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Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102

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A study of gold anodic behavior in the presence of various ions

and sulde minerals in cyanide solution
a,* b
M.M. Aghamirian , W.T. Yen
CAMM, Queens University, 1027, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
Department of Mining, Queens University, Kingston, Ont., Canada K7L 3N6
Received 18 November 2003; accepted 11 May 2004

Gold mostly occurs in nature in the metallic form and is usually associated with sulde minerals. In most cases, these minerals
have a retarding eect on gold leaching rates in cyanide solution. This negative eect could be attributed to dierent factors such as
galvanic eect or chemical and electrochemical interference.
In this investigation, the anodic dissolution of gold in pure and contaminated cyanide solution and in the presence of sulde
minerals was studied. The potentiodynamic method was used to study the anodic dissolution reaction. It was found that the anodic
reaction of pure gold was inhibited due to the passivation, which resulted from various ions and sulde minerals. A minor amount of
silver in gold disturbs the passivation mechanism and the reaction rate is controlled by mass-transfer mechanism. The results of this
investigation indicate that sulde ions have serious negative eects on gold anodic dissolution, accompanied by antimony ions.
Metal ions such as copper, iron and lead, did not have signicant negative or positive eect on gold anodic reaction. Among those
sulde minerals studied, stibnite had a very strong deleterious eect on gold anodic behavior. Gold anodic reaction in the low
overpotential range was almost uneected in the presence of galena. Under the same conditions, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite
decrease the activity of gold toward the anodic reaction.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gold ores; Precious metal ores; Cyanidation; Leaching; Redox reactions

1. Introduction On the other hand, gold cathodic reaction involves

oxygen reduction on the cathodic area. This reaction
Over the last few decades, cyanide has remained the may proceed through 2 or 4 electron transfer as follows:
main lixiviant for gold leaching. The advantages of
O2 H2 O 2e ! HO
2 OH

cyanide other lixiviants have been discussed elsewhere

(Fleming, 1992). As early as 1900, Christy suggested that O2 2H2 O 4e ! 4OH 3
gold dissolution in cyanide solution is electrochemical in
Gold anodic behavior has been the subject of several
nature (Mills, 1951). Thompson (1947) proved that the
publications (Mills, 1951; Kudryk and Kellogg, 1954;
gold cyanidation process proceeds via an electrochemi-
Cathro and Koch, 1964). Examining the EhpH dia-
cal mechanism. As a result, an electrochemical approach
gram for gold in cyanide solution, one will realize that a
can be used to investigate the inuence of solution
stable gold complex, Au(CN) 2 , forms in a wide pH
compositions on gold leaching behavior. The gold an-
range of alkaline solution. This means that gold is sol-
odic reaction proceeds according to the following reac-
uble in cyanide solution; however, the kinetic of this
reaction can not be predicted by using such a diagram.

Au 2CN ! AuCN2 e 1 On the contrary, except in one case (Kudryk and Kel-
logg, 1954), it was reported that the anodic prole of
pure gold (99.99%) in cyanide solution indicated a pas-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-613-3849774; fax: +1-613-
sive region. Woodcock was one of the rst researchers
5478125. who realized that a pure gold electrode does not exhibit
E-mail address: massoud@post.queensu.ca (M.M. Aghamirian). a normal currentvoltage curve in cyanide solution

0892-6875/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
90 M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102

(Mills, 1951). He found a normal currentvoltage curve each plane is active at a certain potential. Such an
with a limiting current proportional to cyanide con- argument without further clarication would be dicult
centration with a silver rotating electrode. However, to believe. The fact that gold cyanidation proceeds
with a gold electrode the curve became complicated. The through an intermediate specious, Au(CN)ads , has also
curve showed normal behavior up to )500 mV, then the been conrmed by other researchers (Sawaguchi et al.,
current suddenly dropped. Using the potentiodynamic 1995) using in situ scanning tunneling microscopy
method, Kirk et al. (1978) identied three dierent (STM). This compound is known to have polymeric
maxima in the gold anodic curve at )650, 40 and 380 structure with an innite linear chain. In conclusion, as
mV vs. SCE. This behavior was not due to the diusion pointed out by Cathro and Koch (1964), the dissolution
limitation of reactants or products (since in either case of gold in aerated cyanide solutions would be controlled
the limiting current plateaus) and no current peaks by the diusion rate of dissolved oxygen if the surface
would be expected. By employing rapid sweep cyclic was unaected by the reaction products (active surface),
voltammetry, he suggested that the adsorption of but would be controlled by the anodic dissolution rate
hydroxide ions on the gold surface through the Reaction of gold if it were passive. The proceeding reactions can
4 was responsible for gold passivation before the last be interfered with the silver ions in the cyanide solution
peak (Kirk et al., 1980a,b): as discussed by Wadsworth and Zhu (2003).
Several researchers (Thompson, 1947; Kameda, 1949;
Au OH ! AuOHads e 4
Cathro, 1964, 1965; Nicol, 1980; Deschenes et al., 1998;
In his hypothesis, dierent crystal planes are susceptible Deschenes et al., 2000; Tshilombo and Sandenbergh,
to passivation by the formation of the hydroxide layer at 2001; Wadsworth and Zhu, 2003) have examined the
dierent potentials that are responsible for three passive eect of dierent ions, such as silver, lead, thallium,
zones in the anodic curve. Mills (1951) also suggested mercury and sulde ions, on gold electrochemical
that hydroxide ions might adsorb on the gold surface behavior in cyanide solution. Thompson (1947) reported
and cause passivation. The adsorption of hydroxide ions that an immediate white precipitate formed where lead
at potentials more cathodic than those of oxide layer ions successively added to cyanide solution until nally
formation was also reported by Cordova et al. (1979). the gold electrode attained a potential positive to calo-
However, Kirk et al. (1980a,b) reported the formation mel electrode. He suggested that this eect was due to
of such a layer at much lower potential. The formation cyanide removal from the solution due to lead cyanide
of an oxide layer, Au2 O3 , is believed to passivate the formation. However, the formation of such a compound
gold surface at the region of peak three, the most anodic and the mechanism for cyanide depletion is under
one. This mechanism of passivation at potentials higher question. Kameda (1949) postulated that lead is more
than the last peak is accepted almost by all researchers. electronegative to the gold in cyanide solution; there-
Applying cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic fore, lead ion deposition on gold surface would be
methods, Mac Arthur (1972) suggested that the reaction possible. Later, McIntyre and Peck (1976) and Adzic
at low overpotentials, up to )300 mV, would be con- et al. (1980) indicated that lead is able to form an ad-
trolled chemically by the dissolution of the intermediate sorbed monolayer on the gold surface even at a potential
product, Au(CN)ads . He believed that there was no true which is more positive to its reduction potential. This is
passive region in his work when the gold potential was referred to as underpotential deposition. As has been
less than 450 mV since an abrupt decrease in current did pointed out by Omar et al. (1993), This phenomenon is
not happen. commonly considered as the manifestation of a stronger
It is generally believed that gold dissolution in cya- bonding of the metal adatom to the foreign substrate
nide solution proceeds through several stages instead of than to its own bulk phase. The formation of lead or
a single step, Eq. (1). McIntyre and Peck (1976) and lead alloy on the gold surface has also been conrmed
Kirk et al. (1978) proposed the following mechanism: by Deschenes et al. (2000) using XPS method.

