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The Behavior Analyst 2000, 23, 45-56 No.

1 (Spring)

Thinking About Thinking and

Feeling About Feeling
J. Moore
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Traditional clinical psychology generally posits "mental" events that differ from "behavioral"
events. Mental events are not publicly observable, take place in a different dimension from overt
behavior, and are the topic of primary concern. For example, mental events are often taken to be
causes of troublesome overt behavior. In addition, the mental events themselves may be regarded
as troublesome, independent of their relation to any specific overt behavior. Therapy is usually
aimed at fixing these troublesome mental events, under an assumption that improvement in the
client's status will follow in due course. Behavior analysis has its own position on the relations
among clinical matters, overt behavior, and such private events as thinking and feeling. In a behav-
ior-analytic view, private events are behavioral phenomena rather than mental phenomena. They are
not initiating causes of behavior; rather, they are themselves caused by antecedent conditions, but
they may contribute to discriminative control over subsequent behavior, both verbal and nonverbal.
Verbal processes are viewed as vitally important in understanding troublesome behavior. However,
the circumstances that cause both the troublesome private events and the troublesome behavior in
the first place still need to be addressed. Finally, clinical behavior analysis will need to market its
insights into diagnosis and treatment very adroitly, because it rejects the mentalism upon which
most traditional forms of therapy are predicated and the mentalism that most consumers expect to
Key words: behavior analysis, private events, thinking, feeling, methodological behaviorism, stim-
ulus equivalence, relational frame theory

In general terms, the present papers behavior analysis does not. However
are concerned with how behavior ana- popular this impression might be, I
lysts conceive of the relation between contend that the present papers clearly
clinical matters and private events, show it to be mistaken. Nevertheless,
such as thinking and feeling. Given it stands to reason that if we do begin
that this relation is of immense practi- to talk about private events more and
cal and theoretical significance, it is do come to a greater consensus about
probably not discussed as often as it when, where, and in what ways private
should be in the literature of clinical events are important in clinical matters,
behavior analysis. I suspect that this behavior analysts can provide better
lack of attention has given rise to the services for clients and a better overall
impression that other approaches, such theoretical understanding of the human
as cognitive behavior therapy, are su- condition.
perior to clinical behavior analysis pre-
cisely because they find a place in their HISTORICAL AND
assessments and interventions for CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND
thinking and feeling, whereas clinical
The topics of thinking and feeling
This article is based on discussants' remarks play a huge role in most clinical ap-
at the symposium on "Behavior analysts: What proaches, and concerns about how to
do they think about thinking and feeling?" held meaningfully integrate these topics into
at the convention of the Association for Behav-
ior Analysis in Chicago, May, 1997. I thank Rob a systematic theoretical position are
Hawkins for his kind invitation to participate in not new. My view of the historical and
the symposium. conceptual background of behavioral
Correspondence conceming this article should concerns with thinking and feeling is
be addressed to J. Moore, Department of Psy-
chology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, roughly as follows. If we were to go
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 (E-mail: jcm@ back 100 or 125 years, thinking and
csd.uwm.edu). feeling, rather than behavior as such,

