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Lesson 2- Warm-Up Exercises

Regular exercise is the key to physical fitness. It enhances the physical, mental, and emotional
well-being of an individual.

Simple conditioning exercises stimulate the different organs of the body. Doing warm-up
exercises, starting from the head to the lower parts, conditions the body for complex and vigorous
physical tasks.

1. Neck Twisting- (relaxes tension in the neck)

Starting position: Stand with feet together, head erect, arms down at sides
a. Twist head to sideward R (1-4)
b. Return to position (5-8)
c. Twist head to sideward L (9-12)
d. Return to position (13-16)
e. Repeat a-d (1-16)

2. Trunk twisting- (develop trunk flexibility)

Starting position: Stand in stride position; hands on hips
a. Twist trunk to sideward R (1-4)
b. Return to position (5-8)
c. Twist trunk to sideward L (9-12)
d. Return to position (13-16)
e. Repeat a-d (1-16)

3. Elbow Thrusting- (relaxes upper back muscles)

Starting position: Stand with feet together; arms bent in front of chest, closed fists.
a. Trust elbows backward, shoulder level and maintain this position (1-7)
b. Return to position (8)
c. Repeat (9-6)

4. Arms Circling - (loosens shoulder girdle)

Starting position: Stand in stride position; arms sideward at shoulder level
a. Circle the arms by moving them upward, forward, downward and backward (1-4)
b. Return a (5-8)
c. Reverse direction of arm circling (9-12)
d. Return c (13-16)

5. Hip Rotation- (loosens and relaxes the hip girdle and lower back)
a. Rotate hips to sideward R, backward, sideward L, forward (1-4)
b. Repeat a (1-4)
c. Rep eat a and b twice. Reverse direction of rotation

6. Forward Leg Swing- (develop hip flexibility)

Starting position: Stand with a partner (for support)
a. Swing right leg forward (1)
b. Swing right leg backward (2)
c. Repeat (3)
d. Close right foot to left (4)
e. Repeat a-d with the left foot (5-8)
f. Repeat a-e (9-16)

7. Knee Rotation- (loosens knee joints)

Starting position: Stand with feet together. Then assume a half knee bend position, hands on
a. Rotate the kneed by moving them to sideward R, backward, sideward L, forward (1-4)
b. Repeat (a) (5-8)
c. Repeat a and b. Reverse direction of rotation, sideward L, backward, sideward R, forward (9-16)

8. Jumping Jack- (loosens shoulder girdle)

Starting position: Stand erect with feet together arms and down at the sides.
a. Jump to stride position and clap hands overhead (1)
b. Jump to position, arms down at the sides (2)
c. Repeat a and b seven times more (3-16)

9. Jump Turns- (develop balance)

Starting position: Stand erect with feet together arms down at the sides.
a. Jump in place to make a quarter turn R (1-2)
b. Repeat a three times more, turning R every two counts (3-8)
c. Repeat a but make a quarter turn L
d. Repeat a three times more, turning L every two counts
10. Clapping Hands- (loosens shoulders girdle and relieves tension)

Starting position: Stand in stride position, arms sideward at shoulder level, palms facing forward
a. Clap hands in front without bending the arms (1)
b. Return arms to starting position (2)
c. Repeat (a) and (b) seven times. Push backward each time (b) is repeated (3-16)

11. Kicking- (improves hip flexibility)

Starting position: Stand straight with L arm sideward, R arm forward at shoulder level.
a. Kick R leg forward to touch R hand (1)
b. Return R leg to starting position and repeat (a) seven times (2-8)
c. Repeat a and b with L foot. Reverse the arm position (9-16)

12. Boxing- (improves arm strength)

Starting position: Stand in stride position, one foot ahead of the other.
a. Box continuously into the air, changing stance as desired.

13. Wring the Dishcloth- (improves flexibility)

Starting position: Get a partner. Then face each other and join hands.
a. Raise one pair of arms (R for one; L for the other) and lower the other pair of arms (1)
b. Turn under raised arms and end in back to back position (2-4)
c. Raise the other pair of arms and lower the first pair raised (5)
d. Turn under again the arms raised. Finish facing partner (6-8)
e. Repeat a-d (9-16)
14. Three Hops and Jump- (improves leg strength and agility)
Starting position: Stand erect, arms down at the side.
a. Hop on R foot thrice (1-3)
b. Jump in place (4)
c. Hop on L foot thrice (5-7)
d. Repeat b (8)
e. Repeat a-d (9-16)

15. Leg Lift- (strengthens abdominal muscles)

Starting position: Assume a long sitting rest position, feet together.
a. Lift legs upward about a foot high without bending the knees (1)
b. Maintain the position for six more counts (2-7)
c. Return to starting position (8)
d. Repeat a-c (9-16)

16. Skipping Rope- (improves strength and agility)

Starting position: Stand erect with arms bent sideward as if holding a skipping rope.

17. Jumping Forward and Backward- (improves leg strength)

Starting position: Stand erect, arms and down at the sides.
a. Jump forward three times (1-3)
b. Jump backward (4)
c. Repeat (a) and (b) three times (5-16)

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