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Running head: ADHD 1

ADHD Website Review and Response

Eh Na

Ivy Tech Community College


First, I will describe the question of what is ADHD. ADHD is an Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder is clinically known as hyperactivity and impulsive behavior with

difficulty sustaining attention (Staff M. C., 2016). There are three different types of ADHD,

predominantly inattentive, predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive, and combined. Definitions of

these can be found on the center for Disease Control website under ADHD sign and symptoms.

This is a lot of important words for an antsy child that cannot sit. I know that you are thinking

that almost all children have this issue. That assumption would be correct, millions of children

are afflicted with ADHD, and so this makes a diagnosis very difficult at times. Some children

will grow out if this behavior, but a child with ADHD does not grow out of these behaviors, the

symptoms continue and affect the child in almost every aspect of their life. this would include

having a low self-esteem, trouble with relationships, and difficulty in school (Staff M. C., 2016).

There is no concrete known causes for disorder child. There are, however, many

researches that point to genetics playing an important role with risk factors adding to the

likelihood of being diagnosed with ADHD. Some of the other suspected causes and risk factors

are; Brain injury, Environmental exposures, Alcohol and Tobacco use during pregnancy,

premature delivery, and low birth weight (Staff C., 2017). So, too much sugar or television does

not have a correlation to ADHD, nor does parenting, poverty, or family chaos cause it. These

things can only assist in making the symptoms worse (Staff C., 2017). This only means that you

have done nothing to causes your child having ADHD.

Symptoms may let us know of the possibility of ADHD. These can appear as early as two

or three-year-old. This it is a lengthy; Difficulty paying attention, frequently daydreaming.

Difficulty following through on instructions and apparently not listening, frequently has

problems organizing tasks or activities, frequently forgetful, and loses needed items, such as

books, pencils or toys, frequently fails to finish schoolwork, chores or other tasks. Easily

distracted frequently fidgets or squirms, difficulty remaining seated and seemly in constant

motion, excessively talkative, frequently interrupts or intrudes on others conversations or

games. Frequently has trouble waiting for his or her turn (Staff M. C., 2016). These things can be

present or just a few, it is important to be mindful of them. This is also more prevalent in boys

than girls and their behavior is displayed differently. Boys tend to be more hyperactive, while

girls may be more quietly inattentive (Staff M. C., 2016).

To be tested your child needs to fit six or more of the above criterial. You will need your

family doctor to recommend a specialist for the evaluation. It is important to know that there is

no one test for a diagnosis, and other learning disabilities and health problems can have similar

symptoms (Staff M. C., 2016). Therefore, there may be several test and exams. The most typical

are medical exams, information gathering, interviews or questionnaires, and ADHD rating scale

(Staff M. C., 2016). The younger the child is the more difficulty it will be to diagnose properly.

Any child younger than preschool age should be diagnosed by a specialist (Staff M. C., 2016).

These tests may seem excessive and repertory but it is necessary so that a proper diagnosis is

made and no mistakes can occur.

After all of we can get to what treatments are available and successful. Behavior therapy

is recommended for children under six years of age. both therapy and medication is

recommended for children over six (Staff C., 2017). I would like to say that behavior therapy is

the safest mode but may not be completely effective depending on each individual child.

Medication is scary and it does take some time to find the right ones that will work for you child.

Because, every child responds differently to the treatments it may take some time to find what

works best for your child (Staff M. C., 2016). There are a number is medications that have

proven results, but like any medication they also have adverse reactions to them. the most

important thing to remember is to make sure you child takes the right amount of the prescribe

medication (Staff M. C., 2016). I want to reiterate that it may takes some time to find the

combination that is going to work properly for you child. To close please remember to try to be

patient and that this is a step by step process. I recommend you to communication with your

family doctor or someone that relate to medical. They will let you know and you will be in the

right position to treat your kids with special need.



Staff, C. (2017, June 6). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from Attention-

Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/

Staff, M. C. (2016, March 11). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.

Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases


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