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Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 10:9, 2706--2712; September 2014; 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Meningitis caused by Neisseria Meningitidis,

Hemophilus Inuenzae Type B and Streptococcus
Pneumoniae during 20052012 in Turkey
A multicenter prospective surveillance study
Mehmet Ceyhan1,y, Nezahat G urler2,y, Yasemin Ozsurekci1,y,*, Melike Keser3,y, Ahmet Emre Aycan1,y, Venhar Gurbuz1,y,
Nuran Salman , Yildiz Camcioglu5,y, Ener Cagri Dinleyici6,y, Sengul Ozkan7,y, Gulnar Sensoy8, Nursen Belet8,y, Emre Alhan9,

Mustafa Hacimustafaoglu10,y, Solmaz Celebi10,y, Hakan Uzun11,y, Ahmet Faik Oner12,y, Zafer Kurugol13,y, Mehmet Ali Tas14,y,
Denizmen Aygun15,y, Eda Karadag Oncel1,y, Melda Celik1,y, Olcay Yasa16,y, Fatih Akin17,y, and Yavuz Coskun18,y
Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine; Ankara, Turkey; 2Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology; Istanbul Univer-
sity Faculty of Medicine; Istanbul, Turkey; 3Department of Pediatrics; Selcuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine; Konya, Turkey; 4Department of Pediatrics; Istanbul University
Faculty of Medicine; Istanbul, Turkey; 5Department of Pediatrics; Istanbul University; Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine; Istanbul, Turkey; 6Department of Pediatrics; Osmangazi Uni-
versity Faculty of Medicine; Eskisehir, Turkey; 7Microbiology Laboratory; Dr. Sami Ulus Childrens Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital; Ankara, Turkey; 8Department
of Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine; Samsun, Turkey; 9Department of Pediatrics, Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine; Adana,
Turkey; 10Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Uludag University Faculty of Medicine; Bursa, Turkey; 11Department of Pediatrics; Duzce University Faculty of Medicine;
Duzce, Turkey; 12Department of Pediatrics; Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Medicine; Van, Turkeya; 13Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Ege University Faculty of
Medicine; Izmir, Turkey; 14Department of Pediatrics; Dicle University Faculty of Medicine; Diyarbakir, Turkey; 15Department of Pediatrics; Firat University Faculty of Medicine; Elazig,
Turkey; 16Goztepe Research and Training Hospital; Department of Pediatrics; Istanbul, Turkey; 17Department of Pediatrics; Konya Training and Research Hospital; Konya, Turkey;
Gaziantep University; Faculty of Medicine; Department of Pediatrics; Gaziantep, Turkey

Turkish Meningitis Surveillance Team

Keywords: Meningitis, Turkey, etiologic agents, N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, Hib, epidemiology, surveillance

Successful vaccination policies for protection from bacterial meningitis are dependent on determination of the
etiology of bacterial meningitis. Cerebrospinal uid (CSF) samples were obtained prospectively from children from 1
month to  18 years of age hospitalized with suspected meningitis, in order to determine the etiology of meningitis in
Turkey. DNA evidence of Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis), Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae), and
Hemophilus inuenzae type b (Hib) was detected using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In total, 1452 CSF
samples were evaluated and bacterial etiology was determined in 645 (44.4%) cases between 2005 and 2012; N.
meningitidis was detected in 333 (51.6%), S. pneumoniae in 195 (30.2%), and Hib in 117 (18.1%) of the PCR positive
samples. Of the 333 N. meningitidis positive samples 127 (38.1%) were identied as serogroup W-135, 87 (26.1%)
serogroup B, 28 (8.4%) serogroup A and 3 (0.9%) serogroup Y; 88 (26.4%) were non-groupable. As vaccines against the
most frequent bacterial isolates in this study are available and licensed, these results highlight the need for broad
based protection against meningococcal disease in Turkey.

