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Len Pe ay REQUIRES THE USE OF THE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ®) THIRD EDITION CORE HOOKS, PUBLISHED BY WIZARDS OF THE COAST @ SI] wet 7 A RACES OF RENOWN SOURCEBOOK FOR THE 020 SYSTEM Design: Jim Bishop {is ©2002 bythe respective arias Reference to osher iting and Development: Jennifer Clatke-Wilkes copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge ting id Dewees seller ces Was to the respective copyright holders of that material. Proofteading and Additional Development: Cris Pramas Dangons& Dragons? and Wizards of the Coast) ae Registered Trademarks of Wisaeds of the Coast, Cover Iustration: Mare Evans and ate used with permission Interior Illustration: Toren “MacBin” Atkinson All text inthis product is designated as Open Graphic Design: tl Mangold Gaming Concent. Green Ronin Publishing PO. Box 1723 Renton, WA 98087-1723, sworusgrcentonin.com Green Ronin Staff: Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold (Chris Pramas, and Evan Sass Wat ook te Oc and Hans 002 by Green Ronin Publibing. Art GREEN RONIN PUBLISHING WOULD LIKE TO DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO THE MEMORY OF CHRI5 BLEDSOE, NO ONE RACED LIKE CHRIS AND THE GAME INDUSTRY 15 THE POORER FOR HI5 LOSS. - TADLE OF CONTENTS - ‘Akernative Ore Racal Concepts. CHAPTER TWO; FEATS Feat Deseipons 2 CHAPTER THREE: PRESTICE CLASSES, Bride of He Who- Watches Honored Host Mother of Rage. 7 (Ore Sapper. charren FOUR; CREATURES., CHAPTER FOUR: ‘THE GODS & THEIR JERVANTS The Great Warband The Patrons CHAPTER SIX: ‘Sreus & Mace Spel Lit New Clerk Domain New Spell Despont. CHAPTER SEVER: CQUIPMENT., Exotic Weapons ‘Special and Superior lems Magic Hemsnnnnnnn Siege Engines. APPENDIX: TYPICAL NPCS, SAYA Mca pee OPEN GAME LICENSE Versio 1.0 The following tent the property of Wizards ofthe Coste and i Copyrighe 200 Wiese ofthe Cost, Ie (Wea), Al Rights Reserved 1; Defias 6)"Contibntoes” ees th Copyegh sl/ tademark oes sv have contbtl Open Game Conte)" Dematve Mater” meine ‘opyrghed materi inching denvative works and wanton cluding int other computer ngage), potion, moriiation, convection, ation, ‘extension, pyre, improvement, complain, abidgment or hs for ‘which an exhting wos maybe rest tanaformal oe adapted () “Dist” trea reprace, Kens, ren aes, broadcast, pblely pay, eansmit ‘rosersie dnt; "Open Game Content means the are mechani todiacludes the meods, procedes, processes and ovis w the extent, duch content does aot bendy the Proact Ment ad is an ena ment ‘ve the pirat and any dog coset clei Menifee Open Game Content by the Contr, and ‘gency werk corer this ene, neloing tensions aad derivate storks under copii but specially exlodes Proc ei 6) "Proce ent" means prodet sod proce mares, logos and ening mas inching tad des acts ‘rere chances tore, Sores ploy hema cement, log, neers, Tang, rer mb, desis depictions, ikenesse foxmat poses concep themes snd grape, photographic and terval or wai regen aes ae dkeseptons of characters spel enchantment Peroni ccm, persons ences td special aber: places Iocaions, teageal or eoperatual ables oe «fects logon yma rape ‘esgnsand any cher adem ent as Produc ientiy by the owner ofthe Product ent, and which speceay cxclades the Open Game Content (0 “Trademark mean he logon, ames, ath, sig, mot, dss that tne wed bya Connor o en felt tts products or the odie proce ‘otebutd to dhe Open Gume License by the Contbuoe “Ue”, "Used" oe "sing” ean to we, Distbat, copy ede format, mod ast and totersie crete Derive Mater of Open Game Comen.(h) "You" of "Your" means the leeawe aterm of thi agreement 2 The License: Ths Liens apps to any Open Game Content that contains noticing that dhe Open Game Coment may ony be Used wer tnd in terms ofthis License. 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Publhing, Astor Jn Bho, ‘B20 Syste an the D2 Stern” ogo ae Tamas osm by Wirth ofthe Coartand arsed aconting to the rrms of he D20 Sytem License ‘copy of thi Liens can he ound at wwaswzarcomn/20. : RACEs.OF KENOWN: WRATH & KAGE INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION “AU be surerder will be pared; wbeser des wot saree, bat opposes it srg and dsension shal be anid.” conte Khan (Ores have been the fll guys of fantasy gaming for over a quarter century. Inthe old days when orcs came in packs of 20-200, they were nothing but sword fodder without a strong leader—and even with one they died like flies. They have been deseribedas filth, stupid, and ule, beginning on the Borderlands and savage, and depicted with the snouts and eats of swine. They come to defet in module afer m continuing 1 the adventute paths of tod. Even thee children by humans are too ups brutish, and stupid to do anything but swing an axe ‘And hae exactly how it should be ‘The ores presented in Wrath & Rage wll be familie to most readers. They ae brutal, strong, savage, and ttrly