Both Mills (1951) and Cathro (1964, 1965) reported
Au CN ! AuCNads 5 that the adsorption of thallium on the gold surface
ads ! AuCNads e 6 would prevent the gold from becoming passivated. Nicol
AuCNads CN ! 
AuCN 7 (1980) also postulated that the addition of minor
amounts of mercury or lead increased the height of the
Kirk proposed that the reaction mechanism is the same anodic peak in the potential region )400 mV signi-
for the rst and second anodic peak. Nicol (1980) pos- cantly. It appears from his work that the gold anodic
tulated that since only one electron transfer is involved character in the presence of those ions, at more positive
in this reaction, it cannot explain the formation of more potential, is essentially unaected. Since a passive area
than one peak. Kirk and Foulkes (1980) tried to remove still exists in such an anodic curve, depending on gold
this doubt and suggested that the presence of various cathodic behavior, it may not explain the pronounced
peaks is due to dierent planes in the gold crystal and eect of lead ions on the gold dissolution rate.
M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102 91

Anodic behavior of goldcopper and goldsilver al- pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena and stibnite, as
loys in cyanide have been studied by Guan and Han well as quartz were supplied from Wards Natural Sci-
(1994) and Sun et al. (1995) respectively. Guan et al. ence. These samples were crushed and sorted to remove
reported that anodic polarization of dierent gold all impure particles. A size fraction of )53 +38 lm was
copper alloys did not exhibit any passive region. Sun selected for all experiments. These samples were stored
et al. also did the same tests but with dierent gold in a freezer to avoid further oxidation. Chemical anal-
silver alloys in which silver content was at least 50%. No ysis was carried out using an atomic absorption spec-
passive area was observed in this case either. trophotometer to conrm the purity of the mineral
Since gold dissolution is electrochemical in nature, samples. Except for pyrrhotite, all mineral samples were
this study was undertaken so as to lead to a better about 95% pure, with the remaining 5% being mainly
understanding of anodic behavior of pure gold or gold quartz. In the case of pyrrhotite, about 3.43% of pent-
with minor amounts of silver either in pure cyanide landite was nely disseminated in the pyrrhotite matrix.
solution or in the presence of dierent ions and sulde Each sulde mineral was tested individually. A known
minerals. Such an investigation is important since it amount of each sample was added to the cyanide solu-
contributes to our understanding of the reaction mech- tion and suspended by agitation.
anism of dierent ions or sulde minerals on gold dis- A CMS 100 corrosion measurement system supplied
solution in cyanide solution. In fact, foreign ions or from Gamry Instruments, along with CMS 105 DC
sulde minerals have been observed to either retard or corrosion testing software, were used for electrochem-
enhance gold dissolution rate. Consequently, they ical measurements. CMS 100 hardware was a PC3
should have a direct eect on gold anodic dissolution potentiostat. CMS 105 DC software made it possible to
reaction or oxygen cathodic reduction or both. The control the potentiostat, doing dierent DC experi-
objective of this paper is to investigate the eect of these ments and recording the data directly into the com-
impurities on gold anodic reaction. puter.
A three cell electrode made from plexiglas was used to
perform electrochemical tests. Potentials of the working
2. Experimental details electrode were measured in respect to a calomel refer-
ence electrode. A luggin capillary tube housing the ref-
Gold anodic behavior was studied by using the erence electrode was placed within approximately 2 mm
rotating disc technique method. In this method the disc of the working electrode. Platinum was used as an
surface area is constant and mass transfer from this auxiliary electrode.
geometry has been well established. Two dierent gold All experiments were carried out at 24.3 C by
discs were used. The rst one was cut from gold foil immersing the cell in a water bath. Before each test, the
having the purity of 99.99% and was supplied by the cyanide solution was deoxygenated with high purity
Aldrich chemical company. The surface area of this disc nitrogen gas (99.9995% N2 and O2 < 1 ppm) for one
was 1.10 cm2 . The second disc was a gold silver alloy hour followed by immersing the electrode in the solu-
which was made by melting a mixture of pure gold tion. Open circuit potential of the gold disc was mea-
(99.99%) and silver (99.99%) foil at 1120 C and an- sured within the designated time. It was found that in
nealed at 700 C for 2 h. The silver content of this disc less than 3 h, the open circuit potential became almost
measured by atomic adsorption spectrophotometry was constant. Consequently, the sweep voltammetry test was
0.31%. The area of this disc was 1.05 cm2 . Before each started after 3 h conditioning. Nitrogen bubbling
experiment, the gold discs were wet polished with 600 through the solution was continued up to the end of the
grit silicon carbide paper and then with alumina pow- experiments.
ders (3 and 0.05 lm). After that, the gold discs were Scan rate was maintained at 0.2 mV/s to make sure
washed with chromic acid and then nally rinsed with that the systems reached its equilibrium at any potential.
distilled water. These discs were immersed in the cyanide Unless otherwise stated, all the potentials are reported
solutions, 2.6 cm below the solution surface. against a SCE reference electrode. Sodium cyanide
The gold discs were embedded in a resin, which was concentration was maintained at 0.01 M (0.5g/l) and pH
attached to a teon rod. The teon rod was threaded on 10.5. The gold electrode was rotated at 500 rpm unless
to the main steel shaft. The wire, which was soldered to otherwise stated. These are the standard conditions
the gold electrode, was strongly attached to the steel which were followed through out all of the experiments.
shaft by using a clamp. A carbon brush was used to Unless otherwise stated, gold disc no. 2 was used all
measure the current and potential when the working through this investigation.
electrode was rotating. Total resistance of this circuit The concentrations of the ions in cyanide solution in
was measured to be 0.25 X. this study were adjusted at the levels corresponding to
All the solutions were prepared from analytical grade the concentrations of the ions released from a mild
reagents and distilled water. Sulde minerals such as refractory ore into the cyanide leach solution.
92 M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102

