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Animal Cell Coloring KEY

Original Document: Animal Cell Coloring

Cell Membrane(light brown) Nucleolus (black)
Cytoplasm (light yellow) Golgi Apparatus (pink)
Nucleoplasm (pink) Flagella (red/blue striped)
Nuclear Membrane(dark Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (dark
brown) blue)
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum( light
Ribosome (red)
Microtubules (dark green) Lysosome (purple)
Mitochondria (orange)
Cells are the basic unit of life.
The Cell Theory states that:
1) All organisms are made up of one or more cells and the products of those cells.
2) All cells carry out life activities ( require energy, grow, have a limited size).
3) New cells arise only from other living cells by the process of cell division.


Structure- a bilipid membraneous layer composed of proteins and carbohydrates. It is fluid like.
Function - the cell membrane separates the cell from its external environment, and is selectively permeable
(controls what gets in and out). It protects the cell and provides stability.
Proteins are found embedded within the plasma membrane, with some extending all the way through in order to
transport materials.
Carbohydrates are attached to proteins and lipids on the outer lipid layer.

Structure - The jelly-like substance composed of mainly water and found between the cell membrane and
nucleus. The cytoplasm makes up most of the "body" of a cell and is constantly streaming.
Function - Organelles are found here and substances like salts may be dissolved in the cytoplasm.

Structure - The largest organelle in the cell. It is dark and round, and is surrounded by a double membrane
called the nuclear envelope/membrane. In spots the nuclear envelope fuses to form pores which are selectively
permeable. The nucleus contains genetic information (DNA) on special strands called chromosomes.
Function - The nucleus is the "control center" of the cell, for cell metabolism and reproduction.

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is a network of membranous canals filled with fluid. They carry materials
throughout the cell. The ER is the "transport system" of the cell.
There are two types of ER: rough ER and smooth ER.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is lined with ribosomes and is rough in appearance and smooth endoplasmic
reticulum contains no ribosomes and is smooth in appearance.


Ribosomes are small particles which are found individually in the cytoplasm and also line the membranes of the
rough endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes produce protein. They could be thought of as "factories" in the cell.


Golgi bodies are stacks of flattened membranous stacks (they look like pancakes!). The Golgi Body
temporarily stores protein which can then leave the cell via vesiciles pinching off from the Golgi.

Lysosomes are small sac-like structures surrounded by a single membrane and containing strong digestive
enzymes which when released can break down worn out organelles or food. The lysosome is also known as
a suicide sac.

The mitochondria are round "tube-like" organelles that are surrounded by a double membrane, with the inner
membrane being highly folded. the mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouse" of the cell. the
mitochondria releases food energy from food molecules to be used by the cell. This process is called
respiration. Some cells( muscle cells) require more energy than other cells and so would have many more

Vacuoles are fluid filled organelles enclosed by a membrane. They can store materials such as food, water,
sugar, minerals and waste products.


Both cilia and flagella are hair-like organelles which extend from the surface of many animal cells. the
structure is identical in both, except that flagella are longer and whiplike and cilia are shorter. There are usually
only a few flagella on a cell, while cilia may cover the entire surface of a cell. The function of cilia and flagella
ionclude locomotion for one-celled organisms and to move substances over cell surfaces in multi-celled


The cell wall is a rigid organelle composed of cellulose and lying just outside the cell membrane. The cell wall
gives the plant cell it's box-like shape. it also protects the cell. The cell wall contains pores which allow
materials to pass to and from the cell membrane.

Plastids are double membrane bound organelles. It is in plastids that plants make and store food. Plastids are
found in the cytoplasm and there are two main types:
Leucoplasts - colorless organelles which store starch or other plant nutrients. ( example - starch stored in a
Chromoplasts - contain different colored pigments. The most important type of chromoplast is
the chloroplast, which contains the green pigment chlorophyll. This is important in the process of

