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1. Rural livelihood system ROLL NO.

1.1. Introduction 05
1.2. Livelihood as a concept 21
1.3. Sustainable and vulnerable livelihoods 06
1.4. The complexity of livelihood environment 09
1.5. Livelihood management aspects for rural development 10

2. Sustainable livelihood approach- theory and practice

2.1. Sustainability and sustainable livelihood 16
2.2. Theory behind the sustainable livelihood approach 17
2.3. Creating a sustainable livelihood strategies 18
2.4. Sustainable livelihood strategies and management practice 19

3. Sustainable Livelihood framework

3.1. Sustainable livelihood framework- understanding of the terminology 50
3.2. Vulnerability context in the context of livelihood 25
3.3. Livelihood assets 26
3.4. Transforming structure and process 27
3.5. Livelihood strategies and outcomes 08

4. Livelihood and resource management

4.1. Livelihood and resource management- an introduction 33
4.2. Type of livelihood 34
4.3. Resource and environment livelihood management 40
4.4. Farmed and non-farmed based livelihood management 36

5. Livelihood strategies and micro finance

5.1. Livelihood strategies and the meaning of microfinance 42
5.2. Critical livelihood process, saving and debt strategies 43
5.3. Myth and reality of secrets of financial organization 44

6. Rural livelihood management and diversity

6.1. Concept and definition 51
6.2. Determinants of diverse rural livelihood 52
6.3. Investigation livelihood for policy process 53
6.4. Looking ahead for livelihood, diversification and policies 54

7. Livelihood and landscapes

7.1. Investigation of rural livelihood and landscapes 45
7.2. Dependence of landscapes on livelihood 46
7.3. Landscape based livelihood 47
7.4. Livelihood management in different landscapes 48
7.5. Livelihood management for household 49
8. Livelihood and livestocks
8.1. Definition and role of livestock 07
8.2. livelihood management in agriculture and irrigation 37
8.3. Implications of scaling up of livestock production 38
8.4. The competitiveness of livestock sector 39
8.5. Emerging structure of livestock production: livelihood implication for poor 35
8.6. Perspective of smallholder livestock producers in developing countries 41

9. Livelihood and gender

9.1. Livelihoods in transition: Overcoming Gender Barriers 28
9.2. Gender needs and resource management 29
9.3. Institutions, customs and the state: gender, class, caste and participation 30
9.4. Gender Aspects of livelihood rights 31

10. Livelihood management in disasters

10.1. Disaster to disaster livelihoods 20
10.2. Scope of framework 32
10.3. Pillar of livelihood management in disaster 22
10.4. Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation 23
10.5. Global action 15
10.6. Livelihood arrangements during disaster 24

11. Poverty and livelihood management

11.1. Recognizing and addressing poverty 11
11.2. Policy frameworks: evolution and current situation 12
11.3. Diversified livelihoods management and growth 13
11.4. Rural development and livelihood management: issues and challenges 14

12. Livelihood management and leadership

12.1. Leadership versus management 04
12.2. Framework of understanding leadership 03
12.3. Traits, motives and characteristics of leadership in livelihood management 02
12.4. Rural leadership and management 01

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