it relatively easy to
When water concentrations exceed the contaminate the emulsifier with water. In
water tolerance limit, the lipophilic any case where it has been found that
emulsifier is no longer effective as a liquid water contamination has taken place, the
penetrant remover. This loss in first thing to suspect is that water from
effectiveness is generally accompanied by the wash operation has gotten into the
changes in emulsifier appearance or emulsifier tank. In virtually every case,
physical properties. The low tolerance careful attention to procedures will reveal
emulsifiers usually become viscous or gel how contamination is happening. In one
completely, whereas the high tolerance instance, the operators were steadfast in
emulsifiers become cloudy or show a maintaining that it was not possible for
tendency to thicken. water to get in the tank but when the
Another important source of operation was observed, the situation was
contamination of emulsifier baths is very clear. The operators were holding the
liquid penetrant carried into emulsifiers parts by hand and spraying them with
during processing. If excessive liquid water. They held the parts in such a
penetrant contamination builds up, the position that the overspray was going
effectiveness of the emulsifier will directly into the emulsifier tank. It was
decrease noticeably. like rain.
Other sources of water are rare and not
Sources of Liquid Penetrant as obvious. In one case, a night janitor
found that, if he wanted to really clean
Contamination in Emulsifiers his mop, all that he needed to do was to
The most common source of liquid dip it into the emulsifier tank and then
penetrant contamination in emulsifiers is wash it with water. He repeated this many
that carried into emulsifiers by dragout on times each night and each time that the
test parts processed through a dip mop went into the tank, it put some
operation. This liquid penetrant reduces water into it. In just a few days, the
the emulsifying ability of the emulsifier, emulsifier was ruined. In another case, a
making it less effective. If the liquid new maintenance man had been hired
penetrant contamination reaches a high and he was anxious to show that he did
enough level, it destroys the emulsifier. In good work. The emulsifier tank was empty
many operations, the liquid penetrant and he cleaned it with water, doing a very
content reaches an equilibrium because good job. However, the tank had piping
emulsifier is carried out on the parts and connected to it and he left these pipes full
the necessary makeup emulsifier dilutes of water. When the tank was refilled with
the carried-in liquid penetrant. If the emulsifier, it was almost instantly
liquid penetrant content does reach contaminated.
excessive levels, the reason is often poor
test procedure. Liquid penetrant should be

106 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 5. Care and Maintenance of Developers
in Use

There are four types of developer in formulations also include biocides to

common use. These are dry powder counteract this undesirable occurrence but
developer, water soluble developer, water they do not last indefinitely. The best
suspendible developer and nonaqueous practice to avoid infections is to keep the
developer. Each of these has distinctly tank covered when not in use. If an
different characteristics and different infection occurs, the cure is to drain the
susceptibilities to deterioration and tank, sterilize it and then refill it with
contamination. fresh developer solution. The developer
manufacturer has complete instructions
for this procedure.
Soluble developers can also become
Dry Powder Developer contaminated in various ways. The
Dry powder developer is not prone to concentration can go up or down
deteriorate. It is composed of chemically depending on evaporation of water from
stable absorbent powders that are unlikely the tank or the addition of water from
to decompose or otherwise change their wet parts being immersed. Fluorescent
composition in a way that would affect liquid penetrant can get into the
their performance. However, dry powder developer bath from the parts being
developers are prone to contamination of inspected. Also, it is possible to
various types. The most obvious of these contaminate the developer solution
is contamination by fluorescent liquid through electrolytic action. The developer
penetrant. When parts have been dipped is a solution of chemicals that ionize in
into the dry developer, the developer solution, creating an electrolyte. If a
adheres to the wet opening of basket of dissimilar metals is placed into
discontinuities because there is liquid the solution, electrolysis can occur in
penetrant there. The liquid penetrant which metal is dissolved from one of the
then is wicked into the developer and the dissimilar metals. The result can be cloudy
liquid penetrant makes the dry powder or murky solution that reduces the
wet and fluorescent. If particles of this developing ability of the solution.
wet, fluorescent powder fall free from the
part, they mix with the rest of the dry
powder, creating spots of fluorescence
that can later adhere to another part and Water Suspendible
cause a false indication. Developer
Dry powder developer can also become Water suspendible developers are prone to
damp or wet, causing it to clump. When some of the same contaminants that
this happens, it does not form a smooth soluble developers are, because they also
even coat on the parts being inspected contain surfactants and because they also
and it also may not stick to the wet have ionized components. This means
openings of the discontinuities, thereby that it is possible to have an infected
missing indications. Wetness can result developer bath and that it is possible to
from parts that are not completely dry have electrolytic effects. It is also possible
before being put into the developer and it to contaminate the suspension with liquid
can occur because of excessively high penetrant from the parts being inspected
humidity. and it is possible that the concentration
of the suspension will change as a result
of evaporation of water from the tank or
Water Soluble Developer the addition of water from the parts.

Water soluble developer may deteriorate

in use as a result of infections of bacteria,
algae or fungus, commonly termed bugs. Nonaqueous Wet
In order for the soluble developer to form Developer
a smooth coat on the parts, a surfactant is
included in the formulation. Surfactants Nonaqueous wet developers are usually
are a favorite food for bacteria, algae and used in aerosol form. Properly used, the
fungi and airborne bugs can land in the developer is not prone to either
solution and infect it. Soluble developer deterioration or contamination. If the

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 107

cans are not agitated before use, the
developer powder will not be properly
dispersed and this improper dispersion
will cause the developer coating to be
either too thick or too thin. The only
other failure that can occur is the loss of
pressure in the can, in which case the
developer may be good but cannot be
expelled from the can.
Nonaqueous developers used in bulk
form are prone to concentration changes
because of solvent evaporation and
should be kept in tightly closed
containers. If applied with a spray gun,
agitation must be used to keep the
developer particles in suspension.