Introduction fer permanent sequel, including epilepsy, mental retardation, or

sensorineural deafness.5-7
Acute bacterial meningitis is one of the most severe infectious In infants and children, before the introduction of modern
diseases, not only causing physical and neurologic sequelae, but vaccines, 90% of reported cases of acute bacterial meningitis
also continues to be an important cause of mortality.1,2 Although were caused by Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), Streptococcus
most disease occurs in infants and young children, high incidence pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae), or Neisseria meningitidis (N. menin-
may be observed in healthy older children and adolescents. gitidis).8,9 Hib meningitis primarily affects very young children,
Despite the continuing development of new antibacterial agents, most cases occurring in children from 1 mo to 3 y of age.3,9 The
bacterial meningitis fatality rates remain high, with reported rates introduction of highly effective Hib polysaccharide-protein con-
between 2% and 30%.3,4 Furthermore, 1020% of survivors suf- jugate vaccines has virtually eliminated invasive Hib disease in

*Correspondence to: Yasemin Ozsurekci; Email: yas.oguz99@yahoo.com

Submitted: 02/20/2014; Revised: 06/10/2014; Accepted: 06/21/2014

2706 Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Volume 10 Issue 9

most industrialized countries where routine Hib vaccination has As knowledge of the local epidemiology is necessary to sup-
been implemented.8,9 port policymakers decision on the most appropriate vaccine to be
In most countries, S. pneumoniae was the next major cause of used against bacterial meningitis, since 2005 we have been per-
childhood bacterial meningitis, particularly in those where Hib forming a nationwide hospital-based meningitis surveillance
disease has been eliminated by vaccination.10 In some European study across several regions of Turkey. We present here the
and sub-Saharan African countries, it is the second most fre- results from 2005 to 2012.
quently reported cause of septic meningitis after meningococcal
cases.4,10 The ongoing development and introduction into rou-
tine immunization schedules of glycoconjugate pneumococcal Materials and Methods
vaccines has markedly reduced the incidence of disease caused
by vaccine serotypes, initially against the seven serotypes in the Study design
first vaccine, and now with coverage increasing from 10 or 13 This multicenter, hospital-based, prospective, epidemiological
serotypes in recent years. study was conducted in Turkey between February 2005 and
The success of these vaccines means N. meningitidis is now December 2012 among children and adolescents younger than
considered to be the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in 18 y of age. The study was reviewed and approved by the Hacet-
many regions of the world, causing an estimated 1.2 million cases tepe University Institutional Ethics Committee. This ethical
of bacterial meningitis and sepsis worldwide each year.11,12 There approval was sufficient for the other study sites as well. Patients
are 12 recognized serogroups of N.meningitidis, but the vast with suspected meningitis were screened and hospitalized in 12
majority of invasive disease is related to six meningococcal hospitals located in 7 regions of Turkey [Central Anatolia, Mar-
serogroups: (Men) A, B, C, W-135, X and Y.13-15 The epidemi- mara, South East Anatolia, Aegean, East Anatolia, Mediterra-
ology and distribution of these disease-causing serogroups varies nean, and Black Sea] which provide healthcare services to
widely by geographic region: so while Men A is the most pre- approximately 32% of the Turkish population. After patients
dominant disease-causing serogroup in sub-Saharan Africa and parents/legal guardians had given informed consent, specimens
remains an important factor in parts of Asia, it now seldom if were collected for the diagnosis.