3. Results and discussions those tested potentials is most probably not responsible
for gold passivation. The Tafel slopes at the active area
3.1. Gold anodic behavior in pure cyanide solution of curves (a) and (b) are 0.067 and 68 mV/decade
respectively. These values are close to 59 mV/decade,
From direct dissolution tests with dierent gold discs which has been postulated to be the evidence that
containing varying amounts of silver, it was observed that Reaction 7 is the rate-determining step in the gold dis-
the gold dissolution rate increased with the silver content solution process (Kirk et al., 1980a,b).
of the gold disc up to a level of 0.5% (Liu, 1993). Beyond The low activity of pure gold toward the anodic
this level, the gold dissolution rate started to decrease. For reaction has also been reported by Mussatii et al. (1997).
this reason, gold discs having a low silver content were In their investigation, they did not detect any anodic
used to conduct this study. Linear sweep voltammograms current when the gold potential was less than )110 mV
for the pure gold disc, sample 1, and the gold disc con- vs. SCE. They believe that the anodic current detected
taining 0.31% silver, sample 2, in 0.01 M sodium cyanide by other researchers at lower potential could be due to
solution at pH 10.5 are presented in Fig. 1. The voltam- trace heavy-metal impurities.
mograms for a pure gold electrode in stationary condition Curve (c) shows typical currentvoltage behavior for
vs. being rotated at 500 rpm did not show any signicant the unpassivated gold electrode. This curve clearly
dierence. It has been evidenced that the surface processes indicates that changing the size of the gold crystals and
are controlling the dissolution reactions mentioned the presence of minor amounts of silver in the gold
above. It is generally observed that the rotation of the electrode had a remarkable eect on stopping the pas-
electrode increases the current density and enhances the sivation phenomena. To prove that this eect was not
diusion of cyanide ions. There was not a signicant simply due to the selective dissolution of silver from the
dierence observed between the stationary or rotating gold electrode, silver and gold assays were measured.
electrode for the pure gold disc. Both curves show that The gold and silver were assayed as 8.02 and 0.06 mg/l
pure gold was passivated in cyanide solution and the respectively. The results show that silver has not been
passive layer was stable even at high overpotentials. This dissolved selectively and the electron transfer was due to
passive layer changed the gold surface color to faintly gold dissolution behavior. The shape of this curve is
brown. These curves are similar to the one presented by very similar to those obtained by Kudryk and Kellogg
Cathro and Koch (1964) at low cyanide concentration. (1954) who demonstrated that the gold dissolution rate
As it was stated earlier, either hydroxide ion at a high potential range is controlled by cyanide diu-
adsorption or AuCN monolayer formation is responsi- sion to the electrode surface. The Tafel slope at the ac-
ble for passivation of the gold surface. It has also been tive area of this curve is equal to 122 mV/decade which
suggested that gold passivation at potentials greater indicates that Reaction 6 is the rate-determining step
than 700 mV with respect to SHE, could be explained by (Kirk et al., 1980a,b). The shape of the curve may sug-
oxygen adsorption on the electrode surface (Woods, gest that cyanide adsorption on the gold surface follows
1976; Dorin and Woods, 1991). This potential may be a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Further investigation
aected by the presence of impurities in the system or on is required to conrm this conclusion.
the electrode surface resulting in oxygen adsorption at Curve (d) shows that rotation speed has a pro-
lower potentials. In the present work, such a reaction at nounced eect on the gold anodic behavior of this


(cs) (d)
(b) (c)
Potential (V) vs Eref




0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025

Current Density (A/cm2)