The central vacuole is a large fluid-filled vacuole found in plants.
cell membrane - the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell. The cell membrane is semipermeable,
allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.
centrosome - (also called the "microtubule organizing center") a small body located near the nucleus - it has a
dense center and radiating tubules. The centrosomes is where microtubules are made. During cell division
(mitosis), the centrosome divides and the two parts move to opposite sides of the dividing cell. The centriole is
the dense center of the centrosome.
cytoplasm - the jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located.
Golgi body - (also called the Golgi apparatus or golgi complex) a flattened, layered, sac-like organelle that
looks like a stack of pancakes and is located near the nucleus. It produces the membranes that surround the
lysosomes. The Golgi body packages proteins and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export"
from the cell.
lysosome - (also called cell vesicles) round organelles surrounded by a membrane and containing digestive
enzymes. This is where the digestion of cell nutrients takes place.
mitochondrion - spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double membrane. The inner membrane is infolded
many times, forming a series of projections (called cristae). The mitochondrion converts the energy stored in
glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for the cell.
nuclear membrane - the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
nucleolus - an organelle within the nucleus - it is where ribosomal RNA is produced. Some cells have more than
one nucleolus.
nucleus - spherical body containing many organelles, including the nucleolus. The nucleus controls many of the
functions of the cell (by controlling protein synthesis) and contains DNA (in chromosomes). The nucleus is
surrounded by the nuclear membrane.
ribosome - small organelles composed of RNA-rich cytoplasmic granules that are sites of protein synthesis.
rough endoplasmic reticulum - (rough ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and
convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear
membrane). Rough ER is covered with ribosomes that give it a rough appearance. Rough ER transports
materials through the cell and produces proteins in sacks called cisternae (which are sent to the Golgi body, or
inserted into the cell membrane).
smooth endoplasmic reticulum - (smooth ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and
convoluted tubes that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear
membrane). The space within the ER is called the ER lumen. Smooth ER transports materials through the cell.
It contains enzymes and produces and digests lipids (fats) and membrane proteins; smooth ER buds off from
rough ER, moving the newly-made proteins and lipids to the Golgi body, lysosomes, and membranes.
vacuole - fluid-filled, membrane-surrounded cavities inside a cell. The vacuole fills with food being digested
and waste material that is on its way out of the cell.
Animal cells are eukaryotic cells, or cells with a membrane-bound nucleus. Unlike prokaryotic cells, DNA in
animal cells is housed within the nucleus. In addition to having a nucleus, animal cells also contain other
membrane-bound organelles, or tiny cellular structures, that carry out specific functions necessary for normal
cellular operation. Organelles have a wide range of responsibilities that include everything from
producing hormones and enzymes to providing energy for animal cells.
EUKARYOTIC- with nucleus
PROKARYOTIC- Unicellular or single celled(bacteria)
Animal cells and plant cells are similar in that they are both eukaryotic cells and have similar organelles.
Animal cells are generally smaller than plant cells. While animal cells come in various sizes and tend to have
irregular shapes, plant cells are more similar in size and are typically rectangular or cube shaped. A plant cell
also contains structures not found in an animal cell. Some of these include a cell wall, a large vacuole, and
plastids. Plastids, such as chloroplasts, assist in storing and harvesting needed substances for the plant. Animal
cells also contain structures such as centrioles, lysosomes, cilia, and flagella that are not typically found in plant
The following are examples of structures and organelles that can be found in typical animal cells:
Cell (Plasma) Membrane - thin, semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosing its
Centrioles - cylindrical structures that organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division.
Cilia and flagella - specialized groupings of microtubules that protrude from some cells and aid in cellular
Cytoplasm - gel-like substance within the cell.
Cytoskeleton - network of fibers throughout the cell's cytoplasm that gives the cell support and helps to
maintain its shape.
Endoplasmic Reticulum - extensive network of membranes composed of both regions with ribosomes (rough
ER) and regions without ribosomes (smooth ER).
Golgi Complex - also called the Golgi apparatus, this structure is responsible for manufacturing, storing and
shipping certain cellular products.
Lysosomes - sacs of enzymes that digest cellular macromolecules such as nucleic acids.
Microtubules - hollow rods that function primarily to help support and shape the cell.
Mitochondria - cell components that generate energy for the cell and are the sites of cellular respiration.
Nucleus - membrane bound structure that contains the cell's hereditary information.
Nucleolus - structure within the nucleus that helps in the synthesis of ribosomes.
Nucleopore - tiny hole within the nuclear membrane that allows nucleic acids and proteins to move into and out
of the nucleus.
Peroxisomes - enzyme containing structures that help to detoxify alcohol, form bile acid, and break down fats.
Ribosomes - consisting of RNA and proteins, ribosomes are responsible for protein assembly.
In the hierarchical structure of life, cells are the simplest living units. Animal organisms can be composed of
trillions of cells. In the human body, there are hundreds of different types of cells. These cells come in all shapes
and sizes and their structure suits their function. For example, the body's nerve cells or neurons have a vastly
different shape and function than red blood cells. Nerve cells transport electrical signals throughout the nervous
system. They are elongated and thin, with projections that extend out to communicate with other nerve cells in
order to conduct and transmit nerve impulses. The major role of red blood cells is to transport oxygen to body
cells. Their small, flexible disc shape enables them to maneuver through tiny blood vessels to deliver oxygen
to organs and tissues.
Structurally, plant and animal cells are very similar because they are both eukaryotic cells. They both contain
membrane-bound organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus,
lysosomes, and peroxisomes.
Plant cells can be larger than animal cells. The normal range for an animal cell varies from 10 to 30
micrometers while that for a plant cell stretches from 10 to 100 micrometers. Beyond size, the main structural
differences between plant and animal cells lie in a few additional structures found in plant cells. These
structures include: chloroplasts, the cell wall, and vacuoles.

