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World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering, 2012, 2, 154-160

http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/wjnse.2012.23020 Published Online September 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/wjnse)

Modified Scherrer Equation to Estimate More Accurately

Nano-Crystallite Size Using XRD
Ahmad Monshi*, Mohammad Reza Foroughi#, Mohammad Reza Monshi
Department of Materials Engineering, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Email: *a-monshi@cc.iut.ac.ir, #foroughi@iaun.ac.ir

Received July 20, 2012; revised August 20, 2012; accepted August 28, 2012

Scherrer Equation, L K .cos , was developed in 1918, to calculate the nano crystallite size (L) by XRD radiation
of wavelength (nm) from measuring full width at half maximum of peaks () in radian located at any 2 in the pattern.
Shape factor of K can be 0.62 - 2.08 and is usually taken as about 0.89. But, if all of the peaks of a pattern are going to
give a similar value of L, then .cos must be identical. This means that for a typical 5nm crystallite size and Cuk1
= 0.15405 nm the peak at 2 = 170 must be more than ten times wide with respect to the peak at 2 = 10, which is
never observed. The purpose of modified Scherrer equation given in this paper is to provide a new approach to the kind
of using Scherrer equation, so that a least squares technique can be applied to minimize the sources of errors. Modified
Scherrer equation plots ln against ln(1/cos) and obtains the intercept of a least squares line regression, ln K / L ,
from which a single value of L is obtained through all of the available peaks. This novel technique is used for a natural
Hydroxyapatite (HA) of bovine bone fired at 600C, 700C, 900C and 1100C from which nano crystallite sizes of 22.8,
35.5, 37.3 and 38.1 nm were respectively obtained and 900C was selected for biomaterials purposes. These results
show that modified Scherrer equation method is promising in nano materials applications and can distinguish between
37.3 and 38.1 nm by using the data from all of the available peaks.

Keywords: X-Ray Diffraction; Nano-Crystal; Scherrer Equation; Hydroxyapatite

1. Introduction 2
cos cos 45 (2)
X-ray diffraction is a convenient method for determining 4 2
the mean size of nano crystallites in nano crystalline bulk It can be taken as 0.89 or 0.9 for Full Width Half
materials. The first scientist, Paul Scherrer, published his Maximum (FWHM) of spherical crystals with cubic unit
results in a paper that included what became known as cells. For an excellent discussion of K, a good reference
the Scherrer equation in 1981 [1]. is the paper Scherrer after sixty years in 1978 [2].
This can be attributed to the fact that crystallite size In conventional approximation, the integrated width of
is not synonymous with particle size, while X-Ray the pure profile () is separated from that of the observed
diffraction is sensitive to the crystallite size inside the
diffraction profile (B) assuming that both profiles are
particles. From the well-known Scherrer formula the
either Gaussian or Cauchy [3].
average crystallite size, L, is:
If Gaussian profile is accepted, then B 2 b 2 2 in
K the case of Cauchy B = b + , where b is the instrument
L (1)
.cos profile width. If the broadening of the pure profile is due
to both crystallite size and lattice strain, one has to make
where is the X-ray wavelength in nanometer (nm), is
another assumption concerning the shapes of the two
the peak width of the diffraction peak profile at half
contributing line profiles. Normally, these are supposed
maximum height resulting from small crystallite size in
to be either Gaussian or both Cauchy, then m2 n2
radians and K is a constant related to crystallite shape,
or, m n respectively. m is the line width re-
normally taken as 0.9. The value of in 2 axis of
diffraction profile must be in radians. The can be in sulting from small crystallite size, and n is the line
degrees or radians, since the cos corresponds to the broadening due to the lattice strain. Then we have [4]:
same number; n
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Strain = Change in size/Original size (4) done since grain size can be more easily determined from
It is usually considered that Cauchy function is rather optical or electron microscopy studies in this size range.
well approximated, while Gaussian function gave
considerably larger errors. In order to separate the size 2. Modified Scherrer Equation
and strain contribution: It is assumed that if there are N different peaks of a
specific nano crystal in the range of 0 - 180 (2) or 0 -
4 .t g (5) 90 (), then all of these N peaks must present identical L
values for the crystal size. But, during the extensive
In the case of crystallite size and lattice strain, two research of the first author of thins paper, on different
diffraction peaks must be used to calculate two unknown nano ceramic crystals, which were synthesized or mi-
parameters L and . nerally achieved, it was surprisingly observed that each
In order to consider the Scherrer equation with peak yields a different value and there is a systematic
obtained value of concerning only crystallite size, when error on the results obtained from each peak.
no mechanical activation such as ball milling and Further investigation approved the presence of a sys-
mechanical alloying is the case, or the crystallite size is tematic error in Scherrer formula. In fact since
due to a nucleation and growth at high temperatures, we L K .cos , if L is going to be a fixed value for
must only be concerned about corrections for instru- different peaks of a substance, considering that K and
mental profile width. and therefore K are fixed values, then it is essential that
The Scherrer equation predicts crystallite thickness if .cos be a fixed multiple during 0 < 2 < 180 or 0 <
crystals are smaller than 1000 or 100 nm. The simplest < 90. Suppose that for a crystallite size of 5nm, obtained
way to obtain Scherrer equation is to take the derivation at a peak of say 2 = 10 ( = 5) by using K = 0.89 and
of Braggs Law, 2dsin . Cuk1 = 0.15405 nm.
Holding the wavelength constant and allowing the then 10 must be,
diffraction angle to broaden from a sharp diffraction peak
from an infinite single crystal with perfect 3-dimeintinal 0.89 0.15405
10 0.0275 rad 1.576 (8)
order. For a single crystal, the diffraction from a set of 5cos 5
planes with the distance d* occurs at a precisely *, so Now, suppose that the N th peak of this nano crystal
that = 2d*sin*. occurs at 2 = 170 (or = 85), then;
For many small nano crystals, diffraction from a lot of
tiny crystals deviate from *. 0.89 0.15405
170 0.3146 rad 18.03 (9)
This means 2 on the 2 axis of diffraction pattern. 5cos85
The value of correspond to FWHM or , which is This means that the ratio of 18.03 1.576 11.44
approximately half of 2. In other words since can must be applied for 170 / 10 . In other words if the first
be positive or negative, the absolute value must be taken peak has a 10 of around 2 mm on the monitor of
and it reflects the half width of the shape line deviation in computer plot, or for example, a paper plot 21 cm width
2 axis (full width at half maximum height, ). Deriva- on A4 paper, then the last peak must have a 170 more
tive in d and of Braggs Law with constant gives = than 22.88 mm and a base of peak more than 45.76 mm
2d.cos.. (4.576 cm).
The thickness d = L can be taken as; This has never been observed and cannot be true.
Modified Scherrer formula is based on the face that we
L d (6) must decrease the errors and obtain the average value of
2 cos . cos .
L though all the peaks (or any number of selected peaks)
By applying a shape factor K, which is near the value by using least squares method to mathematically de-
of unit (0.9), the Scherrer equation can be given as: crease the source of errors.
0.9 We can write the basic Scherrer formula as:
L (7)
.cos K K 1
. (10)
The derivation approach is taken by Alexander in Klug L.cos L cos
and Alexander X-ray Diffraction [3] to describe the Now by making logarithm on both sides;
Scherrer equation. It is also easily adoptable to describe
K K 1
the dependence of any two terms in the Bragg equation ln ln ln ln (11)
in terms of variability. For crystals longer than 1000 L.cos L cos
(100 nm), grainy patterns can be analyzed in terms of a If we plot the results of ln against ln( 1 cos ), then a
statistical analysis to grain size, although this is rarely straight line with a slope of around one and an intercept