were of primary concern in the disci- ism with its emphasis on publicly ob-
pline. Behavior was publicly observ- servable factors had begun to lose
able, and a given phenomenon had to some of its favor.
be publicly observable to count as be- Researchers then began to amend
havior. Because thinking and feeling the S-R formulation by inserting un-
were obviously not publicly observ- observed "organismic" variables that
able, they were therefore regarded as mediated the relation between stimulus
mental and as ontologically distinct and response. This strategy resulted in
from behavior. Nevertheless, the pre- the S-O-R formulation of mediational
vailing view was that thinking and neobehaviorism. The principal ques-
feeling could be dealt with scientifical- tion was how to guarantee that the use
ly through introspection. It is important of the mediating, organismic term was
to note that thinking and feeling oc- scientifically meaningful and respect-
curred at just the right temporal loca- able. Although the entire story is quite
tion to be regarded as causes of behav- complicated, suffice it to say at this
ior. point that the organismic variables
As most students of the history of were given the status of "theoretical
psychology know, Watson's classical terms" in the S-O-R model, and then
stimulus-response (S-R) behaviorism were "operationally defined." An op-
rejected the introspective analysis of erational definition specified the pub-
subjective experience in a supposed licly observable phenomena (i.e., op-
mental dimension. It focused instead erations) that made it possible to use
on a publicly observable subject mat- the term in ways that commanded
ter: behavior. Classical behaviorism did agreement. Once agreement was se-
not shrink from traditional topics, but cured, the term was acceptably mean-
rather tried to analyze them as well as ingful. However, the term could be giv-
it could, using the concepts and prin- en either (a) an intervening variable in-
ciples it had available. For example, terpretation, which allowed no surplus
thinking was treated as subvocal meaning beyond its immediate appli-
speech or other forms of laryngeal hab- cation in an equation or scientific state-
its, and feeling as another form of con- ment; or (b) a hypothetical construct
ditioned response. Particularly critical interpretation, which did allow surplus
examples of the latter for Watson were meaning, perhaps even including the
the emotions of fear, rage, and love. In "mental" as an ontology that differed
a more general sense, emotions were from the physical. In some instances,
not something other than behavior, but the theoretical terms were intervening
rather behavior itself, in all its wonder. variables, and in others they were hy-
Unfortunately, however, psycholo- pothetical constructs. When theorists
gists soon began to see that all respons- employed intervening variables, their
es were not correlated with eliciting position was essentially that of one or
stimuli in the way that classical behav- another version of philosophical or
iorism required. In addition, the S-R logical behaviorism. Thinking and
model does not easily accommodate feeling were regarded as "disposition-
how we come to use subjective terms al." However, when theorists em-
to describe various conditions inside ployed hypothetical constructs, and
our bodies. Finally, other sciences most did, usually because of the great-
seemed to be making progress by pos- er degrees of freedom in theory con-
tulating unobservable phenomena, so struction, then their position was that
why should not psychology? Was psy- of the mature form of "methodological
chology not throwing the baby out behaviorism" (Moore, 1981, 1995b,
with the bathwater by restricting itself 1996).
to publicly observable phenomena? As Again, it is important to note that the
a consequence of these sorts of ques- publicly observable measures taken to
tions, Watson's classical S-R behavior- operationally define the hypothetical

construct were a license for speaking orthodox assumption is that by using

meaningfully of the unobserved theo- verbal behavior, one can bring about
retical entities. The measures were ev- changes in mental phenomena, includ-
idence, rather than comments on the ing thoughts and feelings, from which
ontology of the hypothetical construct. any changes in behavior would natu-
The ontology of the hypothetical con- rally follow. One can note the ascen-
struct was typically that of the mental. dance and continuing dominance of the
Indeed, the whole methodological be- "talking therapies" in this regard. All
haviorist approach of treating private this is a consequence of methodologi-
phenomena as hypothetical constructs cal behaviorism as well. Moreover, the
virtually guaranteed that they would be whole approach flourishes in tradition-
regarded as mental causes of behavior, al behavior therapy as well as the talk-
and because methodological behavior- ing therapies. In sum, therapists of a
ism remains influential, such private wide variety of different persuasions
phenomena as thinking and feeling believe they are being "scientific"
continue to be regarded as mental about their approach, whereas in reality
causes in virtually all of contemporary they are doing the same old thing, just
psychology. Clinical psychology is es- renamed, all as a consequence of the
pecially vulnerable to such influences commitment to methodological behav-
because of charges that it deals with a iorism and the accompanying mental-
subject matter that cannot be studied istic view of how to engage the relation
"scientifically." between clinical matters and private
The pervasiveness of the medical events.
model in traditional analyses of abnor-
mality is additional testimony to the BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS
power of this approach. The medical AND PRIVATE EVENTS
model is a general orientation to the As Anderson, Hawkins, Freeman,
problem of abnormality in which bi- and Scotti (2000) note, behavior anal-
zarre, extreme, and disturbing behav- ysis has a different perspective on the
iors are viewed as symptoms caused by relation between clinical matters and
underlying pathological private events, private events. Indeed, the behavior-
such as pathological processes of analytic position on private events has
thinking and feeling, in the same way always struck me as one of its stron-
that cough, fever, and sore throat are gest features. Rather than regard pri-
viewed as symptoms caused by an un- vate phenomena as something other
derlying medical pathology, such as than behavior, something that had to be
bacteria or virus. In each case, the task pursued either by rational philosophi-
of the specialist is to infer the nature cal inquiry or by introspection or as a
of the underlying "disease" or '"pa- hypothetical construct, behavior anal-
thology" and the underlying "cause" ysis regards private events as formally
on the basis of the evidence provided and explicitly behavioral. Two issues
by the "symptoms." Appeal to the that distinguish the behavior-analytic
causal efficacy of private or mental en- position from the traditional position
tities, such as disturbed thinking and are especially important. The first is
feeling, in medical model approaches the ontology of private events. The
of traditional clinical psychology is second is their causal mode.
made legitimate by the practices of
mentalism and methodological behav- Ontology of Private Events
iorism, especially operational defini-
tions in the sense reviewed above. Often, behavior analysis seems to
One can further point out that vari- sidestep questions of ontology: "It is a
ous forms of therapy have evolved that little too simple to paraphrase the be-
are concerned with changing feelings havioristic alternative by saying that
largely through verbal processes. The there is indeed only one world and that

