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What is Kunalin

1. What are the subtle energy systems in the body?

The universe is sustained by Gods mere presence. According to the Path of Kunalin, Gods energy that is used in the running (i.e., creation,
sustenance and destruction) of the universe is Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness). With respect to a person, this Chaitanya is known as chetanaa
and it is that part of Gods energy required for the functioning of a human being.

This chetanaa is of two types and, depending on its state of activity, it takes on two different names.

Active chetanaa also known as prana-shakti or vital energy. The vital energy or prana-shakti sustains and gives energy to the physical
body, mind, intellect and subtle ego. It is distributed through subtle channels known as nadis. These nadis are prevalent throughout the
body and supply energy to the cells, nerves, arteries, lymph etc. Refer to the article What are we comprised of?
Non-active chetanaa which is known as the Kunalin. This Kunalin lies dormant in a person until activated as described in the
methods below.

The diagram below shows the distribution of the total subtle energy for vital energy and the Kunalin for spiritual growth.

2. What is the Kunalin used for?

The Kunalin or non-active chetanaa is used primarily for spiritual growth. It is not used for, nor does it take part in, day-to-day bodily functioning.

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3. How to activate the Kunalin?

The Kunalin is activated through spiritual practice or spiritual transfer of energy.


3.1 Kunalin activation through spiritual practice

This includes practices that come under generic spiritual paths to God such as Path of Action (Karmayoga), Path of Devotion, Path of Deliberate
Rigour (Hathayoga) and Path of the Gurus grace (Gurukrupaayoga). The practices in the Path of Hathayoga include celibacy, pranayam (breathing
exercises) and yogic exercises and other spiritual practices.

Some people try to force the activation of the Kunalin by efforts through the Path of Deliberate Rigour (Hathayoga). However this can lead to
deleterious effects. Some can even become insane from it.

3.2 Transfer of energy or shaktipat

Shaktipat refers to the bestowal of spiritual energy on one person by another i.e. mainly a Guru/spiritually evolved person to His disciple. Shaktipat
can be transmitted with a sacred word or mantra, or by a look, thought or touch - the last usually to the adnyaa chakra or brow chakra of the
recipient. It is considered an act of grace from the Guru to a deserving disciple. This transfer of energy itself initiates the awakening of the Kunalin.

After it is awakened, the rate at which the Kunalin rises is dependent on the disciples continuous and ever increasing efforts in spiritual practice.

3.3 Recommended way to awaken and channelise the Kunalin

Whatever the spiritual path, when there is spiritual growth the Kunalin rises. SSRF recommends regular spiritual practice as per the six basic
principles of spiritual practice to help activate the Kunalin naturally. Here the unmanifest Guru Principle or the Teaching Principle of God itself
activates the Kunalin. As it is activated by the Gurus grace then it automatically travels upwards and transforms the seeker spiritually.

On the other hand, if it is thrust upon a seeker as in shaktipat, i.e. when someone is suddenly given an excess of spiritual energy, while the
experience is very engaging and can be almost addictive, only ever increasing amounts of spiritual practice both at a qualitative and quantitative level
assure the continual grace of the Guru Principle that leads the Kunalin on the right path and strengthens the seekers faith.

To better understand this let us take the help of an analogy.

Employing ones efforts in regular spiritual practice is like working hard and then amassing a fortune

Awakening the Kunalin by the direct transfer of energy is like being born to a billionaire where the father provides the son with instant

Out of the two, having earned wealth (spiritual wealth) through hard earned means is always a more sustainable and a surer option for future growth.

3.4 Key aspects of the Kunalin

Just as the heart is the principle centre (organ) of the circulatory system and the brain of the nervous system, similarly the subtle energy system has
various centres (chakras), channels and ducts.

There are 72,000 subtle channels (nadi). Of these channels, the three main subtle channels are:

Sushumna nadi, that is, the central channel that extends from base of spine to the top of the head,

Pinglaa or the surya (sun) nadi, that is, the channel that runs to the right of the sushumna nadi, and the

Ida or the chandra (moon) nadi, that is, the channel that runs to the left of the sushumna nadi.

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The vital energy is transmitted in the body through the surya (sun) nadi and the chandra (moon) nadi and the other smaller nadis. The vital energy
flow alternates between the surya (sun) nadi and the chandra (moon) nadi.

The Kunalin is the spiritual energy and it generally lies dormant, coiled at the base of the sushumna nadi for an average person. Through spiritual
practice it begins to rise from the base of the spine through the sushumna nadi right till the top of the head. While it does so, the Kunalin activates
each of the chakras along the way.

As the Kunalin passes each chakra along the sushumna nadi, there is a thin subtle valve that it needs to push through at each chakra to make its
onward journey upwards. As it keeps pushing through the wall there is sometimes an increase in the amount of spiritual energy from the sushumna
nadi at that chakra. Having nowhere to go, it sometimes flows out through the surrounding subtle ducts and becomes converted into prana-shakti or
vital energy. For that period of time, the concerned person may experience a heightened activity associated with that area. For example an increase
in prana-shakti or vital energy around the sacral or swaadhisthaan chakra area can produce a heightened sexual drive.

As discussed earlier, the Kunalin rises through spiritual practice regardless of path. However the frame of reference may change in terms of how
that Path to God perceives it. For example when the Kunalin passes the anaahat or heart chakra:

According to the Path of Devotion the seeker is said to have reached the manifest bhav state which is a state of manifest spiritual

However with respect to the Path of Knowledge a seeker begins to experience Chaitanya or Divine Consciousness.

According to a 1985 article by David T. Eastman in Yoga Journal, some of the more common signs and symptoms of an awakened
Kunalin include:

Involuntary jerks, tremors or shaking

Intense heat, especially as energy is experienced passing through the chakras

Spontaneous pranayama, asanas, mudras and bandhas

Visions or sounds at times associated with a particular chakra

Intense feelings of pleasure

Emotional purgings in which particular emotions become dominant for short periods of time.

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Ref: Kunalin, Wikipedia.org, Sep 2010 These are effects that are more seen in shaktipat as a means of awakening the Kunalin.
Seekers serious about spiritual growth must be aware that while these experiences seem very tangible and attractive, they are just
preliminary outcomes and experiences due to the sudden transfer of spiritual energy, and do not in any way represent the end in itself of
spiritual practice or alignment with the purpose of life.

Related links:

What is the purpose of life?

What is spiritual emotion

Who is a Guru?

What are chakras?


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