ever occurs in Western Europe or North America, where cases of Hospital pediatricians identified suspected cases of acute bac-
Men A used to occur. In contrast, Men B and Men C dominate terial meningitis based on the following standard criteria: any
in the industrialized countries of North and South America,15,16 sign of meningitis (fever [38 C], vomiting [3 episodes in
while the introduction of routine childhood vaccination with 24 h], headache, signs of meningeal irritation [bulging fontanel,
monovalent meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccines into Kernig or Brudzinski signs, or neck stiffness]) in children >1 y of
Europe and Australia has markedly decreased incidence there. age; fever without any documented source; impaired conscious-
Serogroup W-135 has recently emerged in some parts of the ness (Blantyre Coma Scale <4 if <9 mo of age and <5 if 9
world, primarily in the Middle East and Africa, in some instances mo of age)20; prostration (inability to sit unassisted if  9 mo of
causing large epidemics, and has been associated with small out- age or breastfeed if <9 mo of age) in those <1 y of age; and seiz-
breaks in Europe due to pilgrims returning from Hajj.17 Men Y ures (other than those regarded as simple febrile seizures with full
has been increasing in relative incidence over recent years in recovery within 1 h). For each suspected case, demographic data,
North America, South America and South Africa, and most main clinical signs and symptoms, prior clinical history including
recently, cases of Men X disease have emerged in sub-Saharan use of antimicrobial agents, treatment, and laboratory results and
Africa. Men ACWY conjugate vaccines have been available for outcome data were recorded on a standardized case report form.
years but are not widely used. On the other hand, MenC conju- In addition, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were obtained
gate vaccine has been widely used in Europe and MenA conjugate from all patients <18 y of age with clinically suspected meningi-
vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa through mass vaccination cam- tis. Since the pathogens responsible for neonatal meningitis are
paign and that their impact (MenA and MenC) has been dra- different from older patients, neonates (patients <1 mo of age)
matic in reducing meningitis due to the respective were not included in the study.3
serotypes.15,17-19 Since 2002, in accordance with the Saudi Ara-
bian requirements, all Turkish pilgrims to the Hajj in Mecca Laboratory analyses
have received a quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide vac- Samples were analyzed if CSF had the following criteria: 1) >
cine before travel. However, MenB and MenACWY conjugate 10 leukocytes/mm3 in the CSF, and/or 2) higher CSF protein lev-
vaccines are not yet routinely recommended for infants in els than normal for the patients age, and/or 3) lower CSF glucose
Turkey. Hib vaccine was included in the Turkish immunization levels than normal for the patients age. In addition, all patients
schedule and was administered as a separate injection in 2006 as who had positive test results to CSF culture, polymerase chain
DPTCOPVCHib. DTaP-IPV/Hib combined vaccine replaced reaction (PCR), Gram stain, or antigen detection test were also
them in 2008. The seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine included in the study. CSF cultures and Gram stain were per-
(PCV-7) has been implemented into the Turkish national immu- formed in the local hospitals, but CSF samples (minimum of
nization schedule at ages 2, 4, 6, and 12 mo of age in 2008. This 0.5 mL) from each patient was stored at 20 C until transporta-
was replaced with the 13-valent vaccine (PCV-13) in tion to the Central Laboratory at Hacettepe University Pediatric
2011. Infectious Diseases Unit, Ankara, Turkey for PCR analysis. If