it is the world of matter, for the word private phenomena are felt conditions
'matter' is then no longer useful" of the body (e.g., aches, pains, feel-
(Skinner, 1969, p. 248). However, be- ings, and emotions), whereas others are
havior analysis certainly adopts a phys- covert forms of behavior (e.g., think-
ical, materialist position: "Private and ing, problem solving, recalling, and
public events have the same kinds of imagining). Consideration of private
physical dimensions" (Skinner, 1969, events means that radical behaviorists
p. 228); "A radical behaviorism denies can say quite legitimately that they "do
the existence of a mental world" not believe there is a world of menta-
(Skinner, 1969, p. 267); "No special tion or subjective experience that is be-
kind of mind stuff is assumed" (Skin- ing, or must be ignored" (Skinner,
ner, 1974, p. 220); "I am a radical be- 1978, p. 124; for additional discussion
haviorist simply in the sense that I find of mental and cognitive terms, see
no place in the formulation for any- Skinner, 1989, 1990).
thing which is mental" (Skinner, 1964, With respect to covert forms of be-
p. 106). Behavior analysis recognizes havior, Skinner commented on the on-
that most of the variables with respect tology of thinking in several places.
to which the human organism behaves Here are two representative passages:
are publicly observable. However, not
all the relevant variables are publicly The simplest and most satisfactory view is that
thought is simply behavior-verbal or nonver-
observable. Private phenomena, acces- bal, covert or overt. It is not some mysterious
sible only to one individual, may be process responsible for behavior but the very be-
important in the control of behavior. havior itself in all the complexity of its control-
Nevertheless, they need not be ap- ling relations, with respect to both man the be-
haver and the environment in which he lives....
proached as theoretical inferences So conceived, thought is not a mystical cause or
about causal phenomena from another precursor of action, or an inaccessible ritual, but
dimension, such as the "mental" di- action itself, subject to analysis with the con-
mension, simply because they are not cepts and techniques of the natural sciences, and
accessible to more than one person. ultimately to be accounted for in terms of con-
trolling variables. (Skinner, 1957, p. 449)
Talk of the mental is attributable to
longstanding preconceptions about the Usually, however, the term [thinking] refers to
nature of human beings arising from completed behavior which occurs on a scale so
social, cultural, and theological sourc- small that it cannot be detected by others. Such
es, rather than from any observational behavior is called covert. The commonest ex-
amples are verbal, because verbal behavior re-
basis. Skinner (1953) addressed the quired no environmental support and because, as
matter as follows: both speaker and listener, a person can talk to
himself effectively; but nonverbal behavior may
When we say that behavior is a function of the also be covert. Thus, what a chess player has in
environment, the term "environment" presum- mind may be other moves he has made as he
ably means any event in the universe affecting has played the game covertly to test the conse-
the organism. But part of the universe is en- quences. ... Covert behavior is almost always
closed within the organism's own skin. Some in- acquired in overt form and no one has ever
dependent variables may, therefore, be related to shown that the covert form achieves anything
behavior in a unique way. ... With respect to which is out of reach of the overt. Covert be-
each individual, in other words, a small part of havior is also easily observed and by no means
the universe is private. unimportant, and it was a mistake for method-
We need not suppose that events which take ological behaviorism and certain versions of log-
place within an organism's skin have special ical positivism and structuralism to neglect it
properties for that reason. A private event may simply because it was not "objective." ... It
be distinguished by its limited accessibility but does not explain overt behavior: it is simply
not, so far as we know, by any special structure more behavior to be explained.
or nature. (Skinner, 1953, pp. 257-258) The present argument is this: mental life and
the world in which it is lived are fictions. They
Behavior analysis incorporates private have been invented on the analogy of external
phenomena in the same behavioral di- behavior occurring under external contingencies.
Thinking is behaving. The mistake is in allocat-
mension as public phenomena. As re- ing the behavior to the mind. (Skinner, 1974, pp.
viewed elsewhere (Moore, 1980), some 106-107)

