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J. Ocean Univ.

China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)

DOI 10.1007/s11802-015-2601-5
ISSN 1672-5182, 2015 14 (4): 681-684

The Anti-allergic Activity of Polyphenol Extracted

from Five Marine Algae
CHEN Yu1), LIN Hong1), LI Zhenxing1), *, and MOU Quangui2)

1) Food Safety Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, P. R. China

2) National R&D Branch Center for Kelp Processing of China, Shandong Haizhibao Ocean Science and Technology,
Co. Ltd., Yantai 264300, P. R. China

(Received February 20, 2014; revised May 9, 2014; accepted June 6, 2015)
Ocean University of China, Science Press and Spring-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Natural polyphenol has been widely believed to be effective in allergy remission. Currently, most of the natural poly-
phenol products come from terrestrial sources such as tea, grape seeds among others, and few polyphenols have been developed from
algae for their anti-allergic activity. The aim of the study was to screen some commercial seaweed for natural extracts with anti-al-
lergic activity. Five algae including Laminaria japonica, Porphyra sp., Spirulina platensis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scytosiphon sp.
were extracted with ethanol, and the extracts were evaluated for total polyphenol contents and anti-allergic activity with the hyalu-
ronidase inhibition assay. Results showed that the total polyphenol contents in the ethanol extracts ranged from 1.67% to 8.47%,
while the highest was found in the extract from Scytosiphon sp. Hyaluronidase inhibition assay showed that the extracts from Scyto-
siphon sp. had the lowest IC50, 0.67 mg mL1, while Chlorella pyrenoidosa extract had the highest IC50, 15.07 mg mL1. The
anti-allergic activity of Scytosiphon sp. extract was even higher than the typical anti-allergic drug Disodium Cromoglycate (DSCG)
(IC50 = 1.13 mg mL1), and was similar with natural polyphenol from Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) (IC50 = 0.56 mg mL1). These
results indicated that the ethanol extract of Scytosiphon sp. contains a high concentration of polyphenol with high anti-allergic activ-
ity. Potentially Scytosiphon sp. can be developed to a natural anti-allergic compound for allergy remission.

Key words alga; polyphenol; hyaluronidase; anti-allergic activity

polyphenols (Kojima et al., 2000), polysaccharides (Tian

et al., 2012), flavonoids (Shimosaki et al., 2011) etc. are
1 Introduction
known to possess anti-allergic activity in addition to hav-
With advancements in food processing technology and ing low side effects and high safety to human health. Re-
the internationalization of the distribution and consump- cently, marine source has attracted more and more atten-
tion of food products, food allergy is becoming an in- tions for the development of active compounds. Currently,
creasing concern and therefore gaining more attention of some algal extracts such as ethanol extract or hydro ex-
the scientific community (Sicherer, 2011). Allergic or tract are reported to possess immune-related (Katayama
hypersensitivity reactions can be divided into four general et al., 2011), anti-inflammatory (Boonchum et al., 2011),
categories based on the mechanism of immunological anti-tumor (Jiao et al., 2009), and bacteriostatic activities
response. Food allergy is considered as type I allergy, (Kajiwara et al., 2006). However, few studies have been
with a clinical syndrome resulted from the release of al- reported on the anti-allergic activity from marine sources
lergenic media by mast cells and basophils (Breiteneder (Samee et al., 2009).
and Ebner, 2000). Allergic reactions can cause erythrism, A large number of algae species are abundantly distrib-
asthma, anaphylactic shock and a number of other ail- uted along the coast of China. Additionally, China pro-
ments (Helm and Burks, 2000). duced 9900 thousand tons of algae and other aquatic
Hyaluronidase (HAase, EC, a hyaluronic acid- plants through aquaculture in 2008 alone (FAO, 2008).
splitting enzyme, is a principal compound involved in Definitive information on the anti-allergic activities of
allergic reaction (Shibata et al., 2002). It is reported that algae from China is lacking, and little is known about the
anti-allergic agent such as DSCG (disodium chromogly- variations among different species of algae. In the present
cate) has a strong inhibitory effect on the activation of study, we selected five algae belonging to four different
hyaluronidase. Several natural extracts from plants such as groups with the objectives of (a) measuring their anti-
allergic properties in terms of inhibition of hyaluronidase,
* Corresponding author. Tel: 0086-532-82032389 (b) selecting algae with high anti-allergic activity, and (c)
E-mail: lizhenxing@ouc.edu.cn providing a sound basis for the development of anti-al-
682 CHEN et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2015 14: 681-684