108 Liquid Penetrant Testing

PART 6. Quality Control Tests for Liquid
Penetrant Materials

The following information applies tension) upsets the liquid penetrant

generally to the testing of liquid formulas balance between adhesion and
penetrant materials to determine whether cohesion. This modifies the characteristics
they are still suitable for use after having of a liquid penetrant, even though the
been used for some period of time. Most penetrant-and-water mix remains clear.
liquid penetrant processes are run Also, chemicals with substantial water
according to certain specifications or contents and without inhibitors will
standards, such as MIL-STD-68663 or its contribute to rusting of test parts as well
replacement, ASTM E 1417.4 These as liquid penetrant processing equipment.
standards or specifications contain the A liquid penetrant with a high water
exact requirements for testing and content could be a source of corrosion.
reference the exact test techniques to be Enough added water eventually causes
used. Liquid penetrant users may refer to many liquid penetrant test materials to
the following discussion for general separate into two layers. Generally, but
information but should carefully follow not necessarily, the first sign of such
the requirements of the standard or separation is a cloudiness of the fluid.
specification under which they are Sometimes, this cloudiness is localized in
working. If no standard or specification is a small area of a tank, and stirring to
called out, it is wise to use ASTM E 14174 dilute the local high water content will
to ensure that the test process is in good clear the fluid. Therefore, care must be
condition. taken to ensure that a representative
sample is used. If the whole tank is
cloudy, the layers will often separate by
gravity. Even if they do not, the
Water Tolerance of Water effectiveness of the liquid penetrant test
Washable Liquid material is gone. The material must then
be replaced.
Penetrants and Lipophilic
A useful property test that may be Visible Determination of
performed on liquid penetrants is the
water tolerance test. This test is applicable Water Tolerance Limits
only to water washable liquid penetrants A simple test for water tolerance is to add
and to lipophilic emulsifiers used with known amounts of water to a known
postemulsifiable liquid penetrants because amount of material with mixing. When
these are the only materials affected by permanent cloudiness or gelling occurs,
small amounts of water contamination. the water tolerance limit has been
The water tolerance test is not usually determined. The amount of water used to
prescribed for postemulsifiable liquid produce cloudiness or gelling is a direct
penetrants themselves as they are not indication of how much more water the
water miscible in their original form. material will accept before breaking down.
Typically, water will sink to the bottom of It is wise to know the water tolerance
the postemulsifiable liquid penetrant tank of new liquid penetrant test materials.
and form a separate layer. This gives a base point that allows one to
When water is introduced into water determine if a large variation from the
washable liquid penetrants, it will mix, up base value has occurred in the test
to a point, causing some characteristic material. If such a large variation does
changes. First, it will usually result in occur, not only should one be prepared to
increased viscosity, thereby causing some replace the material but the probable
of the same changes as evaporation. The cause of the contamination should be
peak viscosity is often reached with a determined and, if possible, eliminated.
relatively small amount of added water. Regardless of the water tolerance of the
More water then reduces viscosity, in liquid penetrant, it must be checked
some cases to a value lower than normal. periodically in accordance with
In addition to the viscosity changes, water MIL-STD-68663 or ASTM E 14174 to
reduces the dye concentration, thereby determine that the maximum allowable
decreasing the performance of water water concentration has not been
washable liquid penetrants. Further, exceeded.
addition of water (with its high surface

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 109

Quantitative Water Selecting Standard
Content Measurements Materials for Evaluation of
A water content measurement may be Liquid Penetrant
desired instead of a water tolerance test Deterioration
and is necessary if one must know the
actual water content. This is usually done Most test procedures usable for the
by the ASTM D 9521 technique where a determination of liquid penetrant
known amount of material is refluxed material conditions do not give absolute
with the specific solvent xylene and the results but rather are comparisons to some
condensed vapors are caught in a water standard. Therefore, the choice and care
trap. Water and xylene boil at similar of standard samples of liquid penetrants
temperatures and so leave the mixture and processing materials for each liquid
together. The condensed liquids are not penetrant test system in use is very
mutually soluble, so they separate in the important. A good standard is new
condensation trap. The water is heavier so material saved from the original container
it settles to the bottom of the trap for at the time the material is put into use.
measurement. Most of the xylene is This type of standard eliminates any
returned to the original mixture. effects of batch-to-batch material
It is essential to use the specific solvent variation and previous storage. The new
known as xylene for these water content material standards should, of course, be
measurements. Many liquid penetrants stored in such a way that they will not
contain water soluble glycols or glycol deteriorate. Therefore, standards should
ethers which, though much less volatile be kept in tightly closed glass or metal
than water, are still distilled out to a small containers (not plastic containers) and
extent. They collect with the water and stored in a cool, dry place. Even with such
act to increase its volume. Solvents with a proper storage, these liquid penetrant and
higher boiling point than xylene extract processing material standard samples
more of these glycols or glycol ethers and should be checked against brand new
so yield higher apparent water contents. materials of the same types every two or
Solvents that are more volatile than three years to ensure that no deterioration
xylene extract less water. Use of xylene has occurred.
only, in water content tests, permits
equivalent results to be obtained in
different facilities. One way to avoid the
errors that glycols or glycol ethers can Procedures for Comparing
cause is to use a Karl Fischer analysis, a Standard Materials with
chemical titration technique for precise In-Use Liquid Penetrant
measurement of moisture.
It is possible to use very sophisticated
instrument analyses to check liquid
Precautions in Selecting penetrant materials during their use but
Samples of Liquid such sophistication is rarely justified. All
Penetrant Materials that is really necessary at the field level is
to know whether the material is
When liquid penetrant materials are to be performing as required and, if not, where
tested for contamination or deterioration, and how bad are its shortcomings. These
the first consideration is to ensure that a can be determined with a series of
truly representative sample is taken. The relatively simple, inexpensive test
product must be well mixed so that any procedures requiring a relatively small
sludge or separation layers are included in investment in test equipment.
the sample. The container used to store The most important test is the system
liquid penetrant samples must be clean performance test in which the in-use
and made of material that is not attacked materials are tested against standard
by and is not permeable to the liquid liquid penetrant test materials of the same
penetrant material. type on actual cracked reference test
objects. The specimens may be parts of
the type being tested and containing
known, naturally occurring
discontinuities or they may be test panels
with synthetic discontinuities. In any
case, the test parts must be clean and dry
before the test. With some test specimens,
half of the specimen can be treated with
in-use material and the other half with
standard material. With other specimens,