ruthless. They despise the ood races, whose lands and precious civilization they seek to put tothe toch. The only difference berween these and pas oes is that this book wes to answer the question: Why? Why are they so nasty and mean; why do they hate elves so much; 2nd what’ the deal with the big Several answers at given inthis book, and depending on which version you adopt in your campaign, ores could become sympathetic, even heroic fgures—oe simply easier to hate. When yous players finaly learn the truth behind the ore’ fury, they could choose to join their tenemiet’ side or fight agains them even more fiercely. In any ease, the orcs inthis book are designed to make this ancient and complex race a litle more real, vem litte more human New GAME ELEMENTS AND EXISTING CHARACTERS “Most of the material in tis book ie sable by characters of any level, within the bounds of class and race. However, there are bound to be cements that players and GMs wish to incorporate ino an ongoing campaign that, had a player been aware of them eater, might have lel ‘o diferent choices for an existing character. New material should never punish a plays fo choices made a eal levels, With chat in mind, res plenty of flexibility in the d20 system for GMs and players to change the requirements for using new material or even slightly alter existing characters. Por example, precequisites for a prestige class might be adjusted to allow access to th class without starting an entirely ‘ne charcte, of the GM might allow an existing half-ore character pat Lt level access toa fext such as Filthy. I all such eaes, the GM is the final arbiter oF the rules inthe campaign. Whenever you integrite this materi into your campaign in an interesting way, please share your ‘eas on the message boards at worwsgreentonin.com, ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jim Bishop has contributed design 10 Legion of Hel Preepert: The City of Adventure 0d Armies of the Abs and co-wrote and edited the ‘ORIGINS nominated adventure Helin Frepert. He was a contsibutor to the Cabrsof Magic anthology and has written a number of articles for DRAGON Magazine. He lives in Edmonton and has a day job at BioWare making computer games. SPECIAL THANKS ‘Special chancs 10 Chris and Nicole and the Seatle eres for sorely-missed gaming; to Mask Dareah and Mate Goldman for ideas and spirstion; and as avays to Keishena for everything. RACES. OF. CLP Pct Nu & Race CHAPTER ONE: -THE WAY OF THE SCAR z RACES. OF KENOWN: WRATH & RACE: CHAPTER ONE: THE WAY PLAYING A HALF-ORC CHARACTER » ORC AND HALF-ORC ARCHETYPES NOBLE SAVAGE ‘Your mind is simple, untouched by “civilized” ideas like bigotry, jealousy, and betrayal. Your strong code of personal honor makes you a valuable aly anda deadly enemy: Noble savage characters ‘might even resemble prow-paladins,catrying the banner of the ‘ibe without the religious baggage that weighs so heaily on the modern paladin. DATTLERACER, ‘You are never so alive as when you'e screaming bloody vengeance to the skies, or chopping up your enemies like firewood. You have learned to tap into the deep well of ore hatred, and everything else in life pales in comparison to the pute jy of batle. Ores and half ‘ores are the ultimate barbarians, but even nonbarbasan characters can work into this archetype. Ore warriors expecially rely on great, strength and blood last ro defext cheie enemies, since they lack the traning ofa fighter and the talents ofa paladin or rngee. BACK-ALLEY KNEECAPFER Whether you were deesived by evil or sought it out on your own, you'te one of the bad guys now. The kncccapper is dhe clatsc hal ‘ore assassin: the sneakies,cruelest poster child for neutal evil ever tohang around «tavern, Half-orcs will aver win a contest in hiding ‘or moving silently, but this one would Hey rig the competion ‘with physical threats and shake down the other contestants before it started, then steal the winner’ trophy an howe after it was awaeded, Sach characters ean be damaging to a heroic campaign, but in a city campaign where ethical lines are bluery,chey make Fantastic antiheroes. Those intrested in an assassin core class may want to check out Green Ronia’s Arsssn Handbook. SEPARATIST ‘You have seen yout people abused and oppressed by the “good” races for too long, and now you advocate a complete withdraval from the civilized world. Ores should have their own homeland, ‘where they ean lve unbothered by the imperilse humans and ‘supremacist elves and divarves. You have no paticace forthe ‘ignorant belief thar ores ae eid —“evil” i ust a label applied by the ‘oppressor to those who fightback THE EXCEPTION Kind and polite, with manners and a fir for language, you stand out as the exact opposite ofthe steroopicl ore or hal-orc. Exceptions ‘work twice as hard as everyone ele, since they have to overcome the negative image of an entre race. They do not show up often, but