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Quantity of oil products delivered to ships of all flags in international passages.

Energy sector

The quantity of energy resources consumed by energy sector to further the extraction and to ensure the
operation of transformation sector (NACE Rev. 2 headings 05, 06, 07.21, 08.92, 09.1, 19.20, 35).

Exports (energy)

Quantity of energy resources transported across the state border to the third countries and to the EU
Member states (without commodity flows to customs warehouses and free economic zones), not including

Final consumption (energy)

Consumption by industry, transport, households, agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishery, and other
consumers (NACE Rev. 2 divisions 33, 3639, 4547, 5296, 99).

Gross consumption of charcoal

Gross consumption of charcoal is negative (Production + Imports Exports + Stock changes + Statistical
difference) because charcoal is produced from firewood, therefore production is shown in charcoal
production item in the Transformation sector.

In this case charcoal balance is calculated as follows: Volume of charcoal produced in transformation sector
+ Imports Exports + Stock changes + Statistical difference = Final consumption.

Imports (energy)

Quantity of energy resources transported across the state border from the third countries and from the
European Union (EU) Member States (without commodity flows from customs warehouses and free
economic zones), not including transit.


Losses and shortage of energy resources (oil products, natural gas etc.) emerging during transportation
and supply, storing or recycling.

Other consumers

Consumption of energy resources by other consumers NACE 33, 3639, 4547, 5296, 99 divisions.

Other sectors

Consumption of energy resources by households, agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishery and by other
consumers NACE 33, 3639, 4547, 5296, 99 divisions.

Production (energy resources)

Energy resources produced from natural raw materials. Production of electricity in hydropower plants and
electric power plants.

Stock changes
Difference between the opening stock level (on the first day of the year) and closing stock level (on the last
day of the year).

Stock build is shown as a negative number and a stock draw is shown as a positive number.

Total consumption (energy)

Consumption of energy resources by transformation sector, energy sector, all sectors of national economy,
as well as by households.

Transfers (oil products)

Result of oil product reclassification, which emerges from mixing of oil products or when using them as
additive to other oil products.

Transformation sector (energy)

Represents the value of fuel consumed for the production of electricity and fuel consumed for production of
sold heat.

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