110 Liquid Penetrant Testing

it will be necessary to have two similar will show whether there is a noticeable
test pieces, one for in-use material and difference between them. If there is no
one for new. difference, the used material can be
assumed to be acceptable and further tests
are not necessary (but may be performed
if a numerical status rating is desired). If a
Processing Reference difference is noted, a decision must be
Specimens with Standard made as to whether this difference (1) is
significant enough to reject the used
and In-Use Liquid materials at this point or (2) justifies
Penetrant Materials further tests to determine the cause and
In the reference test procedure, standard degree of the problem.
materials are applied to one part of the
test piece, the used materials are applied
to the other part (or to a similar piece) Laboratory Fluorometers
and the two systems are processed
equally. If actual cracked parts are being for Fluorescent Brightness
used, the processing should be the same Measurements
as that used in normal production tests. If
synthetic discontinuity test pieces are One type of filter photometer that has
being used, procedures may have to be been used for fluorescent brightness
modified to handle the different surface measurement is shown in Fig. 1. These
and crack conditions of the synthetic fluorometers normally contain the
discontinuity pieces. The main photometer sample holder and the
requirement is to ensure that standard ultraviolet light source, all in one package.
and used material systems are processed They are normally designed to measure
identically. test tubes full of fluorescent liquid. With a
Close comparison of test indications special sample holder (Fig. 2) these
with standard and used material systems instruments can be used to measure

FIGURE 1. Laboratory fluorometer specified by MIL-I-251351 and ASTM E 11356 and

containing built-in ultraviolet radiation source and interchangeable filters for light

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 111

brightness of filter paper soaked with heat resistant type because it may be
highly diluted liquid penetrant. ASTM placed very near the hot light source.
E 11356 contains procedural details for The fluorometer must also be equipped
comparing the brightness of fluorescent with a secondary filter that corrects the
liquid penetrants. These instruments are photodetector to the desired wavelength
no longer manufactured but many are still response. The first job for the secondary
in use. filter is to remove stray ultraviolet
Figure 2 shows a sample holder that radiation. If ultraviolet radiation is not
can be built to accept soaked filter paper removed, one obtains a reflectance
samples. When such a sample holder is measurement rather than a fluorescence
used, it must be positioned properly in measurement and spurious results are
the instrument or no reading will be obtained. Many secondary filters will
obtained. Because most laboratory remove enough ultraviolet radiation to
fluorometers are arranged so that the give correct measurements. An ultraviolet
angle between the illumination source radiation filter may be added if excess
and the photometer is 90 degrees, the face ultraviolet radiation becomes a problem.
of the sample must be set halfway In addition to removing the ultraviolet
between these devices to permit passage wavelengths from the fluorescent
of light. Furthermore, the angle must be brightness measurement, the secondary
exactly the same for each sample filter should normally cause the
measured if extreme measurement instrument to respond to color as the
variations are to be avoided. Usually stops average human eye does. Most
are installed on the instrument case and fluorometers use photodetectors with the
sample holder for this purpose or the blue sensitive response. A filter
holder may be manually rotated until a combination must be used to correct the
maximum reading is obtained. response of these phototubes to
Another instrument that can be used approximate the human eye response.
with soaked filter paper is shown in Fig. 3.
The sample holder is pictured lying on its
side on top of the instrument. For
measurement, the sample holder is Test for Water
inserted in the slot in the front of the Contamination in
Lipophilic Emulsifier
The amount of water contamination in a
lipophilic emulsifier can be easily
Selection of Filters for determined by use of ASTM D 95.21 The
Fluorometer Measurement test procedure and apparatus are followed
exactly as described in the ASTM test
of Fluorescent Brightness
When fluorometers are used for liquid
penetrant brightness measurement, they
must be equipped with proper filters. FIGURE 3. Another type of fluorometer for measuring
First, of course, is the primary filter that penetrant brightness.
must pass ultraviolet-A radiation but
absorb visible light. Generally, this filter
must be made of cobalt glass, often of a

FIGURE 2. Special reflectance measuring sample holder for

use with fluorescence photometer.

