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rnitinstpnn, VJANIIAI-tY,_ I880._

VOL. I. No.

WORK OF THE WOMENS NA Of theoldbills,aneffort will be made morepeacefulandbest disposedIndians. Dr. Childs,asoneof the Commission to
. TIONAL INDIAN ASSOCIATION. bythecommittee to sendtheclaimsof the Justice, law, can alone remedy this. consider spokeof theproposedremoval

Pottawatomie Indiansoverto theCourtof Christianity will have its proper inu ofthenearly2000Southern Utes,outofCol
1st. To aidbyeverymeansfor securing Claims to beadjudicated, and thefriends enceonlywhentheracewhooffer Christ oradointoUtah, sayingthatmostof them
all laws neededby the Indians of the of theMissionIndianbill hopeto seethat ianityto thesepagansareseenbythem to desiredthe removal. Cattle-men,whose
UnitedStates. broughtup andpassed. recognize theinstinctsof justiceandright herds roam the Indians land, at small
2d._ To sendand supportsuitablemis KATE Foorn. whichevensavages can appreciate. cost,desirethe Indiansto remainin C01
sionariesand instructorsto resideamong And whilethespoilssystem hasdemoral orado. The proposednew reservation,
Indians,to laborfor theirhelpindustrially, izedotherbranches of our government the however, alreadypre-empted by English

politicallly,educationally, morallyand re oflaw on Indian R servations has cattlecompanies,
ADEFINITE POINT FOR UNITEI) absence sothat diiculttosee

ligiously. madethissystemespecially destructiveof howthecattlesyndicate-evil will bereme
ACTION. all advancethere;andcivil servicereform diedbyremoval. It wouldseemthebetter
THE NEW YEAR PRAYER. DelerateGifford,from D akota, intro in the selectionanddismissalof Reserva planto civilizetheUtes byprotection,in
Ring outa slowlydyingcause, iduced abill in the House whichpracti tion employees is pre-eminentlyneeded. structionandlandsin severally,on their
And ancientformsof partystrife; cally takes11,000,000 acresof land from If wearetoldthatthe Siouxarecontu presentreservation, though theremaybe
willing to meetthe otherreasons-forremoval,not apparent.
theSouix,without theirconsent.*"*A pow macious i n notbeing
Ring in thenoblermodesof life, requirements of theDawes Bill, let usnot The 334 childrenof the tribe certainly
With sweetermanners, purerlaws. erfullobbyofcattlemen areurgingits pas
sage,butSenatorDawessayshewill doall let beforgottenthat white menwould shouldbeplacedin schools,and mission

Ring outthewant,thecare,thesin, in hispowerto defeatit. Phila. Ledger probably object to sell their land at fty aries shouldbe sentamong them. None
The faithlesscoldness of thetimes; centsanacrewhenthe Governmentland aretherenow. The land to which is

Jan. 4th,1889.
Ring out,ringout,mymournfulrhymes, The introductionof anotherbill into wassold at $1.25an acre, and moreoverproposedto removethemis publicland,
But ring thefullerminstrelin. which seeksto makelaw sanc thatourGovernmenthas often outraged and the greater part of worth

Ring outfalsepridein placeandblood, tionoppression, warnsusthatmanyAmer theIndiansreadycondence;humiliating pastoral little for agriculture,and the nomadic,
life, not nearly so favorablefor
asthefact to usall theIndiansdistrust

The civicslanderandthespite; ican citizens still needto learnthatsecur
Ring in theloveof truthandright, ity in thepossession of their own not of theGovernment showshis intelligence. rapidcivilizationasagriculturallife. must

It would be encouragingto have the betheirresource placeduponthe new

Ring in thecommonloveof good. theexclusiverightof thestrong;that our
numberof letters sent reported,and reserve. There, also, English capitalists

law-makers areappointed to promotejus
Ring out oldshapesof fouldisease, thees wouldalsoshowus the amountof force and fewgroupsofMormonsettlerswould

tice,notto pervertit, andthat

Ring outthe narrowinglust of gold, pecialprerogativeof law to protectthe broughttobearon thisonepoint. Let us probablycontestpossessionwith them.
Ring outthethousandwarsof old; weak. It ourshameandloss thatsuch useallourstrength. An interestingdiscussion on special


Ring in thethousandyearsof peace. bills do not arousegeneralindignation, SARAH N EWLIN. questionof removalfollowed.t iedrift of
Ring in thevalliantmanandfree, andheretheNationalIndian Association whichappeared t o favortheaboveconclu
has renewedcall to its patrioticwork. THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF sion,thoughprobablysuch case could

The largerheart,thekindlierhand;

Ring out thedarknessof theland; By persistent effortitscry for justice has notbefully statedonsuchanoccasion.
INDIAN COMMISSIONERS. CaptainPratt made,asalways, vigor
, ,

Ring in theChristthatis to be. gained hearing;let nowmakeall our

Tennyson. Congressmen know that largebodyof OnJan. 17th,at the Riggs House,in ousspeech, arguingthat removalof these

-their constituentsare expectingthemto Washington, D. C., the semi-annualCon giving Indians would be practicallyagainst
meettheserepeated insultsto our nation, ference of theBoardofIndianCommission themlandsin severaltyand there
notsimplybyopposition butby good leg ers, with representatives of the Indian forewouldbedirectlyopposed to the pre
, The workof theCommittee of theHouse islationfor theIndians,and by long do Associations andgreatmissionary societies sent Indian policy of the Govemment,
whichhethoughtthetruemethodof civil
on Indian affairs,is verging_towardthat layedjustice. washeld, Commissioner Carleton presid izingIndians.
Heemphasized thedutyof
day,whichthatCommittee will havegiven Will notall the branchesof our Asso irwin the absenceof GeneralFiske, the thepresent
it in whichto presentits bills. Several ciationunitein askingfor such legislationorfairmaiiot theBoard. Rev.Dr. Strieby, tion,notleaving settlement of the Ir..l2....\|||cS
to be thework of the

bills will bepresented, and the feelingof now? It requiresno new plan, only let for the Congregationalists, GeneralMar
nextgeneration, and he Opposed
havinglittle timeallowedthemis sostrong therebe united action on one deniteshallfor theUnitarians,Mr. Boyd for the in Colorado
wishingto driveout thus her paupers.
that it wasdecidedthat billswhich pro point. Let manymembers writenotes,as Presbyterians, Dr. Schweinitzfor theMor
He also strongly condemnedthe unfair
vokeddiscussionshouldbewithdrawn,in hasbeensooftendone,to votersin their avians, Westernrepresentative for the apportionment

enclosing copy of Miss Societyof Friends,BishopWalker, of the of publicfundsas between

orderto utilize thetime as muchas pos neighborhood,

Footesreporton Indian Legislation of Northwest,for theEpiscopalchurch,Rev. Protestantsand RomanCatholicsforIndian

sible. Attentionwascalledto the fact
Oneof therstto be presented, will be 1888,callingattentionto the facts re Dr. Greenfor the Baptists,and aletter schools. thattheseUtes are almostthe onlypure
Mr. Peelsbill, No. 11970, withanencour cordedthere,and asking the voter ad of Rev.Dr. John for Southern Methodists, thecountry.Theyarenot
agingreport. This is a substitutefor the dressed to writeto his representatives in gave very encouragingaccountsof the bloodIndiansin fondof work,saying: Treesdontwork;
Siouxbill of lastyear,andit is to divide Congress a skingthatintelligentandcare missionwork among Indians, done by
Godnotwork;whitemanwork;Indian no
a portionof the reservationof the Sioux ful attentionshouldbe given to Indian theirvariousdenominations.All revealed work.