Fig. 1. Anodic polarization plots of sample one and two for various rotating speeds: (a) sample one, 0 rpm, (b) sample one, 500 rpm, (c) sample two,
0 rpm, (cs ) simulated data of test c, (d) sample two, common conditions: 500 rpm, pH 10.5, 24 C, cyanide conc. 0.01 M, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.
M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102 93

sample. This remarkable increase of current densities at Reactions 6 and 7 appear to become faster. The cover-
the same potentials as compared with curve (c) is an ages denoted by h1 and h2 become smaller and the total
important sign that the reaction rate is mass transfer surface area available to react with cyanide ions be-
controlled. The similarity between curves (a) and (b) and comes larger. In addition, cyanide ions in competition
the lower activity of the gold anodic reaction under with hydroxide ions may be adsorbed faster on gold
these conditions indicates that the reaction is controlled surfaces at higher overpotentials in comparison to lower
chemically. This observation suggests that passivation is overpotentials. Both mechanisms may account for the
probably due to AuCN monolayer formation on the sharp increase of the current after passing the minimum.
gold surface, since the pH in all those tests was constant. The ButlerVolmer equation can be used to study the
However, the adsorption of hydroxide ions on the gold charge transfer kinetics of the gold anodic reaction in
silver alloy could be dierent from that of the pure gold, cyanide solution as shown below:
which could cause the observed dierences. If the for-   
Cs anF
mation of the AuCN monolayer is responsible for pas- ia i0   exp g
sivation, the presence of silver atoms in the goldsilver  
Cos 1  a  n  F
alloy results in a reduced gold dissolution activation   exp  g 10
energy with respect to the pure gold system. This leads Cob RT
directly to facilitation of the formation of gold-cyanide where ia is the current density, i0 the exchange current
complexes from the intermediate product, AuCN, and density, a the symmetric coecient, n the number of
inhibits passivation. On the other hand, the formation electrons involved in the gold dissolution which is equal
of silver cyanide complexes in the solution can be con- to 1, g the overpotential, F the Faraday constant, R the
sidered as an explanation for enhancement in gold an- gas constant, T the absolute temperature. Cs , and Cb are
odic behavior and elimination of passive layer. This was the cyanide concentrations on the gold surface and in
conrmed by Wadsworth (2000) who suggested that in solution respectively, Cos and Cob the oxygen concen-
the presence of sliver cyanide complexes in the solution, trations on the gold surface and in bulk solution
a tight passive surface lm composed of AuCN may not respectively.
be formed on gold surface. In the presence of Ag(I), the Since the extent of backward reaction at high positive
passive layer is more permeable due to the inclusion of overpotentials is negligible, the second term of Eq. (10)
AgCN in it, which increases the lm diusivity. can be omitted. If a is 0.5 at ambient temperature, an
Curve (d) also shows that the anodic current density overpotential of 118 mV is large enough to make the
rises very steeply with increasing potential followed by error of neglecting the second term less than 1%.
the occurrence of a maximum and a minimum. After the Ficks rst law is:
minimum point, the current density increases continu- n  F  D  Cb  Cs
ously with increasing potential. The extent of bare gold ia 11
surface has an important impact on gold dissolution
according to Reaction 5. The surface coverage of the where z is the stoichiometric number of cyanide ions
adsorbed intermediate such as AuCN which is equal to )2 and d is the diusion layer thick-
ads and AuCNads
can be indicated by h1 and h2 , respectively. A third ness. From this equation, it can be concluded that the
factor in the reactions is the coverage of hydroxide ions, maximum possible current density is equal to:
h3 . The total bare surface, ht , available for CN n  F  D  Cb
ilim 12
adsorption can be written as: d
ht 1  h1  h2  h3 8 Combining Eqs. (10)(12), and ignoring the backward
reaction, the following equation is obtained:
The potential of zero charge of gold in alkaline solution  
is known to be 0 V vs. SHE (Kirk et al., 1978). As the i0  ilim  exp g
potential falls below the potentials corresponding to the ia   13
maximum current of curve (d), the anions (e.g. 1 i0  exp g
hydroxide ions), have greater diculty adsorbing onto aF
the gold surface. Thus Eq. (8) can be simplied as fol- This equation has also been used by Li and Wadsworth
lows: (1993) for modeling the anodic electrochemical data of a
ht 1  h1  h 2 9 silver electrode. This model can be used to t the
experimental data, curve (c) of Fig. 1, if a, i0 , and ilim are
If instead the potential is increased, hydroxide ion predetermined. The a value is around 0.5. From Eq.
adsorption on the gold surface is facilitated, which (13), the overpotential can be calculated by
competes with the cyanide ion reaction. For this reason  
the current decreases with increasing potential. Above a RT ia  ilim
g  Ln 14
specic potential, in this case )0.14 vs. SCE, the rates of aF ilim  i0  ia  i0
94 M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102

This equation can be used to calculate i0 . An alternative in the gold anodic behavior. When the cyanide con-
way is to use the Tafel equation with the assumption centrations were adjusted at 0.05, 0.025, 0.01 and 0.005
that the concentrations of the reactants on the gold M, the limiting current was about 280, 150, 50, and 23
surface and in solution are almost equal. Such an lA/cm2 respectively. From Eq. (12), it can be concluded
assumption is only true when the anodic current is not that there is a linear relationship between limiting cur-
more than 10% of the limiting current. rents and cyanide concentrations if cyanide diusion
controls the reaction. Fig. 3 shows a linear relationship
g  Lni0  Lnia 15 between limiting current density and cyanide concen-
anF anF
tration. The square of the regression correlation coe-
By using Eq. (15), the apparent exchange current density cient was 0.996, strong evidence for the linear relation
at 24 C is estimated to be 6.463 101 lA/cm2 . between cyanide concentrations and limiting currents.
Limiting current density can be estimated from the The results also demonstrate that the applied value of
plateau part of the curve (c) in Fig. 1 which was found to cyanide diusion coecient, D 1:75  102 cm2 /s, is
be 485 lA/cm2 . Substituting this value into Eq. (12) and relatively accurate.
using the proposed value for the diusion constant of
cyanide ions (Thompson, 1947), D 1:75  105 cm2 /s, 3.2. Eect of sulde and antimony ions
the diusion layer thickness, can be estimated. The
thicknesses of this layer was estimated to be 0.348 mm It is generally believed that due to the high electro-
which is in the range of diusion layer thickness for an negativity of gold, anions such as S2 are almost com-
unstirred solution (Brockris and Drazic, 1972). Esti- pletely discharged and can form adsorption layers of
mating the value of i0 and ilim , we are now able to use high coverage up to a monolayer (Wierse et al., 1978). In
Eq. (13) to t curve (cs ), to the experimental curve (c). fact, the deposition of sulfur ions on gold surface has
Comparing curves (c) and (cs ) leads us to the conclusion been reported before (Wierse et al., 1978; Buckley et al.,
that the calculated current density and the experimental 1987; Hamilton and Woods, 1983; Briceno and Chan-
results agree well with each other. This conrms that the der, 1990). In cyanide solution, the gold open circuit
dissolution reaction was controlled primarily by electron potential is relatively low. Consequently, it is interesting
transfer kinetics, and to a lesser extent by cyanide dif- to determine if sulde ions are still able to deposit on a
fusion. The number of electrons transferred, as ex- gold surface and make it passive. The eect of sulde
pected, was equal to one and the symmetric coecient ions on gold anodic behavior is shown in Fig. 4. Curve
was very close to 0.5. (b) indicates that sulde ions have a very negative eect
The eect of cyanide concentration on the gold an- on gold anodic reaction and the gold surface was pas-
odic polarization prole at stationary condition is indi- sivated. Even at high overpotentials, gold is still pas-
cated in Fig. 2. From the results, it can be seen that the sivated which suggests that a highly protective lm is
maximum in the dissolution of gold at high overpoten- formed on gold surface. This result is not in agreement
tial is a function of cyanide diusion. Once again, under with what has been reported by previously Kudryk and
these circumstances there is no indication of passivation Kellogg (1954). On the other hand, Buckley et al. (1987),