players immediately recognize and sympathize with such characters ‘when they do make an appearance. ORO, HALF-ORC, AND THE CORE CLADSES ‘Although at their betas front-line mele fighters, ores and hal ‘ores fit well nto many roles. The folowing notes provide an entry point into choosing a class for an ore or halore character or NPC. ‘Option” comments offer some roleplaying and world-building tips ADEPT Most ore spelleasters ate adept, and although these hedge wizands tre not as powerful as their spccialized cousins in arcane and divine casting, they have a surprisingly strong and flexible spel list. Adepis fll many roles in ore society, acting as thee tbe seer, ‘matchmakers, healers, herbalists, historians, midwives, and scribes, as well as defenders when the ibe is under atack. Anos all ore sdeps are female; mals with magical talent usually follow the cleseal tradition. CM Optioe Raising the adepr’ skill points to 4+ Lor modifier per level isan easy way to improve this class and to better efice its many roles in an ote band. BARBARIAN With the orcs great strength and affinity fr this classi a natural choice, Ore and half-ore barbarians can dish out so much | Punishment, and benefit so nicely from the other class abilities, hat ‘her’ literally no downside to this combination ler Opin: Expand your tactical options with the Defensive or Focused Rage feats ot pay 10 your strengths with Unholy or Unstoppable Rage (see Chapter 2: Feats), CXC S30) a Canto! Ati ire da (6a CHAPTER ONE: -THE-WAY OF THE SCAR BARD ‘With their racial penalty to Charisma and tersible reputation among civilized races, oes and hal-ores make poor enrertainers and even worse batds. Although a few levels of bard might help some characters, rogue level almost always serve the purpose better. However, th ery fact that orcs are ill-suited to the role rakes the occasional ore bard that docs erop up (ith bagpipes, kettle drums, or the tiniest ukulele) that much more interesting and fan t0 pla CLERIC Although less common than adepts,cleres are found inal lange it penalty to Charisma ensures they'll never be the best at turning of sebuking undead, and with ther penalty to lotelligence, they arent exactly fonts of knowledge ‘ore warhands, Ores and half-ores don’t make bad ceres, but Plager Option: Improve your spelleasting ability by taking the Eye ‘of He-Who- Watches feat, and the eats that descend from it (see (Chapter 2: Feats), DRUID Most ores and halfores just don't fir the natural world very mach “They prefer the simple joys of a grass fire to the complex beauty of a forest Subterranean deaids don’ appear often ether, since ‘most ones hate their exile from the sutface world and would never actively seck to preserve the underground environment. When fore druids do show wp, they are almost always neutral evil and ‘work to organize large groups of wild creatures to attack cvilized settlements, layers Option: Become a participant inthe hunt forbe-hunted world of nature by taking the Seent and Bite feats (see Chapter 2: Feats). EXPERT Few ores fllow the expert path, but those who do ean rive to positions of great power and prestige— though more often as advisors than as chiefs Half-orc experts ace ‘moze common, but stil rae compared to the number of humans who take this lass Most ore experts choose a number of rogue skis 2¢ well av all-purpose skills like Climb, Ride, ond Swim, layer Option: The best exclusive skill you can choose at character cxcaton is Use Magic Device. Pa as maay points as you ean int it, and stat collecting wands and scrolls as carly as possible FIGHTER Although most orcs lack the dedication and patience the fighter class demands, half ore fighters are quite common and devastatingly effective. Because of their low Intelligence, the Expertise feat path is rarely followed by ores or half-ores. yrs Option: Don't mess around a8 an ore Fighter—take Power [Attack and Cleave as erly as possible, then concentrate on feats that put damage on your txget. Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization are key MONK Alignment restriction as the ote or half-ore character, Ores do nat have racial penalties to Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom (the key abilities for monk), and thie high Strengeh jst lets them hand out big helpings of punchy damage. On the background sie, is hard to justify a martial order (of ores endlessly practicing kat as they strive for enlightenment, , this is one of the best choices for but ores who worship Iron Fis or Seven Hlunt Seven (see Chapter 5: The Gods and Their Servants) might be organized enough to do exactly that. (GM: Option: Ore monks wil be prey rare without some special steps being taken. Consider relaxing the alignment restrictions for ore monks to any nonchaotic alignment (instead of any ll alignment) t0 ‘encourage this choice CHAPTER: ON CaM Weel eile Ye. g PALADIN Rocue The orc penal to Chasis