Causal Mode pose an individual engages in some

Further important questions about temporally segmented form of behav-
private events concern their causal ior that has both overt and covert com-
mode (Moore, 1980, 1992, 1995a). In ponents, as in solving a problem. Or-
a behavior-analytic view, private phe- dinarily, the overt components will ex-
nomena do not cause behavior in the ert stimulus control during the process.
sense that the inferred entities of me- However, the covert components will
diational neobehaviorism are presumed acquire some measure of stimulus con-
to cause behavior. Private phenomena trol because they are present as well.
are simply part of the environmental In the future, if the public stimuli that
context in which behavior occurs occasion the overt response are inade-
(Hayes & Brownstein, 1986). As An- quate (e.g., by being too weak), the in-
derson et al. (2000) point out, they are dividual may engage in the covert be-
not always present. Even when they havior and still solve the problem. That
are present, they do not always influ- is, something goes on covertly that is
ence behavior. When they are present a component of that which goes on
and do influence behavior, some cir- overtly when the act is ordinarily car-
cumstances are responsible for their ried out. The stimulus control is exert-
doing so. ed via the private components, through
Consider the causal status of the co- interoceptive and proprioceptive sys-
vert activity of thinking. As Skinner tems.
(1953) noted, In many cases, covert behaviors are
acquired in their overt form. The be-
The private event is at best no more than a link havior then recedes to the private form
in a causal chain, and it is usually not even that. where, as private stimulation, it then
We may think before we act in the sense that we
may behave covertly before we behave overtly, joins with other stimuli to form a com-
but our action is not an "expression" of the co- plex of controlling stimuli. Such con-
vert response or a consequence of it. The two trol is by no means inevitable, any
are simply attributable to the same variables. (p. more than control by a given public
279) stimulus is inevitable. Again, the con-
Again, behavior analysis is here distin- trol exerted by this verbal behavior
guishing itself from traditional ap- does not differ from that which would
proaches. Behavior analysis accepts develop if the same verbal behavior
thinking, not as mental but as behav- arose as a public event.
ioral, and does not give thinking or any Why should public behavior recede
other covert activity an initiating caus- to the covert form (Skinner, 1957, pp.
al power. At the very least, one has to 434ff.)? One possibility is that the pub-
specify where the thinking comes lic form is punished (Hyten & Chase,
from, and why the thinking then exerts 1991). Individuals are often encour-
an influence. aged to read silently when they are
For behavior analysis, the. causal bothersome to others around them. A
mode of covert activity is that of dis- second possibility is that the public en-
criminative control. However, this dis- vironment contains only some portion
criminative control is the result of a of the discriminative stimuli that ordi-
certain developmental process. If it narily occasion the response in its pub-
were not, the behavior-analytic ap- lic form, thereby making the behavior
proach would not be appreciably dif- weak. A third possibility is that the be-
ferent from the traditional approach. havior is faster and less troublesome in
Skinner was always sensitive to main- a covert form, particularly when the
taining this difference. For example, behavior is in its inchoate or incipient
covert behavior may come to exert stages. A common example involving
control by virtue of the stimulus con- all three processes is when individuals
trol shared between public and private attempt to solve a difficult problem. In
stimuli as a response is executed. Sup- a public setting, they might try to pri-

