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Mechanical & Chemical Engineering


Control Engineering

FAMILY NAME: ____________________________ GIVEN NAMES: ______________________

STUDENT ID: SIGNATURE: ________________________

This Paper Contains: 6 pages (including title page)

Time allowed: 3 hours 10 minutes

This Paper contains 4 questions

Candidates should attempt ALL questions. All questions are of equal marks.
Textbooks and lecture notes are permitted.


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Question 1 (Stability / Routh method)

(a) A unity feedback control system is shown in Figure Q1 with transfer functions

1 Ti s
G1 ( s )
Ti s
G2 ( s )
1 0.5s 1 0.1s

(i) Determine the range of values of the parameters Ti and K which stabilizes the
closed-loop system for positive K . [10 marks]
(ii) Plot the stability region in the Ti - K plane ( Ti as the x-axis and K as the y-axis)
clearly indicating the region which guarantees the closed-loop system to be
stable. [5 marks]

U(s) Y(s)
+_ G1 ( s) G2 ( s )

Figure Q1(a). Unity feedback control system.

(b) The output y (t ) of a control system due to a unit step input u (t ) is described by the
second order differential equation.

d 2 y (t ) dy (t )
3 2 y (t ) u (t )
dt dt

(i) Determine the transfer function of the system. [3 marks]

(ii) Obtain the time domain response of this system due to the unit step input. [7

Question 2 (Frequency response technique / dynamic performance)

U (s) E ( s) 16 Y ( s)
+_ KA +_ s s 4)

Figure Q2. Block diagram of unity-feedback system with minor loop rate-feedback.

(a) A unity-feedback control system with a minor loop rate-feedback is shown in Figure Q2.
Assuming K A 1 and in the absence of rate-feedback 0 , determine (i) the peak
overshoot of the system due to a unit-step input and (ii) the steady-state error resulting
from a unit-ramp input. [6 marks]
(b) Determine the rate-feedback constant which will decrease the percentage overshoot of
the system due to a unit-step input to 1.5%. What is the steady state error due to a unit-
ramp input with this value of . [7 marks]
(c) Show how by using an appropriate value of K A in the rate-feedback system, the steady-
state error due to a unit-ramp input can be reduced to the same level as in part (a) while
the percentage overshoot due to a unit-step input is maintained at 1.5%. [7 marks]

Question 3 (Nyquist Plot/Frequency response performance)

Nyquist Diagram


System: sys
0.5 Real: -0.844
Imag: -0.0159
Imaginary Axis

Frequency (rad/sec): 3.32

System: sys
-0.5 Real: -0.976
Imag: -0.0911
Frequency (rad/sec): 3.08


-2 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
Real Axis

Figure Q3(a). Nyquist plot of unity negative feedback control system.

(a) The Nyquist plot of a unity negative feedback control system is shown in Figure Q3(a)
for a gain K 50 . Determine the gain and phase margins. For what value of K will the
system become unstable? [10 marks]

(b) The compensated open-loop frequency response of a feedback control ear defender is
shown in Figure Q3(b). Assume the system is connected in positive feedback
(i) Determine the gain and phase margins from the frequency response plot.
Comment on the performance of this system. [7 marks]
(ii) If the peak noise reduction is desired to be about 20 dB, what will be the gain and
phase margins? Comment on the performance for this case. [8 marks]


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
PHASE (deg)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

Figure Q3(b). Open-loop frequency response of feedback ear defender.

Question 4 (Phase compensation)

U ( s) Y ( s)
+_ C (s) G (s)

Figure Q4. Unity feedback control system with cascade compensator.

The control system shown in Figure Q4 has an open-loop transfer function

G ( s)

(a) Show that the response of the uncompensated control system (i.e. with C ( s ) 1 ) in unity
feedback is undamped and that gain adjustment alone (i.e. C ( s ) K constant ) cannot
change the transient response of the system. [5 marks]

As a result compensation is required to achieve some predefined transient performance criteria.

It is desired to achieve a closed-loop damping ratio of at least 0.6 by using a cascade phase-
lead compensator with transfer function

b( s a )
C ( s) ,b a
a ( s b)

(b) What is the approximate phase margin required to satisfy a damping ratio of at least 0.6?
State any assumptions made clearly. [3 marks]

(c) Design the phase-lead compensator to satisfy the phase margin required in (a). State any
assumptions made clearly. [12 marks]

(d) Verify that the specification has been met with the phase-lead compensator and estimate
the percentage overshoot of the closed-loop response. [5 marks]

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