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Forming the Past Continuous


Task 1 - Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the
was not / were not + the ing
(Gerund) form of the verb. Past Continuous Tense.
1) You ___________________________ the walls of his house yesterday.
I (not paint)
He 2) Mavis ___________________________ a horse when she broke her arm.
She (not ride)
Itwas not / wasntreading a 3) The two men ___________________________ heavy boxes yesterday
afternoon. (not carry)
watching TV.
4) I ___________________________ when you wake me up. (not dream)
going to the cinema.
playing basketball. 5) Larry ___________________________ his teeth at 7 yesterday. (not
raining.You clean)
We 6) They ___________________________ when I came in. (not work)
Theywere not / werent 7) The dog ___________________________ on the bed last night. (not
Spelling rules sleep)
8) Mr Green _____________________________ my hair at 5 yesterday.
Mostly the verb gets an
(not cut)
ing in the Present Continuous
9) It ___________________________ cold when I closed the window. (not
Tense. E.g.: starting, playing,
looking, skiing get)
If the verb is monosyllabic, it 10) The family _____________________________ the lunch when the
ends with a vowel + postman came. (not have)
consonant, and the vowel is
short (pronunciation) then the
Task 2 Write sentences using the given words and the
consonant at the end of the
verb doubles. E.g.: run verbs in Past Continuous. Be careful not all the verbs
running are in negative.
If the verb ends with l, it e.g.: I * not write * a letter * while * you * read.
doubles. E.g.: travel I wasnt writing a letter while you were reading.
travelling 1) They * not learn * while * their mum * cook.
If the verb is multisyllabic, ___________________________________________________________
and 2nd point holds true of the
last syllable then the
2) While * his tooth * ache * John * not eat * anything.
consonant at the end of the
verb doubles. E.g.: permit, ___________________________________________________________
admit ___________________________________________________________
If the verb ends with a mute 3) I * not ask * too much * while * the policeman * question * me.
e, you have to leave it out. ___________________________________________________________
E.g.: make making ___________________________________________________________
There are verbs ending with 4) The children * not play * football * while * they * stay * on the playground.
ie, like lie. In the Gerund form
the ie changes into y.
e.g.: lie lying
Other verbs: die, outlie, 5) I * put * the books * on the shelf * while * you * not do * anything.
tie, untie, etc. ___________________________________________________________
Exceptions 6) Dad * not take * the medicine * while * Mum * have * a shower.
There are some verbs that we ___________________________________________________________
dont use in the past continuous ___________________________________________________________
tense. (Because they arent
7) The cat * not drink * any milk * while * they * look at * it.
action verbs.)
8) While *you * drive * home * it * not rain.
e.g.: like, love, hate, smell,
seem, believe, ___________________________________________________________
understand, realise, ___________________________________________________________
belong, know, want, need, 9) Ms Johnson * not check * her e-mails * while * she * baby-sit * little George.
depend, suppose ___________________________________________________________
10) You * not write * anything * while * the teacher * explain * the grammar.
Susan V Toth
Task 3 Write the correct forms (Past Continuous) of Task 5 First make the sentences
the verbs on the lines from this list. negative. Then rewrite them with the
given information. Look at the example.
not buynot pushnot fightnot scrubnot listennot setnot e.g.: Mike was sleeping in his bed. (on the
makenot thinknot plannot wait bus)
1) James ___________________________ to the Mike wasnt sleeping in his bed. He
news when Emma phoned him. was sleeping on the bus.
2) My family ___________________________ for me
when I arrived home.
1) The teacher was teaching the students. (correct
3) Joan ___________________________ of the
solution when I asked her. the tests)
4) The maid ___________________________ the _______________________________________
beds when Jake came in. _______________________________________
5) I ___________________________ the floor _______________________________________
yesterday. 2) I was skating on the lake. (swim in it)
6) We __________________________ the Christmas _______________________________________
presents at 5 oclock yesterday. _______________________________________
7) Anne ___________________________ the table
while mum was cooking lunch.
3) You were opening the door. (close the window)
8) Dave ___________________________ anything
when Joe asked him. _______________________________________
9) The two men ___________________________ _______________________________________
when the police arrived. _______________________________________
10) Sally ___________________________the trolley 4) We were going to school. (travel to Paris)
when we met in the supermarket. _______________________________________
5) They were drinking some juice. (have dinner)
Task 4 Find and correct the
mistakes. _______________________________________
6) Sally was eating her mums soup. (pizza)
1) Sam was diging in the garden _______________________________________
yesterday. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
2) Yesterday the kids wasnt walking all day long. 7) Tim and Brad were buying some food. (play tennis)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
3) I wasnt wearring my favourite T-shirt when we met.
4) The fire didnt burning at 5 oclock two days ago.
__________________________________________ 8) Sue was greeting her parents. (hug)
5) The dog werent barking last night. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
6) The shop assistant wasnt counted the goods. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 9) The new flowers were blooming last week. (two
7) They werent siting on a bench in the park yesterday. moths ago)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
8) James wasnt triing to find a new flat last week.
9) My neighbour isnt knocking on the door when I arrived
home. 10) My parents were selecting the things in our
__________________________________________ garage. (paint the walls)
10) I wasnt changeing my clothes when you entered the _______________________________________
room. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________

