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Anyah Skipwith
Jason Nichols
2 August 2017
AASP 100 Paper

Dear Donald Trump,

Hello, I am Anne Moody. I am an African American woman born and raised in rural

Mississippi on a black plantation. I am also involved in the NAACP, CORE and SNCC

organizations. I want to congratulate you on being president of the United States. America has

come a long way since the 40s. A lot of good things was going on in America. The Democrats

help our people out by promoting welfare and such, because growing up was a struggle but of

course you wouldnt know about that lifestyle. The Republicans seemed to be doing pretty well

too. In 2003 Sam Brown Back introduced Bill Clinton to establish a national Museum of black

American history and culture. Which I applaud that our people finally get recognition. I also

know that on June 25, 2001 the Republican Senate declared school choice to be educational

emancipation. Education is very important to me, throughout my hardships I still managed to go

to school to get a bachelors degree. I see that America has had some major accomplishments

throughout the years but after you became president, America is now backtracking. You have

broken with policies of previous Republican Party presidents on immigration in education in

favor of a more nationalist and populist platform. Why are you making the system so hard for my

people again? Why are you trying to exclude people of color again?

Republicans support vouchers for private schools while the Democrats see them as

wasteful. The Democrats believe that the alternative of pushing private school vouchers takes
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dollars away from public schools (Republicanviews.org, Democratic Views on Education). By

you cutting public school funds in using 400 million of it to expand charter schools and private

schools, you are benefiting the higher class. Who can afford to send the children to those

schools. So how is that helping my people? Education is very important to me. I grew up poor in

the Black rural Mississippi. I worked for white families, cleaning their houses and helping the

kids with homework, only to make a few bucks a week. I worked hard to get the grades I got. I

even got a scholarship. But I can only speak for myself, many of my kind did not go to college.

America has advanced so much but you choose to help the wealthy, who can already afford to go

to school. Instead of taking funds out to benefit private schools and charter schools, you should

leave the funds for public school, if not increase the funds for public school because that's where

most of the poor population go to school.

Your education reform was bad but what really kills me is your immigration policy. My

years growing up I have faced a lot of racism I never understood what so different from blacks

and whites, other than blacks clean whites houses. Racism was so bad that Emmett till was

murdered just for whistling at a white woman. And now you mean to tell me that you want to

restrict welfare for immigrants? This is racism! President Trump, your legislation calls for

preventing immigrants from receiving welfare until five years after they arrive in the US. Why

are you discriminating against them? Democrats and Republicans kind of see eye-to-eye on the

immigration issue. Although the Republicans believes that a system needs to be in place to

ensure that immigrants who enter this country illegally are not provided with the same benefits

that legal citizens are, they still believe in warmly welcoming those who enter the country

through legal methods, and even though they are legal you still make them wait 5 years before

they can receive welfare (Republicanviews.org, Republican views on Education). Thats going
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against Republican policy. You then say, "immigrants must be able to support themselves

financially" (Fox news insider, Trump Calls for Enforcement of Immigration Laws Restricting

Welfare for Immigrants), mind you some white people can't even support themselves financially

and is living off welfare so what makes immigrants different? Like I said, I have never

understood the difference between me and the white woman except for the fact I was told to

clean their houses. So what is the difference between you and the immigrant, besides the color of

skin and geological background?

Not only do you not grant them welfare, but you do not allow them to have access to

government subsidized healthcare. The house of representatives recently passed legislation to

ensure that immigrants in the United States of America can't access the tax credits for help

insurance premiums. Democrats think the legislation unfairly targeted undocumented immigrants

and would ultimately delay coverage for people who might encounter difficulty verifying their

information for other reasons (Marcos, House votes to bar undocumented immigrants from

healthcare tax credits) which I completely agree. Why not grant immigrants the same healthcare

as a white man, as a black man? I would have never thought that racism would get to the point

where blacks are treated more fairly than any other type of person. This is a racist act,

immigrants are not harming the economy. Matter fact I guarantee the business you own was built

by immigrants. Immigrants actually help our society. They take the jobs of crop pickers so you

whites can eat fresh corn from the market. They take the jobs as construction workers so you

whites don't have to build your top-notch businesses yourselves. They take all the agricultural

and domestic work, ones us blacks were entitled to years ago, ones the average white man would

not take...and this is how you reward them. You should let immigrants have the same health care

as natural born U.S. citizens, for they are also citizens of the United States.
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The United States of America really isnt united at all. These policies that you are

enforcing is breaking America apart. We cant be united if there are those treated indifferent

legally. You Mr. Trump are going against your own political partys policies and turning them

into what you want, not what is best for America. Congratulations on becoming the president of

the United States, but u must do a better job at trying to make America great again.


Anne Moody.
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Work Cited

Marcos, Christina. House votes to bar undocumented immigrants from

healthcare tax credits 13 Jun. 2017, The hill,
undocumented-immigrants-from-healthcare-tax. Accessed 1 Aug. 2017.

Brown, Emma. Trumps first full education budget: Deep cuts to public school
programs in pursuit of school choice 17 may, The Washington Post,
21f359183e8c_story.html?utm_term=.4deee0ec3169. Accessed 1 Aug.

Republicanviews.org. Democratic Views on Education 25 Jan. 2015,

Republican views, http://www.republicanviews.org/democratic-views-on-
education/. Accessed 31 Jul. 2017.

Republicanviews.org. Republican Views on Health Care 25 Nov. 2014,

Republican views, http://www.republicanviews.org/republican-views-on-
health-care/. Accessed 31 Jul. 2017.

Fox News Insider. Trump Calls for Enforcement of Immigration Laws

Restricting Welfare for Immigrants 24 Jun. 2017, Fox News,
restricting-five-years. Accessed 1 Aug. 2017

Moody, Anne. Coming of Age In Mississippi. Bantam Dell, 1968

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