nationof Dakotaintoseparate reservationslegislation,andespecially totheBill to Es the readinessof the Indians to receive

andto securethe relinquishment of the tablishU. S. Courtsand to Extend Our religious instruction,and gave gratifying At the afternoonsession,Dr.
of missionsandeducational
Indians title to the remainder,and for Lawsoverall Indian Reservations. testimonyto their progressin civilization Jacksonspoke
Let the votersbe remindedthat the andindustryduringthepastyear. workin Alaska,theworkof theMoravians
otherpurposes.This bill provides thatall the 17,000Esqnimaux, and of
the land thrown into the publicdomain greatmassof thenativeraceof our coun MissAlice C. Fletcherreported thecom amongthatof othersocieties in otherpartsof the
sold during the rst threeyears,shallbe try still withoutthe protectionof law; pletionof hereldwork,for the allotment territory.

sold at $1.25 an acre, for the next thatwhile anarchists, l oudly denying all of land to the Winnebagoes, of Nebraska, Resolutions,
The Committee o n Herbert
two yearsat 75centsanacre,afterthatat theirdutiesascitizensand openlyscorn thenarrativegivenshowinghowconstant Welsh,Esq., Rev. SheldonJackson, Mrs.
50centsanacre,andthatall landsremain ingthelawstheyhavesworn to support, herplansfor the Indians hadreference Quinton, General Armstrongand Prof.

ing undisposedof aftertenyearsshallbe thus peiiuring themselves b y everydec to theirfutureandtotheir permanent or Painter, reported resolutionsin
soldat 50centsanacre,the amountto be laration of their anarchic principles, ganizationbyprecincts,townsand coun of Civil ServiceRules in Indian a"airs; favor
creditedto the Indians as part of their whileanarchistsclaimandobtainthe full ties. She had metdilculty in securing againstthe removalof Indians,from their
funds. The bill is a faironein mostof its protection of theseinsultedlaws, Indians justiceto Indianwomen,in wayof landed reservations; in favor of redressof the
points, and it will be the rst onepre areleft entirelywithoutlaw, unlessthey rights. Legal marriagesshouldbe re wrongsof theRoundValley and
sented. Mr. Giffordof Dakotaalsopre breakoffall connection w ith their native quiredof themandtheproperty of Indian Mission
Indiansof California;of increasedappro
senteda bill to amendthe rst Sioux bill associations. In becomingcitizensIn womenshouldbesecuredto themindivid priations for the allotmentof lands to
whichis muchlikeMr. Peels. diansshould be requind to do this, as ually,aswellasthatof mento men. The lndians,andoftheappointment ofcarefully
The bill for thereliefandcivilizationof aliensshouldberequiredto breakoff their man not,in everycase,theheadof the selectedagentsfor that service;of

the Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, nativeassociations, thoughtheydonotdo family, and propertysecuredsolelyto general the
educationof all Indians;of care
passedtheHouseandwentto the Senate, so. But alienswhoneverbecome

citizens him,underanyandall circumstances, may ful observance of theequities, a nd,

and amendments were oeredthere,and are fully protectedin life andpropertyby risk thewellfareof thefamily. as far
aspossibleof the specications of treaties,
a conferenceappointedwhich resulted our laws,for to be _withoutlaw is to be The OmahaIndians, was stated,had andofthe appointment

of committee to

in an agreement, and the bill has been for spoiland prey. Indians have broken about1800 acres of land, since re

signedby thespeaker of theHouse,andby longsobeen spoil and prey, even ceivingallotments, andmuchof this work visitthePresident-elect to urgethe above

the presidentof theSenate. It provides whenbeggingfor law; anarchists,hating havingbeen hired from white men had Mrs. Quintonspokeof the workof the
for thedisposition of nearly4,731,000 acres andscorninglaw, haveneverbeenallowed beencostly. Womens National Indian Association,
of land and the locationof theIndians, to knowwhat to be unprotectedby She had found pupils returnedfrom and

EasternIndian schools,to be amongthe workof Mr. Welsh gave an accountof the

7,000in number,upon7 townships. law. theIndian Rights Association.
Other bills introduced, besidesthe one The Mission Indians are illegally tribes the leavenof hope,progressand
Hon.John H. Oberley,Commissioner
askinganallotmentof landin severalty for evictedfromtheir own farms, and their civilizationin almosteveryinstance. She Indianaffairs,madethe of
Peoria Indians, areone in improvements of years appropriated with touched uponthefactthatIndians, also, closingaddress,
troducedby SenatorBerg,askinga right outredress,whilethe Oklahomasettlers, adduce supernatural proofsof theirbeliefs, full of interestto friends of Indians, in
thattheyhavenoright as do mostother races,andspokeof the whichhefavored the applicationof civil
of wayfor theFort Smith,Paris & Dard warnedbeforehand rulestoIndianaffairs,andotherre
anelle Railway Co. throughthe Indian to thelandtheyseize,hastento makeim diicultythisfactpresentsin the way of service Incidentswereaddedby
country,a bill of SenatorPlumb,asking provements onthisIndianlandthatthey change-sof creedandcustom. Shethought formsthereof. speakers, showinguniform faith
right;of waythroughthe Indian territory maymakespecious appeals to the sympa we couldnottoo highly valuetheatmos several fulnessto instructionon thepart of re
for the CherokeeCentral Railway Co.; thyof thecountry,and such appealswin phereof civilizationandrightfaith in the turnedlndianpupils,andvariousquestions
anotherbill in theHousefor Fort Smith, consideration. East, which, constantlyabsorbed, forces wereaskedandanswered,

all llingtheday
Paris DardanelleRailway" Housebill UnitedStatescitizenshavetoolongsub rapidlyforwardtheprogressand develop instructively

rantingright ofwaytotheCitrousWater mittedto beput to theblushby all other mentof Indianpupilshere. This culture, hopefor andprotablyandgivingnew
Co.,across the PapagoIndian Reservationgovernments thathavehad to dowith In shesays, neededto makeunevenesses thefutureof thenativeredrace,

in Arizona. This lastbill hasgotsofar on dians. UnderFrench, Spanish,.English, amongIndian, and to redeemthemfrom
its way that has beensignedby the andRussianrule, Indians have beenal themonotony andsleepiness of uncivilized

speakerof theHouse. The Oklahoma bill lowedcommonrightswithotherresidents.ideasandmethods. Undertheauspices of the Buffalo His
hasbeenbroughtup onceor twice,and Americanrule alonehas refusedthese Shehadgiven yearto thisworkamong toricalSociety proposedto erect, 3


has friends enoughto makeone tremble rights,andhasoftenrewardedthosewho the Winnebagoes.Such work must be monumentin honorof Red Jacket, the
lest shouldat lastpass. madetroublewhilecruellyneglectingthe slowlyandcarefullydone. famousSeneca chief.


PUBLISHED From Mrs. E. W. Simpson,Secretaryof In answerto variousquestions,we give
The followingresolution,adoptedbythe Society below the namesof societies,received
Women's NationalIndianAssociation. ExecutiveBoardof the AssociationJan theMethodistWoman Missionary
e xplains itself of the Troy Conference,in the State of sinceour lastissue,whichare now mem
TERMS, -4 . 30CENTS YEAR INADVANCE uary 24th,1889, York, wehavereceiveda lettercon bersof theNational Council of Women,

POSTAGE PREPAID. Resolved,That this Board has receivedNew tainingmostcheeingnews,of the success amongthem beingalreadyfourdenomina
withgreatsatisfaction therepliesof Aux ful continuance of theworkatthemissionstionalsocieties:
JANUARY, 889. iliaries and Branchesof this Associa plantedin Indian Territory,by our Asso
tion,to the requestof the Board, made ciation.The lettersays:In May,wesent The WomensFreeBaptistAssn.