(d) (c) (b) (a)
Potential (V) vs Eref




0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030

Current Density(A/cm2)

Fig. 2. Eect of cyanide concentration on gold anodic polarization plots: (a) 0.05 M, (b) 0.025 M, (c) 0.01 M, (d) 0.005 M, common conditions:
0 rpm, pH 10.5, 24 C, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.
M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102 95



Limiting Current Density (mA/cm2)





0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Cyanide Conc. (M)

Fig. 3. Variation of limiting current density with cyanide concentration, conditions same as Fig. 2.


(b) (c) (a)

Potential (V) vs Eref




0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025

Current Density(A/cm2)

Fig. 4. Gold anodic voltammograms in the absence and presence of sulde and antimony ions: (a) no antimony or sulde ions, (b) sulde ion 10
ppm, (c) antimony ions 50 ppm, common conditions: pH 10.5, rpm 500, cyanide conc. 0.01 M, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.

using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, conrmed that ions (Hamilton and Woods, 1983). Sulde ions form S0
sulde ions could be reduced on the gold electrode in on the gold surface according to Reactions 16 and 17.
alkaline solution at a potential of )200 mV vs. SHE. As The involvement of two electrons in sulde ion deposi-
they pointed out, this is the potential where the initial tion has been conrmed by Wierse et al. (1978).
underpotential deposition layer is formed and below Au HS ! AuHS ads 16
that at which elemental sulfur can be formed. Due to
sulfur deposition on the gold surface, a strong layer AuHS ads ! AuS H 2e 17
bound to the gold is formed substrate which can be best Increasing the potential resulted in a gradual struc-
described as a gold sulde compound. The formation of tural change of such a chemisorbed layer (Briceno and
such a layer has a strong impact on lowering the gold Chander, 1990). A two dimensional sulfur layer with the
activity toward anodic reaction. These results are in general formula of Sx forms at this region according to
close agreement with those reported by Jerey and Reaction 18 and 19, which acts as a strong barrier for
Breuer (2000). cyanide ion diusion.
Curve (b) indicates that gold was passivated at lower AuS xHS ! AuSxHS ads 18
potentials than expected, )444 mV vs. SCE. The im- 
paired anodic dissolution is mainly due to sulde ion AuSxHS ads ! AuSx1 xH 2xe 19
adsorption on the gold surface. In basic solution the Consequently, the gold dissolution current decreased
sulde ion is believed to be in the form of hydrosulde considerably when potential was increased beyond 0 V
96 M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102

vs. SCE. The required extent of surface coverage to reached a maximum current density. Increasing the
make the gold passive depends highly on overpotential. potential beyond this level resulted in the reduction of
At a higher overpotential, gold can be passivated at a current density. Although passivation in this case was
lower surface coverage (Buckley et al., 1987). This may not completed, it is likely that the adsorption of anti-
provide an explanation for more intensive passivation of mony ions (probably in hydroxide form (Larger and
gold at the higher overpotential. Forssberg, 1990)) on the gold surface caused the surface
In addition, such a deposited layer has a more to be partially passivated. After this minimum point, the
impermeable structure which almost totally retards gold current density arose again with increasing potential.
anodic reaction. Measuring the surface area under the These results show that the adsorbed antimony ions
anodic curve, such as curve (b) in Fig. 4, and having the were replaced by cyanide ions and the surface passiv-
scan rate, we can estimate the maximum expected gold ation was not completed. It was observed that antimony
assay in solution using Faradays law, Eq. (20): ion concentration in the solution was reduced from 50 to
13.7 ppm. This decrease in antimony concentration can
m 20 be an explanation for diminishing the negative eect of
nF such ions at higher potentials.
where w is the gold atomic weight and t the time. By Sulde ions even at the lowest concentration tested in
using this equation the maximum gold assay is estimated direct gold dissolution tests, 10 mg/l, had serious
to be 1.18 ppm and the measured assay was 1.06 retarding eect on gold dissolution kinetic. Therefore
ppm.The dierence is partially due to sulde ion depo- the sulde ion concentration was adjusted at this level in
sition. More details about sulfur ion deposition on gold this study. Whereas the concentration of antimony ions
electrode, the structure of such a deposited layer in basic was adjusted at 50 mg/l since at this concentration, gold
media, and the eect of lead ion addition were reviewed dissolution rate decreased signicantly in direct gold
elsewhere (Briceno and Chander, 1990; Woods et al., dissolution experiments.
1989; Gao et al., 1992; Jerey and Breuer, 2000; Tshi-
lombo and Sandenbergh, 2001). 3.3. Eect of lead, iron and copper ions
The eects of antimony ions, dissolved from an
antimony uoride compound, on gold anodic behaviors Direct leaching experiments indicated that lead ions
can be seen in curve (c) of Fig. 4. At low potential re- at low concentration and ferrocyanide ions at high
gions, the gold anodic polarization curve did not change concentration have a signicant positive eect on gold
considerably in the presence of antimony ions. The dissolution. Copper cyanide at moderate concentration
major eect of antimony ions was on increasing open tended to have a slightly negative eect on the gold
circuit potential, which apparently results from the dissolution. The eect of these ions at the same con-
adsorption of those ions on the gold surface or double centrations on gold anodic dissolution has been studied
layer. The adsorption of these ions on gold surface was to see if there is any correlation between the results of
not stable and gold anodic behavior was restored by leaching tests and gold anodic behavior. Linear sweep
increasing the potential beyond a certain limit, about voltammograms for gold sample 2 in the presence of
)600 mV vs. SCE. Higher than this potential, gold an- iron, copper and lead ions are presented in Fig. 5. These
odic current density increased with potential until it voltammograms are fairly similar to each other.

