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The Entourage Effect of the Phytocannabinoids References

Juan Sanchez-Ramos, PhD, MD 1. Saper CB. Up in smoke: a neurologists approach to "medical mari-
juana". Ann Neurol 2015;77:1314.
A recent editorial dismisses medical marijuana as a smokescreen for 2. Koppel BS, Brust JC, Fife T, et al. Systematic review: efficacy and
recreational use of the plant.1 Why push for medical marijuana when safety of medical marijuana in selected neurologic disorders: report
we already have the option to prescribe D9-tetrahydrocannabinol of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American
Academy of Neurology. Neurology 2014;82:15561563.
(D9THC; Marinol)? Most physicians are not aware that D9THC
monotherapy is not effective for many conditions for which cannabis 3. Benbadis SR, Sanchez-Ramos J, Bozorg A, et al. Medical marijuana
in neurology. Expert Rev Neurother 2014;14:14531465.
preparations containing combinations of D9THC and cannabidiol
4. Ben-Shabat S, Fride E, Sheskin T, et al. An entourage effect: inac-
(CBD) have been shown to be beneficial. These therapeutic effects
tive endogenous fatty acid glycerol esters enhance 2-arachidonoyl-
were documented in class I studies (randomized double-blind, glycerol cannabinoid activity. Eur J Pharmacol 1998;353:2331.
placebo-controlled studies) in multiple sclerosis patients with spastic- 5. Mechoulam R, Ben-Shabat S. From gan-zi-gun-nu to anandamide
ity, and patients with chronic neuropathic pain, cancer pain, bladder and 2-arachidonoylglycerol: the ongoing story of cannabis. Nat
hyperactivity, and urge incontinence.2,3 The cannabis preparations Prod Rep 1999;16:131143.
were taken orally as whole cannabis extracts, smoked or vaporized, or 6. Russo EB. Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and
by oralmucosal spray (Sativex) of an extract of the plant containing phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects. Br J Pharmacol
D9 2011;163:13441364.
THC and CBD in a 1:1 ratio.
7. Elfawal MA, Towler MJ, Reich NG, et al. Dried whole-plant Artemi-
Why is it that D9THC alone does not seem to be effective for
sia annua slows evolution of malaria drug resistance and overcomes
these neurologic conditions? Orally administered D9THC has very resistance to artemisinin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015;112:821
long latency of onset and cannot be easily titrated to a therapeutic 826.
dose without eliciting adverse effects in some patients. A more
important explanation relates to the synergistic effects achieved DOI: 10.1002/ana.24402
when D9THC is administered along with an entourage of phyto-
cannabinoids found in the plant, especially CBD and terpenes.
The entourage effect was first brought up in relation to Reply to Letter
the endocannabinoid system, with its combination of active and Clifford B. Saper, MD, PhD
inactive synergists.4 The concept was refined and qualified by
In my editorial,1 I pointed out that modern medicine uses very few
Mechoulam: this type of synergism may play a role in the
medicinal plants or their extracts, but instead relies on purified
widely held view that in some cases, plants are better drugs
drugs. With respect to marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is
than the natural products isolated from them.5 A recent review
already available as an US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-
of the phytocannabinoids supports the entourage concept that
approved drug in the United States. Nabilone, a semisynthetic can-
combinations of cannabinoids can in certain circumstances be
more effective than D9THC or CBD alone.6 nabinoid, is also FDA-approved and commercially available.
The entourage effect is not unique to the phytocannabinoids. Dr Sanchez-Ramos raises the important question of
Pharmaceutical monotherapies against human malaria are effective, whether the effects of cannabis may be due to a suite of bioac-
but ephemeral, because of the inevitable evolution of resistant para- tive compounds, especially cannabidiol (CBD), rather than just
sites. Dried whole-plant Artemisia annua has been reported to be THC. To support this point, he cites the American Academy of
more effective in slowing the evolution of malaria drug resistance Neurology systematic review of medical marijuana in multiple
than artemisinin, the pure drug isolated from the plant.7 sclerosis (MS)2 and another review on the use of cannabinoids
Rather than cast off medical marijuana as a ploy for rec- in neurology.3 He characterizes these reviews as demonstrating
reational use, the medical profession would do well to seriously with class I studies that there are many conditions for which
study the endocannabinoid system in health and disease. The combinations of THC and CBD are effective, whereas THC
federal government should reschedule cannabis and allow scien- alone is not. That is not what the studies that are cited in these
tists to develop a rational approach to cannabinoid therapeutics reviews show. Very few class I studies have been done with
that takes into account the entourage effect. head-to-head comparisons of THC vs CBD1THC, and several
of these have found that both treatments failed in reaching their
Potential Conflicts of Interest primary endpoints (eg, relief of spasticity in MS by the
Ashworth scale4 or neuropathic pain relief5).
Nothing to report.
I have also received several letters privately from pediatric
neurologists concerning the use of CBD to treat refractory seiz-
ures, although they concede that class I evidence is not yet
Department of Neurology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
available for efficacy.

C 2015 American Neurological Association

V 1083

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