and the evil teadencics of most ores Most ore and half-ore (Gee Are are encountered are except rogues sd they tend to ove ‘of fighter or ranger to enhance their combat abil with honor and disineion. Ore paladins favor great cats, chins, and although they are not as stealthy clephants as mounts, sheet power more than males u layers Option: Pets lke Distracting Shor, Sureet Fighter (see Chapter 2: Feats) expand on your natal talents for mayhem. SORCERER ANP WIZARD Surprises, and RANGER Rangers fill avery different role in ore society than th this an intresting choice fora multclasced barbarian or fighter. © WARRIOR ‘moving on to humans and the rest. GM Option: Ores are such experienced enemies of the civilized races that you might consider allowing them to choose character classes, instead of races, as favored enemies. An ore ranger CHAPTER ONE: sTHE.WAY OF THE SCAR ALTERNATIVE ORC RACIAL CONCEPTS - Although ores have not changed much in twenty-five years OF fantasy roleplaying, they still have alot oF Rib let in them, In your eampaign ores might not he evi or savage, might not be stupid or up, or might never invade their neighbors, The following portrayals of ores differ from the standard view in significant ways, and allow the GM to paint a very different picture of these ancient ‘enemies in his campaign “These descriptions are aot necessaily exclusive; you can easily combine ro or more concepts to suit your visio, Akernativey lfferentsubraces or types might embody diferent themes. Bach suggestion inludes ideas for modifying the race in minor ways to ‘embody a given theme THE SAUACE Horve (One way to use ores in a ‘campaign is to pla them as frantic, screaming hordes of {inhuman monsters, cotlly ‘without sympathy othe slightest eapacicy for doing ‘good. In this portrayal, the ore race is nothing like humans for elver—ores are nt even, humanoid, Instead these hairy brutes are monstrous humanoids, reat savages who advance le monsters—by growing huge and powerful — instead of by taking levels in character class “This is obviously a very different pice of the ore sic, and it {goes agninst many conventional precept. Its biggest advantage is that it makes ores diferent, they are no longer ust mean people in ore suits, bea completely alien race, with their ‘own motivations and goals. ‘The disadvantage is that this major shift could go against part of « GM's earpaign setting, and it requires some work to build into a standard roleplaying world ERCOURTERS Savage ores breed only when there is enough food to go around, ‘much like rats But since all he ores breed at once, the food supply is always suddenly depleted, and dhe now-huge tribe oust look dlsewhete for resources. As a result, every few years a great wave of, savage ores comes spilling out of the mountains into the civilized lands, king and looting as they go. The party could be asked 0 help stem the tide of invasion or to spy cut a growing horde; they could ‘even be hired by the horde ise to determine which of the towns in ever valley 2 spe for slaughter. ALTERNATIVE RACIAL ABILITICS ‘Orcs in his option are monstrous humanoids, with game statistics as set out below. THE CREATED In this view of ores, the race was not born in che ordinary sense but was artificially consteucted by an unknown hand. There are many possibilities in this view, from ores as victims of elaborate torture, tothe product of magical experiments, to divinely ‘generated plage upon the planet (though see The Cancer, below, for more on this last option). One of the best solutions is to de the orcs" created status with the Fact that they ean crossbreed with everything bus eves; a this ‘option, the ores were created from elf stock, and theie extensive aerttions make them unable to breed with their parent race, In any ease, they do not follow the ordinary ules for humanoid evolution and breeding. They are (in modem terms) genetically engineered as perfect survivors, much ike bi, ‘two-legged cockroaches, “This ia subse option, and the truth behind the orcs origin (or the fact that there is anything vwowsual about them atall) is revealed theough pieces of information that the PCs might ‘not acquire unsil months into a campaign. ENCOUNTERS Created ores behave exactly like regular ores, so most encounters with ther are unchanged Encounters abot created ores are something ese ene. For ‘example, the PCs could discover an abandoned wizards tower with the remaants of magical experimentation, and notes that describe the mad mage's progress towards eeating a new creature. They could alo learn tha ores’ hatred for elves arises from the face tha they descended fromm the fui eace—perhaps the elves are even awace of this fact and work to suppress i. The inteigues and plot twists that accompany this investigation could encompass an entre campaign. ALTERNATIVE RACIAL ABILITIES (Created orcs have the standard ore statistics, but they