Figure %: Plant Cell v. Animal Cell

In animal cells, the mitochondria produces the majority of the cells energy from food. It does not have the same
function in plant cells. Plant cells use sunlight as their energy source; the sunlight must be converted into energy
inside the cell in a process called photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are the structures that perform this function.
They are rather large, double membrane-bound structures (about 5 micrometers across) that contain the
substance chlorophyll, which absorbs sunlight. Additional membranes within the chloroplast contain the
structures that actually carry out photosynthesis.
Chloroplasts carry out energy conversion through a complex set of reactions similar to those performed by
mitochondria in animals. The double membrane structure of chloroplasts is also reminiscent of mitochondria.
The inner membrane encloses an area called the stoma, which is analogous to the matrix in mitochondria and
houses DNA, RNA, ribosomes, and different enzymes. Chloroplasts, however, contain a third membrane and
are generally larger than mitochondria.
The Cell Wall
Another structural difference between in plant cells is the presence of a rigid cell wall surrounding the cell
membrane. This wall can range from 0.1 to 10 micrometers thick and is composed of fats and sugars. The tough
wall gives added stability and protection to the plant cell.
Vacuoles are large, liquid-filled organelles found only in plant cells. Vacuoles can occupy up to 90% of a cell's
volume and have a single membrane. Their main function is as a space-filler in the cell, but they can also fill
digestive functions similar to lysosomes (which are also present in plant cells). Vacuoles contain a number of
enzymes that perform diverse functions, and their interiors can be used as storage for nutrients or, as mentioned,
provide a place to degrade unwanted substances.
This is one of the most important questions in biology since the cell
is the smallest unit of life in either a plant or an animal and without
it no living thing would survive. No matter what organism the cell
comes from it has the same basic functions. Cells must be able to get
nutrients from the environment, make new cells (reproduce) and use
the nutrients to make energy for the organism they are a part of.
There are many, many, many other things a cell can do in addition to
there three things, for example, cells get rid of waste, send electrical
signals to the brain, fight off disease, carry oxygen through the body
and in the case of plants they make energy from sunlight.
Although, the overall function of the cell is the same, there are some
important differences between animal and plant cells. The first
difference is that plant cells have an organelle called chloroplast.
Chloroplasts contain a pigment called chlorophyll (which gives the
plant its green color). Chlorophyll is able to capture the energy from
the sun. In doing this a series of chemical reactions occur that
convert the suns energy into ATP (energy for the plant). The second
main difference is in the structure of the cell itself. Animal cells are
smaller than plant cells and have a membrane around them that is
flexible and allows molecules, gases and nutrients to pass into the
cell. Plant cells are larger and in addition to a membrane they have a
rigid cell wall. The cell wall does not let any material pass so instead
the plants cells must have tiny openings between cells like doors
between rooms in your house. These "doors" are called
plasmodesmata. The plant cell wall provides protection to the plant
cell just like the animal cell does.
Here is a really nice table I found on line that lists similarities and
differences between the two. In case your curiosity gets the best of

Answer 2:
Great question!Plants and animals are both, highly complex multi-
cellular organisms, and there are many different types of plant and
animal cells, all with different functions. Although there is alot of
overlap in functions that are important to both plants and animals,
there are certain things that only plants, or animals can do. For
example, trees are not mobile, but they do compete with other trees
in order to be tall enough to keep their leaves in direct sunlight.
Therefore, plant cells have rigid cell walls that give them extra
strength (think of a tree trunk). On the other hand, animals are
mobile, their cells lack rigid walls. Animals even have specialized
cells for rapid movement (your muscles). I encourage you to look all
the different types of plant and animal cells and think about the
function that each type of cell may be suited to. Hope this helps, and
keep asking questions!

What is a cell?
A cell is the basic unit of life as we know it. It is the smallest unit capable of independent reproduction. Robert
Hooke suggested the name cell in 1665, from the Latin cella meaning storeroom or chamber, after using a very
early microscope to look at a piece of cork.
It is also said that he thought that the rectangular chambers looked like the cells in some monasteries.
Physically cells always have a boundary membrane, a little like a polythene bag encloses contents within it.
Inside the space limited by the membrane there is an remarkable chemical processing unit.
First Cells Seen in Cork
While the invention of the telescope made the Cosmos accessible to human observation, the microsope opened
up smaller worlds, showing what living forms were composed of. The cell was first discovered and named
by Robert Hooke in 1665. He remarked that it looked strangely similar to cellula or small rooms which monks
inhabited, thus deriving the name. However what Hooke actually saw was the dead cell walls of plant cells
(cork) as it appeared under the microscope. Hookes description of these cells was published in Micrographia.
The cell walls observed by Hooke gave no indication of the nucleus and other organelles found in most living
cells. The first man to witness a live cell under a microscope was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1674
described the algae Spirogyra. Van Leeuwenhoek probably also saw bacteria.

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