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Aphasia from the inside: The cognitive world of the aphasic patient
Alfredo Ardilaa and Silvia Rubio-Brunob
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA;
Fundacin Argentina de Afasia Charlotte Schwarz, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The purpose of this study was to analyze the question: how do people with aphasia experience Aphasia; cognitive world;
the world? Three questions are approached: (1) how is behavior controlled in aphasia, considering language; second signal
that a normal linguistic control is no longer available; (2) what is the pattern of intellectual system; verbal abilities
abilities in aphasia; and (3) what do aphasia patients self-report regarding the experience of
living without language. In aphasia, behavior can no longer be controlled through the second
signal system and only the first signal system remains. Available information suggests that
sometimes no verbal abilities may be affected in aphasia. However, an important variability is
observed: whereas, in some patients, evident nonverbal defects are found; in other patients,
performance verbal abilities are within normal limits. Several self-reports of recovered aphasic
patients explain the experience of living without language. Considering that language represents
the major instrument of cognition, in aphasia, surrounding information is evidently interpreted in
a partially different way and cognitive strategies are reorganized, resulting in an idiosyncratic
cognitive world.

Introduction consequences of neurological deficits are not elaborated

upon. They conclude that much more research is
Aphasia changes the pattern of intellectual abilities and,
required in this area. This observation is also valid for
ultimately, the perception and interpretation of the
other neurological conditions, including aphasia.
surrounding world. As a result, the aphasic patient lives
In this article three questions are approached: (1)
in an idiosyncratic cognitive world. Cognitive world
how is behavior controlled in aphasia, considering
refers to the experiential dimension of cognition, to the
that a normal linguistic control is no longer available;
worldview (Weltanschauung) resulting from the specific
(2) what is the pattern of intellectual abilities in
pattern of an individuals intellectual abilities (Ardila &
aphasia; and, finally, (3) what do aphasic patients
Rosselli, 2016). Evidently, brain damage can result in
self-report regarding the experience of living without
specific patterns of preserved and impaired cognitive
language. At the end, some tentative conclusions are
abilities. These patients with brain pathology live in
quite idiosyncratic cognitive worlds. The limitation
with aphasia is that, exactly, because of the lack of
language, patients cannot communicate the changes Language as a second signal system
in cognition that they have suffered. Because of that, During the 1930s, Pavlov (1932/1960) introduced the
the reports of aphasia-recovered patients are parti- idea that human behavior is mediated and controlled
cularly important to understand the aphasics cognitive by two different signaling systems: the sensory infor-
world. mation (first signal system) and the language (second
Recently, a growing interest in understanding the signal system). For instance, we can present an
internal world of neurological patients has been emotional response when we hear an explosion (first
observed. For instance, Zwijsen van der Ploeg, and signal system); but we can also present a similar
Hertogh (2016) explain in their paper Understanding emotional response when we hear someone say, An
the world of dementia. How do people with dementia explosion has just occurred! (second signal system).
experience the world? that current theories on subjec- This idea about the two signal systems has been taken
tive experience in dementia emphasize the psychosocial and further developed by different authors (e.g., Dance,
factors that influence subjective experience, but the 1967; Krasnogorsky, 1954; Windholz, 1990).

CONTACT Alfredo Ardila ardilaa@fiu.edu Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street,
AHC3-431B, Miami, FL 33199.
2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Pavlov assumed that language represents the funda- aphasia in the title/abstract have been published since
mental difference in brain functioning between man the beginning of the century). There are several poten-
and other animals. Language emerged during human tial reasons for this paucity in research: (a) this is obvi-
evolution because this form of communication had ously a complex and polemic question and results may
survival value to the species. Animal behavior is impact our interpretation of aphasia; if general intellec-
controlled by the external stimuli (visual, auditory, tual impairments were found, it means that aphasia is
olfactory, information, etc.) and the resulting sensations not just a language disorder but also includes a general
represent the first signal system. Humans, on the other intellectual disturbance; and (b) research results can be
hand, not only react to the external stimuli, but also difficult to interpret; if nonverbal abilities were
have the ability to generalize using a countless amount decreased in aphasia, what does it mean? Several
of language signals of the first system. Pavlov further potential explanations could be proposed; for instance:
proposed that the second signal system is an evolution- (a) tests that are assumed to be nonverbal may also be
ary result of social activity. partially verbal tests; (b) the decrement in nonverbal
What is important for the current analysis is that the abilities may simply reflect some right hemisphere
aphasic patients behavior is directly mediated and decreased activation due to the left hemisphere pathol-
controlled only by the first signal system. The involve- ogy; or (c) using a simpler and obvious explanation, it
ment of the second signal system obviously depends could be proposed that language represents an
upon the individuals residual language abilities. additional resource to solve nonverbal problems and,
hence, the aphasic patient is at a disadvantage in regard
to the normal speaking individuals. Evidently, it is not
Intellectual abilities in aphasia
easy to be sure what would be the correct explanation.