112 Liquid Penetrant Testing

specification but anhydrous (waterfree) confirm or eliminate liquid penetrant
xylene must be used as the solvent content of emulsifier as a cause for a
(instead of the general solvent specified). performance deficiency.
It is most important that only the
waterfree xylene solvent material be used. Washability Test for Emulsifier
If this material cannot be obtained, a
satisfactory solvent can be prepared by Contamination Using Grit Blasted
distillation of the commercial grade of Test Panel
xylene by placing a suitable amount of A practical test for emulsifier
commercial xylene in a still and boiling contamination is a washability test on a
off ten percent by volume. Most of the grit blasted stainless steel panel. A drop of
water in the commercial xylene will be in-use emulsifier is placed on the panel
driven off in this first ten percent and is allowed to drain off to one side.
evaporation and the xylene residue will be Then the panel is washed in a very gentle
sufficiently dry to permit a reliable test for flow of tap water. Failure of the emulsifier
the water content of emulsifiers. Although streak to wash clean and without any
lipophilic emulsifiers are petroleum based, edge residues indicates the presence of
the water contamination test results are excessive liquid penetrant contamination.
affected by the type of solvent used in the Emulsifiers usually exhibit a sharp
ASTM D 95 test.21 (See above for detailed washability break at some critical
discussion of water content concentration of liquid penetrant
measurements.) contamination, at which point the streak
of emulsifier will not dissolve properly in
water. In conducting this washability test,
the panel should be examined under
Comparison Tests for ultraviolet radiation for the presence of
Determining unwashed residues.
Contamination of
Emulsifiers by Fluorescent Visual Monitoring of Hydrophilic
Emulsifiers Bath for Liquid
Liquid Penetrant Penetrant Contamination
Fluorescent liquid penetrant
contamination in emulsifiers can often be Visual monitoring of the hydrophilic
seen by illuminating the used emulsifier remover immersion bath, although not
with near ultraviolet (ultraviolet-A) precise, will give clues as to the general
radiation. The actual test for liquid condition and freedom from liquid
penetrant content in an emulsifier can be penetrant contamination. For example, a
quite simple or fairly complex, depending solution of 20 percent hydrophilic
on the amount of information desired. emulsifier in water has a clear, pinkish red
Essentially, the test involves preparation color in white light and exhibits a pinkish
of a standard series of emulsifier samples fluorescence under (near ultraviolet)
contaminated with various known ultraviolet-A radiation. A trace of
amounts of liquid penetrant. These are fluorescent liquid penetrant
then compared with the test sample of contamination in the hydrophilic
used emulsifier to determine the emulsifier bath will darken the emulsifier
approximate degree of its contamination solution color and the fluorescence will
with liquid penetrant. The comparison shift to a blue-white color. Much higher
can be made visually or with instruments, levels of liquid penetrant contamination
depending on the degree of sophistication cause the hydrophilic emulsifier solution
desired. to become cloudy. With still higher levels
The basic procedure for evaluating of liquid penetrant contamination, free
fluorescent liquid penetrant liquid penetrant will float on the surface
contamination in lipophilic emulsifiers is of the hydrophilic emulsifier bath
to make a series of mixtures of the same solution. A hydrophilic emulsifier bath
types of liquid penetrant and emulsifier that is cloudy or has free liquid penetrant
used in production. The mixtures should on its surface is generally considered to be
contain amounts such as 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 over contaminated. Such a bath can be
and 30 percent liquid penetrant. Smaller used but the free-floating liquid penetrant
increments are only confusing. The should be skimmed from the bath surface
solutions should be thoroughly mixed to prevent liquid penetrant
and placed in clear, nonfluorescing glass contamination of test parts as they are
containers. A similar container filled with removed from the hydrophilic emulsifier
a similar amount of test sample is then, bath.
under ultraviolet radiation, visually Noticeable changes in the hydrophilic
compared side by side with the standard emulsifier performance, especially
series. The estimation thus obtained will increased fluorescent background on the
be approximate but close enough to washed test parts, will accompany the
visual changes in the bath described

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 113

above. As the emulsifier bath becomes available from the emulsifier
more contaminated with liquid penetrant, manufacturer. Figure 5 shows an example
it will become less efficient in removing of the full range of refractive index values
excess surface liquid penetrant and will for concentrations varying from 0 to
require increased emulsifier contact time. 100 percent of a hydrophilic emulsifier in
The addition of hydrophilic emulsifier water. This refractive index test is
concentrate to a contaminated emulsifier applicable only to fresh, uncontaminated
bath is not recommended, because this emulsifier solutions. Therefore, the test is
leads to loss of control over the remover especially suited to solutions applied by
concentration. Properly diluted emulsifier spray. Contamination by liquid
concentrate (corresponding to the original penetrants can cause the refractive index
remover bath concentration) can be of hydrophilic emulsifier baths to shift
added to a tank that is subject to a heavy from the values for uncontaminated
dragout loss due to heavy use. baths.

Concentration Control of Quick Tests for

Hydrophilic Emulsifier or Performance Loss Due to
Remover Remover Contamination
The concentration of hydrophilic
emulsifier in water is important to both Test Procedure
its performance effectiveness and the
economies of its use. The concentration of A quick emulsifier bath performance test
hydrophilic emulsifier can be estimated uses reference panels for comparison tests
by comparing the color of standard to determine the loss in performance due
dilutions to those of the freshly mixed to contamination of hydrophilic
bath. This procedure is used for spray emulsifier baths. (See elsewhere in this
solutions rather than for the more highly volume for descriptions of test panels and
concentrated dip solutions. This color cracked blocks used for evaluating liquid
comparison technique is not usable for penetrant test system performance.) The
contaminated baths of hydrophilic background and indication brightness and
emulsifier. definition obtained when liquid penetrant
A useful technique for determining the coated test panels are exposed to
concentration of specific hydrophilic hydrophilic emulsifier for 15 s and 30 s
emulsifiers in water baths is the time periods are compared. Two grit
measurement of the refractive index of blasted steel test panels and two
the solution. Figure 4 shows a
refractometer being used to determine the
refractive index of a hydrophilic
emulsifier solution. Charts relating the FIGURE 5. Variations of refractive index of
concentration to the refractive index are specific hydrophilic emulsifier as function of
emulsifier concentration in water.

FIGURE 4. Refractometer test provides an 90

Concentration of emulsifier in water (percent)