(c) (b)
Potential (V) vs Eref



0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030

Current Density (A/cm2)

Fig. 5. Eect of metal ions on gold anodic polarization: (a) no metal ion, (b) lead (from Pb(NO3 )2 ) 0.77 ppm, (c) Fe (from FeK4 (CN)6 3H2 O) 200
ppm, (d) copper (from CuCN) 50 ppm, common conditions: pH 10.5, rpm 500, cyanide conc. 0.01 M, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.
M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102 97

In the presence of lead ions, the peak current density, were achieved for lead ion concentration of 0.72 mg/l in
which occurred at )400 mV vs. SCE, increased to about direct gold dissolution experiments. Based on these
1.9 mA/cm2 . The strong similarity between gold anodic ndings the concentration of lead ions was adjusted to
behavior in the presence and absence of lead ions on the 0.77 mg/l.
logarithmic scale suggests that the exchange current A similar result was also observed in the presence of
density did not change by any signicant amount in the ferrocyanide and cuprous cyanide ions. However, in the
presence of lead ions. Consequently, electrocatalytic presence of these ions the polarization curves illustrated
eects may not be considered an important reason for almost the same behavior as that of the gold at higher
the lead enhancing eect on the gold dissolution rate, at potentials. In conclusion, in the presence of lead ions at
least under these circumstances. Curve (b) has a small low overpotential (which is more important as a prac-
plateau at a potential of )625 mV vs. SCE, which is tical point of view) has virtually no eect on the gold
attributed to the lead stripping from the gold electrode. anodic behavior. Under the same conditions, it is spec-
The potentiodynamic scan was started at )800 mV and ulated that copper and iron ions have slightly negative
the scan rate was 0.2 mV/s. Consequently, the gold eect on gold anodic reaction.
electrode potential was lower than the lead ion bulk Optimum gold dissolution rate was achieved for a
deposition potential for more than 14 min. concentration of 200 mg/l ferrocyanide ions in direct
The Nernst equation for lead bulk deposition is gold dissolution experiments under the similar experi-
(Pourbaix, 1974): mental conditions mentioned above. Thus the concen-
tration of ferrocyanide ions was xed at the
E0 0:126 0:0295  logPb2 21 aforementioned concentration. The concentration of
where (Pb ) is the lead ion concentration and E0 is the copper ions in the cyanide solution was xed at 50 mg/l
standard emf of the reaction. At the concentration of as the dissolution of chalcopyrite (16 g/l) in cyanide
0.77 ppm Pb2 , E0 is equal to )0.54 mV vs. SCE. The solution even at long retention time, 8 h, never intro-
discrepancy between this potential and the stripping duces more than 40 mg/l of copper ions into cyanide
potential may be rationalized by the complexation of solution.
lead cations with anions such as OH . The stripping These results are contradictory with those of other
potential from the experimental result, and Eq. (21), investigators (Pan and Wan, 1979; Cathro, 1965) but
both indicate that in gold leaching practice where the may be attributed to the presence of the slight amount of
gold potential is about )400 mV vs. SCE and lead silver in the gold electrode. Fig. 6 shows the eect of lead
concentration is in the range of some milligrams per li- ion on anodic behavior of pure gold. The result is sim-
ter, lead ion deposition on gold can only occur through ilar to the one reported by Cathro (1964). From this
underpotential deposition. Such a deposition has been gure, it can be concluded that the eect of lead ions on
postulated to have a bi-functional eect. It accelerates the polarization of pure gold, which is apparently to
both the cathodic reduction (Eisenmann, 1978) and the remove the passive lm, was disturbed in the case of
anodic dissolution reactions. It is likely that the for- goldsilver alloy. A comparison of curves (a) and (b) in
mation of such a surface layer is energetically more Fig. 6, indicates that in the presence of lead ions the
favorable for various stages of the oxidation Reactions maximum current increased substantially, however,
57, as opposed to the bare surfaces. Optimum results passivation still occurred at higher overpotentials.