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available, bacterial isolates were also sent to the Central Labora- 5016 also known as C11 [C:16:P1.71.1], serogroup A M99
tory, where they were re-cultured on chocolate and blood agars 243594 [A:4,21:P1.20,9], serogroup Y M05 240122 [Y:NT:
and grown at 37 C in 5% CO2. Suspected meningococcal colo- P1.5], serogroup W-135 M05 240125 [W135:2a: NST],
nies were characterized by Gram stain, oxidase test, and rapid car- serogroup B M05 240120 [B:NT:NST] were analyzed
bohydrate utilization test Api (API NH ref. 10400, BioMerieux, simultaneously.
Germany). The microbiology laboratory records were crosschecked
in each hospital for missing data. Hospitals databases were Results
searched for diagnosis of meningitis. Laboratory records were
crosschecked on weekly basis with the hospital database. The phe- During 20052012 a total of 1452 children were hospitalized
notypic determination, based on the antigenic formula (serogroup: with a clinical diagnosis of meningitis. CSF sample were obtained
serotype: serosubtype) of meningococcal isolates, was performed from each patient. The mean age was 4.8 4.2 y (range, 1 mo
by standard methods in the Meningococcal Reference Unit, and 18 y) and the boy-to-girl ratio was 1.56:1. There were 37
Health Protection Agency, Manchester, United Kingdom.17,21-23 deaths, 21 of whom in patients with laboratory-confirmed cases.
All samples transferred to the Central Laboratory were stored The case-fatality rate for the laboratory confirmed cases was
at 80 C and thawed immediately before each test. DNA was 3.3%. The median age of fatal cases was 11 mo (interquartile
isolated as previously reported.24 Single tube, multiplex PCR range [IQR], 421). The etiology of the mortality were deter-
assay was performed for the simultaneous identification of bacte- mined N.meningitis, S. pneumoniae, and Hib as 52.4% (n D 11),
rial agents. The specific gene targets were ctrA, bex, and ply for N. 33.3% (n D 7), and 14.3% (n D 3), respectively. Bacterial men-
meningitidis, Hib, and S. pneumoniae, respectively.24,25 PCR was ingitis was confirmed by PCR in 645 (44.4%) patients, the diag-
performed by using a DNA thermal cycler (GeneAmp PCR Sys- nosis of bacterial meningitis was confirmed by CSF culture only
tem model 9700, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). in 105 (16.2%) of these. Overall, 476 patients received various
PCR positive samples were recorded as laboratory-confirmed antibiotic treatments before the lumbar puncture.
acute bacterial meningitis.
In samples positive for N. meningitidis, serogroup prediction Laboratory-confirmed cases and etiology
(A, B, C, W-135, and Y) was based on the oligonucleotides in Of the 645 diagnosed cases of bacterial meningitis by PCR
the siaD gene for serogroups B, C, W-135, and Y, and in orf-2 over the whole period of 20052012, 333 (51.6%) were menin-
of a gene cassette required for serogroup A.25,26 gococcal; 195 (30.2%) (n D 195) were pneumococcal and 117
All amplicons were analyzed by electrophoresis on standard (18.1%) were due to Hib (Fig. 1).
3% agarose gels and visualized using UV fluorescence. A negative Among meningococcal meningitis, cases of serogroup A, B
control consisting of distilled water and positive control consist- and W-135 were 0.8% (n D 1), 31.1% (n D 43), and 42.7%
ing of an appropriate reference strain (S. pneumoniae ATCC (n D 59) in 20052006; 8.3% (n D 9), 35.1% (n D 38), and
49613, Hib ATCC 10211, N. meningitidis serogroup C L94 17.6% (n D 19) in 20072008; 36.6% (n D 15), 7.3% (n D 3),
and 56.1% (n D 23) in 20092010; and
6.5% (n D 3), 6.5% (n D 3), and 56.5%
(n D 26) in 20112012, respectively
(Table 1). Of meningococcal meningitis
cases during 20052012, serogroup A, B
and W-135 were identified in 8.4% (n D
28), 26.1% (n D 87), and 38.1% (n D
127), respectively (Fig. 1). No serogroup C
was detected among meningococcal cases
between 2005 and 2012. Serogroup Y was
only detected in 20052006, representing
2.2% (n D 3) of meningococcal cases.
Pneumococcal and Hib meningitis
accounted for 22.6% (n D 55) and 20.6%
(n D 50) of cases in 20052006; 36.7% (n
D 98) and 22.8% (n D 61) in 20072008;
31.8% (n D 21) and 6.1% (n D 4) in
20092010; and 30.4% (n D 21) and 2.9%
(n D 2) in 20112012, respectively
Figure 1. Distribution of causative agents of bacterial meningitis and meningococcal serogroups (Table 1).
in Turkey, 20052012. Of 645 PCR-conrmed cases, 333 (51.6%) were attributable to Neisseria
meningitidis, 195 (30.2%) to Streptococcus pneumoniae, and 117 (18.1%) to Hemophilus inuenzae Age distribution
type b (Hib). Among meningococcal meningitis, serogroup A, B and W-135 were 8.4%, 26.1%, Among meningococcal meningitis, cases
and 38.1%, respectively. Serogroup Y was only detected 2.2%. Non-groupable cases were 26.4%.
in subjects 1 y, 14 y, 59 y, 1014 y,

