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1st Terminal Examination-2017

Class- VI
Time: - 1 hr . F.M: 50

1. Write down 3 sentences about the following 10

Elephant, Seal, Whales, Oyster, Sea Turtle, Shark.

2. Read the reasons for naming these countries guess and write the
name of the country.
a) It is named after the ruling at sand family which is named after
its ancestor saud _________.
b) An ancient kingdom named kambuja once existed here ______.
c) This named is derived from a Latin word meaning
d) These islands were first sighted by Spanish sea captain, Juande
Bermudez ________.
e) This name comes from the word Kanata, which means little
village in a Native American language.

3. Write down 3 sentences about the following ---

Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus.

4. Write down 3 sentences about

Giraffe, Bactrian Camel, African lion, Python, Polar bear.

5. Write down the name of one animal that belongs to each group ----
a) Monotremer, mammals, that lay eggs_________.
b) Primates a group that includes lemurs monkey apes and
humans ______
c) Arachmids eight legged animals that can be venomous and
usually lay eggs ____
d) Mollusks soft bodied animals which are mostly aquatic many
have a shell ________
e) Hexapods creature with six legs _________
6. Write down the correct answers (Dont Copy) 5
a) Love for water --- The tiger is a ____ Swimmer.
b) Hunting A tiger hunts alone . It ambushes its prey from behind
and bites its ______ to kill it.
c) It generally hunts at _______.
d) A tigers hind legs are ______ than its fore legs.
e) It has the largest upper ____ of all the cats.

7. Fill up : (Copy) 5
a) A large sea bird travels huge distances by soaring high in the sky
b) Related to Parrots found in and around Australia has a
spectacular head crest ____
c) Small plump bird : nests on the ground reluctant to fly likes to
creep away instead ______
d) Brown bird with yellow feet common in SE Asia including India,
Known for their speaking ability_______
e) A grey or brown bird, mimics the songs of other birds very well


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