vately solve the problem "in their stimuli, and must resort to other fac-
heads." However, when they are alone, tors, with the result that the presenta-
the accompanying verbal behavior tion or withholding of reinforcement
might reemerge in an overt form, and may not be correlated with the pres-
they might begin to "talk to them- ence or absence of the private stimulus.
selves out loud" as they attempt to As a result, a wide variety of incidental
solve the problem. or extraneous stimuli may influence
Still to be discussed in regard to the any responses that individuals make
question of causal mode is the topic of ostensibly on the basis of their private
behavior-behavior relations. That is, stimuli. If incidental or extraneous
behavior analysts ordinarily analyze stimuli influence these responses, the
events in terms of behavior-environ- control the responses exert over sub-
ment relations, granting that part of the sequent behavior may be less effective
environment may be within the skin. than the control that public stimuli ex-
Thinking is actually said to be covert ert.
operant behavior that exerts discrimi- Let me return to the matter of be-
native control. What are the implica- havior-behavior analyses. This form of
tions of this approach? analysis is acceptable, provided one as-
To be sure, behavior does have stim- pect of the behavior can be linked to
ulus consequences. One can leave the environment, which is the point at
aside the discussion of the straightfor- which effective action can be taken.
ward consequences such as reinforce- Traditional analyses, not only of think-
ment or punishment. People contact ing but also of feelings and emotions,
the behavior of another individual typically do not do this. They mistak-
through a standard modality, such as enly accept what is essentially one
vision, audition, or touch. Behavior an- form of behavior and use it as an ini-
alysts can legitimately say that the be- tiating cause for a succeeding form,
havior of one individual is discrimi- making a behavior-behavior analysis
native for some subsequent behavior of that does not lend itself to prediction
another individual. Behavior analysts and control. When behavior analysis
also can say that one instance of an links one aspect of the behavior to the
individual's behavior is discriminative environment, as it does when it char-
for a subsequent instance of that indi- acterizes thinking as behavioral, but
vidual's behavior, as when engaging in then allows thinking to be a covert ac-
a sequence of behavior like problem tivity that has discriminative effects,
solving. Behavior analysts would pre- behavior analysis does not make the
sumably want to specify the medium same kind of behavior-behavior anal-
of contact. It may well be visual or au- yses as does traditional psychology. It
ditory. It might also be through inter- is internally consistent because it es-
oception or proprioception, as noted tablishes the functional interrelation
earlier, in cases in which the response between behavior and environmental
is covert. circumstances, and it avoids the men-
However, when the response is co- talism of initiating inner causes (Hayes
vert, the additional factor of the "prob- & Brownstein, 1986).
lem of privacy" applies. Skinner began Consider next the topic of feelings.
to discuss this problem in 1945, and What causes feelings? Presumably,
continued in 1953, 1957, 1964, and what one feels are conditions of the
1974. The problem of privacy means body created by contact with contin-
that the verbal community may not be gencies. An answer to a question of the
able to provide the appropriate differ- origin of feelings is presumably to be
ential reinforcement that brings re- found in an analysis of the environ-
sponses under the control of private mental circumstances with which an
stimuli. The verbal community does organism is in contact. Any sense of
not have direct access to the private "epiphenomenal" noted in the present