One of the most complex and controversial questions in Several studies have used the Ravens Colored
aphasia is the issue of the patients intellectual abilities. Progressive Matrices as a measure of nonverbal abilities
In other words, how the pattern of cognitive skills is (Bailey, Powell, & Clark, 1981; Basso, Capitani, &
when language is impaired? This is a question that has Luzzatti, 1981; Gainotti, Derme, Villa, & Caltagirone,
been up for discussion for decades (e.g., Bay, 1964, 1986; Kertesz & McCabe, 1975; Zaidel, Zaidel, & Sperry,
1974; Zangwill, 1964). Obviously, verbal abilities are 1981). In a classical study, Kertesz and McCabe selected
impaired; but what about other intellectual abilities, 163 subjects, 111 aphasics, and 52 controls. The
such as nonverbal and conceptual abilities? Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) was used as a
This is a question that was extensively analyzed measurement of the type of aphasia and its severity.
during the 1970s and 1980s and later virtually disap- The results indicate that Global, Wernickes, and
peared from the aphasia literature. In a recent search Transcortical Sensory aphasics perform poorly on the
in PubMed (May 5, 2016) using the terms intelligence Ravens Colored Progressive Matrices. A common side
and aphasia in the title/abstract, a total of 135 articles effect to all these forms of aphasia is poor comprehen-
were found. However, only a few of the articles actually sion. Brocas Transcortical Motor, Conduction, and
analyzed the question of the intellectual abilities in Anomic aphasics do as well as nonaphasic controls with
aphasia, and just four of these analyses corresponded diffuse brain damage or nondominant hemisphere
to articles published during the 21st century (Baldo, lesions. Interestingly, the Ravens Colored Progressive
Paulraj, Curran, & Dronkers, 2015; Blazkov-Ctrnct, Matrices scores were not related directly to the severity
Kalvach, Preissov, & Mllerov, 2003; Lee & Pyun, of aphasia. The authors concluded that nonverbal
2014; Maeshima et al., 2002). When using the terms intelligence is also impaired in aphasics to a variable
aphasia and cognition, 213 articles were retrieved. extent; however, 42% of aphasics performed as well in
However, again, only a few of them analyzed the Ravens Colored Progressive Matrices as the control
question of cognition in aphasia, six of them published subjects without brain damage. Bailey et al. (1981)
during the last 16 years (Butts et al., 2015; Fedorenko & selected 134 aphasia cases, on average 5 months, after
Varley, 2016; GornoTempini et al., 2004; Helm- the aphasia onset (mainly CVA). Most of the cases
Estabrooks, 2002; Kang, Jeong, Moon, Lee, & Lee, administered the Schuell test of aphasia, some were
2016; Lee & Pyun, 2014); one article was found in both given the Ravens Colored Progressive Matrices, and
searches (Lee & Pyun, 2014). According to PubMed, some the Standard Matrices test. It was found that
only 10 articles have been published during the last 16 non-verbal intelligence as measured by correlated in a
years devoted to the analysis of the intellectual abilities negative direction with severity of aphasia and positively
in aphasia, out of hundreds of articles published in the with recovery from aphasia. Basso et al. (1981) studied
area of aphasia (5,762 articles that include the term 173 left hemisphere patients subdivided according to

presence/absence, type (fluent/nonfluent) and severity Taken together all these studies, it can be tentatively
(moderate/severe) of aphasia. The Raven Progressive concluded that aphasia is associated in some, but not in
Matrices and four subtests of the Wechsler-Bellevue all the cases, with low scores in the Ravens Colored
Performance Scale were administered. Constructive Progressive Matrices as a measurement of nonverbal
and ideomotor apraxia scores and CT scan data of each intelligence.