gain one new special quality, Lamarckian evolution, that accelerates theit advancement I NCSSC0Lz CACO UAC ULLEo GXC CHAPTER ONE THE WAY OF THE SCAR LAMARCKIAN EVOLUTION (€X) The descendents of created ores who extned experience before thet child’ bith receive 1/5 the sum of theie parents’ XP otal at birth For example, the son of an adept with 1,150 XP and s barbarian \with 4,300 XP would begin life with 1,050 XP (1,15043,300/5), enough to start outwith two cass levels THe BETRAYED “Tis it among the easiest and most effective changes you can make toores in your eampaign. Instead of portraying them as bellowing lunatics bent on meaningless slaughter, simply give a good reason for thet rage Ifthe orc rae is justifiably angry, they come to be sympathetic, even tragic Figures, Perhaps they were tricked by the eles at the dawn of time, and then repeatedly betrayed throughout history. The danger with this approach is that you could potentially lose an excellent bad guy for yous campaign If che PCs identify too closely with the downtrodden mastes of the ores, they might refuse t fight ‘hem, of actualy swite sides and support them in their able serugple against thie oppressors. If, on the other hand, you print the ores’ rage 2s misguided — pethaps the elves have their own version of what happened back in the old daye—then the orcs lose some of thee sympathetic tiand become monsters agin, albeit misinformed instead of ‘merely ev In any case, humanizing the ores fof your campaign inthis way edd a depth and complexity to them that most players will appreciate, and ean turn even the most straightforward dungeon cent into a roleplaying ‘opportunity The PCs could find themselves negotiating a truce (on behalf of an ore kingdom, oF pleading the elves ease before an ore tribunal, navigating through ancient hatreds at each step of the ENCOUNTERS Betrayed ores are just like regular ote, only more sa. They hate cdves and dovarves with a consuming passion that defines theis very ‘existence and identity a «race. They dedicate themselves to wae against cheir enemies and prepare endescly for combat, even making paces with lesser enemies in order vo further their ulimate goal. In this pier of the ac, pety conceens are totally eelpsed by a single, driving hatred and ambition Because of their abiding rag, encounters with betrayed ores might be prefaced by encounters with anathema creatures that ae spawned by the accumulation of fury around orc encampment (see Chapter 4: Creatures forthe anathema template), ALTERNATIVE RACIAL ADILITICS Replace ores favored class of barbarian with anger to emphasize the sharp focus they place on defeating specif racial encmies. ‘Ores with elves and dwarves as their Sst favored enemies would bbe cammon if you choose this option, Additionally, betrayed ores gain the smite good ability when they reach 5th evel, reguedless of their clas Suite Coop (su) Once per day you can focus your anger into a devastating melee attack. Add your Charisma modifier if positive) to your axeack rll and deal T extra point of damage per HD. This ability functions only against ‘Rood: ligned opponents. You can trigger this airy at will, but only on your tuen. THE CANCER In many ways this option is similar to The Created, above, Both provide an alternative origin seory for ores, and bor sive the race unusual new abilities related to reproduction. In this alternative, ores are 8 sent down to the world as punishment for its sin. They breed like rabbits snd spread lke kudzu, invading every ecological niche they ‘encounter in short order, and dominating whole landscapes with thei offpring, ‘They are a virus and plague, meant to fnstract wayward mortals in the folly of opposing the gods. divinely created “These cancerous ores are ‘aggressive only while they move into a new atea; once itis pacified, they get down tothe business of love, and within weeks new liters Cf the menace are on their way: Under this option, ote liters are ‘berwcen three and six offepring in size (unlike the standard one of ts) and the young reach physical and sexval maturity in a mete rine months ENCOUNTERS "These ores provide an immediate threat to any campaign setting, and a quest to ether slow down their reproductive rate or appease the gods that sent them could be tied to a whole sexes of adventures. Besides thee fecundity and tenacity (see below), ores tN 2) OF. CoOL APOC Na re a CXC cer under this option would likely be encountered with rabid creatures (Gee Chapter 4: Creatures for che rabid template) driven mad by Arinking water polluted with ore wastes, ALTERNATIVE RACIAL ABILITIES WEEDLIKE TERACITY (5U) If one of these oes des of poison or disease, its unborn offspring nitis and save bonuses persist theo gencrations, and there is no limit to the number o bonuses that may accumulate in this manne. THe CONQUERORS es and nent spanning powers. Thee armies sweep across the globe,