immediate visual determination of

hydrophilic emulsifier concentration. 80








1.33 1.35 1.37 1.39 1.41 1.43 1.45 1.47

Refractive index

114 Liquid Penetrant Testing

chromium plated panels with fine cracks part for performance test or to alter the
are covered with liquid penetrant and test conditions to correspond to actual
allowed to drain in air for 5 min. The first liquid penetrant processing conditions in
set, including one grit blasted and one use in the specific facility.
cracked chromium plated panel, is
processed as follows: 15 s prerinse, 15 s
drain, 15 s agitated remover dip, 15 s
drain and 15 s wash. Visual Comparison Test for
The second set of similar panels is Dry Developer
processed like the first set, except that the
agitated remover dip is of 30 s duration. Performance
In this test, fresh hydrophilic remover at Developers may suffer degradation, which
20 percent dilution in water leaves no can affect performance and thus should
background residues on either grit blasted not be ignored. The best test of dry
test panel. The first cracked chromium developer is a visual comparison with new
sensitivity panel has good crack developer material under both white light
indications after the 15 s dip. The second and ultraviolet-A radiation. Limits may be
cracked chromium sensitivity panel has set if desired but the results of the
no indications or only faint indications performance test will normally determine
after its 30 s dip in agitated remover. Fresh whether the material is acceptable or not.
hydrophilic remover at 20 percent Water in dry developers usually comes
concentration leaves no background color from incompletely dried test parts,
or fluorescence on either grit blasted careless overspray during washing or
background test panel. All panels are dried leaking roofs or pipes. Added water causes
and developer applied before inspection. lumps in the dry developer tank or on the
These results are those for fresh, clean test parts, which may mask indications. If
hydrophilic remover bath. the contaminant is water, the developer
material may dry eventually, particularly
Interpretation of Results if heated. Liquid penetrant contamination
in dry developers causes bright color or
As the remover bath becomes fluorescent spots that form false
contaminated, similar test panels given indications. Liquid penetrant usually
similar processing show differences in enters the developer through careless
performance. Background is present after handling of washing and removal of
the 15 s dip and faint background after excess surface liquid penetrant. If the
the 30 s dip, on the grit blasted test developer is contaminated, the dry
panels. The cracked chromium plated test powder developer must be replaced.
panels show poor performance after 15 s
in the remover bath. Resolution on the
fine crack panel may improve after the
30 s dip, reinforcing the interpretation of Control and Maintenance
a loss in remover effectiveness with of Aqueous Wet Developer
contamination. A sample of fresh liquid
penetrant should be used periodically in Baths
these tests to determine whether The proper consistency of aqueous wet
contaminated liquid penetrant could be developer baths must be maintained by
responsible for the changes observed in replacing water lost through evaporation
performance. or powder lost through dragout. The
With a specific liquid penetrant and technique for measuring the consistency
remover, this comparison test indicated of the batch will depend on the type and
that no noticeable change in performance brand of material being used. The
occurred until the remover bath reached recommendation of the manufacturer
about four percent contamination. At should be followed in all cases.
four percent contamination with liquid
penetrant, heavy background appears on
the grit blasted test panel after a 15 s dip Visual Examination of Applied
and faint background remains even after a Developer
30 s dip. With about six percent One test involves pouring a streak of well
contamination, the difference in mixed developer bath onto a glossy black
background on the grit blasted test panels plate supplied as part of a comparator kit.
exposed to agitated remover for 15 and 30 The appearance of this streak is then
s is negligible. the comparison between compared with the developer streaks on a
the two dip periods is the guide to standard plate. The solution or suspension
remover condition. The test is only meant can then be adjusted by adding more
to be a quick, easy reference and is not water or more powder until the test streak
quantitative. With different test objects closely matches the proper standard
and processing requirements, the user streak. Any cracking of the developer
may find it beneficial to use an ideal test coating during the drying operation in

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 115

the normal test procedure indicates (1) a convenient surface for this test is a new,
serious loss of water or (2) an excessively clean, tin-plated lid from a gallon can. If
high concentration of developer powder. pulling apart or balling up of the coating
Both of these conditions can cause the occurs, the surface should be dried and
developer to obscure indications of fine then checked for even, complete
discontinuities. developer coverage.

Hydrometer Test for Evaluation of Fluorescent

Concentration of Aqueous Wet Contaminants in Developer
Developer Baths Coatings
Another technique of checking the bath Another test that should be applied to wet
concentration is by means of a developers is a check for fluorescence.
hydrometer with a suitable range. Before This is easily done by examining the two
checking the concentration with the developer coatings prepared for the
hydrometer, the developer bath should be evenness test under ultraviolet-A
at least 24 h old, soluble powders should radiation. Increased fluorescence of the
be completely dissolved and suspensions test material will be obvious. Whether the
should be thoroughly stirred. The fluorescence has reached a rejection level
hydrometer can be floated directly in the must be determined by the performance
bath or in a small vessel containing a test.
sample of the bath. Manufacturers of the Wet developer becomes fluorescent
developer will supply information as to mainly from liquid penetrant carried into
the correct hydrometer range for the it on test parts or that otherwise enters
developer and will furnish tables relating the developer. There is no way to reclaim
the developer bath concentration and liquid penetrant contaminated developer,
specific gravity. A high specific gravity so replacement is the only answer to such
reading can be lowered by adding water to a problem. Developer should not
the mixture. If the specific gravity is too normally become fluorescent; therefore,
low, add powder and stir thoroughly. the cause of the problem should be
Table 1 compares typical hydrometer determined and procedures should be
readings to developer bath particle altered to prevent recurrence.
concentration. Generally, the powder
concentration in water suspension ranges
from 40 to 240 g (1.4 to 8.5 ozm) of dry
powder concentrate per 1 L (0.25 gal) of Care and Maintenance of
water. This corresponds to 152 to 907 g Nonaqueous Wet
(0.33 to 2.0 lbm) of powder per 3.8 L
(1 gal) of water (4 to 24 percent by Developers
weight). Most of the developers used with portable
liquid penetrant test kits are of the
Evaluating Developer Wetting and nonaqueous wet type. The developers are
procured in a ready-to-use form and
Evenness of Coating contain the necessary developer powder
The coating test is simply to pour or suspended in a volatile liquid medium.
otherwise apply some of the material and With flammable solvent types, operators
some standard mixture to a smooth must avoid smoking or other source of
hard-to-wet metal surface and inspect for ignition while spraying developer from
signs of pulling apart or balling up of the pressurized spray cans. Solvent developers
wet developer coating material. A in bulk should be kept in covered or
closed containers to limit evaporation or
spreading of flammable vapors. If solvent
developers lose appreciable liquid through
TABLE 1. Aqueous developer concentrations of dissolved evaporation, the quality and effectiveness
or suspended particles as function of specific gravity of the developer will decrease
hydrometer readings of the bath. significantly. The solids must be in
Typical suspension, before use, to obtain proper
Specific Gravity
developer performance. Solvent
Developer Concentration
______________________ Hydrometer Readings
developers in pressure spray cans or other
gL1 (lbagal1) at 22 C (72 F) portable containers must be thoroughly
agitated before use to ensure the proper
120 (1.0) 1.052
suspension of developer in solvent when
96 (0.8) 1.042
applied to test parts. Developers in
72 (0.6) 1.032 pressurized spray cans generally do not
48 (0.4) 1.021 require maintenance precautions, because
24 (0.2) 1.011 they are primarily intended for use only
once. When developer is sealed in a spray
can, there is no way for it to become