lergic compounds and functional foods from algae. tion of 2.0 mL of 20% Na2CO3 after 3 min. Samples were
incubated in dark at room temperature for 45 min fol-
lowed by centrifugation at 9000 r min1 for 10 min. Ab-
2 Materials and Methods sorbance of the supernatant were measured at 730 nm
2.1 Algae using spectrophotometer (TU-1810, China). Phlorogluci-
Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyta) (LJ) and Porphyra nol was used as the standard. Total polyphenol content
sp. (Rhodophyta) (PP) were collected from the coastal was calculated using the standard curve.
area of Qingdao, China, in March 2011. Spirulina platen-
sis (Cyanophyta) (SP), and Chlorella pyrenoidosa 2.5 Anti-hyaluronidase Activity Assay
(Chlorophyta) (CP) were purchased from Lvqi Biological Anti hyaluronidase activity was assayed using modi-
Engineering Corporation of Shandong, China in March fied Morgan-Elson method (Muckenschnabel, et al.,
2011. Scytosiphon sp. (Phaeophyta) (SS) was collected 1998). Initially, hyaluronidase was dissolved in a buffer
from the coastal area of Tuoji Island, China, in April solution (0.2 mol L1 sodium formate, 0.1 mol L1 NaCl,
2011. Collected algae were washed three times with water and 0.2 mg mL1 bovine serum albumin (BSA) and ad-
to remove epiphytes, sandand salt. Washing was followed justed to the pH 3.04.0 with formic acid) to get a final
by air-drying in a shady area to avoid direct sunlight. concentration of 500 U mL1. A solution of 5 mg mL1
Dried algae were crushed and finely ground into a powder hyaluronic acid was prepared in triple distilled water and
and passed through a 40-mesh sieve and stored at room stored at 4. About 17.3 g H3BO3 and 7.8 g KOH was
temperature in air-tight containers. dissolved in 100 mL water to get borate solution to which
0.8 g mL1 K2CO3 solution was added at ratio of 10:1 be-
2.2 Chemicals fore use. The streak reagent consisted of 20 g p-dime-
Folin-Ciocalteus phenol reagent (2 mol L1), hyalu- thylaminobenzaldehyde, 25 mL of concentrated hydro-
ronidase from bovine testes (500 U mL1), disodium cro- chloric acid and 75 mL of glacial acetic acid. The solution
moglycate (DSCG) (95%, purity), epigallocatechin gallate was diluted for four times with glacial acetic acid before
(EGCG) from green tea and polyphenol from green tea use.
(TP) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA. Hyalu- The anti-allergic activity assay was performed as de-
ronic acid sodium salt from Streptococcus equi was pur- scribed below. Ahead of assay, 50 L of the hyaluronic
chased from Fluka, Germany. All other chemicals were at acid stock solution, 100 L of buffer and 250 L of water
AR grade. Milli-Q purified water was used to prepare the were mixed and equilibrated at 37 for 10 min. Initially,
reagents. 50 L of hyaluronidase and 100 L of sample each were
mixed and incubated at 37 for 20 min. The enzymatic
reaction was terminated by adding 110 L of borate solu-
2.3 Extraction of Anti-allergic Compounds
tion and holding for 4.5 min in a boiling water bath, fol-
Crude extracts of LJ, PP, SP, CP, and SS were pre- lowed by cooling the test tubes in ice-cold water for 20
pared using the method standardized in our laboratory min and adding 1.5 mL of streak reagent. The tubes were
(Samee et al., 2009). Approximately, 10 g of dried sea- then incubated at 37 for 20 min to maximize the color.
weed samples were immersed in 100 mL 85% ethanol in a Finally, absorbance was measured on a TU-1810 spec-
conical flask and stirred for 24 h at 25. The extracts trophotometer at 585 nm. Percentage inhibition was cal-
were centrifuged and the supernatant was obtained. The culated by the formula:
residues were subjected to extractions for two times. The
supernatant were pooled, filtered and then concentrated to Inhibition (%) A B C D /( A B ) 100 ,
about 50 mL under vacuum by a rotary evaporator at 40
for each variety separately. Concentrated samples were where A is the control absorbance, test sample of A was
washed five times with one volume of chloroform to re- replaced by the buffer solution; B is the control blank
move fats and pigments by precipitation. The upper layer absorbance, test samples and the hyaluronidase solution
was mixed with 50 mL ethyl acetate thrice and the ethyl were replaced by the buffer solution; C is the sample ab-
acetate fraction was removed using a rotary evaporator at sorbance; and D is the absorbance of the blank sample in
40. Resulting residues were weighed and dissolved in which the hyaluronidase solution was replaced by the
distilled water with a ratio 1:3. buffer solution. IC50 was calculated using the mean of
three observations from each of the five concentrations
2.4 Total Polyphenol Content for all the samples including the positive controls. All
Total polyphenol content of the ethanol extracts were reactions were performed in triplicate including those for
determined using Folin-Ciocalteus method (Singleton, the three positive controls.
1999) with some modifications. Briefly, the samples were
diluted considering the measurable range of the spectro- 2.6 Statistical Analysis
photometer. About 0.1 mL of the diluted sample was In the same experiments, the treatments were per-
mixed in a test tube with 0.5 mL of 2 mol L1 Folin-Cio- formed at least in triplicate on the same turbot muscle
calteus reagent and 0.5 mL of water, followed by addi- samples. Data were analyzed using SPSS 19.0 software

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