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of about lnK/L must be obtained. Theoretically this 3. Experimental

straight line must be with a slope of 45 since tg45 = 1
Bovine bones were boiled for 2 hr to remove flesh and
(Figure 1). But, since errors are associated with ex-
fat. The bones were heated at 60C for 24 hr to remove
perimental data, the least squares method gives the best
moisture. To prevent blackening with soot during heating,
slope and most accurate lnK/L. After getting the inter-
the bones are cut into small pieces of about 10 mm thick
cept, then the exponential of the intercept is obtained:
and heated at 400C (bone ash) for 3 hr in air to allow for
ln K evaporation of organic substances. The resulting black
e L
L bone ash was heated for 2 hr at 600C, 700C, 900C and
1100C [5].
Having K = 0.9 and (such as Cuk1 = 0.15405 nm), a
A Philips XRD instrument with Cuk radiation using
single value of L in nanometer can be calculated.
40 KV and 30 mA, step size of 0.05 (2) and scan rate of
1/min were employed. XPert software was used for
qualitative analysis and report of values at FWHM at
different 2 values according to location of the peaks.
According to JCPDS:9-432 standard the main peaks are
from the planes of (200), (111), (002), (102), (210), (211),
(112), (300), (202), (212), (310), (311), (113), (222),
(312) and (213) of HA phase for 20 - 50 deg. 2.
4. Results and Discussion
Table 1 shows the .cos values for different peaks at
any given temperature.
The XRD patterns are observed in Figure 2 with
gradual sharpness of the peaks as the soaking temper-
ature increases, indicating the growth and increase of
crystallite size.
In (1/cos) Relatively gradual decrease in .cos and almost
increase in L values L (const. / .cos ) is observed
Figure 1. Modified scherrer equation plot. with the increase of 2. Such as increase in crystallite

Table 1. Values of .cos for different peaks.

