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Singh M MOL 626 Course Analysis Summary

Michelle Singh

Medaille College

Author Note

This paper was prepared on May 2, 2017 for Problem Solving and Decision Making MOL-626E-

12 taught by Jerry Kozlowski.

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The material learned in this course includes several tools for analytical decision-making.

This includes the prOACT method of decision-making which calls on the decision-maker to

identify the best problem statement, the true objective, as many alternatives and consequences as

possible, identify tradeoffs, and then look for as much quantitative information as possible to

complete your analysis. Another tool is the 5 steps which complements the prOACT method and

focuses on how to create the best quantitative analysis of alternatives and consequences.

Additional information learned in the yes or no method calls for the decision maker to ask

themselves a question of their brain and their heart. This method not only looks to the true

objective and alternatives and consequences, but also looks at intangible aspects such as being

honest with yourself, listening to your intuition, and believing you deserve better.

In addition to these methods to make better decisions I learned a great deal about what

influences us to make decisions. This includes things like various types of bias based on several

factors including experience, culture, upbringing, group thinking, and subconscious influences. I

also learned about concepts of priming and framing and how we can be so easily manipulated by

others and by our own minds. I learned that belief plays a large part in how we see or understand

things and this impacts how we make decisions. I learned that the act of analysis can give us the

confidence to be successful and that this concept plays into the same as the yes or no method.

Belief and confidence can mean reality since it impacts how we go about solving a problem.

Additionally I learned a number of great truths about decisions that used examples of

real-life decisions and consequences to show how concepts like failure and timing can play a big

part in making the right decision. I learned the importance of believing in your decision,

learning as much as possible before deciding, that any decision is better than no decision, and

that our emotions are incredibly powerful in how people make decisions.
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The material learned in this course is already useful to me and I have been applying the

methods to my real-life problems since reading the first book. I think the material is very

important to me as a leader so that I can calmly and rationally address problems by thoroughly

analyzing the objectives and options. I also learned the importance of clearly communicating the

results of decision-making and have created a template reminder for myself to use when I

disseminate information. Although it may be new to many I work with I think it will be

impactful. I am using the information learned in this course with my team and helping them to

also be better decision-makers. We have created an SOP on how to make decisions, document

the process and disseminate the results. The thorough approach to decision-making is already

being impactful and I am making important decisions more easily by following the methods and

advice and examples of this course.

In my future role as entrepreneur and owner of my own caf and coffee roaster, I plan to

carefully analyze all decisions, particularly those involving finances, so that I can move forward

confidently. I am trying to share with my husband the importance of our approach to decisions

in our business so that we can make sure we are meeting our true objectives and assessing all

possible alternatives and addressing all consequences both good and bad. I have already started

to use it in determining which equipment I need to get started and what can wait until I am

successful. I have also applied the concept of being ready for the ten worst things that can

happen by identifying these in the riskiest parts of my life and career. This exercise has given

me the confidence to move forward past standstills and stuck moments by being able to make a

decision in the face of uncertainty. I have also learned and am applying risk-assessment and

acknowledgement so I can understand that my decisions are impacted by how risk adverse I am
SINGH M MOL 626 Course Analysis Summary 4

verses other people on my team and that this can impact the perspective we each have on the

same problem.

I have also learned to recognize areas of bias I may have and that just because I may not

have some common implicit bias it does not mean that I do not have bias in other areas. I have

identified some areas where I do have clear bias and am consciously aware of this and how I am

making my decisions in these areas. I have also been practicing working through the bias of

others when I need them to make a decision. This is important because as part of this course I

have also learned the different ways to make decisions as a group or individual and how to

include key stakeholders and share the responsibility of decisions. In this understanding and

addressing bias is important for the entire group.

I think that my comprehension and proficiency of this topic is very good. It has been my

favorite learning experience so far as it has had a great deal of immediate impact. I have

identified some future reading I would like to do on the topic as well.

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Gunther, R. E. (2008). The truth about making smart decisions. Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson Education, Inc.

Hammond, J. S., Keeney, R. L., Raiffa, H. (1999). Smart choices: A practical guide to making

better decisions. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Johnson, S. (1992). Yes or No: The guide to better decisions. New York, NY: HarperCollins

Publishers, Inc.

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