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Phrasal Verb Synonym

Put forward (an idea/view/opinion/theory/plan) Present

Carry out (an experiment/research) Conduct
Make up Constitute
Be made up of Consist of
Point out Observe
Point up Highlight
Set out (to do something) Aim
Set out Describe
Go into Discuss
Go/look back over Revise/review
Go through Check

Noun Adjectives that often combine with it

Contact Useful, valuable, personal, constant, close, frequent, intermittent
Debate Considerable, heated, intense, public, animated
Element (factor) Crucial, decisive, fundamental
Elements (parts) Conflicting, contrasting, constituent
Energy Excess, sufficient, nuclear
Phenomenon Common, isolated, natural, recent, universal
Results Conflicting, (in)conclusive, unforeseen, preliminary, encouraging, interim
Role Decisive challenging, conflicting, influential, key, pivotal
Sample Random, representative
Interms Absolute, broad, relative, general, practical, economic
way Alternative, efficient, fair, practical, convenient, proper, acceptable

Verb Nouns Adverbs

Base (on) Research, theory, story, hypothesis Mainly, partly, loosely
Associate (with) Word, idea, theory, term Generally, commonly, invariably
Discuss Idea, problem, issue, question, topic, theme At length, briefly, thoroughly
Establish Relationship, connection Firmly, clearly, conclusively
Examine Facts, evidence, effects, aspects Briefly, critically, thoroughly
Demonstrate Existence, need, effects, importance Clearly, convincingly
Identify Causes, factors, issues Correctly, clearly, closely

Nouns Preposition(s)
Book, article, essay lecture, dissertation, project, assignment About, on
Research (see also B), investigation, inquiry Into
Analysis, examination, exploration (see also B), study Of
Problem, difficulty Of, with
Reason, motivation, rationale For
Look, attempt, point, age At
Changes, differences, increase, decrease In
Insight, inquiry, research, investigation Into
Work, research, influence, emphasis, effect On
Basis, idea, part, lack, exploration, means Of
Need, reason, basis, case, preference For
Relation, approach, response, attention To
Attitude, tendency, move, progress To/towards
Principle, rationale, assumptions, logic Behind
Relationship, difference, distinction Between


concurrent There were concurrent riots in several northern towns Occurring at the same time
Contemporary I studied all the contemporary accounts of the battle I Dating from the same period
could find. existing now
Jo is researching contemporary music
Eventual The eventual cost of the project is likely to exceed 10 Happening/existing later, after
million effort or problems
Forthcoming My article will be published in the forthcoming issue of Happening soon
the New Scientist
Ongoing Halen has a number of ongoing projects Happening now
Simultaneous There were simultaneous concerts in several cities Happening at the same time
Subsequent The book examines the war and the subsequent changes Happening after something else
in society
Successive Successive governments would face similar problems Happening immediately after
something else
Temporary Georgia got a temporary position at the university Not for a long period of time, not

Word Example Comment

Deliberate We took the deliberate decision to keep our study = intentional; is often used for
small something negative
Goal Have something as a goal, achieve your goal We dont usually say reach your
Intention With the intention of ing, have no intention of -ing Verb = intend followed by the
Motive Motive for ing Verb = motivate; more general noun
= motivation
Objective Meet/achieve objectives = what you plan to do or achieve
Priority Top priority, take priority over Implies a list of important things
Purpose Our purpose was to test our theory On purpose means deliberately
Strategy Their strategy was to proceed slowly Detailed plan for success
Target Reach/achieve/attain a target = level or situation you hope to

Points of view
To hold views Has opinions
To adopt/take a stance Take a position
To change/shift your position Changed her point of view a little
Have ethical objections to Dislike for reasons relating to morality
The principles underlying Basic idea lying behind
To encounter prejudice Experienced unreasonable negative behaviour
Deep-rooted prejudice Strong, unreasonably negative views
Degrees of certainty
Being tentative
It may not be the case that
It would seem/appear that
We can presume that.
There appears/seems to be..
There is some evidence that
We can draw the tentative

It is true/almost certainly true

It is true/almost certainly true
It is undoubtedly true
It is, of course,
It is evident that.
Is likely to..
Will probably..
Tend to.
There is a tendency for..
There is every likelihood
The situation is liable to change (may change, is likely to change)

The write is unsure

Allegedly (it is claimed; the use of this adverb suggests that the writer does not believe the claims
are true)
Are considered to be.
The perception of.. (Common view, often one which the writer feels is inappropriate in some way)
Reportedly. (The writer has not seen the article
In the absence of evidence to the contrary
Organize your writing
Useful when.. Items
Working through a list of different Firstly, secondly, thirdly
things Next
Changing topics/bringing in new We now/;et us turn into
points At this point
Referring forward in the text Below
In the next section
The following
Referring back to something Above
In the preceding section
(as) we saw/have seen that/in
Referring to examples See
Take, for example
As can be seen in
Referring separately to different Respectively
people or things The former
The latter

Responding to a problem

Verb Noun Meaning

React React/reaction Act in a particular way as a direct result of
Respond Response His/her reaction to what has happened or been said or done
Deal with Take action in order to solve a problem
Tackle Try to deal with
Address (formal) give attention to or deal with
Mediate Mediation Talk to the two groups involved to try to help them find a solution to
their problems

Describing situations

Word Examples Notes

Constrain (v) Constrained by the amount of funding they can Being controlled and limited in
Constraint (n) obtain/are subject to the constraints of funding what they can do
Restrain (v) Growth in car ownership could be restrained by Limiting the growth of force of
Restraint (n) higher taxes something
High land prices are a restraint on the expansion of
private housing in the city
Minimum The minimum/maximum temperature was Smallest/largest amount allowed
(n/adj) (opp) recorded at each stage or possible very small in amount
maximum Damage to buildings was minimal
minimal (adj)
Confine (v) Major industrial pollution is confined to the big Limited to
cities in the north of the region
Restrict The government took measures to restrict the sale Limiting something and reducing
Restriction (n) of tobacco products to young people. its size or preventing it from
To fight traffic congestions, the city imposed a increasing
restriction of one car per household
Intrinsic (adj) English language is an intrinsic part of the college Extremely important and basic
(opp) extrinsic curriculum characteristic of it
Integral (adj) Users experiences are integral to the way libraries Necessary and important as a
measure their performance part of a whole
Finite (adj) Oil is a finite resource; it will run out one day Having a limit/end
(opp) infinte There is evidence to suggest the universe is infinite Having o limit/end
Stable (adj) It takes decades to create a stable democracy If sth is stable, it is firmly fixed or
Political instability is a threat to the whole region not likely to move or change

The research underlined/highlighted.
Under/In no circumstances / On no account is it..
Seldom/Never (before) / Rarely . Has there been
In no way / By no means does this
Only. Did the government accept..

Summary and Conclusion

As we have seen
To conclude / In conclusion
To recapitulate
Draw the following conclusions
To sum up / To summarise / In summary / In short
To bring the paper to a close, I summarise the main points

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