116 Liquid Penetrant Testing

contaminated with liquid penetrant or
other foreign materials.
If it is necessary to check the content
of solids in nonaqueous solvent
developers, this can best be done by
weighing a well agitated sample of
developer, filtering out the solids and
then weighing the dried solids content.
Older techniques of allowing the solids to
settle out of a developer suspension have
fallen into disrepute.

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 117

PART 7. Quality Control Tests for Test Systems
and Procedures

Figure 6 is a drawing of a combination

Maintenance Checks for test panel devised to verify the
functioning of the liquid penetrant test
Expendable Liquid system. Proper performance of the test
Penetrant Process system can be ensured by processing this
performance test panel through all cycles
Materials of the system, from precleaning to
Expendable materials, once placed in readout of indications, at the beginning of
service in a liquid penetrant each work shift. One half of the
nondestructive test system, are not combination test panel consists of a metal
particularly susceptible to change or strip that has a rough, grit blasted,
variation. Most of the changes that do stainless steel surface. The other half of
take place will be apparent to experienced the combination test panel has a smooth
operators by variation in the performance chrome plated surface with five dimple
of the liquid penetrant or of the crack patterns imposed on it by a
processing materials. In most installations, hardness tester. The five dimple crack
alertness on the part of the operator may patterns range in size from very fine to
be all that is required to maintain all coarse. The combination panel can be
materials in satisfactory condition. used for judging both rough surface
However, it is advisable to carry out a washability and smooth surface
routine check on the test materials to washability, as well as for judging relative
ensure that reliable and consistent sensitivity of the liquid penetrant test
performance is being attained with the process conducted with a given test
test system. system at specified intervals. To remain
Selection of specific tests will depend useful, the combination test panel must
on the make and type of liquid penetrant
process materials being used. Tests
recommended by the manufacturer or FIGURE 6. Penetrant system monitor panel
supplier of the expendable liquid with rough, grit blasted section (at right) for
penetrant process materials may be used washability check and five crack centers in
as a guide. There are some generally chrome plated section (at left) for sensitivity
applicable tests, however, that can be evaluation.
applied advantageously, as described here
and elsewhere in this volume. Note that
these tests described are comparison tests
only; that is, a current result is compared
to a previous result or results obtained
with in-use materials are compared to
results obtained with retained unused

Checking Test System

Performance with Combination
Test Panel
The quality of indications on processed
test parts depends on proper functioning
of all phases of the entire liquid penetrant
test system, including the following:
effectiveness of precleaning of test objects;
condition of the liquid penetrant,
emulsifier and developer (all of which can
easily become contaminated or spent);
liquid penetrant and emulsifier dwell
times; temperature, pressure and
cleanliness of the wash water; drying time
and temperature; lighting in the
inspection area.

118 Liquid Penetrant Testing

be thoroughly cleaned immediately after discontinuities appear; the contrast of the
each use to remove all residues of liquid discontinuity indications; the degree of
penetrant processing materials and water. background color or fluorescence left on
(See elsewhere in this volume for test object surfaces after removal of excess
descriptions of additional artificial surface liquid penetrant and application
reference panels of various types). of developer. The stainless steel
combination grit blasted and chrome
Checking Test System plated test panel (Fig. 6) has been used for
several years to monitor for sudden
Performance Using Test Parts with changes. Another suitable test panel is an
Known Discontinuities unglazed ceramic plate or disk having a
Test parts with known typical surface porosity condition.
discontinuities and known washability Processing special test panels such as
levels can be retained as reference these can alert the inspector to a sudden
specimens and processed at the beginning shift in performance caused by the
of each shift or when inadequate system following: sudden increase in oven
performance is suspected. These test parts temperature; failure of developer dust
serve a function similar to that of the chamber; wash water temperature
combination test panel. The experienced increase; solvent contamination of
inspector will quickly spot a radical emulsifier; and other changes from
change in the liquid penetrant testing normal conditions
system performance by use of either the Though these monitoring panels do
combination panel or retained anomalous not measure the gradual shift in
test parts. A problem that must be performance and do not replace the
recognized is that, even after comparison test, they protect against the
discontinuities in test panels or test parts sudden failure and they can be processed
are cleaned, they may retain residues of quickly and easily.
liquid penetrants or processing materials
from previous liquid penetrant tests or
inspections of other types. The gradual
buildup of retained processing materials Tests for Effectiveness of
will then reduce the apparent size of the Liquid Penetrant Removal
liquid penetrant indications and the test A removability test, or washability test,
panels/parts must be replaced. often follows the fluorescence test (see
elsewhere in this volume for step
Frequency of Comparison Tests of sequence). These tests measure the
Liquid Penetrant Materials removability performance of the
individual process materials. Removal
In all probability, liquid penetrant performance is very important because
materials deterioration due to surplus liquid penetrant must be removed
evaporation, contamination and other from the surface of the part or the entire
causes will be gradual. The rate will vary part will have a high background
with such conditions as the work load, fluorescence. This will greatly reduce the
type of test parts, climatic conditions or contrast between the discontinuity
prior processing. The need for a indication and the rest of the surface area.
comparison test between materials in use On the other hand, if the liquid penetrant
and retained standards will not be the can be removed too easily, it will be
same for all liquid penetrant installations. washed out of the discontinuities. This
The frequency of tests may vary from as will cause greatly reduced discontinuity
often as twice daily to weekly or even detection sensitivity capability,
monthly. particularly for the shallower
Detecting Sudden Performance The test for effectiveness of removal of
Shifts in Test System Operation surface liquid penetrant may be
performed in a variety of ways but, with
It should be remembered that, in addition present procedures, it must always be
to gradual deterioration, there is always done as a comparison to standard
the danger of sudden deterioration of materials; this is because there is so much
materials or sudden change in the variation of the test parameters even
functioning of a processing stage. The when rigorous controls are applied. An
sudden change can be guarded against by accurate comparison can be made only if
processing known anomalous parts or standard and test materials are handled
special test panels with which the side by side.
technician is familiar at the beginning of
each shift or at other selected intervals.
An experienced inspector will detect a
change in familiar parts or test panels by
noting the following: whether the known