2708 Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Volume 10 Issue 9

Table 1. Distribution of causative agents of bacterial meningitis and meningococcal serogroups per year in Turkey
Study Period (Year) 20052006 20072008 20092010 20112012 20052012

Causative Bacteria n % n % n % n % n %

Serogroup W-135 59 42.7 19 17.6 23 56.1 26 56.5 127 38.1

Serogroup B 43 31.1 38 35.1 3 7.3 3 6.5 87 26.1
Serogroup A 1 0.8 9 8.3 15 36.6 3 6.5 28 8.4
Serogroup C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Serogroup Y 3 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.9
Nongroupable 32 23.2 42 39 0 0 14 30.5 88 26.4
N. meningitidis (Total) 138 56.8 108 40.4 41 62.1 46 66.6 333 51.6
S. pneumonia 55 22.6 98 36.7 21 31.8 21 30.4 195 30.2
H. inuenzae type b 50 20.6 61 22.8 4 6.1 2 2.9 117 18.1
Total number of Positive Samples 243 100 267 100 66 100 69 100 645 100
Total number of Evaluated Clinical Samples 408 NA 372 NA 355 NA 317 NA 1452 NA

and 1518 y old were 18.3%, 32.4%, 26.2%, 18.3%, and 4.8% Incidence and regional distribution
in 20052012, respectively. Pneumococcal meningitis cases were The annual incidence of acute laboratory-confirmed bacterial
reported in subjects 1 y, 14 y, 59 y, 1014 y, and 1518 y meningitis gradually decreased from 3.5 cases / 100,000 popu-
old as 12.3%, 44.1%, 23.1%, 11.3%, and 9.2% in 20052012, lation in 20052006 to 0.9 cases/ 100,000 in 20112012
respectively. N.meningitidis was the predominant agent responsi- (Fig. 3).
ble for acute bacterial meningitis in children <5 y of age, in The regional distribution of etiologic pathogens during
20052006. Whereas, in 20072008 pneumococcal meningitis 20052012 showed that bacterial meningitis was most prevalent
was the leading cause of acute bacterial meningitis, in the same in the Central Anatolia, followed by Marmara and South East
age group. Among Hib meningitis, cases in subjects 1 y, 14 y, Anatolia (Fig. 4). The population of children 1 mo through 18 y
59 y, 1014 y, and 1518 y were 14.5%, 29.9%, 27.4%, of age was calculated per region according to the data of Turkish
18.8%, and 9.4% in 20052012, respectively. Hib meningitis Statistical Institute. Therefore, the incidence of acute bacterial
was seen only one case in each 14 y and 1518 y in 20112012. meningitis was 4.5/100.000 in Central Anatolia, 1.3/100.000 in
When we consider the entire study period (20052012), more Marmara, 8/100.000 in Southeast Anatolia, 3/100.000 in
bacterial meningitis cases were occurred in children under 5 y of Aegean, 6/100.000 in Eastern Anatolia, 2.5/100.000 in Mediter-
age (51.3% of all cases) with a highest rate of 14 y (35.5%). ranean, and 1/100.000 in Black Sea region in the study period of
Acute bacterial meningitis in children under 1 y of age 20112012.
(Fig. 2) occurred mostly <6 mo of age. N.meningitidis was the
leading cause of the meningitis in 6 mo, followed by S.pneumo-
niae. Hib represents 1/3 of the children in 13 mo. Discussion