discussion is the sense of whether one consistent, in which an individual's

goes back far enough in the causal repertoire is not adequate to create con-
chain. If emotions are only the middle ditions that promote reinstatement of
link, then presumably the causal anal- reinforcement. All of these constitute
ysis of a behavioral event needs to fo- establishing conditions that make more
cus on the earliest link possible. probable certain classes of behavior.
What then is the relation between I am not sure I fully understand
feelings and behavior? In a behavior- Dougher and Hackbert's statement that
analytic view, contingencies, not feel- "Many ... [clinical] observations,
ings, cause behavior. The feelings are however, are not readily explainable in
collateral by-products of the causal terms of the three-term contingency")
process. Even if feelings are cited as (p. 13). If they are suggesting that
causes of behavior, one needs to ask some behavior develops and comes un-
what causes the feelings, and the an- der verbal stimulus control even
swer is to be found in the prevailing though a response is not directly rein-
environmental circumstances. forced in the presence of a particular
Presumably, one changes feelings by verbal discriminative stimulus, I read-
changing the contingencies that cause ily agree. The phenomenon known ge-
the conditions one feels. As noted ear- nerically as "stimulus equivalence" is
lier, feelings are not causal for behavior surely testimony to this effect. Never-
in the sense of initiating internal enti- theless, I continue to believe that the
ties, nor are they causal in the sense of contingency is the appropriate analyti-
the mediating phenomena of neobe- cal unit. Findings such as stimulus
haviorism (e.g., the influential two-pro- equivalence indicate that it may prove
cess approach of Rescorla & Solomon, to be necessary to expand existing con-
1967, p. 178: "the concomitance we ceptions of how an antecedent stimulus
do observe between CRs and instru- that participates in a contingency ac-
mental responding is mediated by a quires its discriminative function, rath-
common central [emotional] state, and er than to discard altogether the notion
the changes in that state are subject to of the contingency as the unit of anal-
the laws of Pavlovian conditioning"). ysis. Relational frame theory (Hayes,
1994; Wilson & Hayes, 2000) is of
THE ESTABLISHING course an exceedingly promising pos-
OPERATION sibility for understanding how a verbal
stimulus acquires its discriminative
An important feature of an analysis function. In any event, I contend that
in terms of the relation between envi- behavior analysis is a historical sci-
ronment and behavior, of course, is the ence, and presumably the "meaning"
establishing operation, as Dougher and of discriminative stimuli and condi-
Hackbert (2000) point out. Some ex- tioned reinforcers comes from their
amples of common emotions and feel- past involvement in contingencies. I
ings may help to illustrate the point. think clinical behavior analysis re-
Anxiety may be characterized as bodi- quires the exploration of historical var-
ly conditions created by inconsistent iables when it comes to explaining hu-
contingencies, perhaps involving im- man behavior. Whether any particular
pending aversive or punishing stimuli behavior analyst does it well enough is
or impending withdrawal of positive another question, of course, and I sus-
reinforcement. Guilt might be charac- pect that what separates effective ther-
terized as bodily conditions created by apists from ineffective ones is the de-
social punishment or loss of social re- gree to which they effectively explore
inforcement. Depression might be historical variables.
characterized as bodily conditions cre- In this regard, I once heard it said in
ated by extinction or other loss of re- connection with behavior therapy that
inforcement, often unpredicted and in- "One doesn't need to know how the

fire started in order to put it out." My THE IMPORTANCE OF

guess is that this saying arose in the VERBAL PROCESSES
early days of behavior therapy. At that
time, behavior therapists were eager to All this implies that verbal processes
establish the validity of their approach. do matter in clinical behavior analysis.
To do so, they sought to distinguish The conditions felt are discriminative
themselves from those who practiced for verbal labels. The verbal labels
other approaches, such as psychoana- may in turn exert discriminative con-
lysts, who argued that the only way to trol over subsequent behavior, both
help the client was to look for the un- verbal and nonverbal. Any verbal be-
havior so occasioned may come to be
derlying cause of a behavioral disorder discriminative for further behavior, and
deep in the personality structure of the so on. Presumably, the process of stim-
client. In the Freudian view, for ex- ulus generalization is also involved.
ample, the personality structure was The resulting behavioral processes are
presumed to malfunction in many in- often persistent, and are perhaps relat-
stances because of aberrant psychosex- ed to what is called self-defeating be-
ual episodes during the client's youth. havior or self-fulfilling prophecies. The
It may well be that therapists need verbal stimuli may also function as
not look for the cause in terms of conditioned stimuli that evoke their
Freudian processes, but that is because own conditions felt and that interact
Freudian processes do not exist, not with any other behavior effects, per-
because looking for the cause of the haps even as conditioned establishing
troublesome behavior in the history of stimuli (Schlinger & Blakely, 1987).
the client's interactions with the envi- An important issue is the extent to
ronment is without merit. It strikes me which the phenomenon of stimulus
as entirely wrong to believe that one equivalence is involved. Wilson and
can safely neglect the origin of a be- Hayes (2000) make an important point
havioral disorder and still provide a when they suggest that there is no in-
service to the client. The implication dication that an animal's report of an
that one can safely neglect the origin aversive event, such as pecking a key
strikes me as the legacy of Watsonian to report that it just received a shock,
and Hullian mechanical models of be- is itself aversive. However, a human's
havioral disorders, rather than behavior verbal report of an aversive event, such
analysis. At the very least, given what as talking about an unpleasant experi-
is known about the conditionality of ence, is presumably aversive. Indeed,
behavior, therapists would want to it may be the basis for phobias, panic
know the cause of the troublesome be- attacks, and a wide variety of other un-
havior. That is, therapists would want fortunate states of affairs. As Wilson
to know the establishing conditions and Hayes mention, the relation is bi-
and contingencies that are responsible directional. Why should this be the
for the troublesome behavior, so that case? The link is that the effects in hu-
mans may be verbally mediated, as il-
they can design interventions con- lustrated in the principle of symmetry.
cerned precisely with those establish- That is, just as experiencing an aver-
ing conditions and contingencies as sive event directly is aversive, so are
they exist in the client's life outside the the words used in conjunction with the
therapeutic intervention. They can then same event aversive. If so, then new
prevent those contingencies from hav- avenues are opened to an understand-
ing the same troublesome effect the ing of the origin and spread of trouble-
next time the client encounters them, some conditions, and the vehicle that
just as one can prevent a fire from re- travels those avenues is verbal behav-
occurring if one knows how the fire ior.
started. Wilson and Hayes (2000) forcefully