__:____-l be in its printedletter of December18th; The WomensCentenaryAssn., of the
All communications forthese columns should ladyfromthiscity,andfromour church UniversalistChurch. -

to MissH. R. Fooe,2105 Spruce Street, and, since an overwhelming m ajority of
addressed to Ponca,IndianTerritory;wherewe had The WomensBap.HomeMissionSociety.
Philadelphia, Penn.
_-;-__"'___________'"'___'_-_--_P- the societies representedat the late erecteda smallhousefor heruse. Shehad TheWomensBap.ForeignMissionSociety.
Annual Conventionhave responded,all, beenwith Mrs. Gaddis,threemonthsat The NationalW. C. T. U.
EDITORIAL. indeed, but one Auxiliary having re Osage,andhad learnedsomethingof the The NationalWomanSuerageAssn.
ported, or their delegateshaving re methods of work. Sheat once starteda The National TemperanceHospital and
THE caseof theSisseton andWahpetonsponded;andsinceall thesehave.at re SundaySchool,in the Government school MedicalCollegeAssn.
Sioux, to be found in anothercolumn, quest,cheerfullyvotedwithdrawalfrom house.with theschoolchildren,and com The AmericanRedCrossSociety.
suggests some painful q uestions, andmakes theNationalCouncil of Women for the theIndians. Soon The Wt-stemAssonof CollegeAlumnae.
preventdiversion menced visitingamong
oneask thereis such thing as public sakeof harmonyandto theybeganto attend,though the Agent The Sorosis

honesty?How thatso manytransac of attentionfromour work, thoughnot triedto keepthemaway,as he does not The NationalWomensMedicalAssn.

tions. which, between man and man, fewhaveexpresseda strong preference like thechildrento minglewith thegrown Whilerejoicing,for thesakeofharmony

wouldat oncebe recognizedas agrant thattheAssociationremainin the Coun fit Indians,lost mayhindertheir civiliza in our ranks and work, that the vote of

a it
crimes,andpunishedas such, are looked cil, askeeping privilegeof greatb6I1t- tion. Shehas meetingfor theolderones theauxiliaries for retirementfrom the

uponsocoldlywhenthedeedsof bodyof to our cause; therefore, as pledgedin house, Sundayafternoon,that

o n Council,manywill regretthe lossof the

at her
men anddonein the name of, nominallyour letterof December18th,this Board well attended. She also meetswith the right to bringoncein threeyearsthefacts
at least, Christiannation?What changeadd their votefor such withdrawalalso, children, t woevenings o feach week,teach of, and appealsfor needynativerace,to

is that whichcomesovermenwhent king and will announceto the Council the esthemto sing,andprepares themfor the thegreataudiencerepresenting on that01>
seatin Congress whichmakes possiblewithdrawalof the Associationfrom that lessononSunday. ThanksgivingDay she casionwide coiistitueucieswho would

for themto beindifferentto thewholesalebody,for the_reasonsgiven. held feast, inviting all the chiefs,their thushearorreadmoreor lessof ourneedy

robberyof defcnceless race? And when OTHER RESOLUTIONS, wives,and manyothers, She read from causeby that means. Also manywill not

oneaddsto thepictureof thatdefencelessAdoptedJanuary24th. theScriptures,andtalkedtothemof Gods beableto repressa smileat thefearof any
ness,the fact thatthe men of that race loving care;invited them to attend her the independence of thesegreatde
havehunted,fought,and slain our ene Resolved, That in future all invitations, meetings,etc. White Eagle, the Chief, riskto nominationaland national societies,or
mies, defendedour westernhomes. a nd proposals andquestions regarding Organic
andStanding Bear,who was there on any advantage

that underhanded can be

thenfor yearshavesilentlywaitedlor the relationswith outsidesocieties bereferred
materialhelp so long due, to be told at directly to the annualmeeting,with at visitfromN ebiaska,rEast, esponded.The lat taken of themby any society-member
and foundthe the league within which they stand.
to all Aux ter said hehadbeen

last that for the privilegeof rendering least months previous n otice missionary true friendsto the In

w omen The pugnacity of humannature can be

haschargediliaries of the Association.and that
suchserviceourGovernment the dutyof dians. He said they were like the sun trustedfordefence evenifthegreatintelli
them all that belongsto them, _andshallnothereafterbe deemed shining in thesky, on clear day, very gence,conscience andforce of thesewomen

$100,000besides,an honest American the ExecutiveBoard to givepreliminary
bright andsuchpower. After the feast wereleft out of account. And all these
would gladly believehimselfreadingthe consideration to suchtopics they held council at the missionarysgreatsocieties aretoobusywith theirown

recordof somewild cannibaltribein the Resolved, That the aboveresolutionbe house, whicheightChiefsattendedsitting workto beable to give more time than
depthsof thedark continent,ratherthan recommended to thenextannual meeting
in semi-circle onone side of the room, that of tri-ennial conferenceto union

not unhsual storyof his own nationto for adoption by thatbody.
'aday. How is that men,who,in private Resolved, That hereaftera full programandour
missionary,with the Governmenteffort. With this thought we lay aside
int-erpreter opposite. White Eagle spoke thetopic,andturn with undividedatten

life, are believed to beupright,areableto of theannualmeetingbesentto all Aux rst,afterMissC. He saidthey watch tion to our own Associationslabors,
vote public and national crime, when, iliaries and Branchesat least month

edherasshe commenced her work, and whichcallfor ourhearts,our hands, and

with their peers,actingas the authorized rior to thedateof thatmeeting. knew was for their goodthatshehad our treasures.May all our protestsbe


guardiansof ihe peoples interests,defen Resolved, That as THE INDIANS come.andpromised to standby her, for againstthe wrongsof Indians hereafter,

dersof nationalhonor.buildersof national FRIEND published solely forthepurpose

character? Is there moralmiasmain of aidingour work for Indians, its col he was sure thatshewastheirfriend." sincerequests areamplewithinour ranks,

norfor StandingBear,thenmadeavery eloquentand may zeal,and heart,and self-denial

all positionsof public responsibility?Or umnsarenot openfor controversy,

speech. He saidtherewere 200Poncas, anddevotionmake the presentthe most

alonehas previouslythe discussionof questionsdecided by
-is that self-interest OmahaAgency,that wantedto come eicientyearof theAssociationshistory.
of it, adviceof the AdvisoryBoard andAttor at

inducedhonesty,or the semblance andjoin these,and he desiredto go to

and that, self-interest removed,the moral neyof theAssociation:- Washington and seeaboutit. Theyalso
inadequacy of the man appears? Can Resolved,That the Boarddoes abouttakingup farms, and trying A ROUND VALLEY LETTER.

man be reallydisliwnest in his deedsand justied in incurring the expenseof rtalked to cultivatethemand on manypointsof An Indian girl at ourformermissionin
honestin heart? If heproves crlmnail i n another supplement f or the publication
pagesof the Reply interest. supported Californiathus brea.thes her aectioiiate
national aairs was he not essentiallyof thetwenty-three MissC. bythe Society,al gratitudeto oneof our missionariesnow

dishonest beforehand? of Mrs. Crannell, a sthey consider itsessen above,whichthinksshe doing absent:

It certainthat now as neverbefore tial points alreadythus decidedin their


agoodwork. The societybores soon to _ My dear friend: thought of writ

thehomeeyesofthe nationare uponthe OpenLetter.

send preacher,to superintendthe three ing to vousometime agobut hadnooneto

votersandtheirvotes,and that the true stations referred too. writefor me. havebeenblindeversince
of thosewhoconiiiveat evil,who

character NEWS AND NOTES. youwentaway,butcannowusemyeyes.
approverobbery,orwho give no heedto MISSIONARY OUR HONORARY PRESIDEN T, Jim is prettyhad yet. Annie, his wife,
justicein dealingwiththehelpless, andare A, letterreceivednotlongagofrom our hasbeenblindbut cannow use her eyes

indifferentto publicrighteousness, is made OmahaMedicalMissionarysays:We had Sendsthe followingfrom her newhome, again. How wishyoucouldcome! Do
manifest,markedand remembered.In delightfulmeetingyesterdayat Omaha in thehappiness of whichnot oneof the I
try andcomeback you can. We like


such a day of judgmentno man long Creek,at thehouseof L. N. and persons many greatcauses h elped soablyandfaith yourteachingand want you both here.
standsfor betterthan he in himself. were broughttogethersociallyand in fully during her long serviceto hergen Dontforgetus

you haveachance to

The \'eil of selshinterestis verytrans friendlyway who had not affiliatedfor erationasa Christian educator, forgot come. We want you both to comeand

parentandhideslessfromothersthanfrom yearspast. The collectionamountedto ten. teachuswomenthe right way. We need

the man himself,his moral deformities.$4,80andwasdonatedfor the necessities HAMILTON,MADISON00., N. Y.. wish you would send this
January10,1889. your help.