Potential (V) vs Eref


(a) (b)


0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0012 0.0014 0.0016

Current Density(A/cm2)

Fig. 6. Eect of lead ions on pure gold anodic polarization, Pb (from Pb(NO3 )2 0.75 ppm, common conditions: pH 10.5, rpm 500, cyanide conc. 0.01
M, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.
98 M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102

3.4. Eect of quartz presence of stibnite. Film formation on the gold surface,
which started at low potentials, about )800 mV vs. SCE,
In order to study the eect of dierent sulde min- acted as a strong barrier for the gold oxidation reaction.
erals on gold anodic behavior, the eect of inert solid Such a layer on the gold surface and in the presence of
particles was studied. Fig. 7 shows the gold anodic stibnite under leaching conditions was conrmed by
behavior in the presence of quartz particles. As can be XPS experiment. In the presence of such a surface lm,
seen from this gure, quartz has almost no eect on gold cyanide diusion to react with gold was prohibited and
anodic behavior. This is in agreement with what was the open circuit potential shifted toward the anodic
expected from inert solid particles and conrms the idea direction. Above this potential, )450 mV vs. SCE,
that the physical eect of inert solid particles on gold cyanide ions started to diuse through the surface layer
anodic behavior is negligible. Thus, the main reason for and react with gold. The increase of the potential caused
the negative or positive eects of dierent minerals on an increase in the cyanide diusion which reached a
gold anodic behavior is due to chemical or galvanic maximum level under this set of conditions. This po-
interactions. tential was )330 mV vs. SCE (Fig. 8, curve (b)).
The current density reached a maximum level and
3.5. Eect of stibnite was maintained at that level until the overpotential ex-
ceeded )200 mV vs. SCE. Above this potential, the
Gold anodic behavior in the presence of stibnite is nature of the surface lm probably started to change. At
illustrated in Fig. 8. The gold open circuit potential the beginning of these structural changes, the current
shifted signicantly toward the anodic potential in the density increased but it fell down to less than 20 lA at


0.000 (b)
Potential (V) vs Eref





0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025

Current Density(A/cm2)

Fig. 7. Gold anodic polarization in the absence and presence of quartz: (a) no quartz, (b) quartz 8 g/l, common conditions: pH 10.5, rpm 500,
cyanide conc. 0.01 M, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.


0.000 (a)
(b) (c)
Potential (V) vs Eref




0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025

Current Density(A/cm2)

Fig. 8. Gold anodic polarization in the absence and presence of stibnite: (a) no stibnite, (b) stibnite 4 g/l, pH 10.5, (c) stibnite 4 g/l, pH 9.0, common
conditions: cyanide conc. 0.01 M, rpm 500, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.
M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102 99

higher overpotential. This is a sign of the formation of a antimonite ions to antimonate ions through the fol-
very impenetrable passive layer on the gold disc surface. lowing reaction (Hedley and Tabachnick, 1950):
At higher overpotential, beyond 100 mV vs. SCE, the  
SbS2 3
3 CN 3O2 ! CNS SbO3 24
current density increased slightly, probably making this
layer stable but more permeable. Consequently, the gold Since in practice it is preferred to decrease the pH to 9
dissolution reaction began at a low rate. To conrm the or 9.5 to diminish the negative eect of stibnite, it would
nature of the anodic reaction, especially in the last be interesting to study the eect of stibnite at the lower
current region, and to determine whether it was due to pH on gold anodic polarization. Fig. 8c is a gold anodic
gold anodic dissolution or any other reactions, the area voltammogram in the presence of stibnite at pH 9. Once
under curve (b) was measured and the maximum ex- more, it was observed that the gold open potential
pected gold assay was calculated by using Eq. (20). The shifted about 140 mV toward the anodic direction, lower
assay was measured to be 1.42 ppm, whereas the maxi- than the one observed at pH 10.5. In the foot of this
mum expected gold assay was 1.45 ppm. This conrms curve, the current density increased slowly with poten-
that gold anodic dissolution was the main reaction tial. The current density increased sharply with potential
throughout this curve. when the potential was increased beyond a certain level,
Finkelstein (1972) pointed out that stibnite in the )400 mV vs. SCE. From this it can be concluded that
alkaline solution initially oxidizes to thio-antimonite, the gold surface was not passivated. This eect is mainly
3 and sulde ions then nally antimonate and sul-
due to the lower solubility of stibnite in alkaline solution
fate will be formed. Similar to sulde ions, thio-antim- at lower pH. The antimony ion concentration in cyanide
onite may adsorb on the gold surface according to the solution, measured by atomic adsorption spectroscopy,
following reaction: was 16.75 ppm at pH 10.5, reduced to 4.67 ppm at pH 9.
Stibinite concentration in this experiment was adjusted
Au SbS2 2
3 ! AuSbS3 ads 22
at 4 g/l since at such a concentration gold dissolution
These adsorbed ions may undergo oxidation according rate in direct leaching experiments was almost retarded.
to the following reaction:
3.6. Eect of galena
3 ads ! AuSbS3 2e 23
In this equation, SbS3 may be considered as a chemi- Gold anodic behavior in the presence of galena is
sorbed species on the gold surface. This compound is the illustrated in Fig. 9. At low overpotentials, the results
most likely to passivate gold in the presence of stibnite. are consistent with those obtained in the presence of
Although the exact nature of this layer was not deter- lead ions. At a higher potential range, the current passed
mined, XPS experiments conrmed the presence of through two maxima and two minima. The rst maxi-
antimony in this layer. No stibnite particles were ob- mum was attributed to the maximum cyanide diusion
served on the gold surface under microscopic study since under these conditions. In the presence of galena, the
the gold surface was washed several times with distilled maximum current density, which was limited by the
water. Cyanide ions do not form any stable compound cyanide diusion limit, was enhanced due to dissolved
with antimony ions and it seems that the only eect lead ions. Such an eect is also demonstrated in Fig. 5
of such ions is to accelerate the oxidation of the thio- for the case of lead ions. Under this condition, the

(b) (a)
Potential (V) vs Eref




0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025

Current Density(A/cm2)