Susan V Toth
Forming the Past Continuous

Task 1 - Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the
was not / were not + the ing
(Gerund) form of the verb. Past Continuous Tense.
1) You ___________________________ the walls of his house yesterday.
I (not paint)
He 2) Mavis ___________________________ a horse when she broke her arm.
She (not ride)
Itwas not / wasntreading a 3) The two men ___________________________ heavy boxes yesterday
afternoon. (not carry)
watching TV.
4) I ___________________________ when you wake me up. (not dream)
going to the cinema.
playing basketball. 5) Larry ___________________________ his teeth at 7 yesterday. (not
raining.You clean)
We 6) They ___________________________ when I came in. (not work)
Theywere not / werent 7) The dog ___________________________ on the bed last night. (not
Spelling rules sleep)
8) Mr Green _____________________________ my hair at 5 yesterday.
Mostly the verb gets an
(not cut)
ing in the Present Continuous
9) It ___________________________ cold when I closed the window. (not
Tense. E.g.: starting, playing,
looking, skiing get)
If the verb is monosyllabic, it 10) The family _____________________________ the lunch when the
ends with a vowel + postman came. (not have)
consonant, and the vowel is
short (pronunciation) then the
Task 2 Write sentences using the given words and the
consonant at the end of the
verb doubles. E.g.: run verbs in Past Continuous. Be careful not all the verbs
running are in negative.
If the verb ends with l, it e.g.: I * not write * a letter * while * you * read.
doubles. E.g.: travel I wasnt writing a letter while you were reading.
travelling 1) They * not learn * while * their mum * cook.
If the verb is multisyllabic, ___________________________________________________________
and 2nd point holds true of the
last syllable then the
2) While * his tooth * ache * John * not eat * anything.
consonant at the end of the
verb doubles. E.g.: permit, ___________________________________________________________
admit ___________________________________________________________
If the verb ends with a mute 3) I * not ask * too much * while * the policeman * question * me.
e, you have to leave it out. ___________________________________________________________
E.g.: make making ___________________________________________________________
There are verbs ending with 4) The children * not play * football * while * they * stay * on the playground.
ie, like lie. In the Gerund form
the ie changes into y.
e.g.: lie lying
Other verbs: die, outlie, 5) I * put * the books * on the shelf * while * you * not do * anything.
tie, untie, etc. ___________________________________________________________
Exceptions 6) Dad * not take * the medicine * while * Mum * have * a shower.
There are some verbs that we ___________________________________________________________
dont use in the past continuous ___________________________________________________________
tense. (Because they arent
7) The cat * not drink * any milk * while * they * look at * it.
action verbs.)
8) While *you * drive * home * it * not rain.
e.g.: like, love, hate, smell,
seem, believe, ___________________________________________________________
understand, realise, ___________________________________________________________
belong, know, want, need, 9) Ms Johnson * not check * her e-mails * while * she * baby-sit * little George.
depend, suppose ___________________________________________________________
10) You * not write * anything * while * the teacher * explain * the grammar.
Susan V Toth
Task 3 Write the correct forms (Past Continuous) of Task 5 First make the sentences
the verbs on the lines from this list. negative. Then rewrite them with the
given information. Look at the example.
not buy not push e.g.: Mike was sleeping in his bed. (on the
not fight not scrub bus)
not listen not set Mike wasnt sleeping in his bed. He
not make not think was sleeping on the bus.
not plan not wait