And the day nearingwhen men of of Wazhiska,whoseleg amputatedthe


letter to Miss B. too. wish she could

real rcctitudealone will receivethe suf daybeforejust belowtheknee. This man MY DEAR Mus. QUINTON I have read in the churchshegoesto, and



just readTo Whom May Concern,

fragesof theirfellow-citizens. The civil poor,but worthy,and was so dilligent

hope bereadto someof

the Reply of the Board. The backEast. The childrenareallthe
it will sisters

servicerulesfor testinghandicraft-knowl thathedid notgivethewoundcausedby and well. M.
edgeand mentaltness,dobut heraldthe thepunctureof nail in his foot time to Replyseemsto meclear,trueto facts, andA. sendtheirloveto youandMiss B.

betterreformof rulesfor testing themoral healbeforegoingouttogather corn. Be andeminently j ust. boughtyoursewingmachineand will
capability and upright practice to he ingtender wasbruised;hetookcold in The pressingneedsof the Indians,at payhalfof nowandtherestwhenever


of legislators. The time andputoff sendingfor metoo long, so thiscrisisof theirhistory,urgeto unityof can. I


comingwhen will no more be possiblethatamputation wastheonly resort. He actionof all ourauxiliaries. Jllelhods a re away.

for Congressto enact iniquity against has familydepending uponhim for sup incidental, theIndian himselfis theessen Answerright

Your trulyfriend,

helplessracethanfor themencomprisingport, and the friends East can tial. Let usrallyaroundtheessential,in ' M. F.

that bodyto rob and slay at home. To sparesomething for him weshallbegrate this workalso,forgettingthetliiiigstliat
that hour let thoughtsand wordspoint; ful and obliged,and will be well be arebehind,and pressingforwardto his INDIANS NOT PAUPERS.

for that day let prayerarise. Meantimestowed. full emancipationfrom injustice and
let letters and petitionsregardingthis oppression. The OsageIndians in IndianTerritory,

case among the Sioux, and others of amhappyto seethe earnestspirit of still consideredwild Indians, number

similar moral quality now pending,go FROM THE CORN CREEK _'workshownin our excellentpaper,THE 1.582. They occupy1,470,059acres of
forward from all our Auxiliaries and At RoseBudAgency,Dak. ,thegoodnews INDIANS FRIEND, and congratulate the land. If 160acresof land were allotted
branches,as heretofore,to our Repre comesin aletterfrom Dishop Iii-ire, that Associationonits able management, and to eachman,womanandchildof thetribe
sentatives and Senators, urging our thenewappointee, placedlastautumnat hopeit will have heartiestsupportas therewouldstill remain1,216,939acres,

prayersto and our expectationsfrom thatstation,is nativeminister,thathehas mostvaluableadjunctto ourwork. which,soldat fty centsper acre,would

Wishing werestill possiblefor meto realize$608,469.Besidesthis thegovern


them. also nativeChristianwife,an advantagetakea more active share in the workof mentholdsin trust for thistribe thesum

in thework,andhisrecord whileat Hamp

Each of six Indiansofferto give ve ton institute,Va, is this: William Saul our dearAssociation,and with unabatedof $6.224,033.The Osagetribe therefore
from interestin its objects,its plans,its oicershas propertyto the valueof $6.832,502.
acresof landfor thenewmissionpremisescameawaywith this commendation andits Board,believeme in full co-opera Could their surpluslands be sold at the
at Omaha Creek,oursecond s tation among Lieut. Brown, Commandantthere. He tion, - aboverate,therewouldbedueeveryman
theOmaliasof Nebraska.andeachof the a splendidfellow, steady,and thor

Affectionately yours, womanandchildof theOsagetribe more

six urgesusto takehisveacres. oughly faithful and reliable; good

MARY L. BONNEYRAMBAUT. than $4.500. The tribealsoownsin cat

And now the questionarises canwe solid christian, whose inuence has tle, &c., propertyrepresentinga valueof
legallyacceptthegift? UndertheSev been powerfulaidto me,duringthepast The great object of the missionary
$137for eachpersonin thetribe. All this,

eraltyLawgoverning theOmahas anIndian winter. shall be very sorry indeedto

department of ourAssociation. to plant andthe160acresof land to eachindivid

cannotsellor giveawayhislandexceptby partwith him. new missionsin destituteIndian elds, ualbesides.Surelythesepeopleare not
specialact of Congress.This of course and existingdenominational societies are paupers.
requirestimeandmakesdelay. Yet this

clearlyfor the Two ladies in Philadelphia,recently able and willing to plant suchmissions. To thecreditof theOsages shouldbe

provision of the law


of Indian lands. Theseprac gave $100,000 f or RomanCatholic schools with thehelp of our Associationin casessaid that since the missioniariesbegan
tical diflicultiesmakeone long for the amongthe Indians. John Jacob Astor wheretheycould not doso without our workamongthem,they have rapidlyad
day whenthebond-environed Indianshall has placed$25,000at the disposalof help, the Associationwill gladly render vancediii civilization,and are putting
Bishop Hare for enlarging the Episcopal aid insteadof ifselfopeningsuchnewmis forth claimto be considered the sixth

besimply UnitedStatescitizen underthe


as areothermen. schoolsamongtheDakotans. sions. civilizedtribe.

--w-*r'r" "W Tww-w"q"


THE ANNUAL ADDRESS schoolsand gospelteachingcan now beshieldedandsomadeeectiveunderlaws

protection. Here is greatheld,and safeone.all readyfor our work,whilewe

OFTHE PRESIDENT,MRS.A. S. QUINTON, also helpto makethe fty otherreservations readyby the reign of law in them.
Therearemanywomenwhohaveclearand strongconvictions of whatneedsto be
NOVEMBER 7th,1888. done. What eachshoulddo thethingsheseessomewomanoughtto do? And

why not Why did Godshow youthatneed but to moveyourwill to meetit. Had
andfriendsof theWomensNationalIndian Association,our

Officers,delegates we but scoreof branchsocietiesin each State,and could eachStatetake mis
welcometo you hasbeensaid,andwith moreheart than mere wordsexpress,and sion,theneedyrieldscouldsoonbeall supplied. Such missionas oursamongthe

now it is mineto add somethoughtsupon our work. And rst, memories.We Omahas,whichdoesindustrialwork, hospitalwork,educational work,and religious
pauseat thethresholdof thenewyear,asmortalevermust,torememberfaces, voices, work withall this other, most directly.faithfully,on weekdays and on Sundays,
that arewith usnevermore onearth. We shallremember themagainin words be -such missionin eachtribenowdestitutewouldbe centerof all helpandlight,

fore the dayis done. And we do rememberthemwith gladnessfor their works andat thecostof but few thousands of dollars. This is a temporary work,thatonce
sake. and for their presentreward,while yet we mourn with thosewho are left done now in its transitionalperiod,will not againbe neededby the race',and

desolateby their departure.And we remember, with thanksgiving,that God has societylike this,in thehandsof theChristianwomenof thenationis perfectlyableto
this yeargivensomenewvictoriesin thebattlefor righteousness andjustice to his supplywhat needed and to dothis mother-work for theIndian race. On all these