present their version of the importance ception of verbal behavior, as Leigland

of these verbal processes. Verbal cues, (1997) has recently discussed, remains
of course, are caused by a set of con- to be determined. In any case, I look
tingencies associated ultimately with forward to its resolution, because it is
the verbal community. An important probably the single biggest theoretical
issue is how these verbal cues come to issue in contemporary behavior analy-
exert their subsequent regulatory effect SiS.
(i.e., discriminative control) over sub-
sequent activity. Wilson and Hayes BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS
suggest that Skinner's approach cannot AND THERAPY
account for the control. It seems to me
that Skinner's approach acknowledges What then are the implications of
the fact that such control would arise. the behavior-analytic worldview for
For example, Skinner (1953) states that therapy? Debates rage in traditional
an individual "controls himself pre- psychology about whether the success
cisely as he would control the behavior of therapy should be judged in terms
of anyone else-through the manipu- of whether it creates insight, changes
lation of variables of which behavior is behavior, or changes feelings that may
a function" (p. 228). Presumably, self- (or may not) be related to changes in
generated verbal stimuli are among the overt behavior. Debates also rage about
variables that can be manipulated in who is to judge the success: client,
self-management and self-control. therapist, or third party. In a behavior-
However, whether Skinner's approach analytic view, feelings are behavior.
can account for the principle by which They are private respondents, as op-
the regulatory control arises is a dif- posed to the public operants that most
ferent manner. This principle has to do people regard as behavior, so in an im-
with the very definition of verbal be- portant sense a dichotomy that sets
havior, particularly with regard to the feelings against behavior is false. Even
role of the listener in verbal behavior. with the traditional dichotomy, I sug-
For example, one might say that a ver- gest that a therapy that does not change
bal event is one in which the listener at least some aspect of behavior is like-
participates in arbitrarily applicable re- ly to be judged as ineffective. The
lational responding, or derived rela- question is how efficiently one is going
tional responding, or coordinated
frames of reference. Skinner's ap- to change behavior in the desired ways.
proach is not nearly so broad, as Wil- If one followed a client around all day
son and Hayes point out. If the speaker for 30 or 60 days with an arsenal of
and listener are the same individual, as appropriate positive reinforcers, one
in cases of self-control or self-attribu- could presumably change behavior
tions or self-defeating prophecies or quite a bit. Let's see- 16 hours a day
whatever else a client might present at for 60 days at, say, $135 per hour for
an intake interview, the tremendous the first 8 hours a day, $202 for the
spread of the response, whether public next 4, and $270 for the next 4. Think
conduct or private feeling, needs to be the HMO would go for it? Realistical-
recognized. Again, the question is the ly, therapy is going to be carried out at
principle by which the behavioral ef- least partly through verbal processes,
fects spread to the new circumstances. even by clinical behavior analysts. The
Clearly, the individual does not need to verbal processes are going to focus on
be exposed directly to the new circum- removing the kind of maladaptive ver-
stances for the response to spread to bal control described above and pre-
them. Skinner simply did not address venting maladaptive generalization or
these matters, whereas others such as equivalence effects. Presumably, that is
Wilson and Hayes do. Whether all this the basis by which cognitive and talk-
theoretical activity leads to a new con- ing therapies achieve their effects,

