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Foreign study

In the study of TrygFondens Centre for Child Research (2014), the absenteeism was legal
(as a consequence of illness or else) or illegal. The absenteeism percent for all pupils in the five
schools is in average 5 % of the total amount of school days. From each five days of absenteeism
three are used as legal absenteeism because of illness, one is used as legal absenteeism because of
other reasons while one day in average among all the pupils is used as illegal absenteeism.

High school absenteeism is mostly seen among children, who have a low well-being and
come from homes with a poor cooperation with school. These two were the most dominating
possible reasons out of many, which were investigated.

Preliminary analyses show that among pupils with especially problematic absenteeism from
school meaning pupils who are absent more than 10 % of school hours are a range of specific
characteristics. The children often have divorced parents, are pupils in the lower secondary school,
have a lower academic level, attend more often special classes, have a lower well-being and have
more frequently contact to the Educational Psychological Counseling in the municipality. Likewise,
overweight children have a higher propensity to school absenteeism. More have emotional problems
or a problematic behavior, have a chronic disease and have, to a greater extent, a social phobia
(according to the parents reporting). Finally, the parents cooperation with the teacher is typically



Pavlov said, the dogs were demonstrating classical conditioning. He summed it up like this:
there's a neutral stimulus (the bell), which by itself will not produce a response, like salivation. There's
also a non-neutral or unconditioned stimulus (the food), which will produce an unconditioned response
(salivation).Dec 14, 2014

local lit.

Demotivation is one of the biggest causes of pupils absenteeism. Excessive absenteeism can be
caused by any number of things personal problems, pupils performance issues, lack of clear
expectations or a dysfunctional work environment. Ongoing personal problems can affect a pupils
attendance, which is why many schools offer programs e.g. Pupils Assistance Programs, to support
pupils. However, not all excessive absenteeism is caused by personal problems. Sometimes, it can be
related to poor management practices or a teachers inability to create a healthy and productive work
Management issues can be things like Poor management communication practices, Not setting
attendance expectations, Teachers not holding peoples accountable for attendance, Not managing overall
pupils performance, Issues with how teachers interact or manage pupils.

There has been a lot of research to support the fact that one reason that pupils leave classrooms is
because of their teacher. This is why it is important for anyone managing pupils, to have the proper
interest in education and support, to ensure they are dealing with pupils appropriately.


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