poor,whilewecannotbut sorrowfor thejusticeyethindered. reservations thereare thosewholongto rise,andsuchneedhomesandimplements
I neednotremindtheworkersnow presentof the specialIndian eventsof the andstock andbooks. You havebegunto give thesegifts to menalso,for twenty
past year, nor,in detail,of thesuccesses of our ownor of our brother-federation the homesbuilt or enlargedfrom yourloanfunds,andstockandtoolsandimplements
Indian RightsAssociation. At thisdayfaithfulwatchersin all theassociations have haverejoicedmanyheartsin thethreeyearssinceyouaddedtheloandepartment to our
duly chronicledandreportedthese.Nor needI remindyouthatlategainsfor rights work.Letus womeniheiigivetothedestitutetribesChristianhomesandmissious,for
of Indianshavebeengreatascomparedwith the past,yet smallas comparedwith withoutthesenoracecanriee. Asthewomenare sowill the nation be And in
what is left todo. Oneretrospective glance will suiceto preface a brief presenta manytribesthewomenstill are in savagery, and that meanssuffering.. Manyare
tion of presentIndian needsandourduty as regardsthese. The retrospectcomes the victims of diabolical,I-lustful,soul-destroying covetousness; stolenfro m them
in anold,old picture. Weare toldin sacredstorythatthe Hebrewharvestopened selvesthesumof all robberies, to bemothersof slavesto till the whitemansstolen
with a joyfulpealof trumpets,with theuseof palmbranches, myrtlebranches.and lands. Others, manymore,are toysfor the sinnertill he has tired asoullessself
other symbolsof piousjoy and triumph. The feast had morethan one meaning. andthenthewomanssoul tossedawayto desolation andtheheartbreakthatmust

One memorialized thesadwanderings, trialsandhope-failing daysof the wilderness, betheportionof a truenaturein suchac-ase. Somesuchhavediedfromthe shock
yet alsoof Godsdeliverance in them. But it wasmorethan such a memorial. lt of fallingfaith whichruinedin thecrashall hopeof earthandheaventoo. Shallnot
celebrated thegreaterfactthatIsraelnowhadreally reachedthe Canaanof their Christianwomenchampionthose yet living? Shall we not help rebuild the
hopes;thathomewasnowfor them within thepromisedland, and God their rich earth for such and teach Gods aithfulness,Christs sympathyand changeless
provideryearby year. It wasa harvestfeast, and psalmsof gladness,andrich and

love? How wide theneed,andnotin theWestalone,for eventhe EmpireState
numerousofferingswerebroughtto Godin it. Time is tooshortto tracelengthened shameto say ithasa pagancentre. How loudthecall for consecratedwills to

resemblances, but you recognizethe meaning. We too, are cometogetherat the saythiscenturyshal not end till all Indians within our bordershave the full
harvestseason of the year, to remember howour Godhasledus,oneof his small, opportunitiesof protected,civilized citizenshipandfor Chrislianization. This
later-dayassemblies, andto singtheharvestsongof gladness He hasgivenus. It is can be said,andwe canmake trueby Gods grace. IIow noblewere one

ttingthat wepausein busywork,andsing hos-annas,ever a restand Godslove I will providefor thesegreatneeds. Sisters,there one heart

plannedthemto beso. It is ttingthatwewavepalms,andpouroutour hbations, thatcansaythis;a heartthat largeenough,andstrongenough,and that has or

joyfully remembering to bring our gifts also. Many and loving maythesebe, not canhave,God own exhaustless storesto drawfromfor the executionof the pur

few normean. We canlook back a decadeto a timewhenfor thesadracewhose pose. Whose? The heartof this Association:yours. It is a nationssisterhood
wearywanderingwe, in heart, have shared,but cloudy ways indeedand little and motherhood for helping,saving the native race. Shall Indians be saved?
hopewere seen. We did not dreamthat what is true todaycould be so near. Yours thevoiceto respondandGodis waitingfor youranswer,andto assurethe
Thank God the Indianis a freemannow,a citizenwith usunderour flagand law. powerfor success.What neededis right andwhatis right canbedonesince God

He isin a Canaanbegun. Not all of them,butsomeof therace,andthedooris open demandsi andthereforeprovides for it.
to all. We haveat leastthe rst fruits of-a harvestof sad-hearted seedsowing. t
All Indians maybecome ourfellowcitizenstoday,andto persuade themall to cross
thelinefromtentedinto xedabidinghomesis a portionof our work. On seven THE APACHE PRISIONERS AGAIN. PLEASE NOTICE.
reservations Indiansaremen,notsavages to-day.And thesearegoingforwardonthe
path of self-respecting independentmanhood.How shall the great majoritybe The Indian RightsAssociationis still All giftsanddonationsfor the mission
thitherled,andhowdefended until theymoveintothatpathP This is therstgreat vigorously pressingtheclaimsof humanity ariesof the Association, for theirworkor
Indianquestion,and ablefrtendsarebusywith theanswerandwe hopewill gain for theseIndians,andSecretaryWelsh in for any departmentof the society,should
l aw, andcourts, andhonest t rial at Indian homes,not in somedistant sodoinghasin the public pressdefendedbesent to our Treasurerto be sent by
the needed therecordof thatAssociationwhich has hertothe destinationintended. This is
state. Till thenno benetfor Indians can be assureda future. Our rst duty to securefrom Gcvem necessary in orderthat all membersand
thento theredmanis to aid in all ways known to us, and more astime reveals noblyendeavored ment suitablehomeand opportunityfor friendsioftheAssociationmay have due

thempossible,in gaininglaw for him. Let men lead in this work. Itis their independence and self-supportfor these credit,andthatthebooksoftheTreasurer
province. But wewill helpthemto our utmost. We cannotoverstatethewantof
law, nor be too earnestin effort to secureit. And watchfulfriendsareneeded. people. may agree with those of the special
It difficultfor the citizen of averagedepartmentsserved. Of course donors

The paperwhich so clearlvsetbeforeyoutheIndianlegislationof theyeartoldyou to believethat our nation or maydesignate theirgifts for anypurpose,
thatof twenty-ve enactments but a singleone was reallyfortheredmansgood ii;-eilligence
Government can consider wise,justi and funds designatedwill be promptly

and that in that thewhitemanfaredaswell as he. The dayhascomewhenwe able orother than acriminal w asteof money to the destinationnamed,even
shouldfacethe idealright and look atit till we grow boldenoughto demandit. forwarded
What is rightis alwayspossiblesinceGoddemandsit of us,andhimselfis pledged to continuetheseprisonersin situation thoughtheyshouldbut passthroughour

to makeits pursuit a success. We have been timid, temporizing,over modest where industryand self-support a re im treasuryto that of anothersociety. It is
hitherto. Let us in ourpetitioncomeboldlyto all throneswhen we are in the possibleat great Governmentexpense,mostdesirablethat all fundscollectedby
right. That is Godswill andit is humanwisdomtoo,ashistoryis everproving. whena suitablehomeis easilyobtainableall auxiliaries and branchesshould be
Anotherand all-includinggoodwithin thesphereof law thatweall fromthis wheresuch needlessexpenditurewould properlyreportedsothatthework of the
cease. SecretaryWelsh in publishedAssociationmayhaveduecredit. Auxili

dayfortharehoundto claimfor him,is, thattheIndianbetakenoutof politics. This 14thsays: requestedto report all
canpractically bedoneby puttingintooices, b othgreatandsmallfor management letterof December ariesaretherefore
of Indian affairs,onlytuosewhoareprovedtfor suchservice, This rightoice-l Threedays ago receiveda letterfrom moneys received or collectedby themeven

ling theExecutiveof thenationcan assure,for it is his own prerogative to apply the privatesecretaryof the Secretaryof for theirown purposes.
civil-servicerules to Indian affairs,and goodmenandwomenby manymeanscan War.stating that my communication to Let us know how much money for
of the Interiorhadbeenre Indianhelp securedby all the workers