Temperature (C)
d Calculated L at 900C (nm)
400 600 700 900 1100
(200) 5.06 103 5.06 103 5.06 103 27.1
3 3
(111) 5.05 10 5.05 10 27.1
(002) 2.24 103 5.02 103 3.35 103 3.35 103 3.35 103 40.9
3 3 3
(102) 2.50 10 3.34 10 2.50 10 41
(210) 3.23 103 2.50 103 42.4
(211) 9.90 103 11.5 103 2.48 103 3.31 103 2.48 103 41.4
(112) 2.48 103 2.48 103 2.48 103 55.2
3 3 3
(300) 2.47 10 3.30 10 3.30 10 41.5
3 3 3
(202) 3.29 10 3.29 10 3.29 10 41.6
(212) 2.43 103 2.43 103 56.4
3 3 3 3 3
(310) 11.3 10 12.9 10 2.42 10 2.16 10 3.23 10 63.4
(311) 2.41 103 4.81 103 2.41 103 28.5
3 3 3
(113) 3.19 10 6.38 10 3.19 10 21.5
(222) 7.88 103 7.88 103 3.16 103 2.11 103 3.16 103 65
3 3 3
(312) 3.14 10 3.14 10 3.14 10 43.6
(213) 9.35 103 6.25 103 3.89 103 3.12 103 2.09 103 44

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Figure 2. Patterns of XRD analysis related to natural HA of thermal analysis at temperatures of: (a) 400C (bone ash); (b)
600C; (c) 700C; (d) 900C and (e) 1100C.

size of HA were also observed by Shipmen et al. [6]. The It is interesting to notice that although variations exist
samples fired at 600C - 1100C were used. in ln values, but the intercept systematically changes as
Figure 3 indicates four plots of ln vs. ln( 1cos ) for 5.1196, 5.5542, 5.6054 and 5.6276 respectively for
individual soaking temperatures; together with the equa- 600C, 700C, 900C and 1100C. The treatment is
tions of linear least squares method obtained from linear shown in Table 2 leading to values of 22.8, 35.5, 37.3
regression of data in excel plots. Due to sources of error and 38.1 nanometers respectively. Danilchenko et al. [6]
in measuring and treating for different available peaks, have also reported the bone mineral crystalline size of
since the .cos multiple is not really a constant value for about 20 nm.
The plot of crystal size of HA vs. firing temperature is
all the peaks, deviate from 45 and are negative
given in Figure 4. From this figure it can be understood
in some cases. The reason that the slopes are negative are
that the shape is similar to that of parabolic Law.
due to the fact that at higher angles, of 2, with lower
Crystallinity sharply increase from 600C to 700C, but
values of cos and higher values of ln( 1cos ), the the rate slows down from 700C to 1100C. It seems that
amounts of observed and measured are less than it must the driving force for the growth of nano crystallite size of
be according to Scherrers formula. This means that a 45 HA is highly provided when the temperature increases
slope for the linear plots are hardly achieved. The errors from 600C to 700C, but is less affected by higher tem-
involved in Scherrer equation when employing different perature increases. In other words the experimental acti-
peaks are the main cause of scattering of the points. vation energy for the growth of nano HA crystallites can
Some other sources of error are measuring ln and be provided in 600C to 700C. The values of L/T
ln( 1cos ). The significance of this work is to minimize representing the rate of growth in size are plotted against
the errors by applying a method to use least squares Temperature (C) in Figure 5. This figure can confirm
technique for obtaining the best results.
The modified Scherrer equation can provide the Table 2. Treatment of linear plots to obtain nano size of
advantage of decreasing the sum of absolute values of crystallites.
errors, ln , and producing a single line through
0.89 0.154051
Temperature (C) e L
L (nm)
the points to give a single value of intercept lnK/L. At L
600C, the linear regression plot is obtained as 600 e 5.1196 0.006 22.8
y 4.8149 x 5.1196 . This is equivalent to 700 e 5.5542 0.00387 35.5
ln 4.8149 ln1 / cos ln K / L . From this line, the
900 e 5.6054
0.00368 37.3
intercept is 5.1196 and K / L e 5.1196 0.006 and
1100 e 5.16276
0.0036 38.1
L 0.89 0.15405 / 0.006 22.8 nm (13)

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Figure 3. Linear plots of modified scherrer equation and obtained intercepts for different firings of ha.

Figure 4. Crystal size (nm) of HA against firing temperature.

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Figure 5. Plot of L/T (slope of plot in Figure 4) against temperature (C).

Figure 6. All of the diffraction planes of HA firing at 900C.

the about discussion that the most increase in size of 5. Conclusions

nano HA or L/T occurs at 600C to 700C.
Some peaks of -Tricalcium phosphate (-TCP) shows 1) Scherrer equation systematically show increased
up at 1100C. In order to obtain well developed values of nano crystalline size as d values decrease and
crystallines of HA without the side effect of -TCP, 2 values increase, since .cos cannot be maintained as
firing at 900C was selected for biomaterial purposes. constant.
The XRD pattern of this sample is shown in Figure 6, 2) If ln is plotted against ln(1/cos) and least squares
showing all of the diffraction planes. method is employed, the intercept gives ln = K/L, from

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