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 119

Selection and Renewal of
Removability Test Panels Purpose of Cracked
Removability is probably best tested on a Sample Tests
fairly rough surface such as the stainless A practical test of a liquid penetrant test
steel test panels sand blasted with 165 m system uses a test object or part of the
mesh aperture (100 lines per 1 in. mesh) type actually being inspected that
grit as specified by MIL-I-251351 or contains the smallest allowable
AMS 2644.2 Rough surfaces on test objects discontinuity. If this discontinuity is
are harder to wash than smooth surfaces, detected, the liquid penetrant test system
so they allow a better evaluation of wash is doing the minimum required job. How
capability. A problem with wash test well this smallest discontinuity is detected
panels is that, once used, a very slight can be determined by the brightness of
residue remains on the surface and affects the indication as measured with a
future tests. An effective procedure for photometer (Fig. 7), if such an instrument
cleaning removability test panels for reuse is available and the information is
includes the following processing steps: required. However, because each users
(1) use a soft brush under running water test parts and minimum allowable
to remove the developer, (2) dry, (3) dip discontinuity size will be different, there
in alcohol, (4) dry, (5) immerse in a is no way that individual ratings will be
solvent and ultrasonically clean and comparable when using different parts.
(6) dry. This entire cycle can be repeated if
necessary to remove all traces of prior
processing materials. If this procedure
does not completely clean the panels, Synthetic Crack Specimens
they can be sandblasted again and
probably should be after five or ten uses. for Comparison
Procedures for Performing In practice, there is a great need for
Removability Tests reproducible, synthetically produced
discontinuities that can be used to rate
When performing removability tests, and compare liquid penetrant test systems
standard and test materials should be and materials. Many attempts to produce
applied to separate panels that were grit such devices have been made over the
blasted simultaneously or adjoining areas years. Unfortunately, none of these
on a single test piece, being careful not to attempts has produced the ideal synthetic
allow the liquid penetrants to mix. The discontinuity. The big problem is
test should actually be run twice: once reproducibility. To rate liquid penetrant
with a minimum removal effort (short materials properly in different locations,
emulsification or wash) that will not quite
completely remove the standard materials
and once with a fairly strong removal
effort that will completely remove liquid FIGURE 7. Narrow angle photometer with digital readout and
penetrant from the standards. optical finder.

Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant

Removability Tests
If the test materials are more completely
removed than the standards, the test
materials are being removed too easily
and performance will suffer. This loss of
performance usually shows up on the
performance test, so the purpose of
removal test is to point out any poor
removability performance. This may be
obvious from the results being obtained
in the actual test operation where parts
being tested may be showing sufficiently
high residual background that complaints
arise. If so, the main use of this test is to
locate which material or materials are
causing the poor removability.

120 Liquid Penetrant Testing

the test parts must be identical and no indications on the two halves, whereupon
two parts of any current synthetic the last used material replaced by the new
discontinuity sample are identical. material may be considered at fault.
Without identical test discontinuities, Once the faulty material is found, the
there is no way to cause the rating of a necessary corrective measure may be
system done at one location to equal that obvious. If not, further tests may be
done at another. Even at one location any necessary but need be carried out on the
rating of a test system, process or material inferior material only. If no material is
is a comparative rating only. found faulty, one or more processing
Over the course of many years, two parameters or procedural steps may be at
types of synthetic discontinuity test fault. An audit of the test process or
panels have found wide use despite their having a different operator process the
inadequacies; the cracked chrome plated cracked specimens may help reveal the
brass panel and the quench cracked problem.
aluminum block. These are briefly In most cases comparable crack
described below and discussed in detail patterns appear immediately adjacent to
elsewhere in this volume. The normal each other on the two halves of a
procedure for checking a complete system specimen. The patterns should be
by means of cracked specimens is to treat observed not only for brightness but also
one half of each specimen with all new for crack definition as well. Photographic
materials and the other half with all records of crack patterns can aid observers
in-use materials. After processing is to make valid conclusions. Some
complete, the specimen is examined contaminants, particularly in liquid
closely under the appropriate light, penetrants, can cause bleeding of
according to the types of materials used. indications to such a degree that,
If a careful comparison reveals no although the indications may be larger,
outstanding difference between the two they are less well defined and may even
halves of the specimen, it can be assumed obscure other fine indications. In such a
that all materials are in usable condition. case, indications are usually less bright.
If the half that was processed with in-use
materials bears indications that are Cracked Nickel-Chromium Plated
definitely inferior, it indicates that at least
one of the in-use materials is not up to Specimens for Evaluating the
standard. The actual material(s) at fault Performance of Test Systems
can be pinpointed by carrying out further One synthetic discontinuity test panel is
tests, substituting new materials, one at a the cracked nickel-chrome plated panel.
time, for the in-use ones. This should be In this case the two halves are two
continued until the block shows equal

FIGURE 8. Two examples of matched halves of chrome plated, cracked panels for evaluating
liquid penetrant system performance: (a) coarse cracks, relatively deep; (b) fine cracks,
relatively shallow.