when they do, although they do not ior, resulting in different modes of con-
identify it as such. tact with the environment. Shaping and
However, even though changing ver- equivalence classes might also be in-
bal behavior to correct unwanted gen- volved.
eralization and maladaptive equiva- To the extent that different forms of
lence relations is an important com- therapy have proved successful in deal-
ponent of therapy, it seems to me that ing with clinical problems, they have
they do not exhaust all the techniques presumably involved different ways of
that need to be applied. One still has bringing clients into contact with ver-
to deal with the environmental condi- bal stimuli. These forms of therapy
tions that cause the feelings in the first may be differentially successful based
place. The client needs to be provided on the characteristics of the client and
with a repertoire that is adequate to on how susceptible the client is to ver-
deal with the loss of reinforcement bal control. Thus, techniques of client-
(e.g., in the case of depression), to centered therapy, humanistic therapy,
avert maladaptive avoidance responses Freudian psychoanalysis, rational-emo-
(e.g, in the case of phobias or anxiety tive therapy, transactional analysis, and
attacks), or whatever else. As impor- so forth, may be successful or not, de-
tant as understanding verbal processes pending on how well the characteris-
proves to be, and Wilson and Hayes tics of the client, such as sensitivity to
(2000) are very persuasive on this mat- verbal stimuli, intersect with the char-
ter, it seems to me that therapists must acteristics of the therapist, such as skill
remain aware that the circumstances in presenting verbal stimuli appropriate
that gave rise to the problem also need to the status of the client. The mistake
to be remedied. These steps involve is in not understanding the processes
constructive concern with the actual by which the form of therapy exerts its
nonverbal repertoires of clients. I am therapeutic effect, and in attributing it
sure that an important component of to changes in the personality structure
this process will prove to be verbal, as or other entities from a mental dimen-
in getting a phobic individual to dis- sion.
cuss riding in an automobile after a ter-
rible wreck. However, if an individual SUMMARY AND
is depressed because of ineffective in- CONCLUSIONS
terpersonal relationships, he or she is
going to keep getting depressed unless In summary, then, the fundamental
he or she develops a new and more ef- concern of behavior analysts is with
fective repertoire of dealing with oth- contingencies. Thinking is behavior
ers. Developing such a repertoire that is generated by one set of contin-
strikes me as a matter of direct contin- gencies and then enters into another set
gencies, certainly social, although not of contingencies that affect subsequent
necessarily verbal in the sense of behavior. Thinking is not an initiating
equivalence classes and relational mental activity, although it may partic-
framing. ipate in the discriminative control over
Some of these circumstances may future behavior. Emotions are condi-
change while the therapeutic interven- tions felt as a result of contact with
tion is taking place, but will change in- various contingencies. In this view,
dependently of that intervention. This feelings are not initiating mental enti-
state of affairs is called spontaneous re- ties, although they may be discrimina-
mission. Similarly, the circumstances tive for verbal labels, which can in turn
that originally caused the condition felt evoke other emotional responses. The
are often remote, and may have to be verbal labels so engendered may also
dealt with at least initially via verbal function as establishing events, as well
processes. Instructions and advice ex- as discriminative stimuli, for other
ert discriminative control over behav- forms of subsequent behavior.
As suggested above, verbal process- called the Dvorak layout is superior to
es are important. They are basically the QWERTY layout. Nevertheless, in
how talking therapies achieve their these days computers and electronic
therapeutic benefit. One can question typewriters do not have mechanical
whether talking therapies are the most linkages to the keys, and they are. not
efficient way to achieve these benefits, in any imminent danger of jamming.
but not that they achieve them at least Even so, most of us continue to use the
some of the time. As a behavior ana- older QWERTY layout, perhaps be-
lyst, I believe that these processes can cause it was the one on which we
be sorted out and an even greater ben- learned when mechanical linkages
efit can be achieved than by traditional were in common use, even though we
forms of therapy. could type faster and make fewer er-
I believe that behavior analysis can rors if we used the Dvorak layout.
make a contribution, but behavior an- Dvorak developed a better mousetrap,
alysts also need to be aware of how and the data are all on his side, but the
they present themselves to the world. world still has not beaten a path to his
The behavior-analytic way of ap- door. The implication is clear: Behav-
proaching these problems is literally ior analysts may well be developing a
the reverse of the way the traditional more effective form of therapy, and the
view approaches them. It will not be data may be all on our side, but the
readily understood. Considerable shap- world may still not beat a path to our
ing of the audience will be necessary, door. Much more than just data is in-
and behavior analysts will have to be volved in a decision to embrace a form
ever aware of audience control. of therapy as effective.
In particular, behavior analysis must
avoid the fallacy of the better mouse- REFERENCES
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