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Senior High School

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Activity 2


Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________

I. Rewrite the text below using the 3 kinds of citations. Observe correct punctuation.

Smart phones resulted from global innovations in technology and therefore, consumers
need to be updated on the latest trends if the want to maximize opportunities, offered by these
gadgets to make daily activities more convenient

- Tuason, H. - Globalization, p 7 , De Lasalle Manila, June 3, 2013

Text-Oriented Citation

Author- Oriented Citation


Citation by Phrases

II. Tick the box for each of the following acts that do constitute plagiarism.

Meeting with another English teacher for a consultation.

Using the exact words of another writer, within quotation marks and with a parenthetical
Submitting a paper turned in for another class
Allowing classmates in your peer review group to comment on your paper
Allowing a tutor or friend to edit your paper.
Submit a paper written by your classmates as your own, with his or her permission.
Take a passage from a source and change the words using a thesaurus.
Cite the name of the author using citations and summarize the ideas using own words.
Posting videos of yourself from youtube covering songs made or sung by a particular artist.

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