To efficiently implement regional and

national immunization programs the avail-
ability of recent epidemiologic data on the
vaccine-preventable diseases prevalent in
those areas represents critical piece of infor-
mation. We have monitored the incidence
and nature of bacterial meningitis cases in
Turkey from 2005 to 2012. At the begin-
ning of this study period the annual inci-
dence of acute bacterial meningitis in
Turkey was 3.5 cases/ 100,000 popula-
tion.24 This annual incidence decreased to
0.9 cases/ 100,000 in 20112012. Hib
vaccination for children <1 y of age was
implemented in the Turkish National
Immunization Program (NIP) in 2006,
leading to a marked decrease in incidence of
Hib meningitis. Routine vaccination with
PCV-7 for children <1 y of age was agreed
on paper at the end of 2008 and included in
Figure 2. Age distribution of bacterial meningitis in infants in Turkey (20062012) the NIP in 2009, and PCV-7 was replaced

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standard method, PCR allowed to identify
the etiological agent in most cases27 of acute
bacterial meningitis in culture-negative
We identified N. meningitidis as the most
common cause of bacterial meningitis
(51.6%) in Turkey, especially in children
<5 y of age. Additionally, N. meningitidis
was the highest reason of the fatality. The
case-fatality rate (3.3%) in the present study
was lower than the literature that reported
between 5.3% and 26.2%.30 This result
may be attributed that receiving effective
hospital antibiotic treatment and reaching a
more qualified health care facility for the
acute meningitis episode may be easier in
Turkey than the low-income countries.
There were no significant variations in the
incidence of the bacterial meningitis in per
Figure 3. Annual incidence of causative agents of bacterial meningitis per 100,000 and effect of region according to years. However, there
Hib and PCV vaccinations in Turkey. Because our study centers provide service to 32% of the pop- was large variation in the incidence of dis-
ulation of Turkey, extrapolation from the number of cases recorded was calculated for the possi- ease caused by specific serogroups,
ble number of acute bacterial meningitis cases (excluding neonatal cases) per year occur in the
whole country. The population of children 1 mo through 18 y of age was calculated as
serogroup B dominating in some years and
23.9 million. W-135 in others, while disease caused by
serogroup A has increased recently; there
were no serogroup C cases observed in this
by PCV-13 in November 2011. Between 20102013, approxi- study, and only a small number of serogroup Y cases. These data
mately 97% of the target population was vaccinated with PCV.27 are in contrast to those from many parts of Europe, where
However, in spite of the availability of these pneumococcal vac- serogroups B and C dominate.12,31,32 The reason for the sudden
cines; there has been no major decrease in pneumococcal menin- decrease in serogroup B disease in Turkey is not clear as there is
gitis incidence. This may be because the introduction of no serogroup B vaccine currently available, but the epidemiology
vaccination against pneumococcal disease is too recent and the of serogroup B has been observed to vary with time in many
effects of vaccination are not yet evident. Therefore, the main countries without any apparent reason. In the United States, the
contribution to the overall decrease in annual incidence in Tur- proportion of disease caused by serogroup Y has increased over
key can be attributed to the dramatic vaccination-induced
decrease in Hib meningitis introduced in 2006 and with cover-
age of 97%.
In this study, 645 cases of laboratory-confirmed acute bacte-
rial meningitis were recorded, but bacterial isolation was only
possible in 105 (16.2%) of those confirmed cases. This may
have been related to the use of antibiotics before admission to
the study centers, as the majority of patients received various
treatments before the lumbar puncture. Therefore, non-culture
techniques might be necessary to detect the causative organ-
isms.27 Laboratory confirmation of the etiology of acute bacte-
rial meningitis is critical for providing optimal patient therapy
and to ensure appropriate case contact management. In addi-
tion, case confirmation provides epidemiological information
necessary for making decisions concerning immunization pro-
grams, and implementation of new available vaccines against
the most common bacterial meningitis pathogens.24,25,28 Of
the non-culture diagnostic tests, PCR is the most common
method that is sufficiently accurate and reliable, especially
when there is a history of antimicrobial drug use before lumbar
puncture.24,29 In our study only 16,2% of cases were confirmed Figure 4. Regional distribution of bacterial meningitis cases in Turkey
by CSF culture, and although bacterial culture is considered the