make it impossiblefor the Presidentto deny this justice. Let us,if needed, theSecretary
apply the pressure,for with bad men or unwiseonesas executiveoicials,no ferredto the Secretaryof War, and,as of The WomensIndianAssociation.
sureprogress canbemadebyanyrace,not evenif the laws wereall ideals. The his response in the mattermy attention
obligationto seethatthisis doneis on us. We cannotescape it. - To loyal children wascalledto thoseportionsof the Presi
of God his old command is everringing. Openye the gatesthat the righteous dent's message, andoftheannualreport,
of the Secretaryof War which related Will all subscribers kindly notify the
nation may enter. It is the smallestobligationin the casethat his peoplecan Secretary of theAssociation
recognize. Not bleedingsacricedoesGod dessire,muchlessdemand,for hehas to this question,that in thesedocumentsCorresponding
offering, wouldndtheviewsof theWar Depart of any failure to receiveTHE INDIANS
saidso. Sacriceand andofferingsfor sin thouwouldstnot,neither hadst And maywe not hope that

therein. But hedoesdemandthatwe do justly,and love mercy, and mentin regardto thecoursewhichshould FRIEND?
all lifesdutymaybesummedup in the phraze,meetingobligations. Someof bepursued concerning theIndianprisoners.everyPresident,Secretary and other offi
letterMr. Welshsays:If we cer, will makespecialeffort to increase
theseare takenvoluntarily,are self-imposed, andsucharesacred,binding. Others In later

are-laidon usby God,bybirth,bylaw,or by environment. We seethisandweall areto inferfromthisanswerthatthegov our subscriptionlist? would A little efforton
If starvingat door, bread, ernment will do nothingfurther in the the part of arixiliaries
admit it. oneis our andwe have we recognizethat paperself-supporting. We needtheperi
obligationbinds us to bestowit. The Indianstarvesbesideusfor bread,material, matter, can but say,in closing, trust odical; we cannotdo without it; and it

intellectual,andspiritual. And we havebread. Nay, we havehisbread,for we thequestionwill nothe sufferedto drop, eicientagentfor our
haverobbedhim. Our treasuryis burstingwith the gold we havelched. Slow but thattheincomingAdministrationwill canbemadea most meansof betteracquain
paymentis but in partbegun. A paltrysumof $30,000 perannumfor Indianeduca redressthewrongwhichhas undoubtedlyworkaswellasa
a few yearssince has grown,it is true, to an expenditureof beeninictedupon at least portionof tance, greaterinspirationand closerunion
tion appropriated

$1.200,000; yetthisgivesschoolsto but a third of the Indian children. That all theseIndians. The courseregarding them amongtheworkersthroughoutour Asso
in is_,

demandwhich weishouldmake,persistently, which we suggestis as simpleas citaion. Will notthosewhoareableto do


Indiansbeeducated then,the next


sensible, a ndeconomical as just. copythe excellentexample

It so Stickney of Mrs. J.

righteous will it. Hard ,work needed. This notimeeitherfor easy



with that advocatedby two distinguishedK. of Washington,whohassub

dallianceor sorrowfulidleness,whenthemostof needyraceare still starving,and
is a

heathen,at ourdoors. The needfor ourservice Gods trumpetcall to us. We officersof life-longexperiencein Indiarr scribedfor sixteencopies,for her Bible
And will not everymember seek
havebeentoopatientwith wrongsto Indians. We needto cultivateimpatience aairs, Gens. Crook and Miles,placesclass

with suchsin. We neednewfteenthcenturyJoans,andneweighteenth century these people on an abandoned military to interestherfriendsin this matterand
reservation,on arableland in a healthytoenlargethesubscriptien list from those
Charlottes;notwith materialweapons but withsoulsthataremorethan these. No
othersortwill servewhenevil hasbecome chronic. locality, sufficientlyremovedfrom their whoare askinghow they may help our
Is this ungentle Godslove,thegentlestthing in all the universe, erce, former reserve,would give them land work

consumingreto evil,andsparesnotfor anyselshcry. He will burn sin out in severalty,keep them under such
withhisamingre,andthisbecame helovesus. And hewill dothis for nations militarysurveillanceas niayhenecessary
assurelyasfor individuals. And we sow the wind his love,to shockand and givethem chanceto laborfor their As a nursecherisheth herchildren."

wakenusandsaveus,will let us reapthe whirlwind. Tis sin that costs. ownsupport. How often.when the heart desolate

But morethanlegaljusticeis needed.Goodlawsandgoodoicers serveseldomin andworn.does nd quiethidingplace


theday. All daythereis needof teaching theteachingof booksandtrades; teach andthesoothingcomfortof pureaffection

ing of dutiesto thehome,the town,the state. Thereis needof nursing,helping, FromtheOmahamissionMrs.Henselsays to givefreshlife to thesoulandnewvital
preaching, prayers;of mission-houses, schools, andhospitalsandchapels. And many The nightschoolpromises tobeevenmore ity to the prilse as well. How children
Christian workersmust besenttogiveall servicefromtheloveof God. No others interestingandbetterattendedthan last needthis cherishing,andhowpaleandsad
canbefaithful,patient,persistent.Thisteaching Indians another greatdemand upon year. We began with eleven pupils. theygrowwithoutthenatural expressions

us. You havehadjoyoussharein thissphereof help,for to-dayfourteenIridiaumis Manyothersseemanxiousto comeas soon of love. And how, as at sometimeall
sionsmorearein existance, orarepledged, thanwouldhavebeenwithoutsuchworkin astheycan. Later newsstatesthatthe heartsfeel theneedof such cherisliingn
this Associationin thefourshortyearsof thisdepartments history,But,alas,to-day numberhasreached31. We haverented and tenderness, shouldwe speak gently,
in morethansixty tribesor separated partsof tribesthere noChristianmissionfor an organfor the use of the school. We tenderlyto all, for we cannot know thg

the redman, And in all theseeldsaremanywhocouldbeledat onceintothelight need few morebooks,slates,&c., and momentwhenthe spirit maybe fainting

if anyteachinghelperwerenear. On sevenof sixtyreservations landandhomesand havejust had realblackboard made. undergrief andcare.