subject entered the statistical analysis. The factors Other analyses of nonverbal abilities in aphasia have
significant in producing a low score on Progressive been reviewed. Borod, Carper, and Goodglass (1982)
Matrices and Wechsler-Bellevue included aphasia and investigated the differences in nonverbal intelligence
constructive apraxia. between diagnostic subgroups of aphasics using the
Also, by using the Ravens Colored Progressive Performance tests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Matrices, Basso, De Renzi, Faglioni, Scotti, and Spinnler Scale (WAIS). Ninety-eight right-handed hospitalized
(1973) found that the correlation between scores earned males, with unilateral left-hemisphere damage, were
by 33 subjects with left hemisphere damage on the selected. They had had an unambiguous clinical
Ravens, and scores earned on a language test of naming diagnosis of Brocas, Anomic, Conduction, Mixed Non-
and comprehension, was practically zero. In other Fluent, Wernickes, or Global aphasia. Group differences
words, it was impossible to predict analogic thinking were examined using the WAIS Performance IQ (PIQ),
ability on the basis of language test performance. Villar- subscores for spatial organization (Block Design and
dita (1985) selected 24 right brain-damaged patients, 24 Object Assembly), and for verbalizability (Picture Com-
left brain-damaged patients (10 nonaphasic and 15 pletion and Picture Arrangement). Determined by the
aphasic) and 20 controls and administered the on the impaired performance of the Global aphasics, it was
Ravens Colored Progressive Matrices. In addition to found that there were significant group differences for
the total scores, the author analyzed the scores obtained each WAIS score. With covariance correction for level
on each of the three sets, where the 36 total items in the of auditory comprehension, group differences were
test could be categorized on the grounds of cognitive eliminated on the verbalizable subtests, but not on the
abilities. The first set, which calls for the identification spatial organization subtests. To further eliminate group
of sameness, posed special problems to damaged right differences, the levels of constructional apraxia were
brain patients. The second set, which involves the covaried (assessed with drawings, sticks, blocks). Using
principle of symmetry, was selectively failed by aphasic demographic, neurological, and linguistic variables,
patients. The third set, which is more demanding in multiple regression analyses confirmed the covaried
terms of analogical and conceptual thinking, was poorly analysis findings; constructional apraxia was the most
performed by left brain-damaged patients, aphasics as predictive variable for both spatial and verbalizability
well as non-aphasics. subscores, while auditory comprehension and education
In a more recent study, Gainotti et al. (1986) level predicted performance on the verbalizable subtests.
developed a new set of Colored Matrices, devised to De Renzi, Faglioni, Savoiardo, and Vignolo (1966)
minimize the influence of unilateral spatial neglect analyzed the influence of aphasia as well as the hemi-
without changing the essential features of the original spheric side of the cerebral lesion on abstract thinking.
task. The test was administered to 76 normal controls, A modified version of the Weigl Sorting Test allowing 5
74 right brain-damaged patients, 87 aphasics, and 61 criteria of classification was administered to 40 control
nonaphasic left brain-damaged patients, in order to patients, 40 right brain-damaged patients, 22 left non-
study the effect of laterality of lesions and of language aphasic brain-damaged patients, and 45 aphasics. Right
impairment on Ravens scores. The results show that, and left nonaphasic brain-damaged patients performed
if the influence of unilateral spatial neglect is minimized no differently from control patients on the Weigl test,
and Ravens scores are corrected in reference to age, edu- while the mean score of the aphasic group turned out
cational level, and lesion size, then: (a) no significant dif- to be about one half of that of the control group. In
ferences are observed between right and left brain- addition, the t-score obtained by aphasics on the Weigl
damaged patients; (b) aphasics score worse than nona- test was found to highly correlate with an auditory
phasic left brain-damaged patients; (c) impairment is verbal comprehension score, while no significant
greater in patients with Wernickes and Global aphasia connection was found between the Weigl score and
(i.e., in patients with severe language comprehension either a visual naming or an ideomotor apraxia score.