2710 Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Volume 10 Issue 9

the past decade to over one third of cases,33 while serogroups C meningitis in Turkey. All the data presented in this study were
has declined in many European countries since the introduction gathered through study centers. This method (sentinel surveil-
of serogroup C vaccines into routine immunization programs.21 lance) is the appropriate way to collect data for common infec-
The reason why serogroups C and Y are rare in Turkey is unclear, tious diseases like influenza, but for rare diseases like
as no vaccine has been used against these serotypes. Several points meningococcal meningitis, we need nationwide study centers in
should be taken into account: the coverage of our study centers, Turkey where we may catch more cases through an active surveil-
population dynamics, diagnostic procedures, and possible impor- lance system.
tation of serogroups such as W-135 from other countries that It has been shown that introduction of conjugate vaccines can
may have decreased the proportion of some serogroups. dramatically reduce meningitis disease incidence, if vaccines are
The first Turkish patient with meningitis caused by serogroup administered to the target population with high vaccine cover-
W-135 was reported in 2003.22 Most of the Turkish population age.1,14,37 Hib and PCV-13 vaccines are already available for
is Muslim, and 150,000 pilgrims travel annually to the Hajj in infants starting from two months of age in the Turkish NIP and
Saudi Arabia. Since 2002, all Turkish pilgrims have received a the meningococcal vaccine for Hajj pilgrims has already been
quadrivalent (A, C, W, Y) meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine switched to conjugated quadrivalent vaccine in order to decrease
before travel. Although this vaccine generates a robust immune carriage of the microorganism by returning pilgrims. In this
responses against all constituent serogroups, unlike conjugate study we observed a drastic decreased of Hib meningitis in Turk-
vaccines, meningococcal polysaccharide vaccines do not prevent ish children since Hib vaccine has been introduced in NIP.
asymptomatic carriage.24,34 The rapid rise in the proportion of The epidemiology and etiology of bacterial meningitis may
cases caused by serogroup W-135 may be attributable to trans- change over time and by regions in a way that cannot be pre-
mission from pilgrims returning from the Hajj carrying W- dicted. In our study we showed that 51.6% of meningitis in seven
135,24 despite their vaccination with polysaccharide vaccine. Of Turkish regions in 118 y old children was caused by N. menin-
11 family members of pilgrims who acquired W-135 carriage at gitidis. Although the number of Men B cases decreased in the last
the Hajj, 10 (91%) had acquired carriage of serogroup W-135.35 few years, serogroup B was still the second most common causa-
This study illustrated the acquisition of meningococcal carriage, tive agent of meningococcal meningitis (26.1%) in Turkey over
predominantly of serogroup W-135 by pilgrims attending the the entire study period (20052012).
Hajj, the transmission to their family members on their return, As conjugated quadrivalent meningococcal ACWY vaccines as
as the possible explanation for the presence of W-135 meningo- well as the recently licensed 1 meningococcal B vaccine38 are
coccal disease in Turkey. Similar observations have been made in available, their use in 118 y old could dramatically reduce the
the UK and France.17 For this reason, the Turkish National burden of meningococcal disease in Turkey.
Immunization Board has decided to change recommendation
from a polysaccharide to a conjugated quadrivalent meningococ-
cal vaccine for pilgrims and Umrah visitors, which may help to Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
reduce carriage rates and decrease the burden of W-135 in
Turkey.36 The study was supported by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnos-
This study has several limitations. First, because previous anti- tics (for 5 years) and by GlaxoSmithKline (for 2 years). The
biotic treatment had high rates, we did not find enough labora- authors declare that they have no other conflicts of interest.
tory-confirmed cases to drive accurate incidence rates for each
pathogen, thus limiting the generalizability of those data. Second,
our study likely missed many bacterial meningitis cases, particu- Acknowledgments
larly among case-patients whose illnesses did not meet the case Serdar Altinel MD PhD and Kathleen Jenks PhD, both
definition. Despite the limitations, this project has provided use- employees of Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, provided edito-
ful insights into the incidence and epidemiology of bacterial rial support.
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