MORE ALASKA TESTIMONY. insistingthat.if the landsaregivento the A GREAT WRONG TO REDRESS. friendlyportionof theSissetonand Wah
Indiansin theyshallnotbe petonbands,andit is believedthat they
The wellknownRev. Dr. Sheldon ack-_tedtoselluntilat severalty, or the In an articlein a late numberof Lend have been sueredto remain homeless
allotment.Suchan intervalof time would a Hand, Prof. C. C. Painter says,I wanders,frequently
son, who has charge of education,in subjecttointensesuf
Alaska, writesto a friend in the suburbs asense affordtheIndiansan to acquire was called upon last winter by Gabriel
ofthevalueandresponsihi itiesofindi fering from want of subsistence,and
of this city: Your . letter containingvidualownership.Theirchildrenwould row Renville,chiefof theSissetonandWahpe clothingto protectthemfromtherigorsof
extractfrom TheNew York World, and upunderthe newsystem.theirmeth s of tonbands of the Sioux Indians,with his a highnorthernlatitude,although at all
also a letter from one of yourmembersagriculture wouldim rove,andtheywouldbe interpreter,S. J. Brown,a half-breedof timespromptin renderingservicewhen
concerning thesame,reachedmejust as I in a far betterpositionto judgewhetherit thetribe,who askedmy assistance in an
calleduponto repel hostile raids and to
wasstartingEast,fromAlaska. Therev-. wouldbewisetoselltheirlandsthantheyare efforttheyweremakingio secure relieffor
elationsconcerningthings there are too atthepresent time. their people. Renvilleis a fine specimenpunish depredations committedby hostile
of thenobleredman; stately,dignied. bandsof Indians upon the personsand
true. Now that they have arousedthe In the samepaperthe protestof our property of whites, and then, after se
public,perhapswecansecuresomeneeded-Wisconsin auxiliaryagainstthis unjustIn reticent, intelligent,straightfoward and
legislationfrom Congress.Next week I dianlegislationappears,whichsays: manly in his hearing,impressingthose curingfrom them (article1) a pledgeof
with whom he meets as possessing g reat continuedfriendship,and (article 2) a
hopeto goto Washington,and will try to Whenwe,
seeSenatorDawes,whohasalreadyintro Association, members oftheWisconsin Indian reserved forcewhichcouldeasilybecalled cemion to theUnitedStatesof theright to
duced the matter into the Senate. Pe ress,the asssgeof whichwould
thatabill wasbefore con
giveto_theintoaction if his goodsenseand perfect postandrailroads, andmail stations,and
masteryof himself consented. During such other public improvements as the
titionsto your Congressmen, both in the OneidaIn iansinthisstatelandin severalit, interests o f theUnitedStatesmayrequire,
Senateand House, are alwaysin order, andthatpatents therefore,with privileeofsae the winter I had many interviewswith uponandacrossthelandshereafterto be
andalwaysuesfui. , would be given either immediatel a orallot him,andwasimpressed always andincreas described,proceedsin considerationof
Congressnevermakesa movein such mentor withinaveryshortperiod t ereafter.we inglyby thequietdignityandgreatness of
inquiries togainwhatinformation we theman. He told the storyof his great such cessionof rights, services,cons
mattersunlesscompelled to bypublicopin instituted
couldconcerning themeasures proposed.Itv|ss catlons,etc.,to givethem,in thenameof
ion. The licentiousness of thewhitesand statedfromWashington wrongs with an unruied,dispassionate
the proneness of the nativesto intemper sented represented
thatnotonlythewishesof calmness whichalmostappearedto be in justiceandhonor,what? Why,simplytwo
reservations of theirownin Dakota,which
ance,havebeenthetwo greatfoesto the everymaleadultin thetribehadbeencon differencebut therewerenow and then hadnot beenconscatedby the Act of
progress of themissionworkin Alaska. sulted. butthattheconsent of eachhadbeenashes of lightningin hiseyewhichreveal
gainedas beingin favorof the bill. We edreserves of strengthand feelingwhich February,1863, with certainimplements,
foundthatthe sober,industrious,workin wereunderthe controlof a mastermind in paymentfor labor performedby them,
members ofthetribe not onlywere in profoun andwill. andit thought advisable.the cetablish
VIGOROUS WORK IN IVISCONSIN. ignorance of the existence of thebill aspre Thefactsare these: by the secondar ment and supportof local and manual
butthat they were,wheninformed.ticleof -
Our newauxiliaryin that Stateat once sented.absolutely opposed to it. We havein our thetreatyof Traverse-de-Sioux of schools,etc.
In brief,wetooktheopportunityafford
beganactivework for the Indianswithin possession a longli=tof names of members of July, 1851,thesebandsof Indians sold to ed bythe outbreakof certain Indiansto
its borders. Its secretary,Mrs. Hiles. the tribecertifyingto this position. They theUnitedStatesa certaintract of land, conscatea large
writes: Are we so far away that you pleadforprotection undertheirtreat. From and by the provisionsof an amendment and valuabletract of
cannot feel our pulse beat? I assurethenatureoftheir astthe feelunabetocopethe United Statesbecameobligatedto countrybelonging to anotherband,which,
you the blood is coursingthroughour by withbusiness metiiods. helist washeadedpay$73,600 annuallyfor ftyyears. In asidefromthe soldiersit hadsent to ght
veins, with a rapidity which preventsearnestly a petitionfrom whichwequote: We 1862,afterten installmentshad thusbeen our battlesfor the preservationof the
request allottment of our
stagnation.There are 8,000Indians in landsbemade;wethatno arecondant
Union, sentoutalzout1500scoutsandsoi
thatthe al paid to said Indians,whowereliving on diersto ghtfor the livesof thewhiteset
Wisconsin,and theyform no exceptionlotmentpro osedto be madeunderthebill a valuablereservationtheyhad retained
to the general rule of need of pro knownas udd'sbill, wouldspeedily bring in Northern Minnesotafor themselves, tlersimpeiilled by thehostilebands, also,
tectionand care. The extensivepine aboutour destruction, wetherefore begour certainother Indians,the Medawakantonto conscatethe moneysdue them for
forestson their reservations, in thenortli Great Father, t hepresident. andourfriends i n andWahpakoota bands.who werea sepa landspurchased from them,amountingin
ern and easternpartsof the State,are congress, andall otherswhodesire
ourwelfareratesubdivision of theSiouxNation living all to $2.9-14.000, andwhen our attention
being cut, and, so far as we know,the toAs cantodefeat
friendsofIndianswearein favorof al
thisbill." ona reservation of their own,underdis 5had beencalledto the matterwe asked
moneypaid,hasbeenpaid directlyto the lottment ithemto meet us in council,rehearsed their
asbeingthe leastof the evilswith tincttrr-atieswhichentitledthemto cer goodservicesandour wrongtreatment oi
Indians,and revolvesin a circle. It is whichtheyarethreatened ; asfriends alike Of tainannuitiesin which theseother bands them, securedcertainother concessions,
paid and with very little delay comesthese Indiansand ofthose whowould dothem had no interest,organizedan outbreak
back,havingbeenexchanged for whisky. wrong,wearetotallyandunalterably opposed againstanda massacre ofthewhitesliving andthengenerously