(a) (b)

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 121

separate panels made by cutting the
originally prepared panel completely in FIGURE 9. Quench cracked aluminum test panel specified by
half. Two examples of this type are shown MIL-I-25135,1 AMS 26442 and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
in Fig. 8. Code.22
The cracks extend entirely through the
brittle nickel-chrome plating to the brass
below, so the depth of the cracks is
controlled by the plating thickness.
Variation of the coating thickness thus
allows the production of different ranges
of crack size that can be used to test liquid
penetrant test systems with different
sensitivity levels. The nickel-chrome
plated crack specimens, especially the fine
grade, contain some of the smallest
discontinuities normally detectable by the
liquid penetrant method. Thus, they can
be used as go/no-go standards for the
rating the relative performance of a liquid
penetrant test system over a period of
A further advantage of these panels is
that they may be easily and completely
except the cracked aluminum blocks and
cleaned for reuse, by washing and
the cracked nickel-chromium plated
brushing off the developer coating and
panels. All others were too difficult to
then by soaking the panel in solvent
make, not reproducible enough or not
sufficiently indicative of performance.
There is still need for a better synthetic
Quench Cracked Aluminum discontinuity sample than those presently
Specimens for Evaluating the available.
Performance of Test Systems
A second type of synthetic discontinuity
sample in common use, especially for
visible dye liquid penetrant test systems,
is the quench cracked aluminum block
specified in AMS 26442 and elsewhere.1,22
This sample is produced by nonuniformly
heating a piece of rolled 2024-T3
aluminum alloy to nearly its melting
point, then by quenching the piece
quickly in cold water. This produces a
network of cracks of various sizes, as seen
in Fig. 9. Naturally, there is considerable
variation in crack patterns from piece to
piece and no two pieces are exactly alike.
Therefore, these samples also must be
used strictly for comparison of two liquid
penetrant test systems or materials on the
same piece at the same time.
These samples are suitable only for
systems of low sensitivity. To clean them
for reuse, it is necessary to wash and
brush off the developer, soak the panels in
solvent at least overnight and then reheat
them to about 30 C (50 F) less than the
original temperature. This procedure can
be repeated only three or four times for a
panel before it must be replaced.

Need for Improved

Synthetic Crack Specimens
Various other liquid penetrant test
reference samples have been tried over the
years but none has survived in general use

122 Liquid Penetrant Testing


1. MIL-I-25135, Inspection Materials, Conshohocken, PA: American Society

Penetrants. Washington, DC: United for Testing and Materials (1992).
States Department of Defense (1989). 13. KSC-SPEC-Z-0013, Penetrant, Magnetic
(Cancelled January 1998; replaced by Particle and Ultrasonic Inspection,
SAE AMS 2644.) Requirements for, Specification for.
2. SAE AMS 2644, Inspection Material, Kennedy Space Center, FL: National
Penetrant. Warrendale, PA: SAE Aeronautics and Space Administration
International (1996). (1969).
3. MIL-STD-6866, Inspection, Liquid 14. MIL-STD-271, Nondestructive Testing
Penetrant. Washington, DC: Methods, Requirements for.
Department of Defense (1985). Washington, DC: Department of
(Canceled 22 November 1996; Defense; United States Government
replaced by ASTM E 1417.) Printing Office (June 1986). (Cancelled
4. ASTM E 1417, Standard Practice for May 1998; superseded by NAVSEA
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West Technical Publication
Conshohocken, PA: American Society T9074-AS-GIB-010/271.)
for Testing and Materials (1995). 15. MSFC-STD-366(1), Penetrant Inspection
5. ASTM E 165, Standard Test Method for Method. Huntsville, AL: Marshall Space
Liquid Penetrant Examination. West Flight Center (1976). (Cancelled.)
Conshohocken, PA: American Society 16. SAE AMS 2647B, Fluorescent Penetrant
for Testing and Materials (1995). Inspection Aircraft and Engine
6. ASTM E 1135, Standard Test Method for Component Maintenance. Warrendale,
Comparing the Brightness of Fluorescent PA: SAE [Society of Automotive
Penetrants. West Conshohocken, PA: Engineers] International (1995).
American Society for Testing and 17. SAE AMS 3155C, Oil, Fluorescent
Materials (1992). Penetrant Solvent-Soluble. Warrendale,
7. ASTM E 1208, Standard Test Method for PA: SAE [Society of Automotive
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination Engineers] International (1994).
Using the Lipophilic Post-Emulsification 18. SAE AMS 3156C, Oil, Fluorescent
Process. West Conshohocken, PA: Penetrant Water Washable. Warrendale,
American Society for Testing and PA: SAE [Society of Automotive
Materials (1994). Engineers] International (1983).
8. ASTM E 1209, Standard Test Method for 19. SAE AMS 3161A, Oil, Odorless Heavy
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination Solvent. Warrendale, PA: SAE [Society
Using the Water-Washable Process. West of Automotive Engineers]
Conshohocken, PA: American Society International (1993).
for Testing and Materials (1994). 20. NAVSHIPS 250-1500-1, Welding
9. ASTM E 1210, Standard Test Method for Standard. Washington, DC: United
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination States Department of Defense (1995).
Using the Hydrophilic Post-Emulsification 21. ASTM D 95, Standard Test Method for
Process. West Conshohocken, PA: Water in Petroleum Products and
American Society for Testing and Bituminous Materials by Distillation.
Materials (1994). West Conshohocken, PA: American
10. ASTM E 1219, Standard Test Method for Society for Testing and Materials
Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Examination (1990).
Using the Solvent-Removable Process. 22. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
West Conshohocken, PA: American Section V, Nondestructive Examination.
Society for Testing and Materials New York, NY: American Society of
(1994). Mechanical Engineers (1995).
11. ASTM E 1220, Standard Test Method for
Visible Liquid Penetrant Examination
Using the Solvent-Removable Process.
West Conshohocken, PA: American
Society for Testing and Materials
12. ASTM E 1418, Standard Test Method for
Visible Penetrant Examination Using the
Water-Washable Process. West

Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials 123

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