Fig. 9. Eect of galena on gold anodic polarization: (a) no galena, (b) galena 8 g/l, common conditions: pH 10.5, rpm 500, cyanide conc. 0.01 M, scan
rate 0.2 mV/s.
100 M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102

surface concentration of cyanide ions on the gold sur- there is a potential region at the foot of the voltammo-
face approached zero and the concentration of grams in which current density did not increase to any
(AuCN )ads also approached zero. Therefore, the cur- signicant value in comparison with curve (a). After
rent density is reduced. At higher potential, the surface increasing the potential above a certain level, current
concentration of cyanide ion was no longer zero and the density started to rise sharply with potential. All of these
rate of formation of (AuCN )ads controlled the gold curves did not reach any maximum point and current
anodic dissolution. Furthermore, an increase in surface density increased continuously with potential.
concentration of (AuCN)ads promoted the nal reaction Pyrite and pyrrhotite are slightly soluble in cyanide
with cyanide ions. At higher potential, about 100 mV vs. solution and introduce various sulfur specious and fer-
SCE, cyanide ion concentration at the gold surface rous cyanide ions into the solution. In addition to these
dropped to a low level which caused the current density ions, chalcopyrite also dissolved to a much greater ex-
to decline. Such a complex behavior has also been ob- tent, and formed various cuprous cyanide compounds
served by Eisenmann (1978), however cyanide concen- (Shantz and Reich, 1978; Rees and Van Deventer, 1999).
tration and temperature were higher in his work (0.5 M It has been shown in Fig. 5 that iron and copper ions,
and 55 C respectively). even at relatively high concentration, did not have any
Once again we can observe that, in the presence of signicant negative eect on gold anodic behavior. Since
lead ions or galena, gold anodic polarization did not the concentration of copper and iron released from these
change signicantly at low and moderate overpotentials. minerals were on the order of milligrams per liter, we
As a result, it is reasonable to believe that under these can conclude that such ions are not expected to have any
conditions a signicant positive eect of lead ions or signicant negative eect on gold anodic behavior.
galena on gold dissolution rate, which was observed in Other than these ions, sulde ions are also expected to
direct gold disc dissolution experiments under the simi- be in solution. It has been shown, in Fig. 4, that sulde
lar lead or galena concentration, is not mainly due to the ions had very serious stable retarding eect on the gold
enhancement on gold anodic reaction. anodic behavior, which caused the gold to be passivated.
Consequently since such a passivation was not observed
3.7. Eect of chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite under these circumstances, it is reasonable to believe
that dissolved sulde ions from those sulde minerals
Linear sweep voltammogram curves for gold anodic did not reach levels sucient enough to cause the gold
dissolution in the presence of pyrite, pyrrhotite or to be passivated. In addition, some sulde minerals such
chalcopyrite are presented in Fig. 10. There are several as galena and pyrite are active in reducing the sulde
interesting points to be considered in this gure. In pure ions on their surface (Paul, 1984). However, there is not
cyanide solution or in the presence of pyrite, the gold enough evidence to prove that this mechanism is oper-
open circuit potential was about )780 mV vs. SCE. On ative in an oxygen depleted solution.
the other hand, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite slightly It has been reported previously (Lorenzen and van
shifted the gold open circuit potential, about 40 mV, in Denventer, 1992), that the galvanic interaction between
the anodic direction. Consequently, it is reasonable to gold and sulde minerals plays an important negative
conclude that the eect of those sulde minerals on the eect on gold dissolution behavior. In our case, how-
gold open circuit potential was not signicant. However, ever, gold and sulde minerals were liberated from each


(a) (c) (d)

Potential (V) vs Eref




0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030 0.0035

Current Density(A/cm2)

Fig. 10. Gold anodic polarization in the absence and presence of sulde minerals: (a) no sulde mineral, (b) pyrite, (c) chalcopyrite (d) pyrrhotite,
common conditions: pH 10.5, cyanide conc. 0.01 M, rpm 500, sulde mineral conc. 8 g/l, scan rate 0.2 mV/s.
M.M. Aghamirian, W.T. Yen / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 89102 101

other completely and oxygen concentration in the 3. In the presence of stibnite, the gold anodic reaction
solution was reduced to almost zero, the galvanic eect decreased to a very low level. The formation of
might not play such an important role. thio-antimonates on the gold surface as a strong pas-
Comparing curve (a) with all other curves in Fig. 10, it sive layer is believed to be the reason for such behav-
is possible to conclude that the gold anodic curves in the ior. At a lower pH of 9, the gold anodic polarization
presence of sulde minerals were dislocated toward the did not exhibit any passive region and no passive
more anodic potentials. On the other hand, a steady-state layer was observed on the gold disc surface after ano-
polarization curve for oxygen reduction (cathodic curve) dic polarization.
on the gold surface showed a continuous increase of 4. In the presence of pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite,
current with potential, when the potential was less than gold anodic polarization curves were moved some-
)300 mV vs. SCE. This is in agreement with the ndings what toward the anodic direction, although the gold
of other researchers (Li, 1991). In conclusion, the inter- open circuit potential did not change signicantly.
section of the oxygen reduction prole (cathodic curve) This was mainly due to the minor increase of current
with the anodic curves indicates that mixed potentials with potential at the foot of anodic waves. As a result
shift toward the more anodic potential in the presence of of such displacement, mixed potential will move to-
those sulde minerals, and the corrosion current would ward the anodic direction. Consequently gold corro-
consequently decrease. A shift of the free corrosion po- sion current, or on the other word gold dissolution
tential toward the more noble values of pure gold in the rate, will decrease too.
presence of sulde minerals was reported by Lorenzen
and van Denventer (1992). This can explain the negative
eect of those minerals on the gold dissolution rate. Acknowledgements
Since in direct leaching tests, the concentrations of the
minerals were changed form 2 to 16 g/l, an average min- Financial assistance from the Ministry of Culture and
eral concentration (8 mg/l) was selected for preliminary Higher Education of Iran is gratefully acknowledged.
electrochemical experiments. Further experiments under The authors would like to thank Dr. M. Shirkhanzadeh
various concentrations are planned in the next stage. and Dr. M. Tulmin and for helpful discussions which
inuenced the direction of this work. Appreciation is
also expressed to Mr. A. Pindred and Mr. C. Cooney for
4. Conclusions their technical help.

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