disorders) than in patients classified as Brocas, Anomic, It was concluded that the Weigl test is not sensitive to
or Conduction aphasia; and (d) impairment is greater in the presence of cerebral damage per se, while it is highly
patients with semantic-lexical discrimination errors than sensitive to the presence of left (dominant) hemisphere
in patients free from semantic-lexical comprehension. lesions associated with aphasia. The authors suggest that

the evidence pointing to a specific defect of abstract Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST) and Ravens
thinking in aphasics may be interpreted as the Matrices. Similarly, Kang et al. (2016) have suggested
consequence of a disruption of inner language in these that patients with more severe aphasia show greater
patients; however, an alternative view may be advanced, impairments to cognitive functions. Lee and Pyun
namely, that the same areas subserving linguistic (2014) reported that cognitive tests for working memory
activities in the left hemisphere are also specialized in and sustained attention are significantly impaired in the
carrying out intellectual tasks of a symbolic nature. aphasic patients.
Haas, Vogt, Schiemann, and Patzold (1982) analyzed Finally, Fedorenko and Varley (2016) observed that
non-verbal intelligence in brain tumor patients. The individuals with global aphasia, despite their near-total
Aachen Aphasia Test and subtests of the Wechsler loss of language, are nonetheless able to add and sub-
Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) were used. The statisti- tract, solve logic problems, think about another persons
cal evaluation of the data from 43 patients indicated thoughts, appreciate music, and successfully navigate
that: (a) Aphasia was an amnestic aphasia, independent their environments. The author concluded that many
of the localization of the tumor within the dominant aspects of thought engage distinct brain regions from,
hemisphere; (b) aphasics have no more intellectual and do not depend on, language.
impairment than nonaphasics with similar brain lesions; Taken together all these studies suggest that no verbal
(c) the severity of the aphasic syndrome does not abilities may be affected in aphasia; however, an impor-
correlate with the WAIS; and (d) with right-sided tant variability is observed: whereas in some patients,
tumors, there was correlation between the speech evident nonverbal defects are found, in other patients,
reception subtest and the WAIS scores. performance is found to be within normal limits.
Moving to the articles published during the 21st
century, Helm-Estabrooks (2002) selected 13 right-
Aphasics personal reports
handed, left hemisphere stroke patients (five females
and eight males); four linguistic and four nonlinguistic Up to this date, there are several books and articles of
tasks were administered in one session. No significant aphasic patients who have recovered language and
relationship was found between linguistic and nonlin- explained how their experience was of living without
guistic skills, and between nonlinguistic skills and age, language (e.g., Bay, 1969; Green, 2012; Hale, 2007; Hall,
education, or time post onset. Instead, individual profiles 1961; McGuire, 2012; Mills, 2004; Moss, 1972; Riese,
of strengths and weaknesses were found. The author 1954; Rolnick & Hoops, 1969; Schultz, 2010; Segre,
concluded that sometimes nonlinguistic tasks are affec- 1983; Sies & Butler, 1963; Taylor, 2008; Weinstein,
ted in aphasia, but a significant variability is observed. 2008; Wulf, 1979). These reports represent an extraordi-
Some authors (Butts et al., 2015; GornoTempini narily important source of information to understand
et al., 2004) have analyzed different types of primary the experience of living without language, that is, the
progressive aphasia and concluded that cognitive, cognitive world in aphasia. Although these books are
genetic, and anatomical features indicate that different mostly centered on reports of the clinical events and
progressive aphasia clinical variants may correspond the process of language recovery, sometimes they
to different underlying pathological processes. In cases mention the patients internal world. Several in-depth
of progressive aphasia, there are variations in the case studies of aphasic patients are also available
specific profile of cognitive disturbances, depending (Crepet, 1925; Dieguez & Bogousslavsky, 2007; Lebrun,
upon the particular subtype of progressive aphasia. Hasquin-Deleval, Brohaye, & Flament, 1971; Luria,
Blazkov-Ctrnct et al. (2003) selected 41 persons 1972; Parr, Byng, & Gilpin, 1997; Saloz, 1919).