For andin consider
A bill hasbeenalreadybeforeCongresstothisprivilege ofnearsale. In thisconnec nearthereservation belongingtotheSisse ation of all this service rendered us and
for severalmonths,the passageof which tionweheartily endorse theactionof Repre
La Follettewhourgesthenon-is tonandWahpeton bands. A few of the because of all this wrongdone Urem.sol
has beendeterminedlyurged, providing sentative silenceofpatents untilfteen
emnlygavetheportionof their goodswe
yearsafterallot youngmenoftheselastnamedbandsbroke had nottakenfrom them. This wasnot
for allotmentto theOneidaswith thepriv ment.thereby precluding privilege of salefor awayfromthecontrolof their chiefsand all. Our armysubsistedfor ftydayson
ilegeof patents,allowingsale at the end thesametime,although we believethe besthelped thewhites,whilethebands,assuch,
of ve years or less. Someof these interests of theIndianswouldbesubserved if werehostile. A verylargenumberof the thecropsof theseIndians,and consumed,
Indianshaveconsiderable cultivatedland, patents shouldbe withheldtwenty-ve years.Sissetons andWahpetons. ledbytheirchiefs accordingtothereturns of theCommissary
andmanyare soberand industrious. A knowncsuses. Reasoning inferentially. fromknown to un
to thoseandheadmen,andaided by a few friendly Department, $120,000 worthof theirfood,
fewyearsagotheyraised$2,500 to builda likelyto follow. from knowne'ects Indiansfromthe other bands,joined the for which theyhavenot beenableto col
wecanseebutoner--Mal.-t to
church,but, owing to the failure of the followthepassage ofthisbillthrough Congress armysenttoputdownthehostiles, anddid lectanything. We sent surveyorsto run
bankin which it was deposited, theylost withthisprivileeof earlysale.namely =_tl1@ invaluableserviceas scoutsand soldiersthe lines of their lands in Dakota,for
every cent of it. But theybeganagain, obtaining ofthe andoftheOneidas bywhites againsttheirownpeople. Chief Renville which wechargedthem$45,000, andthey
andnow havea church,with a debtof a This peole havetheirown church.built washimselfmostactiveand eicient,and sorun thelines,asa comparison of thcold
thousanddollarsonit. Theyhavea school aftermost istressing failures;theyhavetheir interpreterBrownhasnevertakena natu andnewsurveysclearlyshows,thatabout
andan Episcopalmission. The Wisconsin homes andtheir school, andasChristians, as ral stepsince he took a notableride of 46,000acres of mostvaluablelandwere
WomensIndian Associationhave been individuals. asfriendsof thehelpless andthe fortyhours without getting out of his takenfromthem.
and are putting themselves weak.ascitizens
againstthis this of Wisconsin. as members of Everyappealof thesepeoplefor redress
ve yearclause,with whateverstrength againatstake,
great commonwealth. whosehonoris saddle,carryinga message for Gen.Sibley, has been met by pointing them to the
weaskoursenators andre re givinghiminformationwhichenabled him treatyof 1867,in whlcli theyadmitthat
they possess,and they are working to sentatives. weaskthepeople andpress of is to headoffthehostiles. The servicesren theyhaveaccepted
securelegislationagainstthe paymentof consin tooppose thisbill. dered hythesemen,af the peril of their all claimsof moneys theaboveterms! And
moneyfor timber, to the Indians. We Mas.S.S. MERRILL, by the army as of by thesescouts,even
' lives,wererecognized treatyof 1851,werewipedout
wantit paidto someresponsibleparty,.to President Wisconsin IndianAssociation. theutmostvalue,and subjectedthem to underthe bythe overwhelming
knowthatit is paid,and then we wish it Mas.WINFIELDSmrn, contempt
FirstVice-President. andhostiletreatment oftheother paid them,and theyfootingsof moneys
wereshown to be
fundedfor theIndians,to be paidasthey Mus.W. H. METCALF, bandsagainstwhomthey fought. There about$100,000
mayneedit. An act is nowbeforeCon werealsoa number o f these Indiansin the in debtto theGovernment.
Second VicePresident.
gress,for thesaleof timberon onereser Mas.O.J. HILIS, Unionarmiesat thattime ghtingto put Prof. Painterunearthed andbroughtto
vation alone,which,we areautlioratively Secretary.downtherebellionin theSouth. light this iniquity,in which three items
informed,is worth in stumpage, at mini By actof Congress. Feb.1863,in which aggregate $ 2,170.55?-1for damages doneby
NEW YORK INDIANS. theoutraged feelingsofthecountry,asalso thoseotherhostileIndians,thissumbeing
As Chairmanof yourCommittee onthe its undiscriminating wrath,foundexpress chargedto theaccountof thesefriendly
MissionIndians,of California,I havewrit TherearesevenIndian reservationsin ion, all treaties with thesefour bands. bandswho defendedour own peopleand
tento Mr. Peel,Chairmanof the Commit thestateof New York, andthenumberof friendlyandhostilealike,wereabrogated,whoarenowtold that theyoweus $100,
teeto which theMission IndiansBill has Indianchildren,of schoolage,uponthese, theirlandsin Minnesotaand their funds 000still.
beenreferred. When your leafletof my is, 1546; andtherearethirtyschools.The conscated, andtheyweredrivenouthome By ProfessorPaintersvigilantand per
reportis ready,pleasesendme a few for totalenrolment in these,during the last lessand peniless. In the winterof 1867,sistantefforts,a.bill for therelief of these
use. year.was1082;theaveragedaily attend GeneralSiblyhavingconvinced thegovern friendlySioux has been reportedby the
Ihaveto-iiightsentMiss Footea list of ance,420;averagenumberof weeksof mentthata greatwronghad beendone,a house committeein Congress. These
fourteen subscribersfor T1111: INDIANS schooltaught,86. The totalexpensewas delegation wasbroughton to WashingtonIndians are in specialneed,as manyof
FRIEND. $9155.47.Severalnew schoolbuildings for the purposeof makinga new treaty. for themarein debtfor implements, payment
For thepasttwo months,I have been havebeenerected,and othersrepaired.The delegates werequartered in someold whichcouldnot be madelast yearbe
engagedin a somewhat arduousstruggle The generalequipmenthas beenbetter armybarrackson the Potomacatsand eauseof a failure of their cropsfrom
with a congested brain,thecontestnotyet thanthatof theordinarycountry-school.kepttherefour months,duringwhichtime droutli. Their failurejust now,afterthe
beingsettied,thoiighI am giving all my Theprevalent shiftlessness and immor oneof thechiefswas kidnapped,and not allotmentof their lands, would have a
time to Indian work. We havehad so alityuponsomeof thesereservations has untilsomesix weexshadpassed, whenthe disastrouseffectuponthework of allot
muchto keepusbusy,that I have notyet been_referred to in strongterms,and the government offereda rewardof $100,was ment among other Sioux, who look to
beenableevento discussmycomingCali StateLegislatureappointed a specialcom hisdeadbodyfound,suspended, evidently these as leaders, becausesuch failure
forniatrip; but if I canhave somehealth mitteeto investigatethe whole subject, afterlife wasextinct,underthebluffs,on wouldbecharged to thefact of allotment.
it shallyetcome. andit is saidthatswornproofssustainall theVirginia side of the river. After a The relief bill proposesabout $478,000,
The letterenclosedextractsfroma Mil thathasbeenallegedagainstthe reserva longandwearisome delay,and after such thoughthis is but partial justiceto these
waukeepapersaying: tions._ anexperience asthis, a treaty was signed bands. For the passageof this bill all
The Sentinel this morningan A strongpleahasbeenmade,that the by them,concluded February,1867. The friendsof Indians should labor with the
appeal bythela(publishes
iesof theWisconsinIndian presentGovernmentalpolicy,of allotting preamble to this treaty recitesthe good utmostearnestness.Let all Auxiliaries
Association tooursenators andrepresentatives landsto Indians,maybe appliedto these servicesof theseSissetonand Wahpetonof our Associationbeseigetheir Senators
incongress, tooppose thepassageofthebillnow bands,who,to thenumberof some1500and Representatives in Congressfor this
beforethat body ivingtheOneidareservations.Just howthiscanpracticallypersons,not onlypreserved their obliga small and long-deferred justice, for the
ndiansin thisstatetheirlandin severaltybedone,in thiscase,with justice to the tions to the governmentof the United sakeof ournatioushonorandfor human
withtheprivilege ofimmediately sellingit. manyinterests i s
involved. a difficult ques
It looks,verymuchasif the bill in ques tion; but it is nowin thehandsofaspeciai Statesduringand since the outbreakof itys sake.
tionhad beenintroduced at the instigationcommittee, whowill, it is hoped,be able of theMedawakanton and othe bandsof
of interested partieswho wish to acquireto dothatwhichis just and wise, for the Sioux,in 1862,but freely perilledtheir
theOneidalands.Manyof the Indiansare interestsof bothracesconcerned. livesduringthat outbreakto rescuethe TheSenecas hadat their head an aged
ignorant andim rovident.Onceinpossession residents ontheSiouxreservation, and to anddistinguished chieffamiliarly known,
oftherighttoriienate theirlands.theywould
readilybeinducedtoartwiththemformoney. The Choctawcouncilat its lastmeetingobtain possession of white womenand throughoutthe United States as Red
whichwouldbequicklysquandered in gam passed childrenmadecaptivesby hostilebands, Jacket. His namecamefrom wearinga
blin anddrink,andthentheybecome vaga a bill which directedthat United andalso,the secondwhereasproceedsrichlyembroidered jacketgiven him bya
bon sandtramps. . StatesIndianAgentOwensbe authorizedto saythat Congress, on coriscating the British otiicer. The medalhe were and
Theladiesof theWisconsin Association sp to payout to the claimantsover $800,000Siouxannuitiesandreservations, madeno prizedso highly,was a personalpresent
proveofCongressman La Follette'scoursein due theIndiansfromtheUnitedStates. provisionsfor the supportof these,the madein 1792fromGeneralWashington.

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