1) The teacher was teaching the students. (correct

1) James ___________________________ to the
news when Emma phoned him. the tests)
2) My family ___________________________ for me _______________________________________
when I arrived home. _______________________________________
3) Joan ___________________________ of the _______________________________________
solution when I asked her. 2) I was skating on the lake. (swim in it)
4) The maid ___________________________ the _______________________________________
beds when Jake came in. _______________________________________
5) I ___________________________ the floor
3) You were opening the door. (close the window)
6) We __________________________ the Christmas
presents at 5 oclock yesterday. _______________________________________
7) Anne ___________________________ the table _______________________________________
while mum was cooking lunch. _______________________________________
8) Dave ___________________________ anything 4) We were going to school. (travel to Paris)
when Joe asked him. _______________________________________
9) The two men ___________________________ _______________________________________
when the police arrived. _______________________________________
10) Sally ___________________________the trolley
5) They were drinking some juice. (have dinner)
when we met in the supermarket.
Task 4 Find and correct the
mistakes. _______________________________________
6) Sally was eating her mums soup. (pizza)
1) Sam was diging in the garden _______________________________________
yesterday. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
2) Yesterday the kids wasnt walking all day long. 7) Tim and Brad were buying some food. (play tennis)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
3) I wasnt wearring my favourite T-shirt when we met.
4) The fire didnt burning at 5 oclock two days ago.
__________________________________________ 8) Sue was greeting her parents. (hug)
5) The dog werent barking last night. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
6) The shop assistant wasnt counted the goods. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 9) The new flowers were blooming last week. (two
7) They werent siting on a bench in the park yesterday. moths ago)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
8) James wasnt triing to find a new flat last week.
9) My neighbour isnt knocking on the door when I arrived
home. 10) My parents were selecting the things in our
__________________________________________ garage. (paint the walls)
10) I wasnt changeing my clothes when you entered the _______________________________________
room. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________

Susan V Toth
Task 1
1) You werent painting the walls of his house yesterday.
2) Mavis wasnt riding a horse when she broke her arm.
3) The two men werent carrying heavy boxes yesterday afternoon.
4) I wasnt dreaming when you wake me up.
5) Larry wasnt cleaning his teeth at 7 yesterday.
6) They werent working when I came in.
7) The dog wasnt sleeping on the bed last night.
8) Mr Green wasnt cutting my hair at 5 yesterday.
9) It wasnt getting cold when I closed the window.
10) The family wasnt having the lunch when the postman came.

Task 2
1) They werent learning while their mum was cooking.
2) While his tooth was aching, John wasnt eating anything.
3) I wasnt asking too much while the policeman was questioning me.
4) The children werent playing football while they were staying on the playground.
5) I was putting the books on the shelf while you werent doing anything.
6) Dad wasnt taking the medicine while Mum was having a shower.
7) The cat wasnt drinking any milk while they were looking at it.
8) While you were driving home it wasnt raining.
9) Ms Johnson wasnt checking her e-mails while she was baby-sitting little George.
10) You werent writing anything while the teacher was explaining the grammar.

Task 3
1) James wasnt listening to the news when Emma phoned him.
2) My family wasnt waiting for me when I arrived home.
3) Joan wasnt thinking of the solution when I asked her.
4) The maid wasnt making the beds when Jake came in.
5) I wasnt scrubbing the floor yesterday.
6) We werent buying the Christmas presents at 5 oclock yesterday.
7) Anne wasnt setting the table while mum was cooking lunch.
8) Dave wasnt planning anything when Joe asked him.
9) The two men werent fighting when the police arrived.
10) Sally wasnt pushing the trolley when we met in the supermarket.Task 4 The right
1) Sam was digging in the garden yesterday.
2) Yesterday the kids werent walking all day long.
3) I wasnt wearing my favourite T-shirt when we met.
4) The fire wasnt burning at 5 oclock two days ago.
5) The dog wasnt barking last night.
6) The shop assistant wasnt counting the goods.
7) They werent sitting on a bench in the park yesterday.
8) James wasnt trying to find a new flat last week.
9) My neighbour wasnt knocking on the door when I arrived home.
10) I wasnt changing my clothes when you entered the room.

Task 5
1) The teacher wasnt teaching the students. S/he was correcting the tests.
2) I wasnt skating on the lake. I was swimming in it.
3) You werent opening the door. You were closing the window.
4) We werent going to school. We were travelling to Paris.
5) They werent drinking some juice. They were having dinner.
6) Sally wasnt eating her mums soup. Sally was eating her mums pizza.
7) Tim and Brad werent buying some food. Tim and Brad were playing tennis.
8) Sue wasnt greeting her parents. Sue was hugging them.
9) The new flowers werent blooming last week. The new flowers were blooming two moths ago.
10) My parents werent selecting the things in our garage. My parents were painting the walls.

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