hospitalized after a brain stroke and tested them to cor- However, to report on ones internal world requires
relate the level of aphasia with intelligence scores. As an unusual introspective abilities and special communi-
aphasia test, the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) was cation skills. Because of this, it is not easy to find an
used; to determine the general mental performance as overt report of a patients internal conditions. The
an equivalent of the IQ test, the nonverbal Ravens following passage is the personal report of an aphasia-
and verbal Euro-ADAS tests were used. Correlation recovered patient, expressing in a poem how the world
between both types of measures was positive and stat- was perceived without language. It is noteworthy that
istically significant, suggesting that aphasia is associated previous to the aphasia, the patient was a professional
with an intellectual disturbance. writer. This report has been selected to illustrate the
Baldo et al. (2015) observed that the degree of lan- internal world in aphasia because it directly and clearly
guage impairment is strongly associated with the degree refers to the internal experiences, that is, how the
of impairment on complex reasoning tasks, such as the patients interpretation of the world changed because

of the aphasia (the original Spanish version is presented lost some language abilities, which means that except in
in the Appendix A of this article). the case of global aphasia, the person still maintains some
When Words were Lost residual linguistic abilities. In this regard, the analysis of
cognition in deaf individuals without sign or oral
And suddenly words disappeared Only shapes and things language, or the study of feral children, can represent
remained better models to study cognition without language.
but I forgot the way to name them. Anyhow, language impairment in aphasia may some-
A flash of lightning erased from my memory times be associated with the deterioration of diverse
the language inherited from other centuries cognitive abilities, such as spatial and conceptual abilities,
that I everyday discovered. resulting in an idiosyncratic cognitive world. The deterio-
I had to re-invent the world around me ration of those cognitive abilities beyond language
because that universe was only in the words. suggests that they are developed and are normally
I just understood that the silence is just a pause mediated through language. Numerous authors have
separating what is and what is not. expressed the idea that language represents the major
Because it was no longer important to discover the beauty instrument of human cognition (e.g., Luria, 1976;
as long as it could not be expressed in words. Vygotsky, 1934/2012). However, it is also important to
I just understood that without the words the contemplation bear in mind that there is a crucial dispersion in cognitive
is a useless call to the senses abilitiesincluding languagenot only in brain-
that without words become regressive damaged patients but also in normal people (Ardila,
blocking the deepest intelligence. Galeano, & Rosselli, 1998). By the same token, there is
And also, the feeling, the clearest one an important variability in the associated cognitive
the highest one, has to be expressed with words impairments in case of aphasia (e.g., Bailey et al., 1981;
Basso et al., 1981; Gainotti et al., 1986; Helm-Estabrooks,
(Ricardo Gaspari, recovered aphasic,
2002; Kertesz & McCabe, 1975; Zaidel et al., 1981).
Centro Integral del Rehabilitacin del Afsico
In summary,
CIRA- Buenos Aires, Argentina)
1. Because of language impairment, aphasia patients
In the poem, several important clues to understand live in an idiosyncratic cognitive world. It has been
the internal cognitive world of the aphasic patient are proposed that the surrounding world is known using
evident: (a) a particular dimension of the world is lost two different strategies (signal systems); in aphasia,
(language) and only the visuo-perceptual information only the first one (external stimuli) is available.
remained (And suddenly words disappeared; Only 2. Nonverbal abilities sometimesbut not alwaysare
shapes and things remained); (b) the world is basically affected in aphasia; however, an important variability
understood through language (I had to re-invent the has been reported.
world around me, because that universe was only in 3. Quite frequently, people without brain pathology inter-
the words); (3) the emotional interpretation of the pret the world through language; and language usually
surrounding world is also mediated through language represents the major instrument of cognition. In
(Because it was no longer important to discover the aphasia the cognitive strategies have to be re-organized.
beauty, as long as it could not be expressed in words);
(4) sensory information (first signaling system)
acquires a particular importance (without the words
the contemplation is an useless call to the senses); and Our sincere gratitude to Adriana Ardila for her editorial
(5) (verbal) intelligence is impaired in aphasia ( that support.
without words become regressive blocking the deepest
intelligence). Simply speaking, this patient is expressing
that his internal cognitive world had significantly Declaration of interest
changed due to the